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    SSIN 42 100 Search Results

    SSIN 42 100 Datasheets Context Search

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    Combo Spindle VCM Driver

    Abstract: L7200 vcm controller Combo (Spindle VCM) Driver l720 spindle motor VCM controller 64 12v 1N4148 TQFP64 mozart

    L7200 Combo Spindle VCM Driver L7200 vcm controller Combo (Spindle VCM) Driver l720 spindle motor VCM controller 64 12v 1N4148 TQFP64 mozart PDF

    Siemens SsiL28 90

    Abstract: SSIN42C100 SSIL28 SSIN42c40 FRMS SSIR6083 SSIL2860 SSIK2825 SSIL2840 SSIN 42 100
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF TVpe ^RRM V □ S S ÍK 2 8 SSiK 28 SSiK 28 S S S iK 28 25 40 60 83 S S S ÍL 2 8 25 EDSSiL 28 40 SSÍL28 60 □ S S ÍL 2 8 83 S SÍN 42C 40 SSÍN42C 60 SSÍN42C 83 SSiN 42 C 100 SSiN 42 C 120 SSiP 60 83 SSiP 60100 SSiP 60120 SSiP 62150

    OCR Scan
    39SSiN Siemens SsiL28 90 SSIN42C100 SSIL28 SSIN42c40 FRMS SSIR6083 SSIL2860 SSIK2825 SSIL2840 SSIN 42 100 PDF


    Abstract: BA7147F tip 2905 transistor ba7147 BA5115 BA7277S BA7125L BA6462FP BA762S BA6414FP-Y
    Text: M o n o lith ic ICs 3 il • ICs for VTR Applications • Video Signal Processing ☆ U nder D evelopm ent 1 Type P ackage Function Configura' No. otpins lion BA7001 V ideo signal sw itcher SIP BA7004/BA7004F Test pattern generator SIP/SOP BA7007 BA7025L SECAM d iscrim inator

    OCR Scan
    ZIP18 SZIP24 QFP32 QFP64 QFP80 QFP-T80 SQFP56 SQFP80 SQFP100 VQFP48 BA6248 BA7147F tip 2905 transistor ba7147 BA5115 BA7277S BA7125L BA6462FP BA762S BA6414FP-Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CL-CD2431 CIRRUS LOGIC Advanced M ulti-Protocol Communications Controller Before beginning any new design with this device, please contact Cirrus Logic Inc. for the latest errata information. See the back cover of this document for sales office locations and

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    CL-CD2431 PDF

    6CW 60

    Abstract: 6cw 50
    Text: PD-2.315 bifemational M Rectifier 6c w q o 9f 6c w q i o f 6.6 Amp SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER Description/Features Major Ratings and Characteristics Characteristics 6CWQ.F Units 6 .6 A 90/100 V lFSM 9 tp -5 p ssin e 210 A VF 0.85 V •40to125 °C ' f AV R*cta"3u,ar

    OCR Scan
    6CWQ09F 6CW 60 6cw 50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mA. M X 2 8 F 4 1 OO MACRON1X. INC. 4M-BIT 5 1 2K x 8] CMOS FLASH MEMORY FEATURES • 524,288x8/262,144x16 sw itchable • Fast access tim e: 120/150/200ns • Low pow er consum ption - 50m A m axim um active current - 100nA m axim um standby current • P rogram m ing and erasing voltage 12V ± 5%

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    288x8/262 144x16 120/150/200ns 100nA Q15/A-1 -1-A17 Q0-Q15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    uPD30200 uPD30210 r4300, r4305, r4310 100TM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6 5 5 12/ 65P 5 12 High-Perform ance C M O S 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller DESCRIPTION The M SM 65512 is a high perform ance 8-bit single-chip microcontroller im plem enting large integra­ tion, high speed and low power consumption by O KI's n X -8 /5 0 CPU core. W ith a m inimum instruc­

    OCR Scan
    MSM65512 MSM65P512 MSM65P512, MSM65512/65P512 PDF


    Abstract: MB87064 DMC TOOLS M8876 LCC84 PGA88 fujitsu 1986 42pin
    Text: Digital Signal Processor MB87064 A pril 1986 Edition 1.0 DESCRIPTION T h e Fujitsu MB87064 is a g en e ra l-p u rp o se LSI s ilic o n gate D ig ita l Signal Pro­ cessor D SP . T h e d evice is fa b rica te d in lo w -p o w e r C M O S and fe a tu re s a

    OCR Scan
    MB87064 42-pin MB8764 MB87064 42-Lead DMC TOOLS M8876 LCC84 PGA88 fujitsu 1986 42pin PDF

    ade 626

    Abstract: PAO10
    Text: Digital Signal Processor MB87064 April 1986 Edition 1.0 & DESCRIPTION T h e Fujitsu M B87064 is a g en e ra l-p u rp o se LSI s ilic o n g ate D ig ita l S ignal Pro­ ce ssor D SP . T h e device is fa b rica te d in lo w -p o w e r C M O S and fe a tu re s a

    OCR Scan
    MB87064 B87064 MB87064 42-pin 42-Lead ade 626 PAO10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U. 0614577 □□□G70T 720 kNhDIGICS AWT0908 TX POWER MMIC Your GaAs IC Source Advanced Product Information _R ov n 900 MHz Band GSM GaAs Power Amplifier IC DESCRIPTION The AWT0908X is a monolithic Power Amplifier

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    AWT0908 AWT0908X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD -2.340 International Rectifier I R HFA HEXFRED Ultrafast, Soft Recovery Diode Features • • • • • • 1 5 P B 60 VR = 600V Ultrafast Recovery Ultrasoft Recovery Very Low I r r m Very L ow Q rr Guaranteed Avalanche Specified at Operating Conditions

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD -2.399 International I R Rectifier HEXFRED HFA04TB60 Ultrafast, Soft Recovery Diode Features • • • • • • V R = 600V Ultrafast Recovery Ultrasoft Recovery Very Low Irrm Very Low Qrr Guaranteed Avalanche Specified at Operating Conditions vF= 1.8V

    OCR Scan
    HFA04TB60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD -2.334 International I R Rectifier H F A 15T B 60 HEXFRED Ultrafast, Soft Recovery Diode Features • • • • • • VR= 600V Ultrafast Recovery Ultrasoft Recovery Very Low I r r m Very L ow Q rr Guaranteed Avalanche Specified at Operating Conditions

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TMS320 Z89C00
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Z89C00 16-B IT DIGITAL _ s ig n a l P r o c e s s o r FEATURES • 16-bit sing le c y cle instructions ■ 16-bit I/O Port ■ Z ero o verh e a d h ardw a re looping ■ 4K w ords of o n -c h ip m asked ROM

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    16-bit Z89C00 24-bit Z89C00 -100mA PD10 TMS320 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER bSE D • 4Ô55452 0017074 3b7 * I N R PD-2.312 International S Rectifier 5o w q o 9 f s o w q io f SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 5.5 Amp Major Ratings and Characteristics V • Popular D-PAK outline • Sm al foot print, surface mountable lpsM @ tp -5 p ssin e

    OCR Scan
    O-252AA) D-474 MA554S2 17D77 50WQ09F 50WQ10F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER bSE D • MfiSSMSE GQ170öb Q&l PD-2.315 International I° r]Rectifier 6CWQ09F 6CWQ1 OF SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 6.6 Amp Major Ratings and Characteristics Description/Features Characteristics 6CWQ.F Units ' f AV R « * “"9ular waveform

    OCR Scan
    GQ170Ã 6CWQ09F -40to125 4A55455 DD17Dfl^ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD-2.241 fcitemational ImiRectifier 2o t q . s e r i e s SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 20 Amp Major Ratings and Characteristics Description/Features The 20TQ Schottky rectifier series has been optimized for very low forward voltage drop, with moderate leakage. The

    OCR Scan
    -55to150 D-119 D-120 PDF

    6CW 60

    Abstract: 6CW 40 6cw 50 6CW 80 6cw 03
    Text: International [îohIRectifier 6CWQ05F 6CWQ06F 6.6 Amp SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER Description/Features Major Ratings and Characteristics Characteristics 6CWQ.F Units lF AV Rectangular waveform 6.6 A 50/60 V lFSM @ tp -5 p ssin e 360 A VF 0.58 V -40to125 °C V RRM

    OCR Scan
    6CWQ05F 6CWQ06F 6CW 60 6CW 40 6cw 50 6CW 80 6cw 03 PDF


    Abstract: AN295 AN5411 AN5429 95kn
    Text: L IN E A R M O N O L IT H IC IN TE G R A TE D C IR C U IT S IC’s For T V Electrical Characteristics T a = 2 5 X Type No. Function Maximum Ratngs (Ta=25 C) Symbol Ite m T o ta l C irc u it C u rren t Unit 33 46 66 mA 0. 9 1 1 .1 V V o (A G C ) V c c i = 1 3 V , F in -

    OCR Scan
    AN295 V5-10 AIN295 0/AN54 AN5410. AN5429 AN5410 AN5411 AN5429 95kn PDF

    asa 071

    Abstract: lg 42 t
    Text: S'IE D • H6SS45E 0G124D2 2Mfl ■ INR PD-2.313 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER International S Rectifier 6CWQ03F 6CWQ04F SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 6.6 Amp Major Ratings and Characteristics Description/Features Characteristics 6CWQ.F Units lF AV Rectangular waveform 6.6

    OCR Scan
    H6SS45E 0G124D2 6CWQ03F 6CWQ04F asa 071 lg 42 t PDF

    F D319

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD-2.271 International ¡i Sr!Rectifier 85CNQ015 SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 80 Amp Major Ratings and Characteristics Characteristics Description/Features 85CNQ015 Units lF AV Rectangular waveform 80 A V RRM 15 V 5200 A Ifsm @ tp -5 p ssin e The 85CNQ015 center tap Schottky rectifier module has

    OCR Scan
    85CNQ015 85CNQ015 D-319 D-320 F D319 PDF


    Abstract: MELPS 740 MELPS-740 mitsubishi series 740 software
    Text: M ITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS M ELPS 740 SINGLE-CHIP 8-B IT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER MELPS 740 CPU CORE BASIC FUNCTIONS “ 1” , the value contained in inde x re g iste r X be com es the Each serie s of the M ELPS 740 Fam ily uses the standard ad dress for the second OPERAND.

    OCR Scan
    I--30 22-E5 MELPS 740 MELPS-740 mitsubishi series 740 software PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM66301 OKI'S ORIGINAL nX HIGH PERFORMANCE CMOS SINGLE CHIP 8/16 BIT MICROCONTROLLER G EN ERAL DESCRIPTION Th e O K I M SM 66301 is a n e w g e n e r a t io n , h ig h p e r fo r m a n c e s in g le c h ip m ic r o c o n t r o lle r im p le m e n te d in silicon g a te co m p le m e n ta ry m e ta l o x id e s e m ic o n d u c to r te c h n o lo g y C M O S .

    OCR Scan
    MSM66301 16-bit 10-bit MSM66301 PDF