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    Hitachi Ltd 2SD2046

    NPN; Configuration: DARLINGTON; Surface Mount: NO; Maximum Power Dissipation (Abs): 1 W; Maximum Collector Current (IC): 1.5 A; Terminal Position: BOTTOM;
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    2SD2046 Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SD2046 Hitachi Semiconductor Silicon NPN Epitaxial, Darlington Original PDF
    2SD2046 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SD2046 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD2046 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD2046 Unknown Scan PDF
    2SD2046 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SD2046 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF

    2SD2046 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Hitachi DSA002756

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD2046 Silicon NPN Epitaxial, Darlington Application Low frequency power amplifier Outline Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C Item Symbol Ratings Unit Collector to base voltage VCBO 50 V Emitter to base voltage VEBO 7 V Collector current IC 1.5 A Collector peak current

    2SD2046 Hitachi DSA002756 PDF

    Hitachi DSA0095

    Abstract: 2SD2046
    Text: 2SD2046 Silicon NPN Epitaxial, Darlington Application Low frequency power amplifier Outline TO-92MOD 2 3 1. Emitter 2. Collector 3. Base 3 2 1 ID 2 kΩ Typ 0.5 Ω (Typ) 1 2SD2046 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Item Symbol Ratings Unit Collector to base voltage

    2SD2046 O-92MOD Hitachi DSA0095 2SD2046 PDF


    Abstract: BC564A HA13563 AC123A HITACHI microcontroller H8 534 manual IC 74LS47 AC538 BC245A 2SK3235 HA13557
    Text: INDEX General General Information Semiconductor Packages Sales Locations Microcontroller Microcontroller General MultiChipModules Smart Card Micro. Overview Micro. Shortform Micro. Hardware Manual Micro. Program. Manual Micro. Application Notes LCD Controller / Driver

    2sc4537 2sc454. 2sc4591 2sc4592 2sc4593 2sc460. 2sc4628 2sc4629 2sc4643 2sc4680 7054F BC564A HA13563 AC123A HITACHI microcontroller H8 534 manual IC 74LS47 AC538 BC245A 2SK3235 HA13557 PDF


    Abstract: 6020v4 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 2SC 8550 transistor 2sc1417 HITACHI 08122B transistor h945 6030v4 2SC 8050 25aaj
    Text: 2004.1 Renesas Transistors/Thyristors/Triacs Status List Topic—High Frequency Silicon Bipolar Transistor "2SC5998" •············································································ 2

    2SC5998" C5139 2SC5247 2SC5907 2SD1504 2SJ361 2SK439 2SK494 2SK3349 BCR5KM-12L 1002ds 6020v4 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 2SC 8550 transistor 2sc1417 HITACHI 08122B transistor h945 6030v4 2SC 8050 25aaj PDF


    Abstract: 4008ZB 2SC 9012 MP 1009 es 2SC 8050 20AAJ-8H 6020v4 2SC1417 2SC 8550 cr3as
    Text: 2004.4 Renesas Transistors/Thyristors/Triacs Status List Topic—CMFPAK-6 Series of Power MOS FETs for Portable Devices •·······················································2 Index ······················································································3 to 5

    24EMP BRC124ETP BRC143ETP BRC144ECM CR3KM-12 FS10KM-6 FS10VS-6 FS16KM-6 FS16VS-6 HAT3017R 1002ds 4008ZB 2SC 9012 MP 1009 es 2SC 8050 20AAJ-8H 6020v4 2SC1417 2SC 8550 cr3as PDF


    Abstract: 2SA872 spice 74LS122 spice model hitachi mosfet power amplifier audio application BC240 hitachi mosfet audio application note 74ls221 Spice 74LS123 spice 2sk2685 spice spice 74ls00
    Text: INDEX GENERAL General Information Sales Locations Semiconductor Packages FLAT PANEL CONTROLLER / DRIVER Liquid Crystal Display Controller MICROCONTROLLER Microcontroller General Micro. Shortform Micro. Overview Micro. Hardware Manual Micro. Program. Manual

    Switchin2SC3512 2SC3513 2SC3793 2SC3867 2SC4126 2SC4196 2SC4197 2SC4260 2SC4261 2SC4262 74ls111 2SA872 spice 74LS122 spice model hitachi mosfet power amplifier audio application BC240 hitachi mosfet audio application note 74ls221 Spice 74LS123 spice 2sk2685 spice spice 74ls00 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2046
    Text: HITACHI 2SD2046-SILICON MPN EPITAXIAL LOW FREQUENCY PO W ER AM PLIFIER I. Kindle/ Î, Colleciflr y Base llïiniernlo-iî in mu: JEDECTO-92MOD.) • A BSO LU TE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25*0 Item Symbol Collector (ocmlKc; voilage V<:ko Emitter io Ime voltage

    OCR Scan
    2SD2046- Ta-25 SD2046 2SD2046 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD2046 Silicon NPN Epitaxial, Darlington HITACHI Application Low frequency power amplifier Outline TO-92MOD ►f. 3 O- I 0.5 n -A A /V — ¿ -A /V 1. Emitter 2. Collector 3. Base 2 kiJ Typ (Typ) 1 989 2SD2046 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Item

    OCR Scan
    2SD2046 O-92MOD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACHI 2SD2046-S i U C Û N N P N E P I T A X IA L LOW FREQUENCY POWER AMPLIFIER O ♦ - ¡£ V vU if.r 2. CoÜcfiar - s r i'is — -*«W 1 ,Vv'v- 4' y PMr »l«i :^ U ^ irt JEDEC TO-92 MOD. MAXIMUM COLLECTOR DISSIPATION CURVE • ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS <Ta 25’ C)

    OCR Scan
    2SD2046------S 2SD2046 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 2SC460 2SB637 ok01 2Sd763 2SC1472 transistor 2sc454 transistor 2sb1028 2SA1666
    Text: SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR •General amplifier Package Type No. code UPAK 2SB1000 2SB1000A 2SB1001 2SB1002 2 S fitlS 5 2SB1026 2SB1027 2SB1028 2SB1518 2SB1519 2SB1520 2SC3380 ■General switching Package Typo No. coda TO -92 2SA673A 2SA 778® 2SA778A® 2SA781 ®

    OCR Scan
    2SB1000 2SB1000A 2SB1001 2SB1002 2SB1026 2SB1027 2SB1028 2SB1518 2SB1519 2SB1520 2S0187 transistor 2SC460 2SB637 ok01 2Sd763 2SC1472 transistor 2sc454 transistor 2sb1028 2SA1666 PDF

    transistor C5080

    Abstract: transistor 2SC458 C5247 Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD transistor 2sc1515 2SC1755A transistor f 20 nf C5246 A1052 C4965
    Text: Products at a Glance by Application High Frequency Use 1. UHF/VHF TV Tuner Block Diagram Line Up Package outline TO-92 A pplication UH F RF 1 M PAK 4 P C M PAK 4 P G aA sM E S M PAK-4 « 3SK228 FET CM PA K -4 4 P 3SK239A 3SK309 MOS FET Vdd= 1 2 V 3SK186 3SK295

    OCR Scan
    3SK228 3SK239A 3SK309 3SK186 3SK295 3SK194 BB101M BB101C 3SK296 2SC2732 transistor C5080 transistor 2SC458 C5247 Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD transistor 2sc1515 2SC1755A transistor f 20 nf C5246 A1052 C4965 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1590 2SD1961 2SC269 2S01207 2SC4351 2SD1319 2SD1565 2SC2274 2SC2690A
    Text: 254 - m % M % tt T y p e No. Mantif. SANYO 2SD 1918 □— A 2SC4027 2SD 1919 □— A 2SD1246 2SD 1920 1921 NEC 2SC2690A 2SC3666 2SD1330 2SC3243 2SC3665 2SD639 2SC3581 B 2SD 1925 B tL 2SD 1926 B 2 2SD 1927 B 2SD 1928 B 2SD 1929 * □— A 2SC4169 2SU1Y00

    OCR Scan
    2SD1918 2SD1919 2SD1920 2SC4027 2SD1246 2SD545 2SC2274 2SC3667 2SC3666 2SC3665 2SD1590 2SD1961 2SC269 2S01207 2SC4351 2SD1319 2SD1565 2SC2274 2SC2690A PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 993 395 pnp npn transistor 2SA 101 TRANSISTOR 2SC 635 transistor 2Sb 474 transistor 2SC458 transistor 2sc2512 transistor 2sk 168 transistor 2SD 1153 3SK228
    Text: Index Bipolar Transistor PNP, High Frequency Use 2SA Type 2SA673 . 81 2SA 673A . 81

    OCR Scan
    2SA673 2SA778 BB101C BB301M BB301C Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD 993 395 pnp npn transistor 2SA 101 TRANSISTOR 2SC 635 transistor 2Sb 474 transistor 2SC458 transistor 2sc2512 transistor 2sk 168 transistor 2SD 1153 3SK228 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2061 2SD2073 2SD2076 2sd2083 2SB1376 2SD2068 2SD2090 2SD2054 2SD2085
    Text: - 278 - Ta=25'C1 *Ep[ÎTc=25‘ C Hi O T-i- m -a I c (DC) vCBO (V) (A) (V) D 1 V. (W) 1 Pci iUBU (max) (W) lu Pô I M tt (Ta=25‘ C) il¿ £ \ o d k hF b Vc b (V) (min) [*EPÍátyp{iI] (max) (max) (V) Ic / I e (A) Vce (V) (max) (V) le (A) Ib (A) 2SD2040

    OCR Scan
    ZSD2040 2SD2041 2SD2042 2SD2043 2SD2044 2SD2045 2SD2046 2SB1373 2SD2066 2SD2067 2SD2061 2SD2073 2SD2076 2sd2083 2SB1376 2SD2068 2SD2090 2SD2054 2SD2085 PDF

    TT 2076

    Abstract: 2SD1491 2SD1929 2SC3907 toshiba 2SD1407 2056 2SD2058 2SD1266 2SD2251 nec 258
    Text: - 258 - m € Type No. 2SD 2056 2SD 2057 2SD 2058 * 2SD 2059 * 2SD 2060 2SD 2061 ^ 2SD 2062 2SD 2063 2SD 2064 2SD 2066 , 2SD 2067 2SD 2068 2SD 2069 2SD 2070 2SD 2071 2SD 2072 2SD 2073 2SD 2074 2SD 2075 2SD 2076 * 2SÖ 2077 2SD 2078 2SD 2079 2SD 2080 2SD 2081

    OCR Scan
    2SD2056 2SD2057 2SD2058 2SD2059 2SD2060 2SD2061 2SD2062 2SD2063 2SD2064 2SD2066 TT 2076 2SD1491 2SD1929 2SC3907 toshiba 2SD1407 2056 2SD2058 2SD1266 2SD2251 nec 258 PDF