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    TDK Electronics B32021A3472M240

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    ComSIT USA B32021A3472M240 2,840
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    Glenair Inc 440AS072M2408-4

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    Interstate Connecting Components 440AS072M2408-4
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    Phihong USA PPL72M-240L6

    Desktop AC Adapters Desktop - C6
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    Sager PPL72M-240L6
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    72M240 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Sem icon d u ctor M SC 23409C /C L -X X D S9 4,194,304-Word x 9-Bit DRAM MODULE : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The OKI M SC23409C/CL-xxDS9 is a fully decoded 4,194,304-word x 9-bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory Module composed of nine 4-Mb DRAMs 4M x 1 in SOJ packages

    OCR Scan
    MSC23409C/CL-XXDS9 304-Word MSC23409C 30-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E 2 G 0 1 06-18-42 V $ \ O K I S e m ic o n d u c to r ^ve^on^.i*«^ M SM 5 1 1 6 4 0 0 C_ 4,194,304-W ord x 4 -B it D Y N A M IC R A M : F A S T P A G E M O D E T Y P E DESCRIPTION The MSM5116400C is a 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM fabricated in Oki’s silicon-gate CMOS

    OCR Scan
    E2G0106-18-42 MSM5116400C_ 304-Word MSM5116400C 26/24-pin PDF


    Abstract: MSM7704-01RS MSM7704-02 MSM7704-02RS MSM7704-03 MSM7704-03GS-VK MSM7704-03RS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7704-01702/03 2ch Single Rail CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION TheM SM 7704-01/7704-02/7704-03 are two-channel CODEC CMOSICs for voice signals ranging from 300 to 3400 Hz. These devices contain filters for A /D and D /A conversion. D esigned especially for a single-pow er supply and low -pow er applications, these devices

    OCR Scan
    MSM7704-01702 MSM7704-01703 MSM7704-01 MSM7704-01RS MSM7704-02 MSM7704-02RS MSM7704-03 MSM7704-03GS-VK MSM7704-03RS PDF

    ECHO canceller IC

    Abstract: sft 43 MSM7543 MSM7602-001GS-K MSM7620 MSM7620-001GS-K MSM7620-011GS-BK
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7620 Echo Canceller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7620 is an im proved version of the MSM7520 w ith the sam e basic configuration. The MSM7620 includes follow ing im provements: a m odified through m ode, tim ing control of the control pin input, and a thinner package. The MSM7620 also provides a pin-for-pin replacement

    OCR Scan
    MSM7620 MSM7620 MSM7520 MSM7520. ECHO canceller IC sft 43 MSM7543 MSM7602-001GS-K MSM7620-001GS-K MSM7620-011GS-BK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 9005-X X_ DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER WITH 8-DOT COM M ON DRIVER AND 65-DOT SEGM ENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION MSM9005-xx is a controller/driver w hich displays 13 alphanum erics and symbols 5x7 dots and 65 arbitrators on a dot m atrix LCD panel that has 8 com m on inputs and 65 segm ent inputs.

    OCR Scan
    9005-X 65-DOT MSM9005-xx MSM9005-XX MSM9005-01 121pF 7242MD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 514800A/ASL 524,288-Word x 8-Bit DYNAMIC RAM D ESCR IPTIO N The M SM514800A/ASL is a new generation dynamic RAM organized as 524,288-word x 8-bit. The technology used to fabricate the MSM514800A/ASL is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process

    OCR Scan
    MSM514800A/ASL 288-Word MSM514800A/ASL cycles/16ms, cycles/128ms b7E4240 MSM514800A/AS PDF

    TI AIH

    Abstract: R 161 730 000
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM51 V17160 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM51V17160 is a new generation Dynamic RAM organized as 1,048,576-word x 16-bit configuration. The technology used to fabricate the MSM51V17160 is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

    OCR Scan
    MSM51VI7160 576-Word 16-Bit MSM51V17160 cycles/32ms TI AIH R 161 730 000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSC23108B/BL-XXDS2 1,048,576-Word by 8-Bit DRAM Module: Fast Page Mode DESCRIPTION The OKI M SC23108B/BL-xxDS2 is a fully decoded 1,048,576-word x 8-bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory Module composed of two 4-Mb DRAMs in SOJ MSM514400B/BL packages mounted

    OCR Scan
    MSC23108B/BL-XXDS2 576-Word SC23108B/BL-xxDS2 MSM514400B/BL) 30-pin PDF

    cq 721

    Abstract: ma 17393 KGF1323 P0* DBM SOT89 T4 0660
    Text: O K I electronic components KGF1323 Power FET for UHF-Band and PCS Frequencies Plastic Mold Type G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION The KGF1323, housed in an SOT-89 type plastic-mold package, is a discrete UHF-band power FET that features high efficiency and high output power. The KGF1323 specifications are

    OCR Scan
    KGF1323 KGF1323, OT-89 KGF1323 resistance90 7E424G 002E7T7 F1323 cq 721 ma 17393 P0* DBM SOT89 T4 0660 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7582/7582B rc/4 Shift Q P SK MODEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7582/7582B are CMOS ICs for the 7t/4 shift QPSK modem developed for the digital cordless telephone systems. The devices are designed for Personal and Cell station applications, the MSM7582B is the

    OCR Scan
    MSM7582/7582B MSM7582/7582B MSM7582B MSM7582 MSM7582/1 MSM7582B/2 MSM7582/2 b754240 PDF

    oki m6376

    Abstract: m6376 oki msm6376 MSM6376 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 ST2EH ADPCM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER LSIs
    Text: SflE T> m b7EM24D O O I M W 4S2 « O K I J O K I Semiconductor — 77-13 MSM6376 O K I SEMI CONDUCTOR GROUP A D P C M S P E E C H S Y N T H E S IZ E R W ITH E X T E R N A L RO M G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N MSM 6376 is a two-channel mixing ADPCM speech synthesizer LSI using up to 16 M-bit

    OCR Scan
    MSM6376 MSM6376 12-bit MSM6372, MSM6373, MSM6374, MSM6375, oki m6376 m6376 oki msm6376 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 ST2EH ADPCM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER LSIs PDF


    Abstract: fujikura pressure 103AT SENSOR
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM64167-002 Clo ck with Weather Forecasting Function GENERAL DESCRIPTION This manual explains the functions, programming specifications, and operations of the standard clock program with built-in-weather forecasting function. The standard clock program uses the

    OCR Scan
    MSM64167-002 MSM64167-002 12-hour/24-hour b724240 80-PIN QFP80-P-1420-K QFP84-P-1420-BK LM1240 fujikura pressure 103AT SENSOR PDF


    Abstract: 82C43 cd 4069 pin data CI 4069 dlva LM 4069 CRS22 cjne MSM80C31F MSM82C43
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM80C31F/MSM80C51F CM O S SING LE-COM PO NENT 8 - BIT MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he O K I M S M 8 0C 31 F /M S M 8 0 C 5 1 F m ic ro c o n tro lle r is a low power, high p e rfo rm a n c e 8 -b it single c o m p o n e n t d e vice im ple m en ted in O K I's s ilic o n ga te co m p le m e n ta ry m e ta i o x id e se m ic o n d u c to r

    OCR Scan
    MSM80C31F/MSM80C51F MSM80C31 F/MSM80C51 MSM80C51F 16-bit 245M0 0Q23700 M80C31F 82C43 cd 4069 pin data CI 4069 dlva LM 4069 CRS22 cjne MSM80C31F MSM82C43 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM532020B 131,0 7 2 -W o rd x 16-B it M a sk ROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM532020B is a high-speed silicon gate CMOS Mask ROM with 131,072-word x 16-bit capacity. The MSM532020B operates on a single 5.0 V power supply and is TTL compatible. The chips asynchro­

    OCR Scan
    MSM532020B MSM532020B 072-word 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: M51V17400 M51V17 MSM51V17400 be4s A10E M51V m51v174 HAT141
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5 1 V17400 4,194,304-Word x 4-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM51V17400 is a new generation dynamic organized as 4,194,304-word x 4-bit. The technology used to fabricate the MSM51V17400 is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

    OCR Scan
    MSM51V17400 304-Word MSM51V17400 cycles/32ms A0-A10 L724240 M51V17400-60 M51V17400 M51V17 be4s A10E M51V m51v174 HAT141 PDF


    Abstract: MSM6775 MSM6775TS-K SEG55 SEG80
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6775 1/3,1/4,1/5 DUTY LCD DRIVER WITH 5-DOT COMMON DRIVER AND 8O-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6775 is an LCD driver for dynamic display providing 3-duty-s witchable pins 1 / 3 ,1/4 and 1/5 duty . It can directly drive LCDs of up to400,320 and 240 segments when 1 / 5 ,1/4 and 1/3 duty

    OCR Scan
    MSM6775 TheMSM6775 to400 inp00Hz 8000Hz. 24B4D DDH3D17 001nF 0022nF D0230 MSM6775 MSM6775TS-K SEG55 SEG80 PDF

    LG 631 IC

    Abstract: sft 43 LG 631 MSM65516 MSM65P516
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM65516/65P516 Oki Original High Performance C M O S 8-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM65516 is a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller that em ploys Oki's original nX-8/50 CPU core. With a minimum instruction execution time of 400 ns 10MHz clock , the MSM65516 is

    OCR Scan
    MSM65516 MSM65P516 nX-8/50 10MHz MSM65P516, 0023h37 L724240 MSM65516/65P516 LG 631 IC sft 43 LG 631 MSM65P516 PDF

    fsk modem

    Abstract: MARK V02 MSM7514GS-VK MSM7514RS eg51
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7514 Signal Transmit/Receive LSI for No-Ringing Communication GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7514 is often applied for a signal transmitter/receiver LSI for a telemetering system which employs a no-ringing communication system. The meter terminal of a telemetering system is composed of this device as well as meter, NCU,

    OCR Scan
    MSM7514 MSM7514 23-accorded 2424D fsk modem MARK V02 MSM7514GS-VK MSM7514RS eg51 PDF

    transistor sl 431

    Abstract: h a 431 transistor 26-PIN
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5 1V4400/SL_ 1,048,576-Word x 4-Bit DYNAMIC RAM: FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The M SM 51V4400/SL is a new generation dynam ic R A M organized as 1,048376-word x 4-bit configuration. The technology used to fabricate the MSM 51V4400/SL is O K I's C M O S silicon gate

    OCR Scan
    MSM51V4400/SL_ 576-Word MSM51V4400/SL 048376-word 1024cycles/16ms, 128ms b754B4D MSM51V4400/SL transistor sl 431 h a 431 transistor 26-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5 1 4 4 0 2 B/BL_ 1,048,576-Word x 4-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : STATIC COLUMN MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The M SM 514402B/BL is a new generation dynamic RAM organized as 1,048,576-word x 4-bit. The technology used to fabricate the M SM 514402B/BL is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

    OCR Scan
    576-Word 514402B/BL cycles/16m cycles/128m MSM514402B/BL 01fl07b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 5 1 V 1 7 4 0 5 A _ 4,194,304-Word x 4-B it DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE WITH EDO DESCRIPTION The MSM51V17405A is a 4,194,304-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM fabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate technology. The MSM51V17405A achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and lowpower consumption due to quadruple polysilicon double metal CMOS. The MSM51V17405A is

    OCR Scan
    MSM51V17405A_ 304-Word MSM51V17405A 26/24-pin cycles/32 PDF


    Abstract: MSM514400A
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM51441OA/AL_ 1,048,576-Word x 4-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE WRITE PER BIT MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM514410A/ AL is a new generation dynam ic RAM organized as 1,048,576-w ord x 4-bit. The technology used to fabricate the MSM514400A/AL is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

    OCR Scan
    MSM514410A MSM514410AL 576-Word MSM514410A/ 576-w MSM514400A/AL cycles/16ms, cycles/128ms MSM514410A/AL ZIP2Q-P-400-W1 MSM514400A PDF

    w 6575

    Abstract: AD23A MSM6545 MQ-7
    Text: Semiconductor OKI MSM6545/6575/6545L/6575L O p e r a t a b le a t 0 .9 V 4 -B it M ic r o c o n t r o lle r GENERAL DESCRIPTION MSM6545 /6575 is a 4-bit, low-power microcontroller manufactured in a CMOS silicon gate process. The microcontroller can be initialized and operated at a low supply voltage of 0.9 V.

    OCR Scan
    MSM6545/6575/6545L/6575L MSM6545 2454Q L72M240 w 6575 AD23A MQ-7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor IWISM5 1 1 6 4 0 0 A_ 4,194,304-Word x 4-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE D ESCRIPTIO N The MSM5116400Aisa4,194/304-wordx4-bitdynamic RAMfabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate technology. The MSM5116400A achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and low-power

    OCR Scan
    MSM5116400A 304-Word MSM5116400A 26/24-pin MSM5116400A-60 MSM5116400A-70 PDF