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    Abstract: DDT323S DDT32
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad Sw itching Transistor MPQ2369 NPN Silicon M otorola Preferred D evice fui ftp Hai Rii Eoi m TI L r\ i NPN [y\J r v i r v i LU LaJ LaJ U l l l j li l i l C A S E 646-06, S T Y L E 1 TO-116 MAXIM UM RATING S Rating

    OCR Scan
    MPQ2369 O-116 0CH3237 MPQ2369 DDT323S DDT32 PDF

    schottky DIODE MOTOROLA B12

    Abstract: MBRS120T3 403A-01 LA 7555
    Text: MOTOROLA SC M O D E S / O P T O 5SE D Order this data sheet by MBRS120T3/D b 3 b 7555 D0fll2TG T MOTOROLA T-23-o S • S E M IC O N D U C T O R ■ ■ ■ TECHNICAL DATA M B R S1 2 0 T 3 M B R S1 3 0 T 3 M B R S1 4 0 T 3 Surface Mount Schottky Power Rectifiers

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    MBRS120T3/D T-23-o BRS120T3 MBRS130T3 MBRS140T3 schottky DIODE MOTOROLA B12 MBRS120T3 403A-01 LA 7555 PDF


    Abstract: diode U1J MURS150T3 MURS105T3 TE 255 motorola motorola diode u1G motorola opto motorola u1j MURS110T3 MURS115T3
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 5SE D fcj3b7255 0001320 4 Order this data sheet by MURS105T3/D T-2ÏÔ5 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Surface Mount Ultrafast Power Rectifiers Ideally suited for high voltage, high frequency rectification, or as free wheeling and

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    fcj3b7255 MURS105T3/D MURS105T3 248S6 murs105t3.u1a diode U1J MURS150T3 TE 255 motorola motorola diode u1G motorola opto motorola u1j MURS110T3 MURS115T3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Noise Transistor NPN Silicon MMBT2484LT1 colle3ctor M AXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Collector- Emitter Voltage v CEO 60 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 60 Vdc v EBO 6.0 Vdc 'c 50 mAdc Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW

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    MMBT2484LT1 -236A b3b7255 PDF

    SM 74hc04

    Abstract: 74ls04 connection circuits 74hc04 SM+74hc04
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MDC3105LT1 Advance Information Integrated Relay/Solenoid Driver • Optimized to Switch 3 V to 5 V Relays from a 5 V Rail • Compatible with “TX" and “TQ” Series Telecom Relays Rated up to 300 mW at 3 V to 5 V •

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    MDC3105LT1 SM 74hc04 74ls04 connection circuits 74hc04 SM+74hc04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC {LOGIC} Tfl 6367252 MOTOROLA S C L O G IC DeT| b3t.725a □ D 7 cì42cì 98D 79429 D M O T O R O LA MC14001B Q uad 2-Input N O R G ate MC14002B B -S U F F IX S E R IE S CMOS G A T E S Dual 4-Input Nor G ate T h e B S e rie s log ic gates are c o n stru c te d w ith P and N ch a n n el en­

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    MC14001B MC14002B MC14011B MC14012B MC14075B PDF


    Abstract: 1610CT MUR1650CT MURI660CT MUR1660 221A-06 MUR1605CT MUR1610CT MUR1620CT MUR1630CT

    OCR Scan
    MUR1605CT MUR1630CT MUR1610CT MUR1640CT MUR1615CT MUR1650CT MUR1620CT MUR1660CT MUR1620CT, 1615CT 1610CT MURI660CT MUR1660 221A-06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Dual General Purpose Transistors The M B T3904D W 1T 1, M B T3906D W 1T 1, and M BT3946D W 1T1 de vice s are spin-offs of our popular S O T -2 3 /S O T -3 2 3 three-le ade d devices. T hey are designed for general purpose am plifier applications and are housed in the S O T -363 six-leaded

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    T3904D T3906D BT3946D T3946D MBT3904DW MBT3904DW1T1 MBT3906DW1T1 MBT3946DW1T1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line Microwave Power Transistors MRW2001 MRW2003 Designed primarily for large-signal output and driver amplifier stages in the 1.0 to 2.3 GHz frequency range. • Designed for Class B or C, Common Base Power Amplifiers

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    MRW2001 MRW2003 MRW2001 b3b7555 MRW2003 b3b72S5 PDF


    Abstract: MPS8098
    Text: M O TO RO LA " b3 b7255 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 0 m 3 3 fl3 fc,S2 Am plifier Transistors NPN MPS8098 M PS8099* PNP MPS8598 MPS8599* PNP NPN EMITTER EMITTER MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating C ollecto r- Emitter Voltage C ollector-Base Voltage E m itter-B ase Voltage

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    b7255 MPS8098 PS8099* MPS8598 MPS8599* MPS859B MPS8099 MPS8599 MPS8099 MPS8599 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MBRB20200CT/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA SW ITCHMODE Power MBRB20200CT Dual Schottky Rectifier . . . using Schottky Barrier technology with a platinum barrier metal. This sta te -o f-the -a rt device is designed for use in high frequency switching power

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    MBRB20200CT/D MBRB20200CT b3b7555 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Single Silicon Sw itching Diodes These Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diodes are designed for use in ultra high speed switching applications. These devices are housed in the SC-59 package which is designed for low power surface mount applications.

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    SC-59 M1MA151KT1 M1MA152KT1 M1MA151/2KT1 Inch/3000 M1MA151/2KT3 inch/10 b3b7555 PDF

    Diode Marking ZM Motorola

    Abstract: DIODE MOTOROLA 39A ZENER 18-2 5t
    Text: M O T O R O L A SC DIODE S/O PTO 2SE D b3fcj?255 Ü0Ô1325 3 MOTOROLA • Order this data sheet by 1SMB5913A/D 1b I-5T SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1SMB5913A, B thru 1.5 W att Plastic Surface M ount Silicon Zener Diodes 1SMB5956A, B . . . a completely new line of 1.5 Watt Zener Diodes offering the following advantages:

    OCR Scan
    1SMB5913A/D 1SMB5913A, 1SMB5956A, 1SMB5913A 241Sb C6459& Diode Marking ZM Motorola DIODE MOTOROLA 39A ZENER 18-2 5t PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Sw itching Transistor MMBT3640LT1 PNP Silicon Motorola Preferred Device M AXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit C ollector-E m itter Voltage VCEO -1 2 Vdc C ollector-B ase Voltage VCBO -1 2 Vdc E m itte r- Base Voltage

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    MMBT3640 OT-23 O-236AB) BT3640LT1 b3b7255 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO b 3b ? 5 5 S 0 0 0 1 3 m 25E D 1 Order this data sheet by P6SMB6.8/D MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C T O R mmm T -il' TECHNICAL DATA P6SIVIB6.8,A Zen er O v e rv o lta g e T ran sie n t S u p p r e s s o rs thru P6SM B200,A The P6SMB6.8 series is designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high

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    zener b14a

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MO T O R O L A SC DIODES/OPTO 5SÉ b3L7555 DDÒIBET □ J> MOTOROLA O rd er th is d ata sheet by 1SMB5.Ô/D T - a - 2 3 SEMICONDUCTOR piivjì TECHNICAL DATA 1SMB5.0, A Zener Overvoltage Transient Suppressors thru 1SMB170, A . . . this device is designed specifically for transient voltage suppression. The wide leads

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    b3L7555 1SMB170, zener b14a PDF

    zener 2a7

    Abstract: p6smb110 9AL zener diode P6SMB6.8A P6SMB10 P6SMB10A P6SMB11 P6SMB11A P6SMB12 P6SMB12A
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIOtES/OPTO b3b?55S 0001341 1 25E t O rd er th is d a ta sh eet b y P 6S M B 6.8 /D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR T-il-ti TECHNICAL DATA P6SMB6.8,A Zener Overvoltage Transient Su p p re sso rs thru P6SMB200,A The P6SMB6.8 series is designed to protect voltage sensitive com ponents from high

    OCR Scan
    00013m 241SI zener 2a7 p6smb110 9AL zener diode P6SMB6.8A P6SMB10 P6SMB10A P6SMB11 P6SMB11A P6SMB12 P6SMB12A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MUR10120E/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA SCANSWITCH Power Rectifier M UR10120E For High and Very High Resolution Monitors This state-of-the-art power rectifier is specifically designed for use as a damper diode in horizontal deflection circuits for high and

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    MUR10120E/D UR10120E MUR10120E MJH16206 MJF16206 L3b72SS U10120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MO TO RO LA SC D IO DE S / O P T O b4E D • b 3 b 7 SS S 0Dflb22fci flflT * 1 1 0 1 7 1N3889 thru 1N3893 MR1376 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1N3891 and MR1376 are Motorola Preferred Devices l)a (a Sheol STUD M O UNTED FAST REC O V ER Y POWER R EC TIFIE R S

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    0Dflb22fci 1N3889 1N3893 MR1376 1N3891 MR1376 PDF


    Abstract: 12115X marking AB SOD123 1N5828
    Text: 1N5826 1N5827 1N5828 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1N582S and 1N5828 are Motorola Preferred Devices Designer’s Data Sheet Power Rectifiers SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS . . . employing the Schottky Barrier principle in a large area metal-to-silicon power diode.

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    1N5826 1N5827 1N5828 1N582S 1N5828 DO-35 1N5628 12115X marking AB SOD123 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MMBV105GLT1/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA S ilic o n T im in g D io d e MMBV105GLT1 This device is designed in the Surface Mount package for general frequency control and tuning applications. It provides solid-state reliability in replacement of mechanical

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    MMBV105GLT1/D MMBV105GLT1 OT-23 b3b7555 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MUN5111DW1T1 SERIES Dual Bias Resistor Transistors PNP Silicon Surface Mount Transistors with Monolithic Bias Resistor Network Motorola Preferred Devices The BRT Bias Resistor Transistor contains a single transistor with a monolithic

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    MUN5111DW1T1 MUN5111DW1T1 OT-363 b3b7255 MUN5115DW1T1 QCH3522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MBRB3030CT/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA SWITCHMODE Power Rectifier MBRB3030CT Using the Schottky Barrier principle with a proprietary barrier metal. These state-of-the-art devices have the following features: • • •

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Hex D Master/Slave Flip-Flop MC10176 The MC10176 contains six high-speed, master slave type “D” flip-flops. Clocking is common to all six flip-flops. Data is entered into the master when the clock is low. Master to slave data transfer takes place on the positive-going

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    MC10176 MC10176 50-ohm DL122 PDF