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    B93 DIODE Search Results

    B93 DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    B93 DIODE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    b93 02 diode

    Abstract: 02 b93 diode ABG TRANSISTOR ACB SOT23-6 MAXIM AMP DIODE B93 DUAL NPN SOT23-6 MAX6471 MAX6474 MAX6477 MAX6479
    Text: 19-2532; Rev 6; 2/11 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA 300mA LDO Linear Regulators with Internal Microprocessor Reset Circuit The MAX6469MAX6484 are low-dropout linear regulators with a fully integrated microprocessor reset circuit. Each is available with preset output voltages from +1.5V

    300mA MAX6469 MAX6484 100mV 300mA MAX6471/MAX6472/MAX6479/MAX6480 b93 02 diode 02 b93 diode ABG TRANSISTOR ACB SOT23-6 MAXIM AMP DIODE B93 DUAL NPN SOT23-6 MAX6471 MAX6474 MAX6477 MAX6479 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-2532; Rev 6; 2/11 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA 300mA LDO Linear Regulators with Internal Microprocessor Reset Circuit Features The MAX6469MAX6484 are low-dropout linear regulators with a fully integrated microprocessor reset circuit. Each is available with preset output voltages from +1.5V

    300mA MAX6469â MAX6484 100mV 300mA MAX6471/MAX6472/MAX6479/MAX6480 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMD Lamp LTW-M670ZVS-CS2 1. Description The LTW LiteOn White LED is a revolutionary, energy efficient and ultra compact new light source, combining the lifetime and reliability advantages of Light Emitting Diodes with the brightness of conventional lighting. It gives you total design freedom and

    LTW-M670ZVS-CS2 EIA-471 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMD Lamp LTW-M670ZVS-CS 1. Description The LTW LiteOn White LED is a revolutionary, energy efficient and ultra compact new light source, combining the lifetime and reliability advantages of Light Emitting Diodes with the brightness of conventional lighting. It gives you total design freedom and


    sot-23 adw

    Abstract: TDFN-12 acw dfn MAX6473TA
    Text: 19-2532; Rev 3; 3/04 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL 300mA LDO Linear Regulators with Internal Microprocessor Reset Circuit The MAX6469MAX6484 are low-dropout linear regulators with a fully integrated microprocessor reset circuit. Each is available with preset output voltages from +1.5V

    300mA 100mV MAX6477 MAX6484) 150mA 114mV 300mA MAX6469 MAX6484 sot-23 adw TDFN-12 acw dfn MAX6473TA PDF

    ADO SOT23-6

    Abstract: MAX6469 MAX6471 MAX6474 MAX6476 MAX6477 MAX6479 MAX6482 MAX6484 DIODE B93
    Text: 19-2532; Rev 2; 6/03 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL 300mA LDO Linear Regulators with Internal Microprocessor Reset Circuit Features The MAX6469MAX6484 are low-dropout linear regulators with a fully integrated microprocessor reset circuit. Each is available with preset output voltages from +1.5V

    300mA MAX6469 MAX6484 100mV 300mA Volt30 MO229 ADO SOT23-6 MAX6471 MAX6474 MAX6476 MAX6477 MAX6479 MAX6482 DIODE B93 PDF

    sot23-6 ABW

    Abstract: 02 b93 diode ada 8-lead DUAL NPN SOT23-6 MAX6469 MAX6471 MAX6474 MAX6476 MAX6477 MAX6479
    Text: 19-2532; Rev 1; 10/02 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL 300mA LDO Linear Regulators with Internal Microprocessor Reset Circuit Features The MAX6469MAX6484 are low-dropout linear regulators with a fully integrated microprocessor reset circuit. Each is available with preset output voltages from +1.5V

    300mA MAX6469 MAX6484 100mV 300mA MO229 T1033-1 sot23-6 ABW 02 b93 diode ada 8-lead DUAL NPN SOT23-6 MAX6471 MAX6474 MAX6476 MAX6477 MAX6479 PDF

    DUAL NPN SOT23-6

    Abstract: dfn et MAX6474 MAX6469 MAX6471 MAX6476 MAX6477 MAX6479 MAX6482 MAX6484
    Text: 19-2532; Rev 4; 4/05 KIT ATION EVALU LE B A IL A AV 300mA LDO Linear Regulators with Internal Microprocessor Reset Circuit Features The MAX6469MAX6484 are low-dropout linear regulators with a fully integrated microprocessor reset circuit. Each is available with preset output voltages from +1.5V

    300mA MAX6469 MAX6484 100mV 300mA T1433-2 DUAL NPN SOT23-6 dfn et MAX6474 MAX6471 MAX6476 MAX6477 MAX6479 MAX6482 PDF

    DUAL NPN SOT23-6

    Abstract: MAX6469 MAX6471 MAX6474 MAX6476 MAX6477 MAX6479 MAX6482 MAX6484
    Text: 19-2532; Rev 5; 12/07 KIT ATION EVALU LE B A IL A AV 300mA LDO Linear Regulators with Internal Microprocessor Reset Circuit Features The MAX6469MAX6484 are low-dropout linear regulators with a fully integrated microprocessor reset circuit. Each is available with preset output voltages from +1.5V

    300mA MAX6469 MAX6484 100mV 300mA DUAL NPN SOT23-6 MAX6471 MAX6474 MAX6476 MAX6477 MAX6479 MAX6482 PDF

    transistor A106

    Abstract: transistor PNP A105 transistor pnp a110 TRANSISTOR A107 a69 156 transistor A94 TRANSISTOR A114 TRANSISTOR a105 A107 capacitor TRANSISTOR A98 motorola mosfet
    Text: N LM2639 Evaluation Board V.2 Test Procedures 4/9/99 The LM2639 evaluation board V.2 is designed to handle 20A output current under room temperature with no air flow. Efficiency is around 80% at 2V, 20A. With very little air flow, such as that provided by a typical ATX power supply Muffin fan, the board can handle 25A to 30A

    LM2639 T025A2 OT-23 SMDIP-10 SO-24 205Inductor A6S-0104 transistor A106 transistor PNP A105 transistor pnp a110 TRANSISTOR A107 a69 156 transistor A94 TRANSISTOR A114 TRANSISTOR a105 A107 capacitor TRANSISTOR A98 motorola mosfet PDF


    Abstract: SK4F4 SK4G sk4g4 sk4f 3GL06 SK3GL01 BB71 SK4F4/04
    Text: SEMIKRON INC 3 bE D • fil3bb71 0 0 0 2 7 0 b -f'03- c, 10 A V rrm | SEMIKRON Fast Recovery Rectifier Diodes maximum values for continuous operation) Ifr m s V rsm 7 »SEKG 10 A i Ifa v (sin. 180; T re t = SK3GF SK3GL 1 0 5 °C ,L = 10 mm) 3A 2,9 A 100 SK3GF01

    OCR Scan
    fil3bb71 SK3GL01 SK3GF01 T-03-/6' SK3GF06 SK4F4 SK4G sk4g4 sk4f 3GL06 BB71 SK4F4/04 PDF


    Abstract: DIODE B93 B-93 H125 M208 gip transistor b93 diode YSTT
    Text: 2DI75D-050A 75a /<7- -)V POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE i F e a tu re s • 7 'J — • h F E ^ ftt' •m m X — KF*3W Including Free Wheeling Diode High DC Current Gain Insulated Type If f liÉ : A p p lic a t io n s • High Power Switching • AC i AC Motor Controls

    OCR Scan
    2DI75D-050A E82988 DIODE B93 B-93 H125 M208 gip transistor b93 diode YSTT PDF


    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 MCC949
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o to r o la n o w o ffe rs a ve ry b ro a d se le c tio n o f lin e a r integ rated c ir c u it c h ip s . A m o n g th e ty p e s o f c ir c u its w h ic h c o m p o se th e lin e a r f a m ily th e re are:

    OCR Scan
    s46x48 MCC1811 MCC1911 46x48 MCC1812 MCC1912 48x53 MCC1813 MCC1913 74x57 mcc950 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 MCC949 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 MCC951 MCC844
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCU IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. Am ong the types o f circuits which compose the linear fam ily there are: A. Operational Am plifiers B. Voltage Regulators

    OCR Scan
    46x48 MCC1810 MCC1910 MCC1811 MCC1911 MCC1812 MCC1912 48x53 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 MCC951 MCC844 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931
    Text: LIN EA R IN T EG R A T ED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated c irc u it chips. Am ong the types o f circu its w hich compose the linear fa m ily there are: A . Operational A m p lifiers

    OCR Scan
    sC1911 46x48 MCC1812 MCC1912 48x53 MCC1813 MCC1913 74x57 MCC1814 MCC1914 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 cd 4000 motorola
    Text: LIN EA R IN T EG R A T ED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated c irc u it chips. Am ong the types o f circu its w hich compose the linear fa m ily there are: A . Operational A m p lifiers

    OCR Scan
    46x48 MCC1812 MCC1912 48x53 MCC1813 MCC1913 74x57 MCC1814 MCC1914 mcc950 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 cd 4000 motorola PDF


    Abstract: mcc950 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931
    Text: LIN E A R IN TE G R A TE D C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated c irc u it chips. Am ong the types o f circu its w hich compose the linear fa m ily there are: A . Operational A m p lifiers

    OCR Scan
    MCC1912 48x53 MCC1813 MCC1913 74x57 MCC1814 MCC1914 MCC1818 MCC1918 MC1741 mcc950 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 PDF


    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931
    Text: LIN EA R IN T EG R A T ED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated c irc u it chips. Am ong the types o f circu its w hich compose the linear fa m ily there are: A . Operational A m p lifiers

    OCR Scan
    46x48 MCC1810 MCC1910 MCC1811 MCC1911 MCC1812 MCC1912 48x53 mcc950 MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 PDF

    "J-K Flip flop"

    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 monostable multivibrator
    Text: LIN EA R IN T EG R A T ED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated c irc u it chips. Am ong the types o f circu its w hich compose the linear fa m ily there are: A . Operational A m p lifiers

    OCR Scan
    MCC852/MCC952 MCC855/MCC955 MCC853/MCC953 MCC856/MCC956 MC852 MC952 MC855 MC955 60x62 MC853 "J-K Flip flop" MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 monostable multivibrator PDF

    k 98m

    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 jk flip flop
    Text: LIN EA R IN T EG R A T ED C IR C U IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated c irc u it chips. Am ong the types o f circu its w hich compose the linear fa m ily there are: A . Operational A m p lifiers

    OCR Scan
    74x57 MCC1818 MCC1918 40x41 MCC1820 42x50 MCC830/930 MCC845/MCC945 44x46 MC845 k 98m MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 jk flip flop PDF


    Abstract: MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M otorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated c irc u it chips. Am ong the types o f circu its w hich compose the linear fa m ily there are: A . Operational A m p lifiers

    OCR Scan
    MCC1912 48x53 MCC1813 MCC1913 74x57 MCC1814 MCC1914 MCC1818 MCC1918 MC1 4000 SERIES MOTOROLA MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 MCC930 MCC931 PDF

    diode sy 162

    Abstract: SC236D 6P14P diode sy SF 127 C GF147S 6D22S 6P45S ECC88 6n23p
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN VEB IN DUSTRIEVERTRIEB RUNDFUNK UND FERNSEHEN iR iU ii 1r a d i o - t e i e v i s l o n I SEITE JUNI 1 9 8 1 b 1 - 7 Mitteilung aus dem VEB RFT Industrievertrieb R.u.F. Leipzig / S SERVICE-ANLEITUNG zum Translstor-Taschenempfänger "Signal 402"

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NA TI ON AL S E M I C O N D LOGIC 4TE D NSC1 b S 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 7 3 33 2 June 1992 74BCT374 Octal D Flip-Flop with TRI-STATE Outputs General Description Features The 'BCT374 is a high-speed, low-power octal D-type flipflop featuring separate D-type inputs for each flip-flop and

    OCR Scan
    74BCT374 BCT374 PDF


    Abstract: MCC1803 mcc950 MDTL MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCU IT CHIPS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N M o to r o la n o w o ffe rs a ve ry b ro a d se le c tio n o f lin e a r integ rated c ir c u it c h ip s . A m o n g th e ty p e s o f c ir c u its w h ic h c o m p o se th e lin e a r f a m ily th e re are:

    OCR Scan
    s1912 48x53 MCC1813 MCC1913 74x57 MCC1814 MCC1914 MCC1818 MCC1918 MCC1803 mcc950 MDTL MC1741C MC1741CP1 MCC1741C MCC830 MCC831 MCC832 PDF