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    E 1110 DIODE Search Results

    E 1110 DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    E 1110 DIODE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 16C550 LM3S1110
    Text: P R E L IMI NARY LM3S1110 Microcontroller D ATA SH E E T D S -LM3 S 1110 - 1 5 8 2 Copyr i ght 2007 Lum i nar y M i c ro, Inc. Legal Disclaimers and Trademark Information INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH LUMINARY MICRO PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR

    LM3S1110 32-bit 16-bit 0X00 16C550 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CPD31X Schottky Diode Chip 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 Fax: (631) 435-1824 w w w . c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m The CPD31X Schottky die is optimized for alternative energy applications. The 6 mil thick die provides an ultra low profile that is readily attached via standard die attach methods.


    Schottky diode Die IR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CPD32X Schottky Diode Chip 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 Fax: (631) 435-1824 w w w . c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m The CPD32X Schottky die is optimized for alternative energy applications. The 6 mil thick die provides an ultra low profile that is readily attached via standard die attach methods.

    CPD32X CPD32X 27-May Schottky diode Die IR PDF

    SCR 219F

    Abstract: 0X00 16C550 LM3S1000 LM3S1110 108-Pin
    Text: P RE LIMIN ARY LM3S1110 Microcontroller D ATA SHE E T D S -LM3S 1110 - 3 4 4 7 C o p yri g h t 2 0 0 7 -2 0 0 8 L u mi n ary Mi cro, Inc. Legal Disclaimers and Trademark Information INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH LUMINARY MICRO PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR

    LM3S1110 32-bit 16-bit SCR 219F 0X00 16C550 LM3S1000 108-Pin PDF

    3 phase bridge scr drive circuit diagram

    Abstract: scr firing circuit diagram for three phase rectifier scr firing circuit diagram for 3 phase rectifier ir1110 scr firing ic for three phase bridge SCR 3Phase Control IC PWM 3phase 50hz SCR three phase half bridge controller for scr half b full bridge scr firing circuit diagram for three phase ac power controller snubber FOR 3PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER
    Text: IRMDSS1 IR1110 Soft Start IC Reference Design Kit For AC Motor Drives, UPS, Welders, and other applications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Complete stand alone converter system IR1110 advanced monolithic soft start IC IRKH SCR/Diode Modules

    IR1110 230/460/575V 20V-550V 3 phase bridge scr drive circuit diagram scr firing circuit diagram for three phase rectifier scr firing circuit diagram for 3 phase rectifier scr firing ic for three phase bridge SCR 3Phase Control IC PWM 3phase 50hz SCR three phase half bridge controller for scr half b full bridge scr firing circuit diagram for three phase ac power controller snubber FOR 3PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER PDF


    Abstract: 1N889 APD400
    Text: Datasheet 1N846 THRU 1N889 Central SILICON GENERAL PURPOSE DIODES Semiconductor Corp. AXIAL LEAD GLASS CASE 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 1N846 s e r i e s

    OCR Scan
    1N846 1N889 200mA APD400 PDF

    diode Marking code A2

    Abstract: Switching diode 80V 200mA marking code C2 diode CMPD3003 CMPD3003A CMPD3003C CMPD3003S marking code A2 diode VR125 DIODE marking A2
    Text: D a ta s h e e t W0llf 1 1 CMPD3003 CMPD3003A CMPD3003C CMPD3003S 91 TM M I I l Corp. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SURFACE MOUNT LOW LEAKAGE SWITCHING DIODE 145 Adams Ave., Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Phone 516 435-1110 FAX (516) 435-1824 Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    CMPD3003 CMPD3003A CMPD3003C CMPD3003S OT-23 CMPD3003 CMPD3003A CMPD3003C diode Marking code A2 Switching diode 80V 200mA marking code C2 diode CMPD3003S marking code A2 diode VR125 DIODE marking A2 PDF

    diode germanium 1n270

    Abstract: 1N270 1N270 diode diode germanium 1n283 diodes 1n270 Germanium Diode 1n270 diode 1N270 1N270 diode germanium 1N277 gold bonded germanium diode 1N270
    Text: Data Sheet 1N270 1N277 1N281 Central' 1N283 GERMANIUM DIODE Sem iconductor Corp. 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 JEDEC D0-7 CASE Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR INIOOA, 1N270, 1N277, 1N281, 1N283 t y p e s a r e G old Bonded Germaniun

    OCR Scan
    1N270 1N277 1N281 1N283 1N100A, 1N270, 1N277, 1N281, 1N100A diode germanium 1n270 1N270 diode diode germanium 1n283 diodes 1n270 Germanium Diode 1n270 diode 1N270 1N270 diode germanium gold bonded germanium diode 1N270 PDF


    Abstract: Forward Reference Diode 1N4156 1N5179 CN4156 CN4157 CN5179 CNA156
    Text: Datasheet CN4156 Central ^ CN4157 CN5179 - _ • FORWARD REFERENCE DIODE STABISTOR a e n iiG O iiciifC T o r w u rp . 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: (631) 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 A X IA L LEAD EPOXY CASE Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    CN4156 CN4157 CN5179 1N4156, 1N4157, 1N5179, CN4156) CNA156) 1N4157 Forward Reference Diode 1N4156 1N5179 CN5179 CNA156 PDF


    Abstract: 1N5914B 1N5915B 1N5916B 1N5917B 1N5918B 1N5919B 1N5920B 1N5956B
    Text: Data Sheet ^ - 1N5913B thru 1N5956B m wB m S e m ic o n d u c t o r C o rp . 1.5 WATT ZENER DIODE 3.3 VOLTS to 200 VOLTS 5% TOLERANCE 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 JEDEC DO-41 CASE

    OCR Scan
    1N5913B 1N5956B DO-41 Max939B 1N5940B 1N5941B 1N5942B 1N5943B 1N5944B 1N5914B 1N5915B 1N5916B 1N5917B 1N5918B 1N5919B 1N5920B 1N5956B PDF


    Abstract: 1N4099 1N4105 DIODE ZENER 1N4101 1N4100 1N4101 1N4102 1N4103 1N4104 1N4106
    Text: Datasheet w c v n iQ 1N4099 thru 1N4135 250mW ZENER DIODE 5% TOLERANCE a e n iiG o iiD u c io i c o r p . 145 Adam s Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 JEDEC DO-35 CASE Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    1N4099 1N4135 250mW DO-35 1N4118 1N4119 1N4120 1N4121 1N4122 N4111 1N4105 DIODE ZENER 1N4101 1N4100 1N4101 1N4102 1N4103 1N4104 1N4106 PDF

    9.1 zener

    Abstract: 1N3691B zener diode 10w 710b 1N3675B 1N3676B 1N3677B 1N3678B 1N3679B 1N3681B
    Text: Data Sheet Central" 1N3675B t h r u 1N3710B 1 .0W ZENER DIODE 6.8 VOLTS t o 200 VOLTS 5 % TOLERANCE S e m ic o n d u c to r C o rp . 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 JEDEC DO-41 Case Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    1N3675B 1N3710B DO-41 1N3675B 1N3676B 1N3677B 1N3678B 1N3679B 1N3680B 9.1 zener 1N3691B zener diode 10w 710b 1N3676B 1N3677B 1N3678B 1N3679B 1N3681B PDF


    Abstract: 1n995 diode 1N99A 1N99 1N994 Germanium desi 30 "Germanium Diode"
    Text: Datasheet Central' 1N99A 1N995 Sem iconductor Corp. G E R M A N IU M D I O D E 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 JEDEC D O-7 CASE M an ufactu rers of World C l a s s Discrete S e m ic o n d u c t o r s d e s c r ip t io n

    OCR Scan
    1N99A 1N995 1N994 1N995 1n995 diode 1N99 Germanium desi 30 "Germanium Diode" PDF


    Abstract: CBR25-010P CBR35-010P CBR35-060PW
    Text: Data Sheet CBR10-010P SERIES CBR25-010P SERIES CBR35-010P SERIES X Central m _ _• TM S e m ic o n d u cto r Corp. SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER 145 Adam s Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 10 THRU 35A, 100 THRU 1000V

    OCR Scan
    CBR10-010P CBR25-010P CBR35-010P CBR10, CBR25, CBR35 CBR35-060INE CBR35-060PW PDF


    Abstract: 1N4444
    Text: Datasheet Central 1N4444 Sem iconductor Corp. SILICON 145 A dam s Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 U SA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 S WI T C H I NG DI OD E JEDEC DO- 3 5 CASE Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 1N4444 silicon planar epitaxial diode is characterized by ¡ts

    OCR Scan
    1N4444 DO-35 N4444 100mA N444 1N4444 PDF


    Abstract: 1N30038 1N29708 1N2973B 1n29798 1N2981 1N29868 1N2997 1N29978 1N30048
    Text: Data Sheet 1N 2970B TH R U 1N3015B Central' 1 0 W Z E N E R D IO D E 6 .8 V O L T S T O 2 0 0 V O L T S 5% TO LE R A N C E Sem iconductor Corp. 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 D O -4 C A S E Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    1N2970B 1N3015B 10WZENER 1N2970RB) 1N3009B 1N3010B 1N3011B 1N3012B 1N3013B 1n29768 1N30038 1N29708 1N2973B 1n29798 1N2981 1N29868 1N2997 1N29978 1N30048 PDF


    Abstract: 1N4679 1N4680 1N4681 1N4682 1N4683 1N4684 1N4685 1N4717
    Text: Data Sheet Central 1N 4 6 7 8 T H R U 1N 4717 500 m W L O W L E V E L Z E N E R D IO D E 1.8 V O L T S T O 4 3 V O L T S 5% T O L E R A N C E Sem iconductor Corp. 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 D O -3 5 C A S E

    OCR Scan
    1N4678 1N4717 DO-35 1N4707 1N4708 1N4709 1N4710 1N4711 1N4712 1N4679 1N4680 1N4681 1N4682 1N4683 1N4684 1N4685 1N4717 PDF

    SKR 870

    Abstract: SKN870 DIN41814
    Text: s e MIKRO n Rectifier Diodes Ifa v sin. 180; Tease = 85 =C V rsm V rrm 500 A V 400 800 — - 720 A 1110 A SKN 501/04 SKN 501/08 SKN 501/12 SKN 501/14 SKN 501/16 SKN 870/04 - SKN 870/12 1200 - 1400 1600 - 1800 SKN 450/18 SKN 450/20 SKN 450/22 SKN 450/24 SKN 450/25

    OCR Scan
    107B2 DO-200 SKR 870 SKN870 DIN41814 PDF


    Abstract: EL1510 R10G S443
    Text: TTTDVm DDQIMSS bbD • SAK J T-1 3/4 Standard Type Non-Diffused SANKEN SEL 1110 S SEL 1110 C SEL1310E SANKEN LIGHT EMITTING DIODES SEL 1510 C SEL1710K FEATURES • W ide A pp licatio n Range • For D isplay and Other General Uses • L o n g -life /H ig h R eliability

    OCR Scan
    SEL1310E SEL1710K 58Forward 10//sec 7TTG741 DD014S5 1510C EL1510 R10G S443 PDF


    Abstract: 1310
    Text: 7^0741 3-1 QGG144a 13T « S A K J Individual Specifications SANKEN T-1 3 /4 Standard Type Diffused SANKEN LIGHT EM ITTING DIODES SEL 1110 R SEL 1110W SEL 1310 G SEL 1710 Y FEATURES • Wide Application Range • For Display and Other General Uses • Long-life/High Reliability

    OCR Scan
    QGG144a L1110 EL1110W 1310 PDF

    diode E 1110

    Abstract: pgr 1110 e 1110 diode
    Text: PGR 1110 Compact PIN Receiver This compact P IN receiver is especially suited for F IT L Fiber In The Loop and similar short and medium haul telecom applications. The module includes a InGaAs PIN diode and is optimizedfor -40 to + 85 °C operation. PGR 1110/R

    OCR Scan
    1110/R Fib83 diode E 1110 pgr 1110 e 1110 diode PDF


    Abstract: Thomson-CSF 22R2 62R2 All diodes KU 506 BYW 70 RP 8040 X BYW88-100 FR58A C1-200
    Text: rectifier diodes < 100 A o diodes de redressement < 100A THOMSON-CSF Types •o VRRM A (V) ■ fsm vF (A) (V) / iF 10 ms m ax 6 A* / Tease = 125°C G 5 0 6 ,(R) G 1006, (R) G 2006, (R) G 3006,(R) G 4006, (R) G 5006,(R) G 6006,(R) G 8006, (R) G 1106, (R)

    OCR Scan
    200A2s CB-33) 100A2s CB-227) TNF300 42R2 Thomson-CSF 22R2 62R2 All diodes KU 506 BYW 70 RP 8040 X BYW88-100 FR58A C1-200 PDF

    dsa diodes DSA 401

    Abstract: G DSA 908-44 A G dsa 605-23 A DSA 908-44 A G 0/dsa diodes DSA 401 dsa 405-44
    Text: A S E A BROUN/ABB Netzdioden Dkxfe DS SA fo D f Typ/type aS"- SEMICON li — — — Diodes de redressement Rectifier diodes V rrm Ifrm s Ifavi Ifavm Tc = V 50° C 100°C D SA J[ £ DS Avalanche Typ - V A °C A A r i □ □ 4 fl3Ufi ft Ifsm OVJM) (10 ms)

    OCR Scan
    44A------1 dsa diodes DSA 401 G DSA 908-44 A G dsa 605-23 A DSA 908-44 A G 0/dsa diodes DSA 401 dsa 405-44 PDF


    Abstract: PQ2WZ51 LT024MD GP1F31T s202t02 GP1U801X LT022 GP2L20L GP1U78R PQ05DZ51
    Text: SHARP Model No. List Model No. List • Infrared Emitting Diodes Model No. GL1F20 GL380 QL381 GL382 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL480 GL480Q GL4S3Q GL4800 GL460 GL461 GL4600 GL4610 GL4100 GL4200 GL4910 GL496 GL513F GL514 GL560 GL561 GL533 GL537 GL538 GL550 GL551

    OCR Scan
    GL1F20 GL380 QL381 GL382 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL480 GL480Q LT1560ED PQ2WZ51 LT024MD GP1F31T s202t02 GP1U801X LT022 GP2L20L GP1U78R PQ05DZ51 PDF