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    Abstract: MSM6606GS-BK 151C4 QFP64-P-1414
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6606 8O-DOT LCD DRIVER WITH KEY MATRIX G ENERAL DESCRIPTIO N MSM6606 is an LCD driver for a 1 /2 duty dynamic display, that can directly drive an LCD for up to 80 segments, and one LED. Due to an internal 5 x 6 keyscan circuit, keyboard input

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    MSM6606 MSM6606 80-segment 022nF MSM6606GS-BK 151C4 QFP64-P-1414 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM8 0 C3 1 F/MSM8 0 C5 1 F CMOS SINGLE-COMPONENT 8 -BIT MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM 80C31F/M SM 80C51 F m icrocontroller is a low power, high performance 8-bit single component device implemented in O KI's silicon gate complem entary metaf oxide sem iconductor

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    80C31F/M 80C51 MSM80C51F 16-bit b72M5M0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I electronic components 0 LP226 Infrared LED with Collimator Lens GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OLD226 is a high-output GaAlAs infrared light emission micro-diode sealed with collimator lens in a TO-18 metal can package. High uniform ity of light distribusion and collimator lens enable

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    LP226 OLD226 b724240 OLD222H OLD226 7E4E40 2048C PDF


    Abstract: pin configuration 74LS04 SI-1020 BA 7511 OOQ744 JVC receiver CI 74LS04 IVC14 6963 T-75-n-09
    Text: O K I SEMICONDUCTOR GROUP OKI 23E D • 1,754540 000744*4 2 semiconductor M S M 6 9 6 2 /6 9 8 2 ^ -L a w 'T - '7 S - a - C a M S M 6 9 6 3 /6 9 8 3 (A -L a w ) SINGLE CHIP CODEC WITH FILTER (COMBO) GENERAL DESCRIPTION M S M 6 9 6 2 , M S M 6 9 8 2 , M S M 6 9 6 3 and M S M 6 9 8 3 are CM O S devices containing a com ­

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    OOQ744 MSM6962/6982 MSM6963/6983 MSM6962, MSM6982, MSM6963 MSM6983 lV-C-15 MSM6962/82 L724240 MSM6962RS pin configuration 74LS04 SI-1020 BA 7511 JVC receiver CI 74LS04 IVC14 6963 T-75-n-09 PDF

    4424 ym

    Abstract: oki voice synthesizer msm6375 tba 2929 07FFD 20191 MSM505 MSM6376 KF-38S4 MSM6374-006 MSM6373-329
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6375/4/3/2-X X X 1 M -b it/5 1 2 K -b it/2 5 6 K -b it/1 2 8 K -b it M A S K R O M SPEECH SY N TH E S IZ E R G ENER AL D ES C R IP TIO N T he M SM 6375 series is a n A D PC M speech sy n th esis LSI u tilizin g a C M O S sp eech p ro ­

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    MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX 1M-bit/512K-bit/256K-bit/128K-bit MSM6375 12-bit MSM6376 MSM637X b7E42m: 001b310 4424 ym oki voice synthesizer msm6375 tba 2929 07FFD 20191 MSM505 KF-38S4 MSM6374-006 MSM6373-329 PDF

    CT 1975 - sam

    Abstract: CT 1975 sam MSM6373-329 MSM6374-007 TB 2929 Ho PM641
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX 1 M-bit/512K-bit/256K-bit/128K-bit M ASK ROM S P E E C H SY N T H ESIZ ER G E N E R A L D ESCRIPTIO N The MSM6375 series is an ADPCM speech synthesis LSI utilizing a CMOS speech pro­ cessor circuit in conjunction with a built-in

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    MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX M-bit/512K-bit/256K-bit/128K-bit MSM6375 12-bit MSM6376 b72424D CT 1975 - sam CT 1975 sam MSM6373-329 MSM6374-007 TB 2929 Ho PM641 PDF

    Ras 1210

    Abstract: MSM5118160 D012 MSM5118160A ES36
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5118160 A 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM5118160A is a 1,048,576-word x 16-bit dynamic RAM fabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate technology. The MSM5118160A achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and low-power

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    MSM5118160A 576-Word 16-Bit MSM5118160A 42-pin 50/44-pin Ras 1210 MSM5118160 D012 ES36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7540/7560 Single Rail A D P C M CO D EC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7540 /7560 are single channel ADPCM CODEC ICs which perform mutual transcoding between analog voice band signal and 32 kbps ADPCM serial data. Using advanced circuit technology, these devices operate using a single 5 V power supply and

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    MSM7540/7560 MSM7540 E4E40 PDF

    photo transistor

    Abstract: PHOTO SENSORS T35L
    Text: O K I electronic components T35L_ Silicon Planar Phototransistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION The planar structure of the OKI T35L silicon phototransistor provides a high degree of sensitivity. H igh reliability is ensured by a hermetically sealed TO-18 package.

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    b724240 b7242l40 photo transistor PHOTO SENSORS T35L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM51 V16400 4,194,304-W ord x 4-B it DYNAM IC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM51V16400 is a new generation dynam ic organized as 4,194,304-word x 4-bit. The technology used to fabricate the MSM51V16400 is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

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    MSM51VI6400 304-Word MSM51V16400 cycles/64ms MSM51V16400 72424D PDF


    Abstract: MSM411000-12RS dynamic ram binary cell 411000 CRS15
    Text: D Ë J b7SMSM0 OQDHS?^ 0 f O K I S E M I C O N D U C T O R G R O U P ÛT . . 6 7 2 4 2 4 Q O K I SEMICONDUCTOR. GROUP — _ _ 89D 0 2 5 7 9 D O K I semiconductor M S M 4 1 1 P O O R S 1,048,576-WORD X 1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM411000RS is a new generation dynamic RAM organized as 1,048,576 words by 1 bit.

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    02S79 MSM411 576-WORD MSM411000RS 18-pin ophn MSM411000-12RS dynamic ram binary cell 411000 CRS15 PDF