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    EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR BC549 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP44-1010-0.80-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FM82DUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP48-P-0707-0.50D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR BC549 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: BC550 equivalent table BC549B BC549B equivalent BC550C equivalent BC549C TRANSISTOR bc550 PIN bc549 equivalent BC549 CONNECTION
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Noise Transistors BC549B,C NPN Silicon BC550B,C COLLECTOR 1 2 BASE 3 EMITTER 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS 2 Rating Symbol BC549 BC550 Unit Collector – Emitter Voltage VCEO 30 45 Vdc Collector – Base Voltage VCBO 30 50 Vdc

    BC549B BC550B BC549 BC550 226AA) EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc549c BC550 equivalent table BC549B equivalent BC550C equivalent BC549C TRANSISTOR bc550 PIN bc549 equivalent BC549 CONNECTION PDF


    Abstract: bc337 TRANSISTOR equivalent BC337 hie hre hfe EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc547 bc547 sot 23 transistor BC547 equivalent bc337 hie bc338 equivalent bc327 equivalent BC547 sot23
    Text: Application Applikation Bipolar Transistors Bipolartransistoren Nomenclature: Benennung: B – Silicon Transistor C – LF Low Power Transistor nnn – Serial Number X or -nn – hFE Group B – Siliziumtransistor C – NF Kleinleistungstransistor nnn – Serien-Nummer

    BC807 BC808 BC817 BC818 BC846 BC847 BC848 BC849 BC850 BC856 transistors bc337 TRANSISTOR equivalent BC337 hie hre hfe EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc547 bc547 sot 23 transistor BC547 equivalent bc337 hie bc338 equivalent bc327 equivalent BC547 sot23 PDF

    alternator diode 1776 B

    Abstract: 2az marking transistor sot-23 SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y2 ic mb4213 NEC 12F triac F10P048 ktc3114 equivalent SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 02N DIODE PJ 57 ss14 BC517 equivalent
    Text: Transistors Transistors Diodes Diodes Thyristors Thyristors SAW SAW Device Device Dielectric Dielectric Device Device Integrated Integrated Circuit Circuit Table of Contents Index 5 SMD Transistors Line-up PNP Transistors Transistors Line-up (NPN Transistors)

    Hig86-755-3679515 alternator diode 1776 B 2az marking transistor sot-23 SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y2 ic mb4213 NEC 12F triac F10P048 ktc3114 equivalent SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 02N DIODE PJ 57 ss14 BC517 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 2SK3850 equivalent KF9N25 KF7N50 MDF10N65b transistor PANASONIC ZENER Kf10n60 KIA278R12PI equivalent kid65003ap equivalent kia578r05
    Text: Factory : #149, Gongdan-1-dong Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, KOREA 上 Head office : #275-5, Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu Seoul, KOREA 海 ww 众 w. 韩 ck 授 b- 权 sh 代 .c 理 om 2014 Semiconductor Product Guide KEC CORPORATION

    USFB053 USFB13 USFB13A USFB13L USFB14 USFZ10V USFZ11V USFZ12V USFZ13V USFZ15V KF6N60 2SK3850 equivalent KF9N25 KF7N50 MDF10N65b transistor PANASONIC ZENER Kf10n60 KIA278R12PI equivalent kid65003ap equivalent kia578r05 PDF


    Abstract: F10P048 mn1280 mb4213 equivalent smd transistor zaa diode zener ZD 15 ic mb4213 transistor 2AX SMD 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE bc237 equivalent SMD
    Text: Table of Contents Index 5 SMD Transistors Transistors Line-up PNP Transistors Transistors Line-up (NPN Transistors) Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Small Signal Audio Muting Transistors Small Signal Darlington Transistors

    SSIP-12 KIA6283K KIA7217AP SSIP-10 KIA6240K KIA6801K KIA6901P/F MB4213 F10P048 mn1280 mb4213 equivalent smd transistor zaa diode zener ZD 15 ic mb4213 transistor 2AX SMD 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE bc237 equivalent SMD PDF


    Abstract: KGT50N60kda bc547 smd transistor kia1117af transistor smd zG y6 smd transistor MB4213 y4 smd transistor smd transistor zaa KGT25N120NDA
    Text: Table of Contents SMD THD ▣ Table of Contents 2 ▣ Bipolar Junction Transistor 4 Transistor Line-up PNP Transistor Transistor Line-up (NPN Transistor) Small Signal General Purpose Transistor Current Regulating Device Small Signal Low Noise Transistor



    Abstract: khb*9D5N20P MB4213 KIA78*pI MN1280 F10P048 KIA7812A MJE13007 mb4213 equivalent TRANSISTOR SMD N2 3j
    Text: Table of Contents Index 4 SMD ✞✟ Bipolar Junction Transistors Transistor Line-up PNP Transistor Transistor Line-up (NPN Transistor) Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Small Signal Audio Muting Transistors Small Signal High hFE Transistors

    KIA7900PI TC7SH04FU KIC7SH04FU SC604* KAC3301QN M51943 KIA7042AP/AF TC7SH08FU KIC7SH08FU LT1937 oz960 khb*9D5N20P MB4213 KIA78*pI MN1280 F10P048 KIA7812A MJE13007 mb4213 equivalent TRANSISTOR SMD N2 3j PDF

    BC517 spice model

    Abstract: bc547 spice model bc548 spice model h1 m6c MPS6595 bc557 Spice Model BF245 A spice spice model bf199 BC640 SPICE model transistor motorola Selector Guide Plastic-Encapsulated Transistors GreenLineTM Portfolio Devices S
    Text: Selector Guide 1 Plastic-Encapsulated Transistors 2 GreenLine Portfolio Devices 3 Small-Signal Field-Effect Transistors and MOSFETs 4 Small-Signal Tuning and Switching Diodes 5 Tape and Reel Specifications and Packaging Specifications 6 Surface Mount Information

    VN2410L BC517 spice model bc547 spice model bc548 spice model h1 m6c MPS6595 bc557 Spice Model BF245 A spice spice model bf199 BC640 SPICE model transistor motorola Selector Guide Plastic-Encapsulated Transistors GreenLineTM Portfolio Devices S PDF


    Abstract: ZENER DIODE t2d MMBD2101 MMBD2102 MMBD2104 SMD codes bc107 TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PACKAGE SOT23 Transistor NEC 05F BAT15-115S NDS358N
    Text: THE SMD CODEBOOK SMD Codes. SMD devices are, by their very nature, too small to carry conventional semiconductor type numbers. Instead, a somewhat arbitrary coding system has grown up, where the device package carries a simple two- or three-character ID code.

    BZV49 BZV55 500mW BAS32, BAS45, BAV105 LL4148, LL4448 BB241 BB249 MMBD2103 ZENER DIODE t2d MMBD2101 MMBD2102 MMBD2104 SMD codes bc107 TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PACKAGE SOT23 Transistor NEC 05F BAT15-115S NDS358N PDF

    SMD Codes

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD T1P MMBD2104 BAW92 smd transistor A6a schottky diode s6 81A a4s smd transistor Transistor SMD a7s transistor SMD P2F MMBD2101
    Text: THE SMD CODEBOOK SMD Codes. SMD devices are, by their very nature, too small to carry conventional semiconductor type numbers. Instead, a somewhat arbitrary coding system has grown up, where the device package carries a simple two- or three-character ID code.

    BZV49 BZV55 500mW BAS32, BAS45, BAV105 LL4148, LL4448 BB241 BB249 SMD Codes TRANSISTOR SMD T1P MMBD2104 BAW92 smd transistor A6a schottky diode s6 81A a4s smd transistor Transistor SMD a7s transistor SMD P2F MMBD2101 PDF

    diac d83

    Abstract: TELEVISION EHT TRANSFORMERS Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors "Power Semiconductor Applications" Philips IC HEF 4538 TDA3654 equivalent at2090/01 D63 diac varistor 10E 431 automatic voltage stabilizer circuit diagram lm324
    Text: Televisions and Monitors Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors CHAPTER 4 Televisions and Monitors 4.1 Power Devices in TV Applications including selection guides 4.2 Deflection Circuit Examples 4.3 SMPS Circuit Examples 4.4 Monitor Deflection and SMPS Example



    Abstract: Transistor NEC 05F hp2835 diode ZENER DIODE t2d what is the equivalent of ZTX 458 transistor MMBD2103 T2D DIODE 3w T2D 8N 2n2222 as equivalent for bfr96 mmbf4932
    Text: The Surface Mount Device Code Book R P Blackwell G4PMK A marsport publication! Introduction SMD devices are, by their very nature, too small to carry conventional semiconductor type numbers. Instead, a somewhat arbitrary coding system has grown up, where the device package carries a

    BAS32, BAS45, BAV105 LL4148, LL4448 BB241 BB249 LL914 LL4150, MMBD2104 Transistor NEC 05F hp2835 diode ZENER DIODE t2d what is the equivalent of ZTX 458 transistor MMBD2103 T2D DIODE 3w T2D 8N 2n2222 as equivalent for bfr96 mmbf4932 PDF


    Abstract: PCF7935AS PCF79730S-3851 PCF7931 PCF7935 PCF7931XP/C PCF79730S pcf79735S PHILIPS PCF7935AS TDA4859ps

    87C528 X3A-KTY181/1 X3A-OH155 PCF7931AS PCF7935AS PCF79730S-3851 PCF7931 PCF7935 PCF7931XP/C PCF79730S pcf79735S PHILIPS PCF7935AS TDA4859ps PDF


    Abstract: OM8384J OM8383S TDA8363C msc 1697 BGY252 tda9155 PHILIPS OM8383S tda5331t BGY262

    1N4003ID 1N4005G 1N4006G 30-Jun-02 30-Jun-01 30-Jun-01 31-Dec-01 tda8362b OM8384J OM8383S TDA8363C msc 1697 BGY252 tda9155 PHILIPS OM8383S tda5331t BGY262 PDF

    transistor f6 13003

    Abstract: equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350
    Text: W IDEBAND TRANSISTORS AND W IDEBAND HYBR ID 1C MODULES page P refa ce. 3 Selection guide Wideband transistors.

    OCR Scan
    SC08b transistor f6 13003 equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350 PDF

    Pnp transistor smd ba rn

    Abstract: transistor marking code 12W SOT-23 smd transistor marking p69 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s2a transistor smd bc rn TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru 1ff TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE smd transistor P2D Motorola transistor smd marking codes SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING P28
    Text: ont«* fj= !IS iìC O Ii ú U C i o y G o ï p . TH t N t x ï G é n é r a t i o n o í s m d M D 9 D A T 9 9 and ap iablished jality system f A . the Resign and Manufactu ~ d iscrete ^SeTOiCbiSuct audit as been fu rnlis ishh^ALth th a t tj tJ j A » q u ire le n ts according tj

    OCR Scan
    Q9001-1994i CMSH1-20ML Pnp transistor smd ba rn transistor marking code 12W SOT-23 smd transistor marking p69 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s2a transistor smd bc rn TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru 1ff TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE smd transistor P2D Motorola transistor smd marking codes SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING P28 PDF


    Abstract: BFW10 FET transistor CQY58 germanium RX101 equivalent components FET BFW10 bd643 bf199 283 to92 600a transistor zener phc
    Text: SMALL-SIGNAL FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS page Selection guide N-channel junction field-effect transistors general purpose. for differential am plifiers.

    OCR Scan
    LCD01 BGY41 BFW10 FET transistor CQY58 germanium RX101 equivalent components FET BFW10 bd643 bf199 283 to92 600a transistor zener phc PDF

    smd npn 2n2222

    Abstract: bf471 BSR62 equivalent EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc549c transistor bf 175 transistor bc547 PH in metal detector tunnel diode BSY95A BF470 BC200
    Text: SM ALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS page Selection guide A udio and general purpose a p p lica tio n s. 5 HF applications.

    OCR Scan
    2PC1815L 2PC1815 10xx0. 7Z88986 smd npn 2n2222 bf471 BSR62 equivalent EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc549c transistor bf 175 transistor bc547 PH in metal detector tunnel diode BSY95A BF470 BC200 PDF


    Abstract: BF247 equivalent brochage des circuits integres Triac GK transistor bc 564 BC547E TI Small Signal FET Catalogue bcw 91 transistor SESCO SESCOSEM
    Text: GENERAL INFORMATION , , v^ INFORMATION GENERALE ” ; V Index Index 3 ' v.»A* K \ a 1 Selection guide Guide de sélection Qualified devices Dispositifs homologués Quality Qualité Symbols Symboles DATA SHEETS NOTICES SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS TRANSISTORS DE SIGNAL AU SILICIUM

    OCR Scan

    catalogue des transistors bipolaires de puissance

    Abstract: brochage des circuits integres H3C1-07 LB 124 transistor equivalente transistor A2222 equivalent of transistor bc212 bc 214 BFw-11 terminals SESCOSEM transistor equivalente transistor BC 141 Brochage BCW91
    Text: GENERAL INFORMATION , , v^ INFORMATION GENERALE ” ; V Index Index 3 ' v.»A* K \ a 1 Selection guide Guide de sélection Qualified devices Dispositifs homologués Quality Qualité Symbols Symboles DATA SHEETS NOTICES SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS TRANSISTORS DE SIGNAL AU SILICIUM

    OCR Scan

    W1P 59 transistor

    Abstract: W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn
    Text: Philips S em iconductors S urface m oun ted sem ico n d u cto rs C on ten ts PART A page SELECTION GUIDE General purpose transistors 4 High frequency transistors 8 Broadband transistors 8 Switching transistors 10 Power transistors for switching 12 Low-noise transistors

    OCR Scan
    197/197X S310N W1P 59 transistor W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845
    Text: MASTER SELECTION GUIDE EUROPEAN SUPPLEMENT This is the European supplement to the USA edition of the Master Selection Guide, SG73/D REV 3. It should be read along with the USA edition. The supplement carries amendments to sections 1 and 5 in the USA edition.

    OCR Scan
    SG73/D triac zd 607 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845 PDF

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF


    Abstract: cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8
    Text: Contents Page Page New product index Combined index and status codes viii x Mullard approved components BS9000, CECC, and D3007 lists CV list Integrated circuits Section index xliii 1 5 Standard functions LOGIC FAMILIES CMOS HE4000B family specifications CMOS HE4000B family survey

    OCR Scan
    BS9000, D3007 HE4000B 80RIBUTION BS9000 BPW22A cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8 PDF