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    Siemens BUZ307

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    Bristol Electronics BUZ307 12
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    Quest Components BUZ307 304
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    ComSIT USA BUZ307 475
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    BUZ307 Datasheets (10)

    ECAD Model
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    BUZ 307 Infineon Technologies Conventional Power MOS Transistors Original PDF
    BUZ307 Infineon Technologies N-Channel SIPMOS Power Transistor, 800V, TO-218, 3.00 ?, 3.0A Original PDF
    BUZ307 Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS Transistor Original PDF
    BUZ307 Siemens SIPMOS Power Transistor (N channel Enhancement mode Avalanche-rated) Original PDF
    BUZ307 Siemens Original PDF
    BUZ307 Toshiba Power MOSFETs Cross Reference Guide Original PDF
    BUZ307 Unknown Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Data Short Form PDF
    BUZ307 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    BUZ307 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    BUZ307 Siemens Power Transistors Scan PDF

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    MOSFET 800V 15A

    Abstract: BUZ307 218AA

    BUZ307 O-218AA MOSFET 800V 15A BUZ307 218AA PDF


    Abstract: spb32N03l rfp60n06 SSH6N80 FQP50N10 FSD6680 STP55NF06 AND ITS EQUIVALENT SFP70N03 HGTG*N60A4D irf630 irf640
    Text: MOSFETs Progress in Power Switching Cross Reference STM i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s More Intelligent Solutions FAIRCHILD / SAMSUNG FAIRCHILD / INTERSIL HITACHI ON-SEMI PHILIPS INFINEON SIEMENS TEMIC / VISHAY TOSHIBA IR IXYS ST Nearest Preferred Supplier

    STP7NB40 STT3PF30L STD20NE03L STP60NE03L-12 STP60NE03L-10 STP40NF03L STP80NE03L-06 STS4DPF30L fqp60n06 spb32N03l rfp60n06 SSH6N80 FQP50N10 FSD6680 STP55NF06 AND ITS EQUIVALENT SFP70N03 HGTG*N60A4D irf630 irf640 PDF

    IRF540 complementary

    Abstract: IRFZ44N complementary std2n52 TOSHIBA IRFZ44A datasheet STP2NA60 SSH6N80 rfp60n06 ste38na50 IRF630 complementary IRF3205 IR
    Text: Sales type RFP6N50 RFD16N03LSM RFP15N05L RFP50N05 RFP15N05 RFP50N05L RFD14N05L RFD14N05LSM RFD14N05SM RFP14N05L RFP25N05 RFP14N05 HUF75344P3 HUF75344S3S HUF75345S3S HUF75345G3 HUF75343S3S HUF75307D3S HUF75344G3 HUF75345P3 HUF75343P3 HUF5343G3 HUF75321P3 HUF75329P3

    RFP6N50 RFD16N03LSM RFP15N05L RFP50N05 RFP15N05 RFP50N05L RFD14N05L RFD14N05LSM RFD14N05SM RFP14N05L IRF540 complementary IRFZ44N complementary std2n52 TOSHIBA IRFZ44A datasheet STP2NA60 SSH6N80 rfp60n06 ste38na50 IRF630 complementary IRF3205 IR PDF


    Abstract: MTW14P20 BSS125 MTAJ30N06HD 2SK2837 equivalent SMU10P05 SMP60N06 replacement STE180N10 RFH75N05E IRFD620
    Text: Power MOSFETs Cross Reference Alphanumerically Part Number VDSS V RDS(ON) (ohm) ID (A) PD (W) Package 2N7000 2N7002 2SJ377 2SJ378 2SJ380 2SJ401 2SJ402 2SJ407 2SJ412 2SJ419 2SJ420 2SJ421 2SJ438 2SJ439 2SJ464 2SJ465 2SJ468 2SJ469 2SJ482 2SJ507 2SJ508 2SJ509

    2N7000 2N7002 2SJ377 2SJ378 2SJ380 2SJ401 2SJ402 2SJ407 2SJ412 2SJ419 YTA630 MTW14P20 BSS125 MTAJ30N06HD 2SK2837 equivalent SMU10P05 SMP60N06 replacement STE180N10 RFH75N05E IRFD620 PDF

    SIEMENS 800

    Abstract: 950p to-247 package MTH6N85 2SK351 IRFAF30 21n60n
    Text: MOSFET Item Number Part Number Manufacturer V BR DSS loss Max (V) (A) ros (on) (Ohms) Po Max ON) 9FS VGS(th) C|S8 •Oper Max Max tr Max tf Min Max Max W (V) (F) (8) (8) (°0 Package Style MOSFETs, N-Channel Enhancement-Type (Cont'd) . . .5 . .10 BUZ308 BUZ80

    O-220AB O-218 O-204 204AC O-238AA SIEMENS 800 950p to-247 package MTH6N85 2SK351 IRFAF30 21n60n PDF


    Abstract: rfp60n06 IRF3205 IR BUK417-500AE SFP70N03 BUZ91A 2SK2717 STMicroelectronics BUZ22 IXFH13N50
    Text: Sales type BUZ10 BUZ11 BUZ11A BUZ71 BUZ71A BUZ72A BUZ80A IRF520 IRF530 IRF540 IRF620 IRF630 IRF640 IRF730 IRF740 IRF820 IRF830 IRF840 IRFBC30 IRFBC40 IRFZ40 MTP3055E STB10NA40 STB10NB20 STB10NB50 STB11NB40 STB15N25 STB16NB25 STB18N20 STB19NB20 STB30N10 STB36NE03L

    BUZ10 BUZ11 BUZ11A BUZ71 BUZ71A BUZ72A BUZ80A IRF520 IRF530 IRF540 SSH6N80 rfp60n06 IRF3205 IR BUK417-500AE SFP70N03 BUZ91A 2SK2717 STMicroelectronics BUZ22 IXFH13N50 PDF

    MTP6N60E equivalent

    Abstract: buz91a equivalent buz90 equivalent IRFBE30 equivalent IRFB11N50A equivalent irfp460a equivalent BUZ74 equivalent 2SK2645 "cross reference" equivalent buz305 EQUIVALENT irfp22n50a
    Text: Infineon Technologies Cross Reference List CoolMOS CoolMOS Company Product Name VDS [V] IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IRF820 IRF820A IRF820AS IRF820S IRF830A IRF830AS IRF830S IRF840 IRF840A IRF840AS IRF840LCS IRF840S

    IRF820 IRF820A IRF820AS IRF820S IRF830A IRF830AS IRF830S IRF840 IRF840A IRF840AS MTP6N60E equivalent buz91a equivalent buz90 equivalent IRFBE30 equivalent IRFB11N50A equivalent irfp460a equivalent BUZ74 equivalent 2SK2645 "cross reference" equivalent buz305 EQUIVALENT irfp22n50a PDF


    Abstract: BUY46 BUW32 BUS13A BUV21 ISO BUZ171 equivalent BUY22 BUT51P BUX23 BUT13P
    Text: STI Type: 2N5050 Notes: Polarity: NPN Power Dissipation: 40 VCBO: 125 VCER: 125 ICBO: 125 ICBO ua: 500 hFE: 25 hFE A: 1.0 VCE: 1.0 VBE: 1.2 IC A: .75 COB: 250 fT: 10 Case Style: TO-213AA/TO-66 Industry Type: 2N5050 STI Type: 2N5052 Notes: *BVCEO Polarity: NPN

    2N5050 O-213AA/TO-66 2N5052 2N5055 O-206AA/TO-18: 2N5056 2N5101 BUY46 BUW32 BUS13A BUV21 ISO BUZ171 equivalent BUY22 BUT51P BUX23 BUT13P PDF

    TDA 16822

    Abstract: 04N60C3 equivalent ICE1QS01 equivalent tda 3050 tda 1040 TDA 16846 TDA 16888 1QS01 07N60C3 mosfet transistor 04n60c3
    Text: ICs: SMPS, CoolSET TM TM – D i s c r e t e s : C o o l M O S , I G B T, t h i n Q ! Pow e r Ma n a g e m e n t & Su p p l y : : AC / D C Se l e c t i o n Gu i d e Never stop thinking. TM Introduction TODAY’S MODERN LIFE style leads to a fast growing energy requirement as

    B152-H8202-X-X-7600 TDA 16822 04N60C3 equivalent ICE1QS01 equivalent tda 3050 tda 1040 TDA 16846 TDA 16888 1QS01 07N60C3 mosfet transistor 04n60c3 PDF

    2N4351 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: MRF966 3SK124 2N3819 MOTOROLA BFS28 3SK45 BSV81 2N4221 motorola BC547 MOTOROLA 3SK76
    Text: REPLACEMENTI ALTERNATE SOURCE 2SK355 Part No. Alternate Device 2SK355 Conl'd IRF241 2SK357 BUZ30 BUZ43A IRF623 2SK358 BUZ60 2SK382 BUZ42 BUZ74A IRF822 VN0350N5 2SK383 BUZ72 IRF530 2SK385 IRFP340 2SK386 IRFP453 2SK387 IRFP241 2SK388 IRFP351 2SK398 BUZ23 IRF132

    2SK355 IRF241 2SK357 BUZ30 BUZ43A IRF623 2SK358 BUZ60 2SK382 2N4351 MOTOROLA MRF966 3SK124 2N3819 MOTOROLA BFS28 3SK45 BSV81 2N4221 motorola BC547 MOTOROLA 3SK76 PDF


    Abstract: SSH6N80 spb32N03l SMP60N03-10L SSP80N06A IRF540 application rfp60n06 fsd9933a 2SK790 IRFZ30
    Text: 电子元器件系列 RF-Micom co.,Ltd Sale Phone:86-592-5713956 MOSFETs Progress in Power Switching Cross Reference STM i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s More Intelligent Solutions FAIRCHILD / SAMSUNG FAIRCHILD / INTERSIL

    STP7NB40 STT3PF30L STD20NE03L STP60NE03L-12 STP60NE03L-10 STP40NF03L STP80NE03L-06 STS4DPF30L fqp60n06 SSH6N80 spb32N03l SMP60N03-10L SSP80N06A IRF540 application rfp60n06 fsd9933a 2SK790 IRFZ30 PDF


    Abstract: transistor k 3911 BUZ307 V103 K 3911
    Text: N AMER PH IL IPS/DISCR ETE DbE D • PowerMOS transistor tLSaiBl G014Ô01 BUZ307 r - 3 ^ -1 1 May 1987 GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enchancement mode fleld-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies

    OCR Scan
    BUZ307 T0218AA; 0014SD7 T-39-11 V103 TRANSISTOR transistor k 3911 BUZ307 V103 K 3911 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N APIER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DbE D PowerMOS transistor • bLSaiBl QQ14fl01 5 ■ BUZ307 t -s t -u May 1987 GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enchancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies

    OCR Scan
    QQ14fl01 BUZ307 T0218AA; T-39-11 0014fl0b bfciS3T31 BU2307 PDF

    transistor f6 13003

    Abstract: equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350
    Text: W IDEBAND TRANSISTORS AND W IDEBAND HYBR ID 1C MODULES page P refa ce. 3 Selection guide Wideband transistors.

    OCR Scan
    SC08b transistor f6 13003 equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350 PDF

    FET BFW10

    Abstract: KP101A FET BFW11 BDX38 KPZ20G CQY58A BFW10 FET RPW100 B0943 OF FET BFW11
    Text: INDEX _ INDEX OF TYPE NUM BERS The inclusion of a type number in this publication does not necessarily imply its availability. Type no. book section Type no. book section Type no. book section BA220 BA221 BA223 BA281 BA314 SCOI SCOI SCOI SCOI

    OCR Scan
    BA220 BA221 BA223 BA281 BA314 BA315 BA316 BA317 BA318 BA423 FET BFW10 KP101A FET BFW11 BDX38 KPZ20G CQY58A BFW10 FET RPW100 B0943 OF FET BFW11 PDF


    Abstract: TXD10K60 BT1690 BT808 1N5004 TXD10H60 mp8706 TXC10K40 BSTC1026 BT13G
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 86 BSE D • X'Ql-oX bbS3131 QOlbSbH 4 ■ General Information CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE INDUSTRY PART NUMBER PG. NEAREST EQUIV. NO. 0105-50 0204-50 0510-25 12F5 12F5R BLU52 BLU52 BLV97 BYX99-300 BYX99-300R 12F10 12F10R 12F20 12F20R 12F40

    OCR Scan
    bbS3131 BLU52 1N321 BYW56 1N321A BLV97 1N322 TXD10K40 TXD10K60 BT1690 BT808 1N5004 TXD10H60 mp8706 TXC10K40 BSTC1026 BT13G PDF