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    Abstract: BY706
    Text: 5bE PHILIPS D 7110flEb 0G4O5O5 SDT « P H I N I N T ERNATIONAL BY705 BY706 SbE ]> OJ SILICON EHT SOFT-RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES EHT rectifier diodes in glass envelopes intended for use in general purpose high-voltage applications. The devices feature non-snap-off characteristics. Because of the small envelope, the diodes should be

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    7110flEb BY705 BY706 BY706 PDF

    transistor 1BT

    Abstract: BDT62C PHILIPS npn 1bt BDT63B
    Text: BDT63; 63A BDT63B; 63C _ PHILIPS "INTERNATIONAL" StEB A • v _ 7110flEb 0043551, TTT - PHIN T - J J - Z 7 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N epitaxial base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for audio output stages and general

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    BDT63; BDT63B; 7110flEb T0-220 BDT62, BDT62A; BDT62B BDT62C. BDT63 T-33-29 transistor 1BT BDT62C PHILIPS npn 1bt BDT63B PDF

    philips dl 701

    Abstract: philips dl 701 application TCA 875 SAA5191 SAA9042 SAA9042A saa90 philips saa9042
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS h m S ln lllT SAA9042 Multi-standard Teletext 1C for standard and features TV Preliminary specification Supersedes data of November 1990 File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 June 1995 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS 7110flEb OCHOSSb S71

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    SAA9042 7110flEb z/120 7110flSfe 0QT05Ã philips dl 701 philips dl 701 application TCA 875 SAA5191 SAA9042 SAA9042A saa90 philips saa9042 PDF


    Abstract: T0220AB
    Text: PHILIPS IN TE RNA TI ONA L bSE J> Bl 7110flEb ODb413b Philips Semiconductors Power MOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies

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    711052b BUK457-400B T0220AB BUK457-400B T0220AB PDF

    4 pin dual-emitter

    Abstract: dual-emitter BFQ741 UBC869 philips MATV amplifiers
    Text: Objective specification Philips Semiconductors y NPN 7 GHz wideband transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL FEATURES 5L.E D ' 3 3 -0 5 BFQ741 WM 7110flEb OOMSbflO 727 • P H I N PINNING • Low distortion DESCRIPTION PIN • Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability

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    33-Q5 BFQ741 7110AEb OT172 OT172A1 UBC869 OT172A1. 4 pin dual-emitter dual-emitter BFQ741 UBC869 philips MATV amplifiers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIP30; A TIP30B; C PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE ] • 7110flEb 0 0 4 3 4 b 0 5TS ■ P H I N SILICON EPITAXIAL BASE POWER TRANSISTORS PNP silicon transistors in a plastic envelope intended for use in output stages of audio and television amplifier circuits where high peak powers can occur. NPN complements areTlP29 series.

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    TIP30; TIP30B; 7110flEb areTlP29 TIP30 D0434bM TIP3I PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7110flEb □ G b ? c17S 7T3 « P H I N J in J112 J113 y V N-CHANNEL SILICON FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS Symmetrical silicon n-channel junction FETs in plastic TO-92 envelopes. They are intended for applications such as analog switches, choppers, commutators etc.

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    7110flEb PDF

    TDA8366 diagram

    Abstract: 1T4 tube 817 BNY colour tv chroma section amplifier 3HH bv 1500 sts Block Diagram of PAL TV receiver SATCR TDA8366 PASSIVE TV DELAY LINE
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA8366 l2C-bus controlled PAL/NTSC TV processor Objective specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 7110flEb Q0flb33S 52G PHILIPS This Material Cc By Its Respective Manufacturer January 1995 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Objective specification

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    TDA8366 7110flEb 00Ab33S processo-40-724B25 SCD36 533061/1500/01/pp48 EWb37 TDA8366 diagram 1T4 tube 817 BNY colour tv chroma section amplifier 3HH bv 1500 sts Block Diagram of PAL TV receiver SATCR TDA8366 PASSIVE TV DELAY LINE PDF


    Abstract: 80C51 83C504 87C504 DSTRT
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS m b m m m 83C504/87C504 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller Objective specification 1995 Jan 31 IC20 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS 7110flEb DDÖ75S4 4TH Philips Semiconductors Objective specification CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller

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    83C504/87C504 7110flEb QQA75S4 83C504 87C504 8XC504) 80C51 8XC504 80C51. SU-001-01 87C504 DSTRT PDF


    Abstract: PZ1418B15U PZ1721B12U PZ2024B10U
    Text: JI _ - PHILIPS PZ1418B15U PZ1721B12U PZ2024B10U SbE J> INTERNATIONAL • 7110flEb OOMbMbfl E55 ■ P H I N MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTORS FOR BROADBAND AMPLIFIERS T ^ ^ 3 -O S NPN transistors for use in common-base, class-B, wideband amplifiers under CW conditions in military

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    PZ1418B15U PZ1721B12U PZ2024B10U 711002b PZ1418B30U/PZ1721B25U/PZ2024B20U T-33-09 epsilam PZ2024B10U PDF


    Abstract: CLASS H POWER AMPLIFIER gsgb Power IC btl class DBS17P DDT0511 MCD329 MLBQ TDA1560Q equivalent TDA1560Q/N4,112
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA1560Q 40 W car radio high power amplifier Preliminary specification Supersedes data of July 1994 File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 Philips S e m ico n d u cto rs • 7110flEb O m O S D E 3TD ■ This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

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    TDA1560Q 7110flEb 711Dfl2b TDA1560Q CLASS H POWER AMPLIFIER gsgb Power IC btl class DBS17P DDT0511 MCD329 MLBQ TDA1560Q equivalent TDA1560Q/N4,112 PDF

    IR LFN

    Abstract: IR detector LFN preset variable resistor ELEVATOR LOGIC CONTROL IR LFN detector PRESET 1M PLS168
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS PLS168 Field programmable logic sequencer 12x48x8 Product specification 1995 Jan 5 Military and Special Products Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS 7110flEb DOflaZTb T47 Philips S em iconductors Product specification

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    PLS168 12x48x8) 7110flEb Dfla27b 10-bit SJ00013 711002b IR LFN IR detector LFN preset variable resistor ELEVATOR LOGIC CONTROL IR LFN detector PRESET 1M PLS168 PDF

    32 led VU-METER

    Abstract: VU METER 32 led analog audio 3 input selector analog VU-METER 20 led VU meter "rf modulator" 50 led VU meter audio limiter ic VU-METER 20 led VU meter transistor
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA961 OH Audio FM processor for VHS hi-fi audio Product specification Supersedes data of March 1993 File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1995 Mar 21 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS P H ILIPS 7110flEb O Of l T ^ b l TTS Philips Semiconductors

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    TDA961 7110A2b TDA9610H 7110fl2b 32 led VU-METER VU METER 32 led analog audio 3 input selector analog VU-METER 20 led VU meter "rf modulator" 50 led VU meter audio limiter ic VU-METER 20 led VU meter transistor PDF


    Abstract: FB2033BB
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FB2033 8-bit latched/registered/pass-thru Futurebus+ universal interface transceiver Product specification 1995 May 25 IC19 data handbook Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS 7110flEb 00flc1L.R3 b47 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

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    FB2033 100mA OT379-1 MO-108 7110a2L 000T7DH FB2033 FB2033BB PDF


    Abstract: 0067b7E 80C51 83C748 P87C748EBF P87C748EBPN IC20 80c51 "8-Bit Microcontrollers"
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 83C748/87C748 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller Preliminary specification 1995 Jan 31 IC20 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS 7110flEb D0fl7t71 3.T1 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer Philips Semiconductors

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    83C748/87C748 711002b 00fl7b71 83C748/87C748 80C51 8XC748 83C748) 87C748) 87C748 0067b7E 83C748 P87C748EBF P87C748EBPN IC20 80c51 "8-Bit Microcontrollers" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ PHILIPS international PZ1418B15U PZ1721B12U p Z2024B10U I 5bE J> m 7110flEb OGMbMbfl 25S •PHIN MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTORS FOR BROADBAND AMPLIFIERS T ^ -3 3 -O S N PN transistors for use in common-base, class-B, wideband amplifiers under CW conditions in military

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    PZ1418B15U PZ1721B12U Z2024B10U 7110f T-33-09 PZ2024B10U PDF

    pcf 2116 lcd

    Abstract: philips dl 701 K philips dl 701 philips dl 701 application db3 c53 led matrix 5x7 using microcontroller LCD 1602 display PCF2114X PCF2116 PCF2116X
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS PCF2116 family PCF2114X; PCF2116X LCD controller/drivers Product specification Supersedes data of November 1993 File under Integrated Circuits, IC12 October 1994 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS 7110flEb 0 0 7 ^ 2 2&? Philips Semiconductors

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    PCF2116 PCF2114X; PCF2116X) 71106Sb 711002b pcf 2116 lcd philips dl 701 K philips dl 701 philips dl 701 application db3 c53 led matrix 5x7 using microcontroller LCD 1602 display PCF2114X PCF2116X PDF


    Abstract: BLW33 BY206 702 P TRANSISTOR 100A-4R3-C-PX-50 carbon resistor
    Text: bSE T> m 7110flEb 00b3514 347 « P H I N BLW33 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL U.H.F. LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor primarily intended for use in linear u.h.f. amplifiers for television transmitters and transposers. The excellent d.c. dissipation properties for class-A operation

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    711002b 00b3214 BLW33 7Z7771 BLW33 BZY88-C3V3 BY206 702 P TRANSISTOR 100A-4R3-C-PX-50 carbon resistor PDF


    Abstract: SMD T2B sot23 marking code SMD MARKING CODE jt MARKING CODE SMD IC marking code d95 lg smd transistor marking code br SMD MARKING SMD IC CODE PMBTA05
    Text: 7110flEb 001^853 T2b • PHIN PMBTA05 PMBTA06 SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in a m icrom iniature SMD plastic envelope intended fo r surface mounted applications. They are prim arily intended fo r use in telephony and professional communication equipment.

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    711002b cja53 PMBTA05 PMBTA06 PMBTA05 MARKING CODE SMD IC T2B SMD T2B sot23 marking code SMD MARKING CODE jt MARKING CODE SMD IC marking code d95 lg smd transistor marking code br SMD MARKING SMD IC CODE PDF

    7 segments display philips

    Abstract: 16*2 liquid crystal display LTD232R-11 panel-meter
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL m 7110flEb DOSTObb bM4 bOE D LTD232 Data sheet status Product specification date of issue Juiy 1990 7=4*3* Liquid crystal display Q UICK REFERENCE DATA DEVICE DESCRIPTION The LTD232 is a 4 1/2-digit, 7-segment multi-function display. It is intended for use in multimeters and panel­

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    7110fl 00S70bb LTD232 LTD232 7Z22310 LTD232R-11 7 segments display philips 16*2 liquid crystal display LTD232R-11 panel-meter PDF


    Abstract: ofwg3203 TDA3857 IEC134 TDA3856 TDA3858 OFWG3
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA3858 Quasi-split sound processor for all standards Product specification June 1994 Supersedes data of October 1990 File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS i • 7110fleb 0070020 233 ■ Product specification

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    TDA3858 7110fleb 7110fl2b ofwl9350 ofwg3203 TDA3857 IEC134 TDA3856 TDA3858 OFWG3 PDF

    GHz PNP transistor

    Abstract: BFQ253 mb8833 Philips MBB BFQ233 BFQ233A BFQ253A
    Text: Philips Semiconductors — 33 PNP 1 GHz video transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL D E S C R IP T IO N Product specification - / ^ ' BFQ253; BFQ253A 5bE 7110flEb D[]i45b2S Ö3M IPHIN P IN N IN G P N P silicon epitaxial transistor in a S O T 5 T O -3 9 envelope with

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    BFQ253; BFQ253A 7110fl2b BFQ233 BFQ233A T-33-17 711gfleb GHz PNP transistor BFQ253 mb8833 Philips MBB BFQ253A PDF


    Abstract: FB2031BB FB2031IBB
    Text: • 7110flEb 0073324 075 « P H I N P hilips S em iconductors Futurebus+ P roducts P rod uct specification 9-bit latched/registered/pass-thru Futurebus+ transceiver FEATURES FB2031 • Reduced BTL voltage swing produces less noise and reduces power consumption

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    711DflEb 0Q73324 FB2031 100mA 500ns FB2031 FB2031BB FB2031IBB PDF

    nas 1791

    Abstract: 74ABT16 74ABT16823A BT16823ADGG BT16823ADL
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 74ABT16823A 18-bit bus interface D-type flip-flop with reset and enable 3-State Product specification 1995 May 22 IC23 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PHILIPS 7110flEb 00TI D451 DDT This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

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    74ABT16823A 18-bit 64mA/-32mA OT364-1 711Dfl2b nas 1791 74ABT16 74ABT16823A BT16823ADGG BT16823ADL PDF