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    transistor f422

    Abstract: transistor f423 f422 transistor transistor f421 BV09 F423 fet 13187 RJ4B L442 bvoe
    Text: CMOS-8LCX 3-VOLT, 0.50-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS CROSSCHECK TEST SUPPORT NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary Description October 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8LCX Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8LCX family consists of ultra-high performance, sub-micron gate arrays, targeted for

    50-MICRON PD658xx transistor f422 transistor f423 f422 transistor transistor f421 BV09 F423 fet 13187 RJ4B L442 bvoe PDF


    Abstract: RJ4B RJ4C JENNINGS spdt 270
    Text: SPDT Vacuum Relays RJ 4C SPECIFICATIONS 18 kV Model Number Test Voltage kV Peak 60 Hz Rated Operating Voltage (kV Peak) DC or 60 Hz 2.5 MHz 16 MHz 32 MHz Continous Current, Carry (Amps, RMS) DC or 60 Hz 2.5 MHz 16 MHz 32 MHz Contact Capacitance (pF) Between Open Contacts

    RJ4C-26S RJ4C-26S RJ4B RJ4C JENNINGS spdt 270 PDF


    Abstract: F423 FV06 RJ4B 83YL-9164B "Single-Port RAM" B00J transistor f423 bewf diode ru4d
    Text: CMOS-8L 3-VOLT, 0.50-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary Description October 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8L Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8L family consists of ultra-high performance, sub-micron gate arrays, targeted for applications requiring extensive integration and high

    50-MICRON PD658xx bv0T F423 FV06 RJ4B 83YL-9164B "Single-Port RAM" B00J transistor f423 bewf diode ru4d PDF


    Abstract: RJ2B RJ6B-26S RJ2B-26S rj2c-26s RB1D RJ2C JENNINGS spdt 270 JENNINGS RB1D
    Text: SPDT Vacuum Relays RJ 2B, 2C, 4B, 6B SPECIFICATIONS Model Number Test Voltage kV Peak 60 Hz Rated Operating Voltage (kV Peak) DC or 60 Hz 2.5 MHz 16 MHz 32 MHz Continous Current, Carry (Amps, RMS) DC or 60 Hz 2.5 MHz 16 MHz 32 MHz Contact Capacitance (pF)

    RJ2C-26S RJ2B-26S RJ4B-26S RJ4B RJ2B RJ6B-26S RJ2B-26S rj2c-26s RB1D RJ2C JENNINGS spdt 270 JENNINGS RB1D PDF


    Abstract: uPD65837 uPD65869 X17512 upd65839 RF Transistors Ceramic MARKING F25 marking code F302 535 D65841 uPD65851 X46358
    Text: Design Manual CMOS-8L Family CMOS Gate Array Ver. 5.0 Document No. A12158EJ5V0DM00 5th edition Date Published June 1999 N CP(K) 1997, 1998 Printed in Japan 1 [MEMO] 2 Design Manual A12158EJ5V0DM00 NOTES FOR CMOS DEVICES 1 PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD FOR SEMICONDUCTORS

    A12158EJ5V0DM00 Semiconductor2/9044 MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR uPD65837 uPD65869 X17512 upd65839 RF Transistors Ceramic MARKING F25 marking code F302 535 D65841 uPD65851 X46358 PDF


    Abstract: RB7a RJ2B SFD-373 AVQ-10 L4698B JENNINGS RF1D JENNINGS Rb1h RD6B
    Text: I 77340=10 14E D RICHARDSON ELECTRONICS GOOOSfll fc, Vacuum Transfer Relays iype Ooil voltage VDC typ Coll voltage (VDC RBID RB1H RB1J RB2A RB7A RB7B RD6B RF1D RF1E RF1J 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 RF4A RF5C RF5D RF6C RF6D RJ1H RJ2B RJ4B RJ8A 26 12 12

    OCR Scan

    transistor f422

    Abstract: transistor f423 F422 transistor transistor f421 nec product naming rule BK-DK
    Text: i O 1993 iir n r, . . NEC E le ctro n ics Inc. Prelim inary Description CMOS-8LCX 3-VOLT, 0.50-M ICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS c ro s s c h e c k te s t s u p p o rt February 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8LCX Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8LCX family are ultra-high perform­

    OCR Scan
    iPD658xx transistor f422 transistor f423 F422 transistor transistor f421 nec product naming rule BK-DK PDF


    Abstract: 658X
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC b7E D • b4E75S5 QQ3T701 4bD HINECE CMOS-8L 3 -V O LT, 0.50-M IC R O N cm os g a te a r r a y s ä I M t L NEC Electronics Inc. P re lim in a r y Description October 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8L Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8L family consists of ultra-high per­

    OCR Scan
    b4E75S5 QQ3T701 nPD658xx bv0T 658X PDF


    Abstract: 9215K1
    Text: tFEB i 7 1993 CMOS-8 5 VOLT, 0 .65-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. Prelim inary January 1993 Figure 1. Sample CMOS-8 Packages Description NEC’s 5-volt CMOS-8 family are ultra-high performance, sub-m icron gate arrays, targe te d fo r a pp lications

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    65-MICRON xPD65800 D65806 9215K1 PDF


    Abstract: itt 2222 marking code F302 L-423 d 65632 "Single-Port RAM" marking L442 em 288 NEC uPD 65658 RU4D
    Text: <S *W¿ NEC C M O S -6 /6 A /6 V /6 X 1 .0 -M IC R O N C M O S G A TE A R R A Y S NEC Electronics Inc. April 1992 Description Figure 1. Sample CMOS-6/6A/6V/6X Packages NEC’s CMOS-6 gate array fam ilies CMOS-6, CMOS6A, CM OS-6V and CMOS-6X are ultra-high perform ­

    OCR Scan

    transistor f422

    Abstract: transistor f423 BKDF f422 transistor B00J f422 F423 fet 13187 RJ4B ru4f
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC b7E D NEC NEC Electronics Inc. I b *427525 Q D 3 ci 7 n bTD « N E C E CMOS-8LCX 3-VOLT, O.5O-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS CROSSCHECK TEST SUPPORT Prelim inary Description O c to b e r 1 9 9 3 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8LCX Packages N EC 's 3-volt C M O S -8L C X family consists of ultra-high

    OCR Scan
    xPD658xx transistor f422 transistor f423 BKDF f422 transistor B00J f422 F423 fet 13187 RJ4B ru4f PDF


    Abstract: F422 F423 rj8b "Single-Port RAM" TT 2246 RU89 BE09 L737 f425
    Text: *,yt * *W¿ NEC NEC Electronics Inc. C M O S -6 /6 A /6 V /6 X 1 .0 -M IC R O N C M O S G A TE A R R A Y S April 1992 Description Figure 1. Sample CMOS-6/6A/6V/6X Packages NEC’s CMOS-6 gate array fam ilies CMOS-6, CMOS6A, CMOS-6V and CMOS-6X are ultra-high perform ­

    OCR Scan
    IEU-7922, IP-8090 ru4f F422 F423 rj8b "Single-Port RAM" TT 2246 RU89 BE09 L737 f425 PDF


    Abstract: aui to rj45 ECT1101 UTP20038T 2km fm transmitter ETT1101
    Text: i MODEL DESCRIPTION LIST P-'ICE 5 1 Ethernet 1EEE802.3 - The Most Popular Choice for Reliable and Economical Networking In the early 1980s, Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel, and Xerox Co-developed the Ethernet Local Area Networking format. This technology was soon accepted by the IEEE Committee, creating the 802.3 standard.

    OCR Scan
    1EEE802 1980s, RJ11/12 TDHS256FK TDHS256MK TDHS258FK TDHS258MK ETP80 aui to rj45 ECT1101 UTP20038T 2km fm transmitter ETT1101 PDF

    diode ru4d

    Abstract: ru4f bvde RJ4B 364-pin ITT 2222 A rj8b diode ru4d compatible "RJ-49" FWB1
    Text: C M O S -8 L 3 -V O L T , 0 .5 0 -M IC R O N C M O S G A TE A R R A YS NEC Electronics Inc. P r e lim in a r y Description February 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8L Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS- 8 L family consists of ultra-high per­ fo rm a n c e , s u b -m ic ro n g a te a rra y s , ta rg e te d fo r

    OCR Scan
    aPD658xx diode ru4d ru4f bvde RJ4B 364-pin ITT 2222 A rj8b diode ru4d compatible "RJ-49" FWB1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alle Rechte vorbehalfen/ Ml tights reserred m 2 5 6 A G e s a m t l a n g e m o n t i e r t ca. 73 complete length assembled acc. to 13 •> v \ A ll D iie n sio n s in y O rig in a l Size DIN A 4 Techn. C haracter. Dat. D e ta il. 0 1 .0 3 .1 0 hsv Insp.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W So 1393 C M O S -8 5 -V O L T , 0 .6 5 -M IC R O N CM OS GATE ARRAYS NEC NEC Electronics Inc. April 1993 Description Figure 1. Sample CMOS-8 Packages NEC’s 5-volt CMOS-8 family are ultra-high performance, s u b -m ic ro n gate a rra y s , ta rg e te d fo r a p p lic a tio n s

    OCR Scan
    65-micron D65806 PDF


    Abstract: RK4B 83nr-7843b ru4f RJ49 RJ4B NEC uPD 65658 transistor f423 F423 L442
    Text: *,yt * *W¿ NEC C M O S -6 /6 A /6 V /6 X 1 .0 -M IC R O N C M O S G A TE A R R A Y S NEC Electronics Inc. April 1992 Description Figure 1. Sample CMOS-6/6A/6V/6X Packages NEC’s CMOS-6 gate array fam ilies CMOS-6, CMOS6A, CMOS-6V and CMOS-6X are ultra-high perform ­

    OCR Scan
    IEU-7922, IP-8090 65630 RK4B 83nr-7843b ru4f RJ49 RJ4B NEC uPD 65658 transistor f423 F423 L442 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: l E L P S y _ R J 4 Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors S eries RJ4 105 C M iniature C apacito rs • One or two sizes smaller than conventional RJ3 Series. • 105°C, 1000 hours guaranteed. O utline D raw ing P hoto Vent except 65

    OCR Scan
    L16max. 18x31 RJ4-400VR47M RJ4-400V010M RJ4-400V2R2M RJ4-400V3R3M 10x12 RJ4-400V4R7M 10x16 RJ4-400V1OOM RJ4-25V221MX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DESCRIPTION 1-9 10-2'! 25-99 Exclusive Modular and Coaxial Cable Testers with Remote Testing Capability This series utilizes an ABS plastic case design which incorporates an exclusive slide lock method of attaching or detaching the Master and Remote units. The testers can be used stand-alone for bench testing, or in two

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