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    640 T FET Search Results

    640 T FET Result Highlights (5)

    ECAD Model
    RJF0411JPD-00#J3 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thermal FETs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RJF0411JPD-01#J3 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thermal FETs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RJF0605JPV-00#Q7 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thermal FETs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL95901IRZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation Integrated FET Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL6146DFRZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Voltage ORing FET Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    640 T FET Datasheets Context Search

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    marking code 0* dbm

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HMJ7-1 The Communications Edge TM High Dynamic Range FET Mixer Product Information Product Features Product Description • Greater than +34 dBm IIP3 The HMJ7-1 is a high dynamic range GaAs FET mixer. This active broadband mixer realizes a typical third order

    JESD22-C101 1-800-WJ1-4401 marking code 0* dbm PDF

    BS 551

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C o m p o un d Field Effect P o w e r T ran s is to r fiPA1640 i y j y 7 ^ H PA 1 640 i, 2 - IN P U T A N D ^ f - 4 /\° 7 ~ MOS FET 7 K 8 [ U S M iJ & N ? 1+ h Z ^ it Z M OS FET T K T 'T c t lE N A B L E iS ii^ - l/ T U 'S - r o 0 ^ - 7 °> K K O B l± > W * T #7 < - V - K ^ ^ ^ T ' - T c

    OCR Scan
    uPA1640 PA1640GS -Tg17# BS 551 PDF


    Abstract: NJU6419
    Text: NJ L J6 4 1 9 DOT M A T R I X LCD 8 0 - Q U T SEGMENT I GENERAL DESCRIPTION PRELIMINARY DRIVER • PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJU6419 is a serial input, 80-out segment driver for dot natr ix LCDs. In combination with the common driver NJU6418,it can drive large scale dot matrix LCD panels, such as 640 x

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    NJU6419 80-out NJU6418 8EC20 PDF


    Abstract: lg crt monitor circuit diagram BAV14 sl68d P82C431 BA536 D6105 ibm crt monitor circuit diagram crt LG monitor circuit diagram Q355
    Text: Q I I P 5 82C 431/82C 432A /82C 433/82C 434A CS8240: ENHANCED GRAPHICS CHIPSet • 100% hardware and software compatible to IBM™ Enhanced Graphics Adapter card ■ Full 16 color support in 640 x 200 and 320 * 200 pixels for IBM Color Display ■ Supports IBM Color Graphics and Monorhmm g adapters, Slid Hgrcy! $T“ GfaphfOS

    OCR Scan
    82C431/82C432A/82C433/82C434A CS8240: 82C431 82C432A 32C43 lg crt monitor circuit diagram BAV14 sl68d P82C431 BA536 D6105 ibm crt monitor circuit diagram crt LG monitor circuit diagram Q355 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ _ VP0635 VP0640 — P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package b v dss/ ^DS ON I d(ON) BV dgs (max) (min) TO-39 TO-92 TO-220 DICE+ -350V 25Q -0.4A V P 0 635 N 2 V P 0 635 N 3 V P 0 635 N 5 V P 0 635 N D -400V

    OCR Scan
    VP0635 VP0640 -350V -400V O-220 PDF

    SO14 package

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r n ln rfir C U IO O H High-Speed DMOS Quad FET Analog Switch Arrays CORPORATION \J SD5400/SD5401/SD5402 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: Propagation Time . 600 ps On Resistance Insertion Loss Capacitances: Analog In p u t .3.5pF typ.

    OCR Scan
    SD5400/SD5401/SD5402 -107dB SD5400 SD5400, SD5401 SD5402 SD5400/SD5401/ SD5402 SO14 package PDF


    Abstract: SD5400 SD5000 SD5400CY SD5401 SD5401CY SD5402 SD5402CY XSD5000 XSD5001
    Text: High-Speed DMOS Quad FET Analog Switch Arrays calocft CORPO RATIO N SD5400/ SD5401/SD54B2 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: Propagation Tim e . 600 ps On Resistance Insertion Loss Capacitances: Analog In p u t .3.5pF typ.

    OCR Scan
    SD5400/SD5401/SD54B2 -107dB SD5400 SD5400, SD5401 SD5402 MM322 Q001D44 SD5400/SD5401/SD5402 350psec SD54B2 SD5000 SD5400CY SD5401CY SD5402CY XSD5000 XSD5001 PDF

    nec a1640

    Abstract: transistor a1640 IC-3373 smd transistor yb a1640 IEI-1213 IPA1640GS MEI-1202 DD 127 transistor
    Text: DATA SHEET nec Æmsmrnm COMPOUND FIELD EFFECT POWER TRANSISTOR r ßPM 640 MONOLITHIC POWER MOS FET ARRAY DESCRIPTION The /¿PA1640 is M onolithic N-channel Power M O S FET A rray that built CONNECTION DIAGRAM in 8 circuits w ith 2 A N D GATE. In groups of 4 circuits and they each have ENABLE term inal.

    OCR Scan
    uPA1640 PA1640GS 20-Pin nec a1640 transistor a1640 IC-3373 smd transistor yb a1640 IEI-1213 IPA1640GS MEI-1202 DD 127 transistor PDF

    CHA Series

    Abstract: photodiode ge CHA-200 CHA-204 Centronic series t
    Text: CENTRQNIC INC» E-0 13E D | DIV m sa so 7- 0 D 0 0 2 C1C1 T | I 1 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET C H A -200 C H A -204 HYBRID PHOTOMETRY AMPLIFIER C entro n ic CHA s e r ie s of p h o to d e te c to rs i s a h y b rid photom etry a m p lifie r w ith a b u i l t - i n GaAsP photodiode MQS FET

    OCR Scan
    CHA-200 CHA-204 005Lux 000Lux. CHA-204 5X103 5X10-3 500Lux CHA Series photodiode ge Centronic series t PDF


    Abstract: IN4723 irf640 IRF241 diodes IN4723 IRF243 IRF242 IRF641 IRF642 IRF643
    Text: • IRF243 IRF643 IRF242 IRF642 IRF241 IRF641 IRF240 IRF640 IRF240 IRF241 IRF242 IRF243 IRF640 IRF641 IRF642 IRF643 a S ilic o n ix Advanced Information 200V MOSPOWER N-Channel Enhancem ent-Mode These power FETs are designed especially for o ffline sw itching regulators, converters,

    OCR Scan
    IRF240 IRF241 IRF242 IRF243 IRF640 IRF641 IRF642 IRF643 IRF240 IRF241 IN4723 irf640 diodes IN4723 IRF242 IRF641 IRF642 IRF643 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M w T -11 T l~ GaÁs FET DEVICE PRELIMINARY I M I C R OWAVE . 4268 Solar Way Fr$mont,CA 94538 415-651-6700 FAX 415-651-2208 TE C H N O LO fiT . - 37E — - •■ -.-7- D -. H blS M lO O - — - QOGQOS'i - _ — fl M M R l i l v ~ ~ ï _ y M ICRO W A VE T e c H NO L OG Y

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Spl 740 2sk1 2SK2728 28K13 2SK151
    Text: POWER MOS FET •General switching 23 133» o 12 o CO | 28K1340 2SK1341 2SK1342 2SKW01 2SK1401A 259(1403 2SK1403A 2SK1515A 2SK1516A 2SK1517A 2SK1518A 2SK1573 2SK1668A 8SK1671 »«7 7 3 2SK1835 2SK1933 2SK1934 2SK1968 2SK2007A 2SK2075 2SK2096 2SK2554 2SK2586

    OCR Scan
    2SK2912 2SK2938 2SK2939 2SK2940 2SK2957 2SK2958 2SJ21S 2SJ217 28K1161 2SK1162 2SK2829 Spl 740 2sk1 2SK2728 28K13 2SK151 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY bbE D • blEMlQG ÜDDDS^b ET7 ■ PIRIdV MwT-11 16 GHz HIGH POWER GaAs FET MicroWave Technology 1-751 4268 Solar Way Fremont, CA 94538 510-651-6700 FAX 510-651-2208 FEATURES 1-731 1 WATT POWER OUTPUT AT 12 GHZ HIGH ASSOCIATED GAIN 0.3 MICRON REFRACTORY M ETAL/GOLD

    OCR Scan
    MwT-11 MwT-11 MWT1171HP PDF


    Abstract: SPC8106F SPC8108F0C SPC8106FOC 1-B636 1-B627 1-R630 SPC8106F0C 1-G626 1-G628
    Text: SPC8106Foc VGA LCD CONTROLLER • DESCRIPTION The SPC8106F0C is a versatile mixed voltage VG A graphics controller capable of driving liquid crystal displays, T FT displays and analog CRT monitors. The controller integrates all LCD interface, sequencing and

    OCR Scan
    SPC8106Foc SPC8106F0C 80x86 QFP17-144 G-628 SPC8106F SPC8108F0C SPC8106FOC 1-B636 1-B627 1-R630 1-G626 1-G628 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MwT-17 500 MHz-12 GHz High Linearity Low Noise GaAs FET M ic r o w a v e T e c h n o l o g y |4- 7 5 ->| p 75 -+I • 1 W ATT POWER OUTPUT WITH HIGH LINEARITY • HIGH ASSOCIATED GAIN • 0.8 MICRON REFRACTORY METAL/GOLD GATE • 2400 MICRON GATE WIDTH • DIAMOND-LIKE CARBON PASSIVATION

    OCR Scan
    Hz-12 MwT-17 MwT-11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SK1203 SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET •& • X 'f fi -vi->-r • X 'f y -f- > ^ U ^ .a U - ? DC—DC ^ 3.6 B 0.9 1. Gate 2. Drain Flange 3. Source (D imensions in mm) rue i u- rl 5.45 ± 0.5 5.45 ± 0 5 (TO-3P) ■ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ( 7 a = 25°C) R ating

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25 Ta-25 Vos-720V, Vds-20V* 00A/j D3A DIODE PDF


    Abstract: 2SK1774 2SK684 10MAVgs
    Text: 4M^b20S 2SK1774 0 0 1 3 5 4^ 344 • H I T 4 HITACHI/COPTOELECTRONICS tiE I Silicon N Channel MOS FET Application High speed power switching Features • • • • • Low on-resistance High speed switching Low drive current No secondary breakdown Suitable for switchingregulator, DC-DC

    OCR Scan
    2SK1774 0D13550 2SK684 D013SS1 2SK68 10MAVgs PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SK415 SILICON N-CHANNEL MOS FET y U = 3 > N » r * JUMOS FET HIGH SPEED POWER SWITCHING IB 1. *f 2. \ : G a te K ^ A > ' D ra in 7 7 V ÿ (F la n g e ) 3. */ —• X .* S o u rc e ( D im e n s io n s in mm) (TO-3P) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C)

    OCR Scan
    2SK415 2SK415 I-150 Ta-25Â t-15n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SK1626,2SK1627 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET HITACHI Application High speed power switching Features • • • • • Low on-resistance High speed switching Low drive current N o secondary breakdown Suitable for switching regulator and DC -D C converter Outline

    OCR Scan
    2SK1626 2SK1627 O-220FM 2SK1626, 2SK1627 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 44^505 2SK1774 0D13541 344 • H I T M HITACHI/ OPTOELECTRONICS blE D Silicon N Channel MOS FET Application High speed power switching TO-3P*FM Features • • • • • Low on-resistance High speed switching Low drive current No secondary breakdown Suitable for switchingregulator, DC-DC

    OCR Scan
    0D13541 2SK1774 2SK684 0Q13SS1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SK1313 L (S), 2SK1314(L)(S) Silicon N-Channel MOS FET HITACHI November 1996 Application High speed power switching Features • Low on-resistance • High speed switching • Low drive current • No secondary breakdown • Suitable for switching regulator and DC-DC converter

    OCR Scan
    2SK1313 2SK1314 2SK1313 2SK1314 2SK1155, 2SK1156. PDF


    Abstract: MTM6N80E DIODE 851 MOTOROLA 2N3904 AN569
    Text: Order this data sheet by MTM6N80E/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M TM 6N 80E Designer’s Data Sheet TMOS E-FET™ Pow er Field E ffect lYansistor Motorola Preferred Device N-Channel Enhancem ent-M ode Silicon G ate TMOS POWER FET 6.0 AMPERES RDS on = 1-2 OHM

    OCR Scan
    MTM6N80E/D 2PHX25180T-0 MTM6N80E S47k DIODE 851 MOTOROLA 2N3904 AN569 PDF

    6-pin LCC

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Back to FETs POWER MOSFET - N CHANNEL SURFACE MOUNT • • • • Switching Power Supplies Repetitive Avalanche Rating Ceramic Leedless Chip Carrier High Reliability ABSOLUTE M AXIM UM RATINGS Tc = 25°C unless otherwise noted Drain-Source Voltage Gate-Source Voltage

    OCR Scan
    NESL024 00A/iaS, 00A/nS, 6-pin LCC PDF


    Abstract: tl074 tl084 TLO72 data TLO-72 DUAL OP-AMPS TL062 TL084 TL082 TL074 TL062 TL084 TO-99
    Text: J-FET INPUT OP-AMPs DUAL OP-AMPs Part num ber Function TL062/TL062A/TL062B Low power Low noise TL072/TL072A/TL072B TL082/TL082A/TL082B Low pow er <1 mA • Single supply A djustable o ffs e t Bandw idth > 2 MHz Other charac. General purpose Page' • 201 225

    OCR Scan
    TL062/TL062A/TL062B TLO72/TL072A/TLO72B TL082/TL082A/TL082B TL064/TL064A/TL064B TL074/TL074A/TL074B TL084/TL084A/TL084B TL062 TL072 TL082 TL064 TLO72 tl074 tl084 TLO72 data TLO-72 DUAL OP-AMPS TL062 TL084 TL074 TL084 TO-99 PDF