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    TRA 1310 Search Results

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    TRA 1310 Price and Stock

    Samtec Inc

    Samtec Inc TSW-131-08-T-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TSW-131-08-T-T-RA
    • 1 $4.62
    • 10 $4.62
    • 100 $3.94
    • 1000 $2.99
    • 10000 $2.73
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    Samtec Inc TSW-131-08-L-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TSW-131-08-L-T-RA
    • 1 $6.68
    • 10 $6.59
    • 100 $5.29
    • 1000 $4.16
    • 10000 $4
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    Samtec Inc TSW-113-10-F-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TSW-113-10-F-T-RA
    • 1 $3.03
    • 10 $3.03
    • 100 $2.58
    • 1000 $1.96
    • 10000 $1.79
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    Samtec Inc TSW-131-09-F-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Classic PCB Header Strips
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TSW-131-09-F-T-RA
    • 1 $6.43
    • 10 $6.34
    • 100 $5.09
    • 1000 $4
    • 10000 $3.85
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    Samtec Inc SSW-131-02-T-T-RA

    Headers & Wire Housings Tiger Buy(TM) Socket Strip with PCB Tails
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SSW-131-02-T-T-RA
    • 1 $8.47
    • 10 $8.47
    • 100 $7.84
    • 1000 $5.08
    • 10000 $3.34
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    TRA 1310 Datasheets (1)

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    TRA-1310-1310-1310 Wilbrecht Electronics LED: Tri-Level: 635nm Wave Length: 45mcd Intensity Original PDF

    TRA 1310 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet
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    Multicolor LED

    Abstract: LED 7000 mcd TRA 1309
    Text: TRA/TRS Series T1 Right Angle LED Bar* — RoHS Compliant *Patented Special Features • Trilevel design saves PC board space • Customized to your specifications without tooling charges Variable LED spacing, minimum .170˝, maximum bar length 6˝ Variable color sequence


    IC TOP 8901

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRA/TRS Series T1 Right Angle LED Bari *Patented Special Features • Trilevel design saves PC board space • Customized to your specifications without tooling charges Variable LED spacing, minimum . 170', maximum bar length 6" Variable color sequence • Shrouded version available for backlighting

    OCR Scan

    TRA 1310

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML7XX10 S E R IE S InGaAsP — MQW HIGH POWER LASER DIODES TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION M L7XX10 w hich FEATURES s e rie s provide a are In G a A sP stable, s ingle hig h power tra nsverse w ith em ission w avelen gth o f 1310nm and la s e r

    OCR Scan
    ML7XX10 L7XX10 1310nm ML776H10 TRA 1310 PDF

    1310nm otdr

    Abstract: ML7XX10 H Beam
    Text: MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML7XX10 SERIES InGaAsP — MQW HIGH POWER LASER DIODES TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION M L7XX10 w hich FEATURES s e rie s provide a are In G a A sP stable, s ingle hig h power tra nsverse w ith em ission w avele ngth o f 1310nm and la s e r m ode

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    ML7XX10 1310nm 300mW. 300mW) 10/is 1310nm otdr H Beam PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML7XX10 SERIES InGaAsP — MQW HIGH POWER LASER DIODES TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION M L7XX10 w hich FEATURES s e rie s provide a are In G a A sP stable, sin g le h ig h power tra nsverse w ith em ission w a vele ngth o f 1310nm and la s e r

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    ML7XX10 L7XX10 1310nm ML776H10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRA/TRS Series T1 Right Angle LED Bar* *Patented Special Features • Trilevel design saves PC board space • Customized to your specifications without tooling charges Variable LED spacing, minimum . 170", maximum bar length 6" Variable color sequence • Shrouded version available for backlighting

    OCR Scan

    Multicolor LED

    Abstract: TRA 1309 top 8901 3mm bicolor led 3mm bicolor led blue led 3mm LED 7000 mcd
    Text: TRA/TRS Series T1 Right Angle LED Bar* *Patented Special Features • Trilevel design saves PC board space • Customized to your specifications without tooling charges Variable LED spacing, minimum .170˝, maximum bar length 6˝ Variable color sequence • Shrouded version available for backlighting



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRA/TRS Series T1 Right Angle LED Bar* *Patented Special Features • Trilevel design saves PC board space • Customized to your specifications without tooling charges Variable LED spacing, minimum .170˝, maximum bar length 6˝ Variable color sequence • Shrouded version available for backlighting



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F ia E D I b3fa?55M M | MJ413 MJ423 MJ431 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA HIGH-VOLTAGE NPN SILICON TRA N SISTO RS 10 AM PERE POWER TRAN SISTO RS NPN SILICON . . . designed fo r m edium -to-high voltage inverters,converters, regulators and sw itching circuits.

    OCR Scan
    MJ413 MJ423 MJ431 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML7XX8 SERIES InGaAsP — MQW— FP LASER DIODES ML701 B8R,ML725B8F,ML725C8F ML720J8S.ML720K8S TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION FEATURES M L 7 X X 8 series a re In G a A s P s ta b le , s in g le w a v e le n g th tra n s v e r s e of 1310nm laser diodes which provides a

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    ML701 ML725B8F ML725C8F ML720J8S ML720K8S 1310nm ML701B8R ML725B8F ML720J8S ML725C8F PDF

    uln buffer

    Abstract: ic. uln 2003 Darlington pair IC single Darlington pair IC high current ULN2003 PIN configuration high current Darlington pair IC ULN2003 ULN2003 ac VLN 2003 uln series
    Text: ANALO G DIVISION MARCH 1982 HIGH VOLTAGE/HIGH CURRENT DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAYS DESCRIPTION EQUIVALENT SCHEM ATICS These high-voltage, h ig h -cu rre n t D arling ­ ton tra n sisto r arrays are com prised o f seven silico n NPN D arling to n pairs on a com m on

    OCR Scan
    ULN2001/03/04 600mA ULN-2001 ULN-2003 ULN-2003 ULN-2004 ULN2003 ULN2004 uln buffer ic. uln 2003 Darlington pair IC single Darlington pair IC high current ULN2003 PIN configuration high current Darlington pair IC ULN2003 ULN2003 ac VLN 2003 uln series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML7XX11 SERIES InGaAsP—MQW—DFB LASER DIODES TYPE NAME FEATURES DESCRIPTION ML7XX11 series are M Q W * — D F B * laser diod es em itting •L o w th resho ld cu rre n t typical 10m A • S t a b le single tra nsverse m ode oscillation

    OCR Scan
    ML7XX11 L776H PDF

    ULN2003 ac

    Abstract: ULN2001 uln 2004 ULN2003N ULN2003 PIN configuration
    Text: MARCH 1982 ANALO G DIVISION ULN2001/03/04 HIGH VOLTAGE/HIGH CURRENT DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAYS DESCRIPTION EQUIVALENT SCHEMATICS PIN CONFIGURATION These high-voltage, h ig h -cu rre n t D arling ­ ton tra n sisto r arrays are com prised o f seven silico n NPN D arling to n pairs on a com m on

    OCR Scan
    ULN2001/03/04 600mA ULN-2001 ULN2003 ac ULN2001 uln 2004 ULN2003N ULN2003 PIN configuration PDF

    B 8F laser diodes

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML7XX8 SERIES InGaAsP— MQW— FP LASER DIODES ML701 B8R,ML725B8F,ML725C8F ML720J8S,ML720K8S TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION FEATURES M L7X X8 serie s are InG aA sP laser diod es w hich provides a s ta b le , s in g le w avele ngth tra n s v e rs e

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    ML701 ML725B8F ML725C8F ML720J8S ML720K8S 1310nm ML720J8S ML725B8F B 8F laser diodes PDF

    pcc 189

    Abstract: sg sf sm texas instrument Audio Processor with Pushbutton ds2501 Wiring Diagram thermostat NC 40 NC 90 national semiconductors book clock traffic light signal control using microcontroller pic thesis sram book DS21530
    Text: 2 2 > - ft DALLAS W W SEMICONDUCTOR C opyright 1995 by D allas S em ico n d uctor C orporation. A ll R ights R eserved. D allas S em ico n d uctor retains all ow n e rsh ip rights in th e te ch n olo gy described herein. Tradem arks and registered tra d e m a rks of D allas S em ico n d uctor include each of th e fo llo w in g :

    OCR Scan
    DS2291 30-PIN pcc 189 sg sf sm texas instrument Audio Processor with Pushbutton ds2501 Wiring Diagram thermostat NC 40 NC 90 national semiconductors book clock traffic light signal control using microcontroller pic thesis sram book DS21530 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN74ACT8837 64-Bit Floating Point Unit • M u ltip lie r and A L U in One Chip • 6 5 -n s P ipelined P erfo rm a nce • L o w -P o w e r EPIC C M O S • M e e ts IEEE Standard fo r 3 2 - and 6 4 -B it M u ltip ly , A d d , and S u b tra c t • Three-Port A rc h ite c tu re , 6 4 -B it In te rn a l Bus

    OCR Scan
    SN74ACT8837 64-Bit T8837 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FIELD PORTABLE CHROMATIC DISPERSION MEASUREMENT SYSTEM • O ptim ised for DWDM ap p lic atio n s • F u lly p o rtab le for field and netw ork testing: • H igh sp eed • D ynam ic ra n g e up to 40 dB • 1310 nm, 1550 nm and L-band operation • A pplicable to a ll sin g le mode fib e rs in clu d in g NDS, DS

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F U JIT S U PROGRAMMABLE BICMOS 131072-B IT READ ONLY MEMORY M B 7 1 C 4 6 -3 5 M B 7 1 C 4 6 -4 5 A u gust 1988 Edition 2.0 Bi-CMOS 131072-BIT DEAP PROM 16384 WORDS x 8 BITS The Fujitsu M B71C46 is high speed BICMOS T T L ele c tric a lly field p rogram m ab le read

    OCR Scan
    131072-B 131072-BIT B71C46 28-pin 28-LEAD DIP-28P-M02) MB71C46-35 MB71C46-45 PDF


    Abstract: MB71C46-35 sam plus
    Text: PROGRAMMABLE FU JITSU BICMOS 131072-BIT READ ONLY MEMORY MB71C46-35 MB71C46-45 A u g u st 1988 Edition 2.0 B i-C M O S 131072-B IT DEAP PROM 16384 WORDS x 8 BITS The Fujitsu M B71C46 is high speed BICMOS T T L ele ctrica lly field prog ra m m a b le read

    OCR Scan
    131072-BIT MB71C46-35 MB71C46-45 131072-B B71C46 28-LE MB71C46-45M sam plus PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LS Is iMttNtftfM5M5V12R88CJ,TP-10,-12,-15 1048576-BIT 131072-WORD BY 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) T h e M 5M 5V 12R 88C is a fam ily o f 131072-w ord by 8 -b it static RAM s, fab rica ted w ith the high perform ance C M O S silicon gate

    OCR Scan
    fM5M5V12R88CJ TP-10, 1048576-BIT 131072-WORD 131072-w 5V12R 32-pin M5M5V12R88CJ TP-10 PDF


    Abstract: HM66204
    Text: Maintenance Only HM66204 Series 131072-word x 8-bit High Density CMOS Static RA M Module The H M 6 6 2 0 4 is a high density 1 M bit static R A M module consisted of 4 pieces of H M 6 2 2 5 6 F P / L F P products SO P type 256k static R A M and a H D 7 4 H C 1 3 8 F P equivalent product (SO P

    OCR Scan
    HM66204 131072-word HM66204L PDF


    Abstract: 82588 generation circuit of manchester 1N914 MK5035N delay echo circuit diagram Industrial Products mostek Mostek counter
    Text: THOMSON MK5035N COMPONENTS Z S ta r L A N E N C O D E R D E C O D E R V MOSTEK C O M M U N IC A T IO N S P R O D U C T S FEATURES C C onform s w ith StarLAN specification. C Auto com pensation for line reversal. □ C om patible w ith M ostek M K68590 LAN C E and In­

    OCR Scan
    MK5035N MK68590 SEEQ8023. 66Mbps 82588 generation circuit of manchester 1N914 MK5035N delay echo circuit diagram Industrial Products mostek Mostek counter PDF


    Abstract: differential manchester encoder generation circuit of manchester differential manchester 1N914 MK5033 MK5033P decoder manchester differential manchester decoder
    Text: Ih.SM AkM MK5033 COMPONENTS M A N C H E S T E R E N C O D E R /D E C O D E R C O M M U N IC A T IO N S P R O D U C T S FE A TU R ES C C onform s to StarLAN sp ecifications. [._• Auto com pensation for line reversal. □ C om patible w ith m ost E thernet co n tro lle r chips.

    OCR Scan
    MK5033 66Mbps MK68590 differential manchester encoder generation circuit of manchester differential manchester 1N914 MK5033 MK5033P decoder manchester differential manchester decoder PDF

    DRAWING S493

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC O 0D-S493 1310m F P - L D M o d u l e w i t h b u i l t - i n opti c a l is o l a t o r FEATURES O p e r a t i n g fre quency range D i sto rtion f=5MHz to 200MHz I M D 2 S -53dBc I M D 3 S -53dBc Noi se Optical output power Wavelength O p e r a t i o n over wide temperature

    OCR Scan
    1310nm 200MHz -53dBc MD3S-53dBc -130dB/Hz 25MHz LossS40dB ei310nm) DRAWING S493 PDF