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    BSG1130 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2N4945 D40D8 NSDU02 nsd102 NSDU05
    Text: NATL SEMICOND DISCRETE SEE » • bSG1130 GG377fl4 T ■ T-27-ÔI NPN Medium Power Transistors by Ascending Vceo Part No. Hfe a lc/Vce (V) NSE871 TN1711 • Min Max (mA/V) Vea (sat) (V) Max 50 40 300 25/20 500/10 1.5 150 TO-202 TO-237 Vceo lc/lb (mA)/(mA)

    OCR Scan
    bSG1130 GG377fl4 NSE871 TN1711 MPS6561 MSP6560 2N5449 2N6714 92PU01 D40D1 NSE180 2N4945 D40D8 NSDU02 nsd102 NSDU05 PDF


    Abstract: D42C5 040e5 NSE180 2N4945 NSE871 d42c2 TO-202 transistor NPN NSDU05 2N6714
    Text: NATL SEMICOND DISCRETE 5SE D • bSG1130 Ci a377a4 T ■ T-27-0! NPN Medium Power Transistors by Ascending Vceo Part No. Hfe a lc /V ce Vceo (V) NSE871 TN1711 ’ Vce (sat) (V) Ic/lb M ax (mA)/(mA) Min M ax (m A/V) 50 40 300 25/20 500/10 1.5 150 Package

    OCR Scan
    bSG1130 Cia377a4 T-21-0! NSE871 TN1711 O-202 O-237 MPS6561 MSP6560 2N5449 NSD102 D42C5 040e5 NSE180 2N4945 d42c2 TO-202 transistor NPN NSDU05 2N6714 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NATL SEMICÔND DISCRETE 2SE ». • bSG1130 G0377Ô5 1 ■ NPN Medium Power Transistors by Ascending Vceo (V) Min NSE181 PN3568 TN2017 60 60 60 50 40 50 250 120 200 TN2102 65 40 2N5321 D40D10 D40D11 D40D13 D40D14 NSD6178 75 75 75 75 75 75 40 50 120 50 120

    OCR Scan
    bSG1130 G0377 NSE181 PN3568 TN2017 TN2102 2N5321 D40D10 D40D11 D40D13 2N6591 PDF

    NPN RF Amplifier

    Abstract: y-parameter MMBTH20 MPSH20 U407
    Text: MPSH201MMBTH20 Discrete POW ER & Signal Technologies National S e m i c o n d u c t o r “ MMBTH20 MPSH20 NPN RF Transistor T h is d e v ic e is d e s ig n e d for g e n e ra l R F am plifier a n d m ixer ap p lica tio n s to 25 0 M H z w ith co lle cto r curren ts in the 1.0 m A

    OCR Scan
    LSG113Ã b501130 NPN RF Amplifier y-parameter MMBTH20 MPSH20 U407 PDF


    Abstract: BC817-40
    Text: S e m i c o n d u c t o r " B C 817-25 B C 8 1 7 -40 NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for general purpose medium power amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 1.2 A. Sourced from Process 38. Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted

    OCR Scan
    BC817-25 BC817-40 bSG1130 BC817-40 PDF


    Abstract: NZT6728 TN6728A b41 sot223
    Text: TN6728A I NZT6728 & Discrete P O W E R & S ig n a l Technologies National Semiconductor" NZT6728 TN6728A SOT-223 PNP General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for general purpose medium power amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 1.0 A.

    OCR Scan
    TN6728A O-226 NZT6728 OT-223 bS0113D 4D73fl b501130 M073ci m073 NZT6728 TN6728A b41 sot223 PDF


    Abstract: transistor mosfet n-ch drain current NDS9958 Dual N & P-Channel MOSFET
    Text: National Semiconductor" May 1996 NDS9958 Dual N & P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These dual N- and P-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using National's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS

    OCR Scan
    NDS9958 b501130 0Q400bl 4-221 transistor mosfet n-ch drain current NDS9958 Dual N & P-Channel MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: 2N5457 2N5459 2n5458
    Text: Semiconductor 2N5457 2N5458 2N5459 MMBF5457 MMBF5458 MMBF5459 SOT-23 S Mark: 6 D / 6 1 S / 6 L N-Channel General Purpose Amplifier This device is a low level audio amplifier and switching transistors, and can be used for analog switching applications. Sourced from

    OCR Scan
    2N5457 2N5458 2N5459 MMBF5457 MMBF5458 MMBF5459 2N5459 2N5458 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR PDF


    Abstract: NDP405A cq 532 stablizer circuit diagram NDP405B NDP406A NDP406B NDP405 110981
    Text: a t i o n a Semiconductor l October 1991 NDP405A/NDP405B, NDP406A/NDP406B N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power Field Effect Transistor G e n e ra l D e s c r ip tio n F e a tu re s These n-channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using National's proprietary, high

    OCR Scan
    NDP405A/NDP405B, NDP406A/NDP406B 0V-00) GG3C NDP405A cq 532 stablizer circuit diagram NDP405B NDP406A NDP406B NDP405 110981 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TN4033A D iscrete P O W E R & S ig n a l T echnologies National Sem iconductor" TN4033A PNP General Purpose Amplifier This device is designed for general purpose amplifier and switching applications at currents to 500 mA and collector voltages up to 70V. Sourced from Process 67.

    OCR Scan
    TN4033A bSD113Ã TN4033A PDF


    Abstract: NDS9933A
    Text: June 1996 National Semiconductor" ADVANCE INFORMATION & NDS9933A Dual P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor Features General Description These P-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using National's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology.

    OCR Scan
    NDS9933A 300ps, 03clclà JJS-100 NDS9933A PDF

    diode T35

    Abstract: NDS355N diode T35 -4-D6
    Text: & National Semiconductor M a rc h 1 9 9 6 " NDS355N N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These N-Channel lo g ic level enhancem ent m ode p o w e r fie ld effect tran sisto rs are produced using N ationals pro p rie ta ry, high cell density, DMOS

    OCR Scan
    NDS355N OT-23) b501130 bSG1130 diode T35 NDS355N diode T35 -4-D6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National March 1996 Semiconductor” & NDC7002N Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These dual N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using National's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS

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    NDC7002N ndc7002n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National Semiconductor May 1996 ” NDH8447 P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These P-Channel enhancem ent m o d e p o w e r field - effect tran sisto rs are produced using N ational's proprietary, h ig h cell density, DMOS tech no lo g y.

    OCR Scan
    NDH8447 hS01130 NDH8447 PDF


    Abstract: 2N671 ksd113 0410 2N4355 transistor 2N4033 2N4031 2N4033 2N4037 2N4356
    Text: This PNP Transistors 2N4030 TO-39 60 VCEO VEBO V (V) Min Min 60 5 •ces * ICBO@VcB (nA) (V) Max 50 50 By Its 2N4031 TO-39 TO-39 2N4Û36 TO-39 60 80 90 80 60 80 85 TO-39 60 40 2N4314 TO-39 90 65 5 5 7 7 50 50 50 20 60 50 60 60 10 25 40 30 40 70 100 75 25

    OCR Scan
    2n4030 to-39 2N4031 2n4032 2N4033 T-31-01 92PU51A 2N671 ksd113 0410 2N4355 transistor 2N4033 2N4037 2N4356 PDF


    Abstract: NSDU07 transistor 2N3569 "NPN Transistors" 2n3567 NSD102 NSD458 2n3568 2N3569 92PU393 D40E5
    Text: This 60 40 2N1613 also Avail. JAN/TX/V Versions TO-5 75 35 7 10 60 20 40 35 20 2N1711 TO-5 75 35 7 10 60 40 100 75 35 20 120 120 300 150 10 5.0 1.3 150 20 50 50 12 500 150 10 100 fiA 10 10 10 10 1.5 1.3 150 25 60 50 12 Note 1 12 500 150 10 100 pA IO jiA

    OCR Scan
    b501L3a 0370MM T-27-CI T-27-01 2N3567 NSDU07 transistor 2N3569 "NPN Transistors" 2n3567 NSD102 NSD458 2n3568 2N3569 92PU393 D40E5 PDF

    LD 1106 BS

    Abstract: NDS8426
    Text: National Semiconductor July 1996 ” NDS8426 Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features These N-Channel e nhancem ent m od e p o w e r field effect tran sisto rs are produced using N ational's p ro p rie ta ry, h ig h cell density, DMOS tech no lo g y.

    OCR Scan
    NDS8426 RDS10N, bSG1130 LD 1106 BS NDS8426 PDF


    Abstract: J109 J110
    Text: Se mi c o ndu c t o r " J108 J109 J110 N-Channel Switch This device is designed for analog or digital switching applications where very low on resistance is mandatory. Sourced from Process 58. Ab$Olllt6 Maximum Ratinçjs Symbol TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted

    OCR Scan
    125-G bSG113Q D40c12cà J108 J109 J110 PDF

    j110, national

    Abstract: NATIONAL J110
    Text: S e mi c o n d u c t o r “ J 108 J 109 J 110 N-Channel Switch This device is designed for analog or digital switching applications where very low on resistance is mandatory. Sourced from Process 58. Absolute Maximum Ratings* Symbol TA ^ 25°C unless otherwise noted

    OCR Scan
    bSG1130 j110, national NATIONAL J110 PDF