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    Abstract: MB90F462 FMC-16LX MB90F387 MC-16LX MB90F4
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL XXXX-XXXX-XX-E F²MC-16 FAMILY 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER An Additional Manual for the Softune Linkage Kit F²MC-16LX Standby Mode Transition Instruction Check FUJITSU LIMITED PREFACE •Objectives and Intended Readership

    MC-16 16-BIT MC-16LX trademarksF90007 00F9000D flnk907s MB90F387 00F90001 00F90003 FMC16LX MB90F462 FMC-16LX MB90F4 PDF


    Abstract: AN-994 C-150 IRGB15B60KD IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD 94383D
    Text: PD - 94383D IRGB15B60KD IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE C Features • Low VCE on Non Punch Through IGBT Technology. • Low Diode VF. • 10µs Short Circuit Capability. • Square RBSOA. • Ultrasoft Diode Reverse Recovery Characteristics.

    94383D IRGB15B60KD IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD O-220AB AN-994. O-220 IRGB15B60K AN-994 C-150 IRGB15B60KD IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD 94383D PDF


    Abstract: IRGSL15B60KD AN-994 C-150 IRGB15B60KD
    Text: PD - 94383D IRGB15B60KD IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE C Features • Low VCE on Non Punch Through IGBT Technology. • Low Diode VF. • 10µs Short Circuit Capability. • Square RBSOA. • Ultrasoft Diode Reverse Recovery Characteristics.

    94383D IRGB15B60KD IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD O-220AB AN-994. O-220 IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD AN-994 C-150 IRGB15B60KD PDF


    Abstract: C-150 IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD IRGB15B60KDPBF
    Text: PD - 95194 IRGB15B60KDPbF IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE C Features • Low VCE on Non Punch Through IGBT Technology. • Low Diode VF. • 10µs Short Circuit Capability. • Square RBSOA. • Ultrasoft Diode Reverse Recovery Characteristics.

    IRGB15B60KDPbF IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD O-220 O-220AB O-262 IRGB15B60KDPbF IRGS15B60KD AN-994. AN-994 C-150 IRGSL15B60KD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 94383D IRGB15B60KD IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE C Features • Low VCE on Non Punch Through IGBT Technology. • Low Diode VF. • 10µs Short Circuit Capability. • Square RBSOA. • Ultrasoft Diode Reverse Recovery Characteristics.

    94383D IRGB15B60KD IRGS15B60KD IRGSL15B60KD O-220AB AN-994. O-220 PDF

    0805 size footprint

    Abstract: WF MB 102
    Text: Class 3 Y5V 10/16/25/50/100 V Vishay BCcomponents Surface Mount Multilayer Chip Capacitors FEATURES ∑ Class 3 dielectric ∑ Four standard sizes ∑ High capacitance per unit volume ∑ Supplied in tape on reel ∑ For high frequency applications ∑ Ni-barrier with 100 % tin terminations.

    18-Sep-03 0805 size footprint WF MB 102 PDF

    WF MB 102

    Abstract: CD110H
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR CD110H WF WF FEATURE : 85 5000 Life time:85 5000 hours High performance For general consumer and industrial electronic products application SPECIFICATIONS Performance Characteristics Item 6.3V.DC Rated Voltage Range 100V.DC

    CD110H 120Hz) 16X25 18X30 18X35 10X12 10X16 10X20 WF MB 102 PDF

    WF MB 101

    Abstract: WF MB 102
    Text: Class 2 X7R 10/16/25/50/100 V Vishay BCcomponents Surface Mount Multilayer Chip Capacitors FEATURES ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ Stable class 2 dielectric Four standard sizes High capacitance per unit volume Supplied in tape on reel For high frequency applications

    time1000 15-Sep-03 WF MB 101 WF MB 102 PDF

    Kp 1010

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Class 2 X7R 10/16/25/50/100 V Vishay BCcomponents Surface Mount Multilayer Chip Capacitors FEATURES ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ Stable class 2 dielectric Four standard sizes High capacitance per unit volume Supplied in tape on reel For high frequency applications

    time1000 13-Jul-04 Kp 1010 PDF

    Altera hardcopy ASIC

    Abstract: LF1152 FF1152 4SE360 4SE230
    Text: Technology for Business HardCopy ASICs Electronic system designs are becoming more challenging, but the technology options available today to address this situation are limited. Standard-cell ASICs are too risky and expensive to design with, as reflected by the significant reduction seen recently in designs using ASICs

    Syst340 SS-01038-2 Altera hardcopy ASIC LF1152 FF1152 4SE360 4SE230 PDF

    transistor SMD p95

    Abstract: uPD703130 uPD703130GC-8EU
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD703130 V850E/MS2TM 32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER TM The µPD703130 is a member of the V850 Family control operations. of 32-bit single-chip microcontrollers designed for real-time These microcontrollers provide on-chip features, including a 32-bit CPU, RAM, interrupt

    PD703130 V850E/MS2TM 32-BIT PD703130 V850E/MS2 V850E/MS1 U14985E transistor SMD p95 uPD703130 uPD703130GC-8EU PDF

    transistor SMD p95

    Abstract: dvd D 5888 s uPD703130 uPD703130GC-8EU uPD703130GC-8EU-A U14985E
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD703130 V850E/MS2 32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The µPD703130 is a member of the V850 Series of 32-bit single-chip microcontrollers designed for real-time control operations. These microcontrollers provide on-chip features, including a 32-bit CPU, RAM, interrupt controller,

    PD703130 V850E/MS2 32-BIT PD703130 V850E/MS2 U14985E V850E/MS1, transistor SMD p95 dvd D 5888 s uPD703130 uPD703130GC-8EU uPD703130GC-8EU-A U14985E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid


    transistor SMD p95

    Abstract: uPD703130 dvd D 5888 s uPD703130GC-8EU uPD703130GC-8EU-A
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid


    IC 7447

    Abstract: "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" IC 7495 dioda by 238 SYk 04 vergleichsliste BY 235 D147d IC 7474 ic 74193
    Text: eiecrronic Halbleiter-Bauelemente Vergleichsliste Hersteller Bi BA Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi 100 103 106 116 127 147/25 147/50 152 i E S 8 Ti 8 T. T Se B i 152 Hl B i 170 B i 177 B i 178 B i 1«B BA 187 B i 204 B i 216 B i 217 B i 216 B i 219 B i 220 BA 221 B i 222

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - PRELIMINARY - October 1996 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU PRODUCT PROFILE SHEET M B 8 1 4 4 5 D - 6 0 / 7 0 / 6 0 L / 7 0 L CMOS 1M X 4 BIT HYPER PAGE MODE DRAM CMOS 1,048,576 x 4 bit Hyper Page M ode Dynamic RAM The Fujitsu M B814405D is a fully decoded CMOS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains 4,194,304

    OCR Scan
    B814405D MB814405D PDF


    Abstract: JX-45
    Text: MSM8128S/K/V/W/JX-45/55/70 Issue 1.0 : August 1989 1 2 8 K x 8 M o n o l i t h i c C M O S SRAT MSM8128S/K/V/W/JX ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION 131,072 x 8 C M O S High Speed Static RAM Features Fast Access Times of 45,55,70 nS A SIC JEDEC 1Megabit Module Pinout

    OCR Scan
    MSM8128S/K/V/W/JX-45/55/70 MSM8128S/K/V/W/JX 150mW MIL-STD-883B MSM8128SXLMB-45 MIL-STD-883B msm8128sxlmb JX-45 PDF


    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VEB mikroelektronik mikroelektronik DDR a211d B109D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" VEB Kombinat zf filter VEB Kombinat halbleiterwerk
    Text: Halbleiter-Bauelemente Semiconductors 1981 D ie vorliegende Übersicht enthält in gedrängter Form die wichtigsten Grenz- und Kenn daten der in der D D R gefertigten H albleiterbauelem ente. Dem Anw ender soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl d er jew eils in Frage kommenden

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - PRELIMINARY Jun. 1995 Edition 2.0 P R O D U C T PR O FII F S H F F T • - FUJITSU M B 8 1 V4260S-60/-70 CMOS 256KX 16 BIT FAST PAGE MODE DYNAMIC RAM C M O S 262,144 x 16 bit Fast Page M ode Dynamic RAM The Fujitsu MB81V4260S is a fully decoded CM OS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains 4,194,304

    OCR Scan
    V4260S-60/-70 256KX MB81V4260S 512x16-- B81V4260S-60/-70 PDF


    Abstract: CNY17G3
    Text: Philip* Semiconductor* Product specification High-voltage op to co u p lers CNY17G/CNY17GF FEATURES • High current transfer ratio and a low saturation voltage, making the devices suitable for use with TTL integrated circuits • High degree of A C and DC

    OCR Scan
    CNY17G/CNY17GF E90700 BS415 BS7002 003S4T2 CNY17GF CNY17G3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - PRELIMINARY - April 1996 Edition 2.2 FUJITSU PRODUCT PROFILE SHEET M B 8 1 4405C-60/-70 CMOS 1M X 4 BIT HYPER PAGE MODE DRAM CMOS 1,048,576 x 4 bit Hyper Page Mode D y na m ic RAM The Fujitsu M B814405C is a fully decoded CM OS Dynamic RAM DRAM that contains 4,194,304

    OCR Scan
    4405C-60/-70 B814405C DS05-10189-1E S-20095-5/96 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MDM11000T/V/G/J-10/12/15 Issue 1.0 July 1989 MDM11000-T/V/G/J 1Mx 1 Monolithic c m o s d r a m ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION 1,048,576 x 1 CMOS High Speed Dynamic RAM Features Pin Definition Package Type: T.'V'.'G'.'J' Row Access Times of 100/120/150 nS High density 300mil DIP Package

    OCR Scan
    MDM11000T/V/G/J-10/12/15 MDM11000-T/V/G/J 300mil MDM11000T MIL-883B 10OOT/V/G/J-10/12/15 DM110 PDF

    mikroelektronik ddr

    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VEB mikroelektronik vqb 71 A910D VQB71 "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" diode sy-170 VQB 37 u112d
    Text: Halbleiter-Bauelemente Semiconductors Die vorliegende Übersicht enthält in gedrängter Form die wichtigsten Grenz- und Kenn­ daten der in der DDR gefertigten Halbleiterbauelem ente. Dem Anwender soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jeweils in Frage kommenden

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: sk 4f1 semikron ske 4 f 2 SK 4F1/10 ske4f1 SKE4F ske 2.5 SKE4F1/08 SK+4F1/06 SKE4F1/01
    Text: 156 0 | SEMIKRCN INC ai3bt.?l 000103 3 1 | sem ikrd n T - 0 3 - J S Fast Recovery Rectifier Diodes Ifrm s maximum values for continuous operation V rsm V rrm 7A Ifav (sin. 180; Tamb = 45 °C) SKE2F1 SKE4F1 SKE4G1 1,2 A V trr = 0,2 [is trr = 0,4 (is 100 SKE 2 F 1/01

    OCR Scan
    2F1/02 4F1/02 4F1/08 4F1/10 SEMIKRON SKE sk 4f1 semikron ske 4 f 2 SK 4F1/10 ske4f1 SKE4F ske 2.5 SKE4F1/08 SK+4F1/06 SKE4F1/01 PDF