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    Abstract: FJDS5416283
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    FJDS5416283-05 MSM5416283 144-Word 16-Bit MSM5416283262 16RAM 16SAMCMOS RAM256K SAM512 5128ms MSM5416283 FJDS5416283 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HY63V16400A 256Kx16bit CMOS FAST SRAM Preliminary DESCRIPTION FEATURES The HY63V16400A is a 4,194,304-bit high-speed SRAM organized as 262,144 words by 16 bits. The HY63V16400A uses sixteen common input and output lines and has an output enable pin which operates faster than address access time at

    HY63V16400A 256Kx16bit HY63V16400A 304-bit 44pin 400mil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: $6/&.  9.ð&026'5$0 ('2 HDWXUHV • Organization: 262,144 words x 16 bits • High speed - 35/45/60 ns RAS access time - 17/20/25 ns column address access time - 7/10/10 ns CAS access time • Low power consumption - Active: 280 mW max (AS4LC256K16E0-35)

    AS4LC256K16E0-35) 40-pin 40/44-pin I/O15 AS4LC256K16E0-35JC AS4LC256K16E0-35TC AS4LC256K16E0-45JC PDF


    Abstract: MSM54V1627360
    Text: J2L0025-17-Y1 作成:1998年 1月 MSM54V16273 l 前回作成:1997年 9月 ¡ 電子デバイス MSM54V16273 262,144-Wordx16-Bit MULTIPORT DRAM n 概要 )ポー

    J2L002517Y1 MSM54V16273 144Word 16Bit MSM54V16273 MSM54V16273262 16RAM 16SAMCMOS RAM256K SAM512 WM1-DIN MSM54V1627360 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J2L0021-17-Y1 作成:1998年 1月 MSM5416273 l 前回作成:1997年 9月 ¡ 電子デバイス MSM5416273 262,144-Wordx16-Bit MULTIPORT DRAM n 概要 )ポー

    J2L002117Y1 MSM5416273 144Word 16Bit MSM5416273 MSM5416273262 16RAM 16SAMCMOS RAM256K SAM512 PDF

    sub-micro CMOS technology

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VG26 V S4260D 262,144 x 16 - Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM VIS Description The device is CMOS Dynamic RAM organized as 262, 144-word x 16 bits. It is fabricated with an advanced submicro CMOS technology and advanced CMOS circuit design technologies. Fast Page Mode allows 512 random

    S4260D 144-word 16-bit 40pin, 400mil VG26S4260D) VG26VS4260D) sub-micro CMOS technology PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VG264260CJ 262,144 x 16 - Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM VIS Description The device is CMOS Dynamic RAM organized as 262, 144-word x 16 bits. It is fabricated with an advanced submicron CMOS technology and advanced CMOS circuit design technologies. It is packaged in

    40-pin VG264260CJ 144-word 25/28/30/35/40ns 1G5-0109 VG26426 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FJDS54V16283-05 作成:2000年 2月 ¡ 電子デバイス 前回作成:1998年 1月 MSM54V16283 262,144-Wordx16-Bit MULTIPORT DRAM n 概要 )ポー

    FJDS54V16283-05 MSM54V16283 144-Word 16-Bit MSM54V16283262 16RAM 16SAMCMOS RAM256K SAM512 5128ms MSM54V16283 PDF


    Abstract: MSM5416283
    Text: FJDS5416283-05 作成:2000年 2月 ¡ 電子デバイス 前回作成:1998年 1月 MSM5416283 262,144-Wordx16-Bit MULTIPORT DRAM n 概要 )ポー

    FJDS5416283-05 MSM5416283 144-Word 16-Bit MSM5416283262 16RAM 16SAMCMOS RAM256K SAM512 5128ms FJDS5416283 MSM5416283 PDF


    Abstract: AS4LC256K16EO-35 AS4LC256K16E0-35JC RAS-28
    Text: AS4LC256K16EO 3.3V 256K X 16 CMOS DRAM EDO Features • EDO page mode • 5V I/O tolerant • 512 refresh cycles, 8 ms refresh interval • Organization: 262,144 words x 16 bits • High speed - 45/60 ns RAS access time - 10/12/15/20 ns column address access time

    AS4LC256K16EO AS4LC256K16EO-35) AS4LC256K16EO35) 40-pin 40/44-pin I/O15 40-pin AS4LC256K16E0-35JC AS4LC256K16E0-45JC AS4LC256K16EO AS4LC256K16EO-35 AS4LC256K16E0-35JC RAS-28 PDF


    Abstract: AS4C256K16FO-60
    Text: AS4C256K16FO 5V 256K X 16 CMOS DRAM Fast Page Mode Features • Organization: 262,144 words x 16 bits • High speed - 25/30/35/50 ns RAS access time - 12/16/18/25 ns column address access time - 7/10/10/10 ns CAS access time • Low power consumption

    AS4C256K16FO ASAS4C256K16FO-50) AS4C256K16FO-50 40-pin 40/44-pin AS4C256K16F0-25JC AS4C256K16F0-30JC AS4C256K16F0-35JC AS4C256K16FO-50JC AS4C256K16FO AS4C256K16FO-60 PDF

    lcd ibm pinout

    Abstract: 24CO2 30 Pinout panel lcd MD14 SPC8104 256K 4bit DRAM 256KDRAM
    Text: PF765-02 SPC8104F Low Voltage VGA LCD Controller • DESCRIPTION The SPC8104 is a low power, mixed voltage video controller based on VGA architecture and optimized for driving a 640x480 LCD panel display. VGA standard mode functionality is supported using standard IBM VGA

    PF765-02 SPC8104F SPC8104 lcd ibm pinout 24CO2 30 Pinout panel lcd MD14 256K 4bit DRAM 256KDRAM PDF


    Abstract: 512X512X16
    Text: UPD424260LE-70 1/2 IL08 * C-MOS 4M (262,144x16) BIT DYNAMIC RAM - TOP VIEW - 1 V DD (+5V) GND 40 I/O1 IN/OUT 2 39 I/O16 IN/OUT I/O2 IN/OUT 3 38 I/O15 IN/OUT I/O3 IN/OUT 4 37 I/O14 IN/OUT I/O4 IN/OUT 5 36 I/O13 IN/OUT 6 V DD (+5V) GND 35 I/O5 IN/OUT 7

    UPD424260LE-70 144x16) I/O16 I/O15 I/O14 I/O13 I/O11 I/O10 I/O12 I/O1-16 512X512X16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IB M 0 1 5 1 6 0 IB M 0 1 5 1 6 1 256K X 16 DRAM Features • 256K X • 66MHz EDO performance 16 DRAM • Non-Persistent WPBM mode • Performance: Parameter -40 -50 -60 tRP RE Precharge 20ns 25ns 30ns tCAC Access Time from CË 12ns 14ns 15ns Ua Column Address Access

    OCR Scan
    66MHz 110ns SOJ-40 27H6280 SA14-4243-00 IBM015160 IBM015161 SA14-4243-01 PDF


    Abstract: lg lcd tv panel circuit diagram free SPC8106F0B SPC8108FOC 4X12 lcd SP-1108 sp1 1r4 FL400 xe p001 XCSL
    Text: S-MOS S Y S T E M S A Seiko Epson Affiliate SPC8106 LCD/CRT VGA CONTROLLER Data Sheet Copyright 1997 S-MOS Systems Inc. All rights reserved. VDC This document, and any text derived, extracted or transmitted from it, is the sole property of S-MOS Systems Inc. and may not be used, copied,

    OCR Scan
    SPC8106 SP1-127 X12-SP-001-07 Q0G57b3 SP126 lg lcd tv panel circuit diagram free SPC8106F0B SPC8108FOC 4X12 lcd SP-1108 sp1 1r4 FL400 xe p001 XCSL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI Sem iconductor MSM5416273 P relim inary 262,144 -Word x 16 Bits Multiport DRAM_ Rev.t.o GENERAL DESCRIPTION* The MSM5416273 is a 4-Mbit CMOS m ultiport DRAM composed of a 262,144-word by 16-bit dynamic RAM and a 512-words by 16-bits SAM. Its RAM and SAM operate independently and

    OCR Scan
    MSM5416273 MSM5416273 144-word 16-bit 512-words 16-bits 2424D b7E4240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPSON PF765-02 _ SPC8104F Low Voltage VGA LCD Controller • DESCRIPTION The SPC8104 is a low power, mixed voltage video controller based on VGA architecture and optimized for driving a 640x480 LCD panel display. VGA standard mode functionality is supported using standard IBM VGA

    OCR Scan
    PF765-02 SPC8104F SPC8104 640x480 64x6bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O KI Semiconductor MSM5416283 262,144-Word x 16-Bit Multiport DRAM DESCRIPTION The MSM5416283 is a 4-Mbit CMOS multiport DRAM composed of a 262,144-word by 16-bit dynamic RAM, and a 512-word by 16-bit SAM. Its RAM and SAM operate independently and asynchronously.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5416283 144-Word 16-Bit MSM5416283 16-bit 512-word 2424D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •HYUNDAI H Y 5 2 1 6 2 5 7 S e r ie s 256K X 16-bit Video RAM with 2WE Introduction O verview The 4megabit Video RAM is an application specific memory device designed for graphics applications. It comprises a 256k x16 DRAM memory array interfaced to a 256 x16 Serial Access Memory SAM , or register.

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 16bits 1VC02-00-MAY95 HY5216257 525mil 64pin 1VC02-00-MAY9S PDF

    256x16* STATIC RAM

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM54V16283 262,144-Word x 16-Bit Multiport DRAM DESCRIPTION The MSM54V16283 is a 4-Mbit CMOS multiport DRAM composed of a 262,144-word by 16-bit dynamic RAM, and a 512-word by 16-bit SAM. Its RAM and SAM operate independently and asy nchronously.

    OCR Scan
    MSM54 V16283 144-Word 16-Bit MSM54V16283 512-word V16283 256x16* STATIC RAM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM54V16273 262,144-Word x 16-Bit Multiport DRAM DESCRIPTION The MSM54V16273 is a 4-M bit CMOS multiport DRAM composed of a 262,144-word by 16-bit dynamic RAM, and a 512-word by 16-bit SAM. Its RAM and SAM operate independently and asynchronously.

    OCR Scan
    MSM54 V16273 144-Word 16-Bit MSM54V16273 512-word PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-MOS S Y S T E M S A Seiko E pson A ffilia te SPC8104F0A VGA LCD Controller Hardware Functional Specification Drawing Office No. X15-SP-001-08 C o p y r ig h t 1994, 1996 S -M O S S y s te m s Inc. A ll rig h ts re se rve d . T h is do c u m e n t, an d a n y te x t d e rived, ex tra c te d or tra n sm itte d from it, is the so le p ro p e rty o f S -M O S S y s te m s Inc. and m a y not be used, copied,

    OCR Scan
    SPC8104F0A X15-SP-001-08 8104F 15-SP 8I04F -00I-08 8I04 PDF


    Abstract: d2539
    Text: TOSHIBA TC51V4265DFIS60/70 PRELIMINARY 262,144 WORD X 16 BIT DYNAMIC RAM Description TheTC51V4265DFTS is the new generation dynamic RAM organized 262,144 word by 16 bits. TheTC51V4265DFTS uti­ lizes Toshiba’s CMOS silicon gate process technology as well as advanced circuit techniques to provide wide operating mar­

    OCR Scan
    TC51V4265DFIS60/70 TheTC51V4265DFTS TC51V4265DFTS TC51V4265DFTS-60/70 DR04061194 TC51V4265 d2539 PDF


    Abstract: cwi 1011
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD482444, 482445 4M-Bit Dual Port Graphics Buffer 256K-WORD BY 16-BIT D escrip tio n The /iPD482444 and ^PD482445 have a random access port and a serial access port. The random access port has a 4M-bit 262, 144 words x 16 bits memory cell array structure. The serial access port can perform clock

    OCR Scan
    PD482444, 256K-WORD 16-BIT /iPD482444 PD482445 iPD482445 008t8oo2 020tg bM27525 00b3flD D482445LGW-A70 cwi 1011 PDF