Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
DFE2016CKA-1R0M=P2 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 1uH 1800mA NONAUTO |
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LQW18CN55NJ0HD | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 55nH 1500mA POWRTRN |
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LQW18CNR56J0HD | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 560nH 450mA POWRTRN |
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DFE322520F-2R2M=P2 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 2.2uH 4400mA NONAUTO |
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LQW18CN4N9D0HD | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 4.9nH 2600mA POWRTRN |
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Catalog Datasheet | Type | Document Tags | |
8051 16bit addition, subtraction
Abstract: verilog code for floating point division verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for cordic verilog code for floating point multiplication program for 8051 16bit square root vhdl code for cordic multiplication test bench for 16 bit shifter verilog code for cordic
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IEEE-754 16-bit 32-bit 32-bit 8051 16bit addition, subtraction verilog code for floating point division verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for cordic verilog code for floating point multiplication program for 8051 16bit square root vhdl code for cordic multiplication test bench for 16 bit shifter verilog code for cordic | |
test bench for 16 bit shifter
Abstract: processor control unit vhdl code download verilog code for floating point unit SUBTRACTION verilog code for 8051 verilog code for floating point multiplication microcontroller using vhdl 80C51 DR8051 vhdl code for 8 bit floating point processor
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IEEE-754 32-bit test bench for 16 bit shifter processor control unit vhdl code download verilog code for floating point unit SUBTRACTION verilog code for 8051 verilog code for floating point multiplication microcontroller using vhdl 80C51 DR8051 vhdl code for 8 bit floating point processor | |
verilog code for floating point multiplication
Abstract: vhdl code 8 bit processor vhdl code for 8 bit floating point processor verilog code for floating point division DP8051 8051 16bit addition, subtraction design and implementation of 32 bit floating point ARITHMETIC COPROCESSOR verilog code for double precision floating point multiplication verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication
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verilog code for floating point multiplication
Abstract: vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for 8 bit floating point processor verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication verilog code for cordic verilog code for double precision floating point multiplication 8051 16bit addition, subtraction verilog code for single precision floating point addition DP8051 IEEE 754
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verilog code for floating point multiplication
Abstract: vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for cordic VHDL code for floating point addition verilog code for floating point division vhdl code for cordic multiplication program for 8051 16bit square root verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication 8051 16bit addition, subtraction CORDIC sine cosine float altera
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DP8051, 32-bit verilog code for floating point multiplication vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for cordic VHDL code for floating point addition verilog code for floating point division vhdl code for cordic multiplication program for 8051 16bit square root verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication 8051 16bit addition, subtraction CORDIC sine cosine float altera | |
VHDL code for floating point addition
Abstract: verilog code for floating point division ARITHMETIC COPROCESSOR processor control unit vhdl code vhdl code 8 bit processor 80C51 APEX20KC APEX20KE DP8051 verilog code for floating point multiplication
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DP8051, 32-bit VHDL code for floating point addition verilog code for floating point division ARITHMETIC COPROCESSOR processor control unit vhdl code vhdl code 8 bit processor 80C51 APEX20KC APEX20KE DP8051 verilog code for floating point multiplication | |
verilog code for cordic
Abstract: verilog code for logarithm intel 80387sx CORDIC divider intel 80c186 FPGA sinus math coprocessor verilog code for implementation of rom 80387 CORDIC in xilinx
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C80187 80-bit 80387DX 80387SX C80187 80C187. C80186XL 80C186 verilog code for cordic verilog code for logarithm intel 80387sx CORDIC divider intel 80c186 FPGA sinus math coprocessor verilog code for implementation of rom 80387 CORDIC in xilinx | |
vhdl projects abstract and coding
Abstract: ieee floating point multiplier vhdl Synplify QII51009-7 verilog code for floating point division
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QII51009-7 vhdl projects abstract and coding ieee floating point multiplier vhdl Synplify verilog code for floating point division | |
multimedia projects based on matlab
Abstract: fixed point matlab system generator matlab ise matlab code for FFT 32 point FFT CODING BY VERILOG FOR 8 POINT WITH RADIX 2 E-SYN-0002 XtremeDSP Solution
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-DIR-0013 -DIR-0015 -DIR-0016 -DIR-5001 -MAT-0008 -MAT-0301 -QOR-0400 -QTZ-0006 -QTZ-0010 -QTZ-0011 multimedia projects based on matlab fixed point matlab system generator matlab ise matlab code for FFT 32 point FFT CODING BY VERILOG FOR 8 POINT WITH RADIX 2 E-SYN-0002 XtremeDSP Solution | |
verilog code for cordic algorithm
Abstract: cordic algorithm code in verilog FIR filter design using cordic algorithm CORDIC adaptive algorithm dpd verilog code for dpd verilog code for cordic altera CORDIC ip verilog code for half subtractor verilog code for cordic algorithm for wireless
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AN-314-1 verilog code for cordic algorithm cordic algorithm code in verilog FIR filter design using cordic algorithm CORDIC adaptive algorithm dpd verilog code for dpd verilog code for cordic altera CORDIC ip verilog code for half subtractor verilog code for cordic algorithm for wireless | |
verilog code for eeprom i2c controller
Abstract: FPGA with i2c eeprom 8 BIT ALU design with verilog code 8 bit data bus using vhdl dhrystone OPCODE SHEET FOR 8051 MICROCONTROLLER ta 8268 verilog code for implementation of eeprom vhdl code for data memory 80C51
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DR80390CPU 80C390 DR80390CPU: verilog code for eeprom i2c controller FPGA with i2c eeprom 8 BIT ALU design with verilog code 8 bit data bus using vhdl dhrystone OPCODE SHEET FOR 8051 MICROCONTROLLER ta 8268 verilog code for implementation of eeprom vhdl code for data memory 80C51 | |
Abstract: DR80390 DR80390CPU DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051CPU DR8051XP vhdl code for floating point multiplier 80c390
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DR80390CPU DR80390CPU 80C390 DR80390CPU: 80C51 DR80390 DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051CPU DR8051XP vhdl code for floating point multiplier 80c390 | |
low power 8051 microcontroller verilog code
Abstract: DR80390CPU 80C51 DR80390 DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051CPU DR8051XP mip* 282 verilog code for ALU
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DR8051CPU DR8051CPU DR8051CPU: low power 8051 microcontroller verilog code DR80390CPU 80C51 DR80390 DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051XP mip* 282 verilog code for ALU | |
verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication
Abstract: verilog code for floating point division 80C51 DR80390 DR80390CPU DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051CPU verilog code for TCON IEEE754
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DR8051XP DR8051XP DR8051XP: verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication verilog code for floating point division 80C51 DR80390 DR80390CPU DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051CPU verilog code for TCON IEEE754 | |
vhdl code for cordic
Abstract: 8051 16bit addition, subtraction vhdl code 64 bit FPU verilog code for cordic verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench verilog code for 32 BIT ALU implementation verilog code for cordic algorithm verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication ieee floating point verilog ieee floating point alu in vhdl
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DR80390XP 80C390 DR80390XP: vhdl code for cordic 8051 16bit addition, subtraction vhdl code 64 bit FPU verilog code for cordic verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench verilog code for 32 BIT ALU implementation verilog code for cordic algorithm verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication ieee floating point verilog ieee floating point alu in vhdl | |
vhdl projects abstract and coding
Abstract: new ieee programs in vhdl and verilog Verilog code subtractor vhdl code for accumulator vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition QII51008-7 QII51009-7 EP2S30F672 verilog code for johnson counter EP2S60F1020
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vhdl code for watchdog timer
Abstract: ieee single precision floating point alu in vhdl UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog verilog code for cordic algorithm sine cosine verilog code for floating point division verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication vhdl code for i2c Slave DP80390 verilog code for slave SPI with FPGA DP8051CPU
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DP8051XP DP8051XP DP8051XP: vhdl code for watchdog timer ieee single precision floating point alu in vhdl UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog verilog code for cordic algorithm sine cosine verilog code for floating point division verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication vhdl code for i2c Slave DP80390 verilog code for slave SPI with FPGA DP8051CPU | |
vhdl projects abstract and coding
Abstract: design of FIR filter using vhdl abstract vhdl code for phase frequency detector for FPGA LVCMOS15 LVCMOS25 LVCMOS33 PCI33 RAMB16 SRL16 FIR filter verilog abstract
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ispGA92 SRL16 vhdl projects abstract and coding design of FIR filter using vhdl abstract vhdl code for phase frequency detector for FPGA LVCMOS15 LVCMOS25 LVCMOS33 PCI33 RAMB16 FIR filter verilog abstract | |
vhdl code for 16 BIT BINARY DIVIDER
Abstract: UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog vhdl code for simple radix-2 UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using vhdl vhdl code for N fraction Divider verilog code for floating point division verilog code for simple radix-2 verilog code for four bit binary divider DS530 IEEE754
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DS530 vhdl code for 16 BIT BINARY DIVIDER UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog vhdl code for simple radix-2 UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using vhdl vhdl code for N fraction Divider verilog code for floating point division verilog code for simple radix-2 verilog code for four bit binary divider IEEE754 | |
vhdl code for FFT 32 point
Abstract: matlab code for n point DFT using fft 16 point FFT radix-4 VHDL documentation vhdl code for radix-4 fft 16 point bfp fft verilog code vhdl code for 16 point radix 2 FFT verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication EP3C16F484C6 vhdl code for FFT vhdl code for FFT 4096 point
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vhdl code for FFT 32 point
Abstract: fft matlab code using 16 point DFT butterfly verilog code for FFT 32 point fft algorithm verilog 16 point bfp fft verilog code vhdl code for FFT verilog code for floating point adder verilog code for twiddle factor ROM vhdl code for radix-4 fft matlab code using 8 point DFT butterfly
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vhdl code for radix-4 fft
Abstract: vhdl code for FFT 4096 point vhdl code for FFT 16 point fft matlab code using 16 point DFT butterfly matlab code for radix-4 fft ep3sl70f780 VHDL code for radix-2 fft matlab code using 64 point radix 8 5SGXE 2 point fft butterfly verilog code
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UG-FFT-11 vhdl code for radix-4 fft vhdl code for FFT 4096 point vhdl code for FFT 16 point fft matlab code using 16 point DFT butterfly matlab code for radix-4 fft ep3sl70f780 VHDL code for radix-2 fft matlab code using 64 point radix 8 5SGXE 2 point fft butterfly verilog code | |
verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench
Abstract: ieee floating point alu in vhdl vhdl code for cordic i2c interfacing with 8051 asm code vhdl code for watchdog timer verilog code for cordic algorithm verilog code for implementation of eeprom interfacing 8051 with eprom and ram verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication ta 8268
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DR8051XP DR8051XP: verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench ieee floating point alu in vhdl vhdl code for cordic i2c interfacing with 8051 asm code vhdl code for watchdog timer verilog code for cordic algorithm verilog code for implementation of eeprom interfacing 8051 with eprom and ram verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication ta 8268 | |
verilog code for floating point multiplication
Abstract: verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench ieee single precision floating point alu in vhdl ieee floating point alu in vhdl CORDIC altera APEX20K APEX20KC APEX20KE DP8051XP FLEX10KE
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DP8051XP DP8051XP DP8051XP: verilog code for floating point multiplication verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench ieee single precision floating point alu in vhdl ieee floating point alu in vhdl CORDIC altera APEX20K APEX20KC APEX20KE FLEX10KE |