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    180MADC Search Results

    180MADC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2N3700 2n3019 equivalent 000-inch 2N3700 JAN 2N3019 2N3019S 2N3057A to-206aa
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / 978 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: // Gort Road Business Park, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044 Fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298 LOW POWER NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR

    MIL-PRF-19500/391 2N3019 2N3019S 2N3057A 2N3700 2N3700UB 2N3700UB) T4-LDS-0185 2N3700UB 2N3700 2n3019 equivalent 000-inch 2N3700 JAN 2N3019 2N3019S 2N3057A to-206aa PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / 978 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: // Gort Road Business Park, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044 Fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298 LOW POWER NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR

    MIL-PRF-19500/391 2N3019 2N3019S 2N3057A 2N3700 2N3700S 2N3700UB 2N3019; 2N3019S 2N3057A PDF

    2n3019 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N3019S
    Text: TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / 978 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: // Gort Road Business Park, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044 Fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298 LOW POWER NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR

    MIL-PRF-19500/391 2N3019 2N3019S 2N3057A 2N3700 2N3700UB 2N3019) 2N3700UB) T4-LDS-0185 2n3019 equivalent 2N3019S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2. 1. Mechanical Dimensions: Schematic: 2.0±D.2 o- o- 3. Electrical Specifications: ,4±0.1 OCL: 3 .9 0 u H i1 0 % @7.96MHz 1.0V Q; 30 Min @7.96MHz SRF: 48MHz Min DC Res.: 2.10 Ohms Max DC Current: 180mAdc Max T - 5r _L Notes; 1. Solderablllty: Leads shall meet MIL—STD—202G,

    OCR Scan
    90uHi10% 96MHz 48MHz 180mAdc MIL-STD-202G. El51556 10Zmm) PDF

    SJ 2036

    Abstract: jsw marking 2N2631 2N2876 transistor JSW 12 ic sj 2036 transistor JSW 2N263 CLA transistor JSW 70
    Text: M IL -S - 1£500/303 NAVY 22 O cto b er 1964 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TRANSISTOR, T Y PE S 2N263I AND 2N2876 1. SCOPE 1.1 D e sc rip tio n .- T h is sp e c ific a tio n c o v e rs the d e ta il re q u ire m e n ts fo r a silic o n , NPN tr a n s is to r and is

    OCR Scan
    2N2631 2N2876 MIL-S-19500, 2N2876 2N2631. SJ 2036 jsw marking transistor JSW 12 ic sj 2036 transistor JSW 2N263 CLA transistor JSW 70 PDF