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    Apex Tool Group LLC SZ-TX-100-A

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    ZTX 100 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ZTX Zetex ZTX108 ZTX504 analog switch circuit using mosfet analog switch circuit using mosfet to control zetex transistors TO92 ZETEX DN2 ZTX855 ZTX955
    Text: Design Note 2 Issue 2 June 1995 Sonar Transducer Driver using TO92 Style Bipolar Transistors Design Note 3 Issue 2 June 1995 High Current High Voltage Analog Switches + 100V R7 C4 Input ZVN4306 ZVN4306 Output R6 ZTX 855 C2 R8 VR1 ZTX 108 Output R9 R1 R4 Control

    ZVN4306 2N7000 200mA. ZVN4106F zvn4306 ZTX Zetex ZTX108 ZTX504 analog switch circuit using mosfet analog switch circuit using mosfet to control zetex transistors TO92 ZETEX DN2 ZTX855 ZTX955 PDF

    flash trigger transformer

    Abstract: xenon inverter circuit xenon light source circuit diagram flyback transformer 4kV Xenon Flash 6v 400V, DC-AC INVERTER light source xenon flash tube xenon tube "Flash tube" pulse transformer transistor
    Text: Design Note 25 Issue 2 October 1995 Flash Gun Inverter Using Super E-Line Bipolar Transistors RM 6 CORES 0.15mm GAP D3 BY206GP 10 R1 390 128 23 NEON C1 6V 100uF 10V R2 68 ZTX 300 T2 C3 750uF 350V ZTX 650 TR1 TR2 R4 1M D2 1N4148 0.1uF D1 R3 1N4148 680K R5 3M

    BY206GP 100uF 750uF 1N4148 flash trigger transformer xenon inverter circuit xenon light source circuit diagram flyback transformer 4kV Xenon Flash 6v 400V, DC-AC INVERTER light source xenon flash tube xenon tube "Flash tube" pulse transformer transistor PDF

    40w fluorescent lamp inverter circuit

    Abstract: transistor ztx 40w inverter circuit ZTX851 FLUORESCENT LIGHTING Inverter Power MosFet DC-AC inverter ztx869 zetex 12v inverter ztx851 application 12v 40w fluorescent lamp inverter circuit
    Text: Design Note 18 Issue 2 June 1995 Emergency Lighting Fluorescent Lamp Design Note 19 Issue 2 June 1995 Remote Control Motor Driver +6 to 12V C1 8W W1 W2 W3 T1 C2 + 4V R1 C3 R2 W4 ZTX 851 ZTX 851 0V PNP=ZTX968 PNP = ZTX969 NPN=ZTX869 NPN = ZTX869 Control Logic

    ZTX968 ZTX969 ZTX869 ZTX851, 150mV transforme869 DN19-1 40w fluorescent lamp inverter circuit transistor ztx 40w inverter circuit ZTX851 FLUORESCENT LIGHTING Inverter Power MosFet DC-AC inverter ztx869 zetex 12v inverter ztx851 application 12v 40w fluorescent lamp inverter circuit PDF

    zetex ZTX transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZTX560 E-LINE PNP SILICON PLANAR HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTOR FEATURES • Excellent hFE characterisristics up to IC=50mA • Low Saturation voltages PARTMARKING ZTX 560 E-LINE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage

    ZTX560 zetex ZTX transistor PDF


    Abstract: 4446 Zetex D 437 zetex ZTX transistor

    ZTX560 ZTX560 4446 Zetex D 437 zetex ZTX transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2sk2850 transistor qm5hl 2SK2850 transistor pnp 600v. 1a. to 92 QM5HL24 MG20G6EL1 600V PNP pnp transistor 600V NPN Transistor 600V
    Text: Next W M.T O .C Semiconductors00-YDiscretes W 1 M.T . O W C W WW .100Y. M.T O W .C ZTX~Series Transistors .TW W product Detailed Ware available on: us. 100y. com. tw W 00Y specifications 1 M.T . M O W O C . .C WW .1Pol00YIc max Part No. Product No. Manufacturer

    10silicon ZTX653 3P/TO-92 NPN00Y ZTX689B ZTX690B NPN100Y AT-31033-TR1 QM5HL-24 2sk2850 transistor qm5hl 2SK2850 transistor pnp 600v. 1a. to 92 QM5HL24 MG20G6EL1 600V PNP pnp transistor 600V NPN Transistor 600V PDF

    24v 2a smps

    Abstract: LT1170 boost converter 12v dc 24V 20A SMPS ZTX107 ZTX107 transistor 24v 5a smps LT1170 boost converter dc LT1170 SMPS 24V ZTX949
    Text: Design Note 33 Issue 1 April 1996 Isolating High Side Switch for Thermal Printer SMPS R1 L1 +12V d.c 60µH 68R 2.5W L2 D1 1N5821 Vin Vsw Q1 ZTX 949 +24V d.c 1.5µH R3 22k LT1170 Vfb Vc GND C1 68µF CONTROL SIGNAL 5.0V Q2 ZTX107 R6 C4 100µF C5 390µF C6 100µF

    1N5821 LT1170 ZTX107 LT1170 ZTX949 ZTX949 ZTX949, ZTX107. 24v 2a smps LT1170 boost converter 12v dc 24V 20A SMPS ZTX107 ZTX107 transistor 24v 5a smps LT1170 boost converter dc SMPS 24V PDF


    Abstract: ZTX415 ZTX325 ZTX327 ZTX320 ZTX321 ZTX322 ZTX323
    Text: TABLE 14: NPN HIGH FREQUENCY The devices shown in this table are designed for high frequency operation in such application areas as amplification, switching and oscillation. ZTX 3 2 0 ZTX321 ZTX 322 ZTX 323 ZTX 325 mA 30 15 15 15 15 15 400 1.0 500 0.4 500 0.4

    OCR Scan

    Transistor 2N3866

    Abstract: ZTX321 ZTX323 AVALANCHE TRANSISTOR ZTX327 ZTX415 2N2708 2N3866 Scans-00107843 ZTX320
    Text: TABLE 14: NPN HIGH FREQUENCY The devices shown in this table are designed for high frequency operation in such application areas as amplification, switching and oscillation. ZTX 3 2 0 ZTX321 ZTX 322 ZTX 323 ZTX 325 mA 30 15 15 15 15 15 400 1.0 500 0.4 500 0.4

    OCR Scan
    ZTX327 350mW ZTX320 ZTX321 ZTX322 ZTX323 ZTX325 175mW OT-23 2N4427 Transistor 2N3866 AVALANCHE TRANSISTOR ZTX415 2N2708 2N3866 Scans-00107843 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP Silicon Planar Medium Power Transistors Z TX 554 ZTX 555 ZTX 556 ZX557 FEATURES • • • • • 1W p o w e r d issipation a t T amb = 2 5 ° C V oltages up to 3 0 0 V Excellent gain c h a ra cte ristics up to 3 0 0 m A L o w sa tu ra tio n voltages

    OCR Scan
    ZX557 ZTX554 ZTX555 ZTX556 ZTX557 PDF

    NPN Silicon Planar Medium Power Transistors ZTX 452 ZTX 453

    Abstract: ZTX453
    Text: NPN Silicon Planar Medium Power Transistors ZTX 452 ZTX 453 FEATURES • • • • High power dissipation: 1W at Tamb = 2 5 ° C hFE specified up to 1A High V CE0 uo tp 1 0 0 V Z T X 4 5 2 complementary to Z T X 5 5 2 D ESC R IP T IO N These are plastic encapsulated, general

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    ZTX452 ZTX453 NPN Silicon Planar Medium Power Transistors ZTX 452 ZTX 453 ZTX453 PDF


    Abstract: SE179
    Text: PNP Silicon Planar Medium Power High Voltage Transistors ZTX 756 ZTX 757 FEATURES • • • • • 1W p o w e r d issip a tio n a t T >mb = 2 5 ° C E xce lle n t gain c h a ra c te ristic s at lc = 1 0 0 m A V o lta g e s up to 3 0 0 V L o w sa tu ra tion v o lta g e s

    OCR Scan
    SE180 ZTX756 ZTX757 SE181 SE182 SE183 SE179 PDF

    transistor ztx

    Abstract: ZTX749 SE157
    Text: PNP Silicon Planar Medium Power Transistor ZTX 749 FEATURES • • • • • • 1.5W power dissipation at Tamb= 25°C* 2 A continuous lc Excellent gain characteristics up to 6A pulsed Low saturation voltages Fast switching NPN complementary type available

    OCR Scan
    300ns. SE158 ZTX749 SE161 100mA SE162 transistor ztx ZTX749 SE157 PDF


    Abstract: Se133 SE135 ZTX654 se134
    Text: NPN Silicon Planar Medium Power High Voltage Transistors ZTX 654 ZTX655 FEATURES • • • • • • 1.5 W power dissipation at Tamb = 2 5 ° C * 1A continuous lc Guaranteed hFE specified up to 1A Voltages up to 15 0 V Low saturation voltages Complementary types

    OCR Scan
    ZTX655 SE134 ZTX654 SE135 SE136 SE137 Se136 Se133 SE135 se134 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S EM IC O N D U C TO R DICE NPN SWITCHING TRANSISTORS Volts Volts 2N2218A 2N2219A 2N2221A 2N2222A 2N3904 2N2218 2N2219 2N2221 2N2222 2N2369 2N2369A ZTX314 ZTX313 ZTX312 ZTX 311 ZTX310 toFF h FE 75 75 75 75 60 60 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 30 20 25 40 40 40 40 40

    OCR Scan
    2N2218A 2N2219A 2N2221A 2N2222A 2N3904 2N2218 2N2219 2N2221 2N2222 2N2369 2N2221-2N2222 PDF

    c 3337

    Abstract: ZTX1048A ZTX 950 TR3E
    Text: *ZETEX ZTX1048A Spice model Last revision 20/01/95 .M OD EL ZTX 1048A NPN IS=13.73E-13 NF=1.0 BF=550 IKF=8.0 VAF=120 + ISE=2.6E-13 NE=1.38 NR=1.0 BR=300 IKR=6 VAR=15 + ISC=1.6E-12 NC=1.4 RB=0.1 RE=0.022 RC=0.010 + CJC=136E-12 CJE=559.1E-12 M JC=0.267 M JE=0.299

    OCR Scan
    ZTX1048A 73E-13 6E-13 6E-12 136E-12 1E-12 600E-12 fcp25 c 3337 ZTX 950 TR3E PDF


    Abstract: Ztx1051
    Text: *ZETEX Z T X 1051A Spice model Last revision 16/12/94 #• .M OD EL ZTX 1051A NPN IS=1.35E-12 NF=1.0 BF=600 IKF=5.0 VAF=120 + ISE=0.6E-13 NE=1.25 NR=1.0 BR=150 IKR=3 VAR=15 + ISC=1.0E-10 NC=1.7 RB=0.1 RE=0.023 RC=0.010 + CJC=90.36E-12 CJE=547.5E-12 M JC=0.385 M JE=0.357

    OCR Scan
    35E-12 6E-13 0E-10 36E-12 5E-12 600E-12 fcp25 ztx1051a Ztx1051 PDF


    Abstract: se139 SE142 Ztx657
    Text: NPN Silicon Planar Medium Power High Voltage Transistors ZTX 656 ZTX657 FEATURES • • • • • 1W p ow e r d issip atio n at T amb = 2 5 ° C E xce lle n t gain c h a ra c te ristic s at lc = 1 0 0 m A V o lta g e s up to 3 0 0 V L o w saturation voltage s

    OCR Scan
    ZTX657 SE140 ZTX656 SE142 SE143 se140 se139 SE142 Ztx657 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN Silicon Planar Medium Power Darlington Transistors ZTX 602 Z TX 603 FEATURES • • • • • 1 .5 W p o w e r d issipation 1A co n tin u o u s co lle cto r cu rre n t 4 A peak co lle cto r cu rre n t G uaranteed hFE specified up to 2 A Fast sw itc h in g

    OCR Scan
    ZTX602 ZTX603 ZTX603 SE105 SE107 PDF


    Abstract: transistor ZTX108 BC107 plastic ZTX107 ZTX108 ZTX 15 ZTX330 2N3707 ZTX342 bc107 bc108 bc109
    Text: E-Line Transistors Applications C h a rt SILICON TRANSISTORS 10uA 100mA 1mA 10mA 100mA 1A The wide diversity of applications for which E-Une plastic encapsulated transistors are suitable is shown on the diagram. Additional types designed for more specialized purposes are listed

    OCR Scan
    ZTX330, ZTX331, BCW20 BCW22 2N3707 2N929 ZTX107 ZTX108 ZTX1I09 BC107 transistor ZTX108 BC107 plastic ZTX 15 ZTX330 ZTX342 bc107 bc108 bc109 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4401 2N4402 2N4403 BCY59P BCY65EP BCY77P BCY79P MPS2907A ZTX360
    Text: TABLE 3 : NPN SWITCHING Max V CE sat Type Max V CEO at 'c Min h FE at fT at Max. Switching Times at •c Iß Min Max 'c 'c ^on mA mA mA MHz mA ns ^off V mA BCY65EP 60 100 0.35 10 0.25 120 460 2 125 10 150 800 2 125 10 150 800 V BCY59P 45 200 0.35 10 0.25 120 630

    OCR Scan
    BCY65EP BCY77P BCY59P BCY79P ZTX360 MPS2222A5 MPS2907A 2N4401 2N4403 2N4400 2N4402 2N4403 BCY77P BCY79P MPS2907A PDF

    2N2222 MPS2222

    Abstract: 2N2222 MPS2222 npn transistor ZTX313 ZTX312 2N2222 BCy71 NPN switching transistor 2N4403 2N4400 2N4401 2N4402
    Text: TABLE 3 : NPN SWITCHING Max V CE sat Type Max V CEO at 'c Min h FE at fT at Max. Switching Times at •c Iß Min Max 'c 'c ^on mA mA mA MHz mA ns Ic mA 10 BCY77P 10 BCY79P V mA BCY65EP 60 100 0.35 10 0.25 120 460 2 125 10 150 800 2 125 10 150 800 V BCY59P

    OCR Scan
    BCY65EP BCY77P BCY59P BCY79P ZTX360 MPS2222A5 MPS2907A 2N4401 2N4403 2N4400 2N2222 MPS2222 2N2222 MPS2222 npn transistor ZTX313 ZTX312 2N2222 BCy71 NPN switching transistor 2N4403 2N4402 PDF


    Abstract: ZTX558 ZTX758 BF493 ZTX4555 BF392 BF393 MPSA92 ZTX658 ZTX757
    Text: TABLE 13 : NPN/PNP HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS The transistors shown in this table are designed for driving numerical indicator tubes, neon lamps and other applications requiring high voltage capability. Type Max V CE sat at hFE at V cbo V CEO V V mA V mA NPN

    OCR Scan
    ZTX658 ZTX758 ZTX458 ZTX558 ZTX6575 ZTX757 MPSA425 MPSA92 BF393 BF493 ZTX558 ZTX758 BF493 ZTX4555 BF392 MPSA92 ZTX757 PDF

    2N2222 MPS2222

    Abstract: 2N3906 NPN switching transistor 2N4403 2N4400 2N4401 2N4402 2N4403 BCY59P BCY65EP BCY77P
    Text: TABLE 3 : NPN SWITCHING Max V CE sat Min fT hFE V CEO Max 'c V mA BCY65EP 60 100 0.35 10 0.25 120 460 2 125 10 150 800 2 125 10 150 800 Type at Max. Switching Times at V at at •c Iß Min Max 'c 'c ^on mA mA mA MHz mA ns BCY59P 45 200 0.35 10 0.25 120 630

    OCR Scan
    BCY65EP BCY77P BCY59P BCY79P ZTX360 MPS2222A5 MPS2907A 2N4401 2N4403 2N4400 2N2222 MPS2222 2N3906 NPN switching transistor 2N4403 2N4402 2N4403 BCY77P PDF