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    DIOD 2F Search Results

    DIOD 2F Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DIOD 2F Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 16F120 16F20 16F40 16F60 16F80 16FR120 16FR20 16FR40 16FR80
    Text: 2002-03-26 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 70-147-15 16F100 diod 1000V 16A 70-147-23 16F120 diod 1200V 16A 70-147-56 16F20 diod 200V 16A 70-147-64 16F80 diod 800V 16A

    16F100 16F120 16F20 16F80 16FR120 16FR20 16FR40 16F40 16F60 16FR80 PDF


    Abstract: P 1000V diod 25F10 25F100 25F120 25F20 25F40 25F60 25FR10 25FR100
    Text: 2002-03-26 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 70-360-07 25F10 diod 25A 100V 70-360-15 25F100 diod 25A 1000V 70-360-23 25F120 diod 25A 1200V 70-360-30 25F20 diod 25A 200V

    25F10 25F100 25F120 25F20 25F40 25F60 25F80 25FR10 25FR100 25FR120 P 1000V diod PDF


    Abstract: 40HF120 Diode 40HF120 40HF10 40HF100 40HF160 40HF40 40HF60 40HF80 40HFR10
    Text: 2002-03-26 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 70-363-95 40HF10 diod 100V 40A 70-364-03 40HF100 diod 1000V 40A 70-364-11 40HF120 diod 1200V 40A 70-364-29 40HF160 diod 1600V 40A

    40HF10 40HF100 40HF120 40HF160 40HF40 40HF60 40HF80 40HFR10 40HFR100 40HFR120 Diode 40HF120 PDF


    Abstract: 12F100 12F120 12F20 12F40 12F60 12F80 12FR100 12FR120 12FR60
    Text: 2002-03-26 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 70-145-58 12F10 diod 100V 12A 70-145-66 12F100 diod 1000V 12A 70-145-74 12F120 diod 1200V 12A 70-145-82 12F20 diod 200V 12A

    12F10 12F100 12F120 12F20 12F60 12F80 12FR100 12F40 12FR120 12FR60 PDF

    p j 85 diod

    Abstract: 85HF120 85HF160 85HF20 85HF40 85HF60 85HF80 85HFR120 85HFR20 85HFR40
    Text: 2002-07-05 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 70-366-92 85HF120 diod 1200V 85A 70-367-00 85HF160 diod 1600V 85A 70-367-18 85HF20 diod 200V 85A 70-367-26 85HF40 diod 400V 85A

    85HF120 85HF160 85HF20 85HF40 85HF60 85HF80 85HFR120 85HFR20 85HFR40 85HFR60 p j 85 diod PDF

    arc welder schematic

    Abstract: arc welder circuit 2FI50
    Text: 2FI50G-100 2x50A FAST RECOVERY DIODE MODULE Outline Drawings, mm 1000V / 50A 2 in one-package FAST RECOVERY DIODE MODULE Features • Short Reverse Recovery Time · Variety of Connection Menu · Insulated Type Applications · Arc-Welders · Free-Wheeling Diod

    2FI50G-100 2x50A) 50/60Hz arc welder schematic arc welder circuit 2FI50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2FI50G-100 2x50A FAST RECOVERY DIODE MODULE Outline Drawings, mm 1000V / 50A 2 in one-package FAST RECOVERY DIODE MODULE Features • Short Reverse Recovery Time · Variety of Connection Menu · Insulated Type Applications · Arc-Welders · Free-Wheeling Diod

    2FI50G-100 2x50A) 50/60Hz PDF

    arc welder schematic

    Abstract: arc welder circuit fast diode for welder application 2FI50G-100
    Text: 2FI50G-100 2x50A FAST RECOVERY DIODE MODULE Outline Drawings, mm 1000V / 50A 2 in one-package FAST RECOVERY DIODE MODULE Features • Short Reverse Recovery Time · Variety of Connection Menu · Insulated Type Applications · Arc-Welders · Free-Wheeling Diod

    2FI50G-100 2x50A) 50/60Hz AC1500 arc welder schematic arc welder circuit fast diode for welder application PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BigPIC 6 Alla MikroElektronikas utvecklingssystem utgör oersättlig verktyg för programmering och utveckling av mikrokontroller-baserade enheter. Noga utvalda komponenter och användning av maskiner av den senaste generationen för montering och testing av dessa är den bästa garanti för


    1000V diod

    Abstract: irgph30k IRG4PH30K br a55 IRGPH30M
    Text: PD -9.1580 IRG4PH30K PRELIMINARY Short Circuit Rated UltraFast IGBT INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR Features C • High short circuit rating optimized for motor control, tsc =10µs, VCC = 720V , TJ = 125°C, VGE = 15V • Combines low conduction losses with high

    IRG4PH30K 1000V diod irgph30k IRG4PH30K br a55 IRGPH30M PDF

    irf 792

    Abstract: GA400TD25S
    Text: PD -5.051B PRELIMINARY "HALF-BRIDGE" IGBT DOUBLE INT-A-PAK GA400TD25S Standard Speed IGBT Features VCES = 250V • Generation 4 IGBT technology • Standard: Optimized for minimum saturation voltage and operating frequencies up to 10kHz • Very low conduction and switching losses

    GA400TD25S 10kHz irf 792 GA400TD25S PDF


    Abstract: transistor IR 840 ED50I
    Text: PD - 9.1456D IRG4BC40U PRELIMINARY UltraFast Speed IGBT INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR Features C • UltraFast: Optimized for high operating frequencies 8-40 kHz in hard switching, >200 kHz in resonant mode • Generation 4 IGBT design provides tighter

    1456D IRG4BC40U O-220AB O-220AB irg4bc40u transistor IR 840 ED50I PDF

    ST diod

    Abstract: Diode IOR 10 dc
    Text: | . I PD- 5041 In terna tional TOR Rectifier preliminary CPV364M4 U IGBT SIP MODULE UltraFast IGBT Features • • • • Fully isolated printed circu it board m ount package S w itch in g-lo ss rating includes all "tail" losses HEXFRED so ft u ltra fa st diod es

    OCR Scan
    CPV364M4 ST diod Diode IOR 10 dc PDF

    diode r207

    Abstract: FAST HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 4000 V 1f60a
    Text: Jta f /\°7 — x V S < 7s / Power Devices • & i t — K -t V jL — il/ Diode Modules 3 0 0 V ? 7 :* l l / ^ - í í ' - í t - K í y a - ^ 300 volts c la s s fa st recovery diod e m odules m ît Device type 2FI50A-030C,N,D V«BM Votts 300 2FI50F-030C,N,D 300

    OCR Scan
    2FI50A-030C 100x2 100x2 R205A R205A 2FI50F-030C OOA-030C 2FI100F-030C ERG28-12 1F60A-120F diode r207 FAST HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 4000 V 1f60a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b'lE D OdEbSOM SIS « A P X _ Product specification Philips S em iconductors_ EHT avalanche very fast soft-recovery diodes FEATURES • • • Soft-recovery non snap-off characteristics Capable of absorbing avalanche

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    BY617 bb53R31 7Z92665 PDF


    Abstract: M74HC244-1P 4000B 74LS244 M74HC244-1FP eaya 150MIL diode 1fp
    Text: MITSUBISHI <DIGITAL ASSP> M 7 4H C 2 4 4-1P /F P OCTAL 3-STATE NONINVERTING B U FFE R /LIN E D R IVER /LIN E RECEIVER DESCRIPTION T h e M 7 4 H C 2 4 4 -1 is an in teg ra te d circuit chip consisting of PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW tw o blocks of 3 -s ta te noninverting buffers with four in d e ­

    OCR Scan
    M74HC244-1P/FP M74HC244-1 25///W/package, 14P2P 14-PIN 150mil 16P2P 16-PIN 6249S27 M74HC244 M74HC244-1P 4000B 74LS244 M74HC244-1FP eaya diode 1fp PDF


    Abstract: diode B5C 276-041 led light emitting diode general HALL 276 MPS 250a twin-t "Indicator Lamps" se 140 B5C diode
    Text: LED DISPLAY AND OPTO ELECTRO NIC D EVICES LIGHT EMITTING DIODE GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he s e dii vi ¡(is ¡ire larRe a r e a light s o u r c e s w h i c h c o n t a i n d i f f u s i n g p a r ti c l e s in the plas tic e n c a p s u l a t e . W h e n the de v ic e on “O N " , it a p p e a r s as a large,

    OCR Scan
    i57i5i 276-041 diode B5C 276-041 led light emitting diode general HALL 276 MPS 250a twin-t "Indicator Lamps" se 140 B5C diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I <DIGITAL ASSP> M 7 4H C 2 4 4-1P /F P OCTAL 3-S TA TE N O N IN VE R TIN G B U F F E R /L IN E D R IV E R /L IN E R E C E IV E R DESCRIPTION T h e M 7 4 H C 2 4 4 -1 is an in teg ra te d circuit chip consisting of PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International ¡^Rectifier_ HEXFET Power MOSFET P D -9.1271 IRFD214 Dynamic dv/dt Rating Repetitive Avalanche Rated For Automatic Insertion End Stackable Fast Switching Ease of paralleling Simple Drive Requirements V d ss = 2 5 0 V ^ D S o n = 2 . 0 ß

    OCR Scan
    IRFD214 DQ2244S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low Noise, Low Drift FET Op Amp ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Improved Replacement for Burr-Brown OPA-111 and OPA-121 Op Amp LOW NOISE 2 |¿V p -p max, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 10 n V /V fiz max at 10 kHz 11 f A p-p Current Noise 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 8-Pio Plastic Mini-DIP

    OCR Scan
    OPA-111 OPA-121 MIL-STD-883B AD645 PDF


    Abstract: ML8205 ML8204 CM3215
    Text: « • V H T E M L 8 2 0 4 /M L8 2 0 5 L . T o n e R in g e r s APR IL 1983 Features Pin Connections • • • • • • Designed fo r tele ph on e bell replacem ent Low cu rre n t drain Sm all size “ m in id ip ” package A d ju sta b le 2-frequency tone

    OCR Scan
    ML8204) ML8205) ML8204 ML8205 ML8204 ML8205 ML8204. ML8204/ML8205 ML8204/5 ML8204AE CM3215 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International IQ R Rectifie r PD -5.062 G A75T S 120U PRELIMINARY Ultra-Fast Speed IGBT "HALF-BRIDGE" IGBT INT-A-PAK -• 3 Featu res r • G en eratio n 4 IG BT te ch n o lo g y • U ltra F a st: O p tim ize d fo r high operating fre q u e n cie s 8-40 kHz in hard sw itch ing , >200

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I I . • I n t e r n a t io n a l I IOR Rectifier PD -5.05 7C preliminary "HALF-BRIDGE" IGBT DOUBLE INT-A-PAK G A300TD 60U Ultra-Fast Speed IGBT F eat ur es • G en eratio n 4 IG BT te ch n o lo g y V • U ltra F a st: O p tim ize d fo r high op era ting

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    A300TD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A TENTATIVE TB6526F TOSHIBA Bi-CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TB6526F CHOPPER-TYPE BIPOLAR STEPPING MOTOR CONTROL DRIVER 1C The TB6526F is a PW M chopper-type sinusoidal micro-step bipolar stepping motor driver 1C. It is capable of 1-2 and 2W1-2 phase excitation modes

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    TB6526F TB6526F SSOP24-P-300-1 961001EBA1 PDF