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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C 3QE D ELECTRONICS INC • "p -fl-g l L427S2S Q 0 2 U 4 0 3 ■ PHOTO COUPLER PS2007B HIGH SPEED PHOTO COUPLER DESCRIPTION The PS2007B is a high speed p h o to coupler containing a GaAsP lig h t e m ittin g diode and an integrated de tecto r consisting o f a pho to d io d e and a high gain linear am p lifier th a t drives a s c h o ttk y clam ped open co lle c to r o u tp u t

    OCR Scan
    L427S2S PS2007B PS2007B 1000E b427S2S PDF


    Abstract: toba Q 0265 R HS 8180 42S18180
    Text: L427S2S DQ4 2 4 M4 b 70 • NECE MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ju P D 4 2 S 1 6 1 8 0 ,4 2 S 1 7 1 8 0 ,4 2 S 1 8 1 8 0 16 M BIT D Y N A M IC RAM FAST PAGE M O D E & BYTE R E A D /W R IT E M ODE - P R E LIM IN A R Y -D ESCRIPTIO N

    OCR Scan
    L427S2S uPD42S16180 uPD42S17180 uPD42S18180 475mil) P32VF-100-475A LE347 toba Q 0265 R HS 8180 42S18180 PDF


    Abstract: fiber optical detector OD-8326 8326 laser diode for optical communication optical fiber detector LD fiber optic DD0S534
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC ST INECE L427S2S DD0S534 5 T-4Ï-07 NEC Fiber Optic Devices OD-8326- LD Module DC-PBH OD-8326 is designed to couple LD (DC-PBH Laser Diode) output light efficiently to optical fiber. Ge photodiode is installed in OD-8326 for APC (Automatic Power

    OCR Scan
    L427S2S DD0S534 OD-8326- OD-8326 GE PHOTODIODE fiber optical detector 8326 laser diode for optical communication optical fiber detector LD fiber optic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC blE D • L427S2S D0344[]fl Sib ■ NECE MC-424000A36 4,194,304 X 36-Bit Dynamic CMOS RAM Module NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The M C-424000A36 is a fast-page dynam ic RAM mod­ ule organized as 4,194,304 words by 36 bits and de­

    OCR Scan
    L427S2S D0344[ MC-424000A36 36-Bit C-424000A36 72-Pin HPD4217400LE 400-mll HPD424100LA 300-mil PDF


    Abstract: 75p116 TRIAC+RCA+419
    Text: N E C ELECTRONIC S INC 3QE D • L427S2S OOESlbä 7 ■ SIN GLE-CH IP M ICROCOM PUTERS _ :_ T 'W-n-w 4>Bit, Single-Chip C M O S M icrocom puters cont Device, UPD C lo c k (M H z) S u p p ly V o ltage (V) ROM (X8)

    OCR Scan
    L427S2S 75P56 75P66 75Q04 75P008 75P108 75P116 75CG208 5212A 5216A TRIAC+RCA+419 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC ST INECE L427S2S DD0S534 5 T-4Ï-07 SEC Fiber Optic Devices OD-8326- LD Module DC-PBH OD-8326 is designed to couple LD (DC-PBH Laser Diode) output light efficiently to optical fiber. Ge photodiode is installed in OD-8326 for APC (Automatic Power

    OCR Scan
    L427S2S DD0S534 OD-8326- OD-8326 OD-9470 FO-0009 PDF


    Abstract: LD234 IEI-1209 NEC LASER DIODE butterfly package
    Text: N E C b2E D ELECTRONICS INC • b l427S2S OOBflDbS 217 * N E C E PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET LASER DIODE NDL7537P 1 480 nm OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS InGaAsP MQW-DC-PBH LASER DIODE MODULE DESCRIPTION NDL7537P is a 1 480 nm pumping laser diode module w ith optical isolator for an Er-doped optical fiber

    OCR Scan
    427S2S NDL7537P NDL7537P b427525 L7537P LD-7733 LD234 IEI-1209 NEC LASER DIODE butterfly package PDF

    Phico D - 0

    Abstract: nec upd 1511 Phico D 0 phico d-0 94 PHICO phico d-0 Phico DO - 0 TQ00
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿tPD78370 A , 78372(A) 16 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER The /iPD78372(A) contains a high-speed, high-performance 16-bit CPU and offers powerful arithmetic operation functions. An A/D converter and a real-time pulse unit, which provide the real-time control required in motor control,

    OCR Scan
    uPD78370 uPD78372 /iPD78372 16-bit /PD78372 jiPD78370 /jPD78372 /jPD78P372 PD78372 U10642EJ Phico D - 0 nec upd 1511 Phico D 0 phico d-0 94 PHICO phico d-0 Phico DO - 0 TQ00 PDF

    1ss nec

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIM INARY DATA S H E E T MOS IN TEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-428LFF72 3.3 V OPERATION 8 M-WORD BY 72-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE BUFFERED TYPE, HYPER PAGE MODE EDO Description Th e M C-428LFF72 1« • 6.388,608 words by 72 bits dynam ic RAM m oduli on which 8 pieces of 84 M DRAM :

    OCR Scan
    MC-428LFF72 72-BIT C-428LFF72 b427525 1ss nec PDF


    Abstract: UPD75P402 UPD75P402C FT-X1 UPD75P402GB-3B4 UPD75P402GB op61 UPD75402A BH-27-5 IEM-5504
    Text: The UPD75P402 UPD75402A is a Q T O P microcomputer provided internal mask ROM with one-time PROM. by replacing The UPD75P402 into which the user can write programs is suitable for evaluation during system development or small production. Please refer IEU-644

    OCR Scan
    uPD75P402 UPD75402A IEU-644) UPD27C256A -bH27525 UPD75P402CT UPD75P402C FT-X1 UPD75P402GB-3B4 UPD75P402GB op61 BH-27-5 IEM-5504 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SH EET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT juPD4264405, 4265405 64 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 16 M-WORD BY 4-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE Description The >iPD4264405,4265405 are 16,777,216 words by 4 bits CMOS dynamic RAMs with optional hyper page mode. Hyper page mode is a kind of page mode and is useful for the read operation.

    OCR Scan
    uPD4264405 uPD4265405 iPD4264405 /iPD4264405, 32-pin fiPD4264405-A50, 4265405-A50 HPD4264405-A60, 4265405-A60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD42S17800,4217800 16 M BIT DYNAMIC RAM 2 M-WORD BY 8-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE Description The/iPD42S17800, 4217800 are 2,097,152 words by 8 bits CMOS dynamic RAMs. The fast page mode capability realize high speed access and low power consumption.

    OCR Scan
    uPD42S17800 uPD4217800 The/iPD42S17800, PD42S17800 28-pin /jPD42S juPD42S17800-70 PD42S17800-80, 130su PDF

    dt5 tuner module

    Abstract: op102 ITT Semiconductors D78P0 D0122 ddt237
    Text: \ USER’S MANUAL NEC ¿¿PD78023 ¿¿PD78024 ¿¿PD78P024 Document No. IEU-1373A O. D. No. IEU-842A Date Published February 1995 P Printed in Japan NEC Corporation 1994 b427525 Q Q' I BD' n bSS NOTES FOR CMOS D EVICES PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD FOR SEMICONDUCTORS

    OCR Scan
    uPD78023 uPD78024 uPD78P024 IEU-1373A IEU-842A) b427525 devices-9800 SxxxxFE9000 /iSxxxxFT9080 FI78K0 dt5 tuner module op102 ITT Semiconductors D78P0 D0122 ddt237 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b Ll57525 004*1314 3^3 BiNECE PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION N E C ELECTRON DEVICE BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / ¿ P C I 853 M A T R I X SURROUND IC FOR I2C BUS THe //PC1853 is a phase shift matrix surround IC. Only 2 speakers in front side can make iiplement

    OCR Scan
    l57525 uPC1853 b45752S CI853 PDF


    Abstract: avalanche photodiodes NDL5501P
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC bSE ]> • b4 E7 525 0G3fillfi 361 « N E C E PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET LASER DIODE NEC NDL5501P, NDL5501P1 ELECTRON DEVICE 1 OOO to 1 600 nm OPTICAL FIBER CO M M UNICATIONS 0 50 /¿m InGaAs AVALANCHE PHOTO DIODE MODULE DESCRIPTION NDL5501P and NDL5501P1 are InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes especially designed for a detector of long wavelength optical

    OCR Scan
    NDL5501P, NDL5501P1 NDL5501P NDL5501P1 NDL5501PC NDL5501P1C. -7633A NDL5520P NDL5520P1 avalanche photodiodes PDF


    Abstract: UPD30412LRJ250
    Text: CHAPTER 1 1.1 G EN ERA L Introduction The /j PD30412, 30412L V r4400MC processor supports interfaces to secondary cache, system interlace, and boot time mode control. This document describes the connection and operation of each of these interfaces. Remark

    OCR Scan
    uPD30412 uPD30412L Vr4400MC) r4000TM 400TM IEU-1344) 000PC r4400PCTM IEU-1329) 400SC UPD30412LRJ250 PDF


    Abstract: D78312 d78p312a d78312a D78310A iPD78312A MANUAL ANDO AF-9704 EPROM PROGRAMMER pD78312 nec 78312 a PD78312A
    Text: D ATA S H E E T MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT jüPD78310A A , 78312AIA) 16/8 BIT SINGLE-CHIP M ICROCOM PUTER The^PD78312A(A) is a CMOS 16/8-bit microcomputer. It contains a high-performance 16-bit CPU, enabling highly advanced internal arithmetic/logical operations. Up to 56K bytes of external memory can be added.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78310A uPD78312AIA PD78312A 16/8-bit 16-bit jxPD78310A iPD78312A 78K/III d78310 D78312 d78p312a d78312a D78310A MANUAL ANDO AF-9704 EPROM PROGRAMMER pD78312 nec 78312 a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN MEDIUM POWER UHF-VHF TRANSISTOR NE74000 NE74014 FEATURES_ DESCRIPTION • HIGH GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT: The NE740 series of NPN silicon transistors is designed for wide bandwidth VHF and UHF amplifiers. Excellent intermodulation characteristics and low noise make the series

    OCR Scan
    NE74000 NE74014 NE740 NE90115 MIL-S-19500. IS12I 427SB5 PDF

    stepping motor EM 323

    Abstract: PD78213 em 154* "stepping motor" ZPD78213GQ-36 d78214 10000H D7821 PD78212 1NTC0 BT 815 transistor
    Text: D A TA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD78212, 78213, 78214 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The //PD78212,78213 and 78214 are 78K/H series products. The 78K/II series is an 8-bit single chip microcomputer which can access the memory space o f 1M byte with an external expansion.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78212 uPD78213 uPD78214 //PD78212 78K/H 78K/II PD78214 IEM-1236 iPD78212 stepping motor EM 323 PD78213 em 154* "stepping motor" ZPD78213GQ-36 d78214 10000H D7821 PD78212 1NTC0 BT 815 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: {JPD4216405 4M x 4-Bit Dynamic CMOS RAM NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Product Brief May 1994 Description Pin Configurations The //PD4216405 devices are dynamic CMOS RAMs with an optional hyper-page mode organized as 4,194,304 words by 4 bits. A single-transistor dynamic

    OCR Scan
    uPD4216405 64-ms JPD4216405 26-Pin iPD4216405G3-XX G3-50-7KD 4216405G 3-70-7KD //PD4216405LA-50 PDF

    NEC C1875

    Abstract: UPC1875CT UPC1875 L427S2
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET NEC BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED C IR C U IT • ELECTRON DEVICE b4E752S 004^3*15 ÔÔ3 « N E C E ju PC1875 STEREO-ONLY US MTS DECODER The ¿iPC1875 is an LSI used for stereo-only US MTS Multi Channel Television Sound . The ¿/PC1875 includesall functions

    OCR Scan
    b4E752S uPC1875 iuPC1875 /uPC1875 /iuPC1875, izPC1871) b42752S GG41421 30PIN NEC C1875 UPC1875CT L427S2 PDF

    upg 506

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    UPG130GR UPG131GR UPG130GR) 1000/Reel 1000/Reel UPG131GR UPG130GR: UPG131GR: b42752S upg 506 PDF


    Abstract: Intel 82077 MARK 4B 720KB TAG 8434 NEC 82077 UPD72070
    Text: Chapter 1 General 1.1 System Overview The UPD72070 Floppy Disk Controller FDC is a new advanced Floppy Disk Controller that can support four standard Floppy Disk Drives (FDD)’s and two Apple specific FDDs, respectively. For the standard FDDs, the uPD72070 FDC

    OCR Scan
    UPD72070 PD765A uPD765A ti42752S UPD72070GF Intel 82077 MARK 4B 720KB TAG 8434 NEC 82077 PDF


    Abstract: 126XGS-7990Z toko filter
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET bMS7SSS SEC D D iH 3bb 7^1 HNECE BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRON DEVICE ¿¿PC1874 STEREO-ONLY US MTS DECODER The pPC 1874 is an integrated circuit fo r stereo-only US MTS M u lti Channel Television Sound system. Excepting SAP, all

    OCR Scan
    uPC1874 /PC1874 iPC1871) bM27525 //PC1874 28PIN S28C-70-400B MPC842C 126XGS-7990Z toko filter PDF