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    THYRISTOR BT 13 Search Results

    THYRISTOR BT 13 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CR8PM-12B-A8#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-C#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-Z-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-AT#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    5P4J-ZK-E2-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    THYRISTOR BT 13 Datasheets Context Search

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    thyristor st 103

    Abstract: thyristor BT 200 Thyristor BT 102 BT 139 F applications note
    Text: BT 1 5 1 -6 5 0 R ST AN DARD Glass Passivated thyristor in a plastic envelope, intended for use in application blocking voltage capability and high thermal cycling performance. Typical applications include motor control, industrial, domestic lighting,heating and static switching.

    O-220AB SC-46 thyristor st 103 thyristor BT 200 Thyristor BT 102 BT 139 F applications note PDF

    thyristor TT 46

    Abstract: thyristor TT 46 N
    Text: SKKD 46 THYRISTOR BRIDGE,SCR,BRIDGE SEMIPACK 1 Rectifier Diode Modules LMNO LMMO L BTT ^TT STT XATT XBTT X^TT L WTT @TT YTT XCTT XWTT X@TT N]]K W@HTW N]]K W@HT@ N]]K W@HTY N]]K W@HXC N]]K W@HXW N]]K W@HX@ XSTT XYTT N]]K W@HXY Features # $%&' ' & *+%( ',(-./, &0.12)2.1


    diac triac control 230V 5a

    Abstract: working of fuse tube light by 4 diode SCR S6025L quadrac SOT953 BT 136 TRIAC electronics circuits 500w inverter circuits METAL HALIDE 400W VARISTOR 275 K20 VARISTOR 275 LA 20A
    Text: CIRCUIT PROTECTION SOLUTIONS Electronics Circuit Protection Product Selection Guide A guide to selecting Littelfuse circuit protection components for electronic applications. Broadest and Deepest Portfolio of Product Backed by Unparalleled Circuit Protection

    EC102 EC1102v1E0905 diac triac control 230V 5a working of fuse tube light by 4 diode SCR S6025L quadrac SOT953 BT 136 TRIAC electronics circuits 500w inverter circuits METAL HALIDE 400W VARISTOR 275 K20 VARISTOR 275 LA 20A PDF


    Abstract: tHYRISTOR SCR 0.8A S6X8ES sot89 scr power thyristor S6X8BS S8X8TS2 BT 151 thyristor EIA-468-B JESD22-A101
    Text: Teccor brand Thyristors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers SxX8xSx EV Series 0.8A Sensitive SCR Description New device series offers high static dv/dt and lower turn off tq sensitive SCR with its small die planar construction EFTJHO*UJTTQFDJmDBMMZEFTJHOFEGPS('$* (SPVOE'BVMU

    10Amps OT-223) OT-89) OT-223 OT-89 s6x8ts tHYRISTOR SCR 0.8A S6X8ES sot89 scr power thyristor S6X8BS S8X8TS2 BT 151 thyristor EIA-468-B JESD22-A101 PDF

    Effects of Temperature on Thyristor Performance

    Abstract: ET 3005 AN4870 thyristor BT 200
    Text: AN4870 Application Note AN4870 Effects Of Temperature On Thyristor Performance Application Note Replaces September 2000 version, AN4870-3.0 AN4870-3.1 July 2002 The junction temperature Tj of a power semiconductor in any particular situation profoundly affects its performance and

    AN4870 AN4870 AN4870-3 AN4840 Effects of Temperature on Thyristor Performance ET 3005 thyristor BT 200 PDF

    applications of mos controlled thyristor

    Abstract: MOS Controlled Thyristor Semiconductor Power AN-7504 mosfet controlled thyristor mos Turn-off Thyristor P channel 600v 20a IGBT ED26 diode Pelly 10A fast Gate Turn-off Thyristor transistor Ia 15 rca
    Text: The IGBTs - A New High Conductance MOS-Gated Device Application Note Abstract Title N86 bt he BTs w gh ncce OSted vice utho eyrds terrpoon, minctor, er OCI O frk geode May 1992 ALUMINUM A new MOS gate-controlled power switch with a very low onresistance is described. The fabrication process is similar to



    Abstract: KLUBER WOLFRACOAT C Thyristor BT 102 water cooled thyristor assembly kluber wolfracoat thyristor ys 150 017 NT102 295kW Thyristor ys 150 103 RC snubber thyristor design
    Text: Technical Information Technische Erläuterungen Für schnelle Thyristoren wird hierzu empfohlen: - C, = 10.47 nF - R, entsprechend 7, = Fl, . C, = 1,0 . .2.0 ps - D, schnelle Diode Der Entladewiderstand R, darf niemals fehlen, weil sich sonst einige Daten der Thyristoren verschlechtern können, z.B. die kritische Spannungssteilheit dv/dt ,. Falls die Beschaltung den Verlauf des Steuerstroms nachteilig beeinflußt, so ist dies bei der Bemessung des


    TRIAC BT 812

    Abstract: induction cooker schematic diagram schematic diagram inverter 2000w anti parallel scr firing circuit 2kw TRIAC dimmer control Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors "Power Semiconductor Applications" Philips construct and test a mosfet based pwm chopper circuit free philips igbt induction cooker BT151 motor speed control
    Text: Thyristors and Triacs Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors CHAPTER 6 Power Control with Thyristors and Triacs 6.1 Using Thyristors and Triacs 6.2 Thyristor and Triac Applications 6.3 Hi-Com Triacs 485 Thyristors and Triacs Power Semiconductor Applications


    BT thyristor

    Abstract: teg thyristor thyristor bt 13 thyristor BT thyristor bt 13 g
    Text: Contents Page G eneral A lphanum erical Index 4 Sym bols and Term s 8 IG B Ts IGBT 1 1 ,1 5 IGBT with D iode 1 1 ,1 5 IG BT B IM O S FE T 12 IG BT M odules 13 ISOSMART IG BT M odules 14 P o w er M O S FE Ts H iP erFE T 17 S tandard M O SFET 20 M O S FE T M odules

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    LT 0216 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SGS-THOMSON MDS50 RiilD @lS il[L[l(gT[S©liD©i DIODE / THYRISTOR MODULE FEATURES • VDr m =V rrm UP TO 1200 V = 35A ■ HIGH SURGE CAPABILITY ■ INSULATED PACKAGE : INSULATING VOLTAGE 2500 V(rmS ■ It(AV) DESCRIPTION The MDS50 family are constitued of one rectifier

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    MDS50 MDS50 LT 0216 diode PDF


    Abstract: thyristor BT 161 triacs BT 412 BT thyristor T0252 BTA212-500D 136S-600F Triacs BTA208 600B BTA208 137B-800G
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Power Thyristors and Triacs II TYPE NUMBER Index [TECHNOLOGY BR100/03 DIAC BT131-500 BT131-600 FOUR QUADRANT TRIACS BT132-500D BT132-600D FOUR QUADRANT TRIACS BT134-500 BT134-500D BT134-500E BT134-500F BT134-500G BT134-600 BT134-600D

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    BR100/03 BT131-500 BT131-600 BT132-500D BT132-600D BT134-500 BT134-500D BT134-500E BT134-500F BT134-500G 136S6 thyristor BT 161 triacs BT 412 BT thyristor T0252 BTA212-500D 136S-600F Triacs BTA208 600B BTA208 137B-800G PDF

    BT 816 triac

    Abstract: ky 202 h thyristor thyristor aeg thyristor BBC CS 8-12 Halbleiterbauelemente DDR ky 201 thyristor tesla typ 202 thyristor thyristor AEG t 10 n 600 thyristor BBC thyristor BBC CS 0,6
    Text: electronica du/dt GT T AV t di/dt Günter Pilz Technische Daten von Thyristoren, Triacs und Diacs electrónica • Band 19G GÜNTER PILZ Technische Daten von Thyristoren, Triacs und Diacs MILITÄRVERLAG DER DEUTSCHEN DEMOKRATISCHEN REPUBLIK I. Auflage {(j) Militär vorlag

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    Abstract: 2N6118 2N6117 2n6116 motorola Unijunction motorola programmable unijunction
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO S5E D b3b7255 OQflOltS 1 • 2N6116 2N6117 2N6118 Silicon Program m able U nijunction Transistors . . . d e sign e d to enable the engineer to " p r o g r a m " unijunction characteristics such a s Rbb> V i lv> and Ip ^ m erely selecting tw o resistor values, Application includes

    OCR Scan
    b3b7255 2N6116 2N6117 2N6118 2n6116 motorola Unijunction motorola programmable unijunction PDF

    thyristor BT 161

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I . I Bulletin127092 rev. A 09/97 International IG R Rectifier ir k .f i 32. s e r i e s FAST THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR INT-A-pak Power Modules 130 A Features • Fast turn-off thyristor ■ Fast recovery diode ■ H igh surge capability

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    Bulletin127092 thyristor BT 161 PDF


    Abstract: FF300R12KS4 MOTOR SOFT START MDS100 mfq 60A bridge rectifier SSC AC welder IGBT circuit ZG300HFL120C2S 3phase bridge diode mds 60 SKM200GB125DN

    OCR Scan
    3s300A ZG50HFL120C1S SKM75GB128DN BSM50GB120DLC ZG75HFL120C1S SKM100GB128DN BSM75GB120DLC ZG100HFL120C1S SKM145GB128DN BSM100GB120DLCK MTX70A FF300R12KS4 MOTOR SOFT START MDS100 mfq 60A bridge rectifier SSC AC welder IGBT circuit ZG300HFL120C2S 3phase bridge diode mds 60 SKM200GB125DN PDF


    Abstract: 2N5168 thyristor AT 505 S 12 2N5168-2N5171 2N5169 2N5171 motorola opto scr 2N5171 Scr 2N5170 MCR5166
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 3=iE » Q b3b75SS DOSSbbM fl 5 1 N O T ? T - X B ' - I S 2N 5168 thru 2N 5171 M C R 5164 thru M C R 5167 S ilic o n C o n tr o lle d R e ctifie rs R everse B lo ck in g T rio d e T h y risto rs . . . designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies,

    OCR Scan
    b3b72SS MCR5164, 2N5168 MCR5165, 2N5169 MCR5166, 2N5170 MCR5167, 2N5171 MCR5167 thyristor AT 505 S 12 2N5168-2N5171 motorola opto scr 2N5171 Scr MCR5166 PDF


    Abstract: B1151 BH26 BH-26
    Text: SEMIKRON INC 3bE » • fliabb?! OGGEfllb 3 ■ SEKG s e MIKRDn r r - Z 5 V drm Id Tease = 89 °C, full conduction V rsm V rrm 28 A 400 V SKBT 26/04 S K B H 26/04 S K C H 26/04 600 V S K B T 26/06 S K B H 26/06 S K C H 26/06 S K C H 27/06 800 V SKBT 26/08

    OCR Scan
    SKBT26 SKCH26 P1/120 00V/ps 50mA/15Q B13bfa71 fil3bb71 SKYT35 M7-K16-5? B1151 BH26 BH-26 PDF

    thyristor BT 161

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I . I Bulletin 127104 rev. A 09/97 International i q r Rectifier i r k . f 7 2 „ s e r ie s FAST THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR INT-A-pak Power Modules Features • 71 A Fast turn-off thyristor ■ Fast recovery diode ■ High surge capability

    OCR Scan
    E78996 thyristor BT 161 PDF


    Abstract: SFS2327 SFS2328 SFS2329 SPD5823 SPD5824 SPD5825 thyristor to5
    Text: Preliminary Data SOLID STATE DEVICES INC eet 15E D 1 0 3 ^ 0 1 1 Q O O n S D ô I SFS2326 THRU SFS2329 SSDI 1.6 AMP SILICON CÜNTRÜLED RECTIFIER 14830 VALLEY VIEW LA MIRADA, CA.90638 213 921-9660 TWX 910-583-4807 FAX 213-921-2396 200 - 400 VOLTS FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    SFS2326 SFS2329 200uA D504V SFS2327 SFS2328 SPD5823 SPD5824 SPD5825 thyristor to5 PDF

    16 amp SCR application

    Abstract: SCR 214 s635 S525 scr 6 Ampere scr bt series 200 A SCR 75 Volts 10 amp heat sink of scr thyristor BT 200 thyristor BT
    Text: bT HUTSON INDUSTRIES DE I 4 b 4 Ll7DD t | HUTSON INDUSTRIES » j PRESS FIT SERIES! SCR's 8 AMPERE CENTER GATE 10 AMPERE CENTER GATE 20 AMPERE CENTER GATE 25 AMPERE CENTER GATE 35 AMPERE CENTER GATE Hutson’s SCR’s feature proprietary, void-free glass passivated chips and are herm etically sealed to

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    BT diode

    Abstract: ECONOPACK mounting instructions bsm 25 gd 1200 n2 bsm 75 gd 120 n2 bsm 50 gd 120 n2 calculation of IGBT snubber siemens igbt BSM 200 GA 120 BSM15GD120DN2 diode bym 26 siemens igbt BSM 100
    Text: Technische Angaben Technical Information SIEMENS 1 Übersicht IGBT-Module 1 O verview IG BT Modules Hochsperrende spannungsgesteuerte Bipolar-Module Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor modules Produktpalette Product Range IGBT-Module mit den Spannungen 600 V,

    OCR Scan

    ky 201 thyristor

    Abstract: NT 101-2s thyristor s 1210 bh thyristor bt 136 DI 944 KD thyristor BT 143 SMBJ15A KD 502 BT 1690 SMBJ33CA
    Text: T ra n s ie n t V o lta ge S u p p re s s io n TV S D io d e s SM BJ5.0 SÜBJ170CA S e r ie s Control over power 3.30-3.81 2.0 1- 4.01 5/4,57- f JI J0.76/1.27L .f(J 2.74 MECHANICAL DATA • Case: D0214AA molded plastic over glass passivated junction

    OCR Scan

    2n2646 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N2646 triac phase control 2N602B 2N4991 EQUIVALENT 2N1671 four-layer diode SBS thyristor 2N4987 3n84
    Text: UNIJUNCTIONS, TRIGGERS AND SWITCHES Since the introduction of the commercial silicon unijunction transistor in 1956, General Electric has continued de­ veloping an extensive line of negative resistance threshold and four-layer switch devices. Each of these devices can

    OCR Scan
    2N489-494â 2N2646-47â 2n2646 equivalent 2N2646 triac phase control 2N602B 2N4991 EQUIVALENT 2N1671 four-layer diode SBS thyristor 2N4987 3n84 PDF

    SMD W2f

    Abstract: w2f smd 290617 avx taj AVX film chip capacitors kbr kyocera ALY SMD mp Ceramic Disc Capacitors avx high power capacitor 40 pin X5R capacitor ceramic AVX
    Text: Product Guide for C Consumer appiications The Complete list of Application Guides available: Automotive Consumer EDP High Rel and Military Industrial Mobile Communications Miscellaneous Products Network and Communications Security Telecommunications USA AVX Myrtle Beach, SC Corporate Offices

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