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    D 1398 Transistor

    Abstract: d 1398 BLV98 32Q1 ci 1404
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 86D OLE 0 1398 D "d • bfci53Ii31 D013b3b 3 3 - ft A ~~ BLV98 U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor In SOT-171 envelope intended for use in class-B operated base station transmitters in the 900 MHz communications band.

    OCR Scan
    bfci53Ii31 D013b3b BLV98 OT-171 BLV98 D 1398 Transistor d 1398 32Q1 ci 1404 PDF

    Philips MAB8021

    Abstract: 8048 micro controller block diagram SCN8048 MAB8021
    Text: NAPC/ SI6NETICS Signetics aiE D • bfci53T54 0Q5S33Ô ñ i 7 ^ ? - / 9 - ¿S' SCN8400 Series Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SCN84XX family of microcontrollers is fabricated in NMOS. The family con­

    OCR Scan
    bfci53T54 0Q5S33Ô SCN8400 SCN84XX 20-pin SCN8422 SCN8442, SCN8048. 100/iH 33fiH Philips MAB8021 8048 micro controller block diagram SCN8048 MAB8021 PDF


    Abstract: ECG1366 dlw1
    Text: 17E PHILIPS E C G INC ECG • bfci53‘ï2û 000525=] h ECG1366 5.E W AF PO Sem icon ductors Features • L o w n um ber o f external co m p on e n ts • B u ilt-in p rote ctive circu its P o w e r su pp ly surge p ro te ctio n circ u it can w ith sta n d a surge o f +40 V fo r

    OCR Scan
    bfci53` ECQ1366 Q00S2bl ECG1366 E5EW ECG1366 dlw1 PDF


    Abstract: BUK436-50B SOT93 package
    Text: N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E HSE D Hi bfci53ci31 0 0 2 0 2 0 5 T Hi PowerMOS transistor BUK436-50A BUK436-50B T -3 « M GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancem ent mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended to r use in

    OCR Scan
    Q0202BS BUK436-50A BUK436-50B BUK436 OT-93; T-39-T3 SOT93 package PDF

    Philips MAB8021

    Abstract: MAB8021 8048 microcontroller processor 8048 TI 8048 CPU 8048 BASED 8048 pin details signetics N28 block diagram of 8048 microcontroller SCN8048
    Text: NAPC/ SI6NETICS Signetics aiE D • bfci53T54 0Q5S33Ô ñ SCN8400 Series 17 W % i9 - ô S Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcontroller c Product Specification Microprocessor Products FEATURES • l2C serial I/O that can be used in single or multimaster systems serial I/O data and clock via

    OCR Scan
    SCN8400 SCN84XX 20-pin SCN8422 SCN8442, SCN8048. -C2-27pF 100/iH 56/aH 33fiH Philips MAB8021 MAB8021 8048 microcontroller processor 8048 TI 8048 CPU 8048 BASED 8048 pin details signetics N28 block diagram of 8048 microcontroller SCN8048 PDF

    common emitter amplifier

    Abstract: LKE27010R amplifier marking code D
    Text: 1 I N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE OhE D • bfci53ci31 DD3,4T47 Ü ■ MAINTENANCE TYPE LKE27010R T-33-O ST M ICRO W AVE LINEAR PO W ER TRANSISTOR NPN transistor for use in a common-emitter class-A linear power amplifier up to 3,3 GHz. Diffused emitter ballasting resistors, interdigitated structure, multiceli geometry and gold metallization

    OCR Scan
    bfci53cà DD14TM7 LKE27010R T-33-OiT FO-53. LKE2701 T-33-05. to200 common emitter amplifier amplifier marking code D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E ECG Semiconductors bfci53liEÛ 0004Û35 S ECG1260, ECG1261 T-74-05-01 5.5 W Audio Power Amplifier ECG1260 Features • Normal ECG1260 and Reverse (ECG1261) pin configurations for easier PC board layout. No damage for Reverse Insertion

    OCR Scan
    bfci53l ECG1260) ECG1261) ECG1260 ECG1261 al120 ECG1260, ECG1261 T-74-05-01 PDF


    Abstract: 1545CT 1545C IEC134 PBYR1535CTF PBYR1540CTF PBYR1545CTF 1545CTF
    Text: PBYR1535CTF PBYR1540CTF PBYR1545CTF N AUER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E 2SE D I bfci53li31 0 0 2 2 ^ 5 3 SCHOTTKY-BARRIER DOUBLE RECTIFIER DIODES 5 • ~ 7 ^ 6 1 - i7 Low-leakage p latin u m -b a rrier do ub le rec tifie r diodes in S O T -1 8 6 fu ll-p ac k plastic envelopes

    OCR Scan
    PBYR1535CTF PBYR1540CTF PBYR1545CTF OT-186 T-03-17 M2284 1540CT 1545CT 1545C IEC134 PBYR1545CTF 1545CTF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N APIER PH IL IP S/ D IS C R ET E b^E D • bbSa^l DD3QSSS 7TM « A P X Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic full-pack envelope. The device is intended for use in

    OCR Scan
    -SOT186 BUK444-200A/B BUK444 -200A -200B 1E-03 Fk7-11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIP125 TIP126 TIP127 _ / V SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS P-N-P epitaxial-base transistors in monolithic Darlington circuit for audio output stages and general amplifier and switching applications. T O -220 plastic envelope. N-P-N complements are TIP120, TIP121

    OCR Scan
    TIP125 TIP126 TIP127 TIP120, TIP121 TIP122. TIP125 bti53T31 TIP127 TIP122 AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT PDF


    Abstract: TA505 50J2 BR210
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DI SCRE TE DbE D • bbS3TBl G011011 S ■ ~ Il BR210 SERIES y T - 2 S ' O G ~ BREAKOVER DIODES A range o f glass-passivated bidirectional breakover diodes in th e T 0 -2 2 0 A C o u tlin e , available in a + / —

    OCR Scan
    Q011011 BR210 T0-220AC BR210â O-220AC bb53131 DQ11Q21 M2683 Li53li31 BR210S TA505 50J2 PDF


    Abstract: sot-23 MARKING CODE ZA Self-Oscillating mixer transistor 359 A k
    Text: SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRA N SISTO R P-N-P transistor in a microminiature plastic envelope, intended for applications in thick and thin-film circuits such as self-oscillating mixer in u.h.f. tuners in conjunction with bipolar transistors or with M O S fets.

    OCR Scan
    GD1S712 BF569 OT-23 BF569 T-31-15 7Z84416 sot-23 MARKING CODE ZA Self-Oscillating mixer transistor 359 A k PDF


    Abstract: MSB003 BSN20
    Text: • Philips Semiconductors — bbS3T31 a0237t,S Tib ■ N AUER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E APX _ „ Product specification b7E D N-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor FEATURES BSN20 QUICK REFERENCE DATA • Direct interface to C-MOS, TTL,

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    a0237t BSN20 btiS3T31 237hfl BbN20 MM794 MRA78S VaSimat25 BbN20 MSB003 BSN20 PDF


    Abstract: JLB671 TDA8563Q TDA8563Q Application
    Text: bbS3<ì24 0CH3Sfc>7 14T « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 2 x 40 W/2 Q stereo BTL car radio power amplifier with diagnostic facility TDA8563Q FEATURES • Thermally protected • Requires very few external components • Reverse polarity safe

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    TDA8563Q TDA85630 JLB671 TDA8563Q TDA8563Q Application PDF


    Abstract: Ferroxcube cross reference BFQ34 Ferroxcube core BFR94A f2nd transistor 3305
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 2SE D BFQ34 is recommended for new design • bbS3T31 DOlflOTS h U 11 BFR94 T -3 3 -0 S " N-P-N H.F. WIDEBAND TRANSISTOR N-P-N resistance-stabilized transistor in a SOT-48 capstan envelope featuring extremely low cross modulation, intermodulation and second harmonic distortion. Thanks to its high transition frequency

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 BFQ34 BFR94 T-33-Ã OT-48 VCE-20V BFR94 Ferroxcube cross reference Ferroxcube core BFR94A f2nd transistor 3305 PDF


    Abstract: ECG755 12 volt class D schematic
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E D LtSaTSÔ 00034E1 ] • 7 = 7 V v ^ r ~ O J ECG755 CLASS “A” AUDIO DRIVER s e m ico n d u c to r s 0.025 E035 ECG755 is designed for driving Class " A " PNP power output transistor stage applica­ tions. =L=L T QJ00 0.130 _ L _ 0 ! î î S TÎ50

    OCR Scan
    00034E1 ECG755 ECG755 ECG75S bfci53ii QJ00 12 volt class D schematic PDF


    Abstract: BDxxx-10
    Text: BD135 BD137 BD139 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS General purpose n-p-n transistors in SOT-32 plastic envelope, recommended for driver stages in hi-fi amplifiers and television circuits.

    OCR Scan
    BD135 BD137 BD139 OT-32 6D136, BD138 BD140are BD135, BD137 BD139 BDXXX BDxxx-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N A PIER PHILIPS/DISCRETE OLE D 1,^53=131 DQ110E3 1 BR220 SERIES r - 3 5 " - OS- DUAL BREAKOVER DIODES The BR220 is a range of monolithic diffusion-isolated glass-passivated dual bidirectional breakover diodes in the TO-220AB outline, available in a + /— 12% tolerance series of nominal breakover voltage.

    OCR Scan
    DQ110E3 BR220 O-220AB bbS3T31 0011D3S bb53131 001103b PDF


    Abstract: psd3xx PSD-302 8051 microcontroller philips PSD301 D071 PSD302 T12A T23A 2l3536
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND bb53TE4 □D71Ô41 E'lb • ISIC 3 blE ]> P re lim in a ry sp ecification P h ilip s S em ic o n d u c to rs M icro co n tro ller P eriph erals PSD302 Field-programmable microcontroller peripheral Key Features □ □ Single Chip Programmable Peripheral

    OCR Scan
    bb53TE4 DQ71641 PSD302 Chip-Set2-12B 52-pin PSD302-15 44-pin PSD302-15I K162L psd3xx PSD-302 8051 microcontroller philips PSD301 D071 PSD302 T12A T23A 2l3536 PDF


    Abstract: mrtil transistor 3568
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 8 6D ObE 01766 I D 7 -" ~ j • 1^53^31 G014DDM 3 - o Jr ~ BLX67 A U.H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon transistor for use in class-B and C operated mobile, industrial and military transmitters with a supply voltage of 13,8 V,

    OCR Scan
    G014DDM BLX67 T-33-Ã BLX67 mrtil transistor 3568 PDF


    Abstract: K445 BUK445-500A BUK445-500B
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 2SE D • ^53=131 DOSOmO =1 ■ PowerMOS transistor BUK445-500A BUK445-500B T -2 1 -0 1 QUICK REFERENCE DATA GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic full-pack envelope. The device is intended for use in

    OCR Scan
    BUK445-500A BUK445-500B BUK445 -500A -500B K445 BUK445-500B PDF


    Abstract: CNW4502 Optocoupler 601 BS415 BS6301 BS7002 CNW135
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Product specification Wide body high isolation, high-speed optocouplers FEATURES • Wide body DIL encapsulation, with a pin distance of 10.16 mm • Minimum clearance of 9.6 mm and minimum creepage of 10 mm • 11 MHz bandwidth •

    OCR Scan
    CNW135/CNW136/CNW4502 elemen502 UCB372 GG3S37L cnw136 CNW4502 Optocoupler 601 BS415 BS6301 BS7002 CNW135 PDF


    Abstract: BFU308 BFU309 L7E transistor transistor 309
    Text: ^53131 Philips Semiconductors □□E3bfl4 TT7 APX Preliminary specification N-channel silicon field-effect transistors mi N AHFR FEATURES BFU308/309/310 PHT I T P S / D T S f R F T F L7F D PIN CONFIGURATION • Low noise • Interchangeability of drain and

    OCR Scan
    BFU308/309/310 PINNING-TO-18 BFU308 BFU309 BFU310 total00 BFU308, bfu308/309/310 BFU310 BFU309 L7E transistor transistor 309 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N ANER PHILIPS/DISCRETE D E V E L O P M E N T DATA □bE D • bbS3T31 0015147 b ■ PZ2327B15U This data sheet contains advance information and specifications are subject to change without notice. T-c 3 % - Q I MICROWAVE POW ER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon epitaxial microwave power transistor, intended for use in a common-base, class-C broad­

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 PZ2327B15U bb53131 bfci53T31 7Z2412$ D01S1S5 PDF