Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
54L42DM |
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54L42 - BCD to Decimal Decoders |
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54184J/B |
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54184 - BCD to Binary Converters |
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74184N |
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74184 - BCD to Binary Converters |
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74185AN |
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74185 - Binary to BCD Converters |
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54185AJ/B |
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54185A - Binary to BCD Converters |
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Catalog Datasheet | Type | Document Tags | |
vhdl code for 8 bit bcd to seven segment display
Abstract: vhdl code for BCD to binary adder vhdl code for 8-bit BCD adder verilog code for fixed point adder
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v1999 vhdl code for 8 bit bcd to seven segment display vhdl code for BCD to binary adder vhdl code for 8-bit BCD adder verilog code for fixed point adder | |
verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder
Abstract: X8978 verilog code of 8 bit comparator 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog SR-4X verilog code for johnson counter asm chart ieee vhdl verilog code for half subtractor
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XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210, XC-DS501 verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder X8978 verilog code of 8 bit comparator 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog SR-4X verilog code for johnson counter asm chart ieee vhdl verilog code for half subtractor | |
free vHDL code of median filter
Abstract: free verilog code of median filter verilog code for UART with BIST capability verilog code for 2D linear convolution rx UART AHDL design verilog code for 2D linear convolution filtering vhdl median filter verilog code for median filter 8051 interface ppi 8255 vhdl code direct digital synthesizer
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verilog code for 2D linear convolution
Abstract: verilog code for GPS correlator vhdl code numeric controlled oscillator pipeline rx UART AHDL design verilog code car parking free verilog code of median filter verilog code for 2D linear convolution filtering verilog code for median filter 16 QAM modulation verilog code LED Dot Matrix vhdl code
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M-CAT-AMPP-02 EPF10K10, EPF10K20, EPF10K30, EPF10K40, EPF10K50, EPF10K70, EPF10K100, EPF8282, EPF82828A, verilog code for 2D linear convolution verilog code for GPS correlator vhdl code numeric controlled oscillator pipeline rx UART AHDL design verilog code car parking free verilog code of median filter verilog code for 2D linear convolution filtering verilog code for median filter 16 QAM modulation verilog code LED Dot Matrix vhdl code | |
vhdl code for Wallace tree multiplier
Abstract: vhdl code Wallace tree multiplier wallace-tree VERILOG 16 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code 16 bit carry lookahead subtractor vhdl 8 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code binary coded decimal adder Vhdl code 24 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code vhdl code for wallace tree STR s 3115
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A14353JJ3V0UM003 A14353JJ3V0UM00 A14353JJ3V0UM00 FAX044548-7900 vhdl code for Wallace tree multiplier vhdl code Wallace tree multiplier wallace-tree VERILOG 16 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code 16 bit carry lookahead subtractor vhdl 8 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code binary coded decimal adder Vhdl code 24 bit wallace tree multiplier verilog code vhdl code for wallace tree STR s 3115 | |
lms algorithm using verilog code
Abstract: lms algorithm using vhdl code ATM machine working circuit diagram using vhdl verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer for audio digital IIR Filter VHDL code 8086 microprocessor based project verilog DTMF decoder qpsk demodulation VHDL CODE verilog code for fir filter using DA
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verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm
Abstract: verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder verilog TCAM code 4x4 unsigned multiplier VERILOG coding 4-bit AHDL adder subtractor "Galois Field Multiplier" verilog 3-bit binary multiplier using adder VERILOG verilog codes for 64-bit sqrt carry select adder verilog code for adaptive cordic rotator algorithm in vector mode 32 bit carry select adder code
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MNL-01017-5 verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder verilog TCAM code 4x4 unsigned multiplier VERILOG coding 4-bit AHDL adder subtractor "Galois Field Multiplier" verilog 3-bit binary multiplier using adder VERILOG verilog codes for 64-bit sqrt carry select adder verilog code for adaptive cordic rotator algorithm in vector mode 32 bit carry select adder code | |
LED Dot Matrix vhdl code
Abstract: binary coded decimal adder Vhdl code UART using VHDL grid tie inverter schematics LED-Matrix Maximum Megahertz Project XC7200 aldec g2 exe Uart with vhdl one stop bit led matrix projects topics
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MZ80 sensor
Abstract: crt monitor circuit diagram intex 171 8086 microprocessor based project on weight AT89C51 opcode SL100 pin configuration interfacing Atmel 89C51 with ir sensors Block Diagram of 8279 micro processor generation of control signals in 89c51 micro keypad 4x6 matrix led interfacing with 89C51
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XC4000-Series XC3000, XC4000, XC5000 xapp028 xapp028v xapp028o MZ80 sensor crt monitor circuit diagram intex 171 8086 microprocessor based project on weight AT89C51 opcode SL100 pin configuration interfacing Atmel 89C51 with ir sensors Block Diagram of 8279 micro processor generation of control signals in 89c51 micro keypad 4x6 matrix led interfacing with 89C51 | |
74373 latch pin config
Abstract: 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram ci cd 4058 vhdl code for 74194 QL5064 pin diagram of 74109 7400 TTL QL8x12B-0PL68C 74194 shift register waveform Datasheet ci cd 4058
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blackjack vhdl code
Abstract: ABEL-HDL Reference Manual asynchronous 4bit up down counter using jk flip flop GAL1 vhdl code for BCD to binary adder 7449 decoder and seven segment display diode 7449 STH 8450 traffic light controller vhdl coding transistor manual substitution FREE DOWNLOAD
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800-LATTICE blackjack vhdl code ABEL-HDL Reference Manual asynchronous 4bit up down counter using jk flip flop GAL1 vhdl code for BCD to binary adder 7449 decoder and seven segment display diode 7449 STH 8450 traffic light controller vhdl coding transistor manual substitution FREE DOWNLOAD | |
7449 BCD to 7-segment
Abstract: diode 7449 DTRU 7449 DECODER 7449 decoder and seven segment display BCD-Decoder blackjack vhdl code 241 multiplexer using 41 multiplexer ABEL-HDL Reference Manual Design equations inverter
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800-LATTICE 7449 BCD to 7-segment diode 7449 DTRU 7449 DECODER 7449 decoder and seven segment display BCD-Decoder blackjack vhdl code 241 multiplexer using 41 multiplexer ABEL-HDL Reference Manual Design equations inverter | |
Abstract: CWda04 XAPP256 manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 evaluation kit vhdl code for rs232 receiver hcl l21 usb power supply circuit diagram hcl p38 CIRCUIT diagram R80515 XC3SD1800A-FG676 vhdl ethernet spartan 3a
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UG331 guides/ug332 UG331 CWda04 XAPP256 manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 evaluation kit vhdl code for rs232 receiver hcl l21 usb power supply circuit diagram hcl p38 CIRCUIT diagram R80515 XC3SD1800A-FG676 vhdl ethernet spartan 3a | |
manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 evaluation kit
Abstract: hcl l21 usb power supply circuit diagram verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm vhdl code for lcd of spartan3E UG331 TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out dia verilog for 8 point fft using FPGA spartan3 vhdl code for ldpc decoder types of multipliers ge fanuc cpu 331
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UG331 guides/ug332 manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 evaluation kit hcl l21 usb power supply circuit diagram verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm vhdl code for lcd of spartan3E UG331 TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out dia verilog for 8 point fft using FPGA spartan3 vhdl code for ldpc decoder types of multipliers ge fanuc cpu 331 | |
mod 8 ring counter using JK flip flop
Abstract: memory card reader ckt diagram vhdl code for 8-bit BCD adder verilog code pipeline ripple carry adder 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram vhdl code for 8-bit parity checker Verilog code subtractor mod 4 ring counter using JK flip flop pin diagram priority decoder 74138 sentinel s21
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circuit diagram of 8-1 multiplexer design logic
Abstract: vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition ieee floating point multiplier vhdl vhdl projects abstract and coding verilog code for floating point adder altera cyclone 3 digital clock verilog code digital clock vhdl code free vhdl code download for pll ieee floating point vhdl
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vhdl projects abstract and coding
Abstract: new ieee programs in vhdl and verilog Verilog code subtractor vhdl code for accumulator vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition QII51008-7 QII51009-7 EP2S30F672 verilog code for johnson counter EP2S60F1020
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vhdl code for rsa
Abstract: vhdl code for lvds driver 3x3 multiplier USING PARALLEL BINARY ADDER verilog code for An Efficient FPGA Implementation of Binary Coded Decimal Digit Adders and Multipli jesd B100 SelectRAM vhdl code for lvds receiver verilog code for lvds driver CLK180 XC2V2000
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8b/10b UG002 vhdl code for rsa vhdl code for lvds driver 3x3 multiplier USING PARALLEL BINARY ADDER verilog code for An Efficient FPGA Implementation of Binary Coded Decimal Digit Adders and Multipli jesd B100 SelectRAM vhdl code for lvds receiver verilog code for lvds driver CLK180 XC2V2000 | |
circuit diagram of 8-1 multiplexer design logic
Abstract: mtbf stratix 8000 UART using VHDL MTBF calculation excel alu project based on verilog verilog code voltage regulator design of FIR filter using vhdl abstract sequential logic circuit experiments uart verilog code verilog code for uart communication
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QII5V1-10 circuit diagram of 8-1 multiplexer design logic mtbf stratix 8000 UART using VHDL MTBF calculation excel alu project based on verilog verilog code voltage regulator design of FIR filter using vhdl abstract sequential logic circuit experiments uart verilog code verilog code for uart communication | |
on digital code lock using vhdl mini pr
Abstract: XC2V3000-BG728 ternary content addressable memory VHDL XC2V6000-ff1152 TRANSISTOR 841 toshiba smd marking code transistor land pattern BGA 0,50 XC2V3000-FG676 BT 342 project smd marking code mfw
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XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210, XC-DS501 on digital code lock using vhdl mini pr XC2V3000-BG728 ternary content addressable memory VHDL XC2V6000-ff1152 TRANSISTOR 841 toshiba smd marking code transistor land pattern BGA 0,50 XC2V3000-FG676 BT 342 project smd marking code mfw | |
TTL 74-series IC LIST
Abstract: MC672 equivalent MC14502B EDA 2500 manual MC10101 mc12073 sn74ls151 multiplexer vhdl code BIPOLAR MEMORY MC836 sn74ls138 vhdl
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Abstract: led matrix 8x64 message circuit AT 2005B Schematic Diagram TB 25 Abc AT 2005B at AT 2005B SDC 2005B schematic adata flash disk alu project based on verilog FAN 763
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Abstract: 8 BIT ALU design with verilog/vhdl code alu project based on verilog 16 BIT ALU design with verilog/vhdl code 32 BIT ALU design with verilog/vhdl code simple traffic light circuit diagram using microc ieee floating point alu in vhdl ieee floating point multiplier vhdl verilog code voltage regulator verilog code for serial multiplier
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vhdl code for uart EP2C35F672C6
Abstract: SAT. FINDER KIT SHARP COF st zo 607 ma gx 711 UART using VHDL EPE PIC TUTORIAL circuit diagram of 8-1 multiplexer design logic FSM VHDL verilog code voltage regulator N 341 AB
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QII5V1-10 vhdl code for uart EP2C35F672C6 SAT. FINDER KIT SHARP COF st zo 607 ma gx 711 UART using VHDL EPE PIC TUTORIAL circuit diagram of 8-1 multiplexer design logic FSM VHDL verilog code voltage regulator N 341 AB |