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    2N1277 Search Results

    2N1277 Datasheets (9)

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    2N1277 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N1277 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N1277 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    2N1277 Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    2N1277 Unknown Vintage Transistor Datasheets Scan PDF
    2N1277 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N1277 Unknown GE Transistor Specifications Scan PDF
    2N1277 Unknown GE Transistor Specifications Scan PDF
    2N1277 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N1277 Transistors Si NPN Lo-Pwr BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)30 V(BR)CBO (V)40 I(C) Max. (A)25m Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)150m Maximum Operating Temp (øC)150õ I(CBO) Max. (A)1.0u @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition)30 V(CE)sat Max. (V)1.0 @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)5.0m

    2N1277 Freq30MÂ PDF


    Abstract: 2N907 G700M BC232B 2N1410 kt384a LOW-POWER SILICON NPN 2N474 BFY33 3N35
    Text: LOW-POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number 2SC3246K 2SD1627 2SC3053 BFY72 2N2414 2N4968 V BR CEO 10 15 TP5451 40080 MPS3566 MPS3566 2S741 2S741 2S741A PET3704 PET3705 2N471 ~~1~~~ 20 25 - 30 35 D4C28 4C28 2N546 2N1252A 2N1252A 2N907 2N761 BC120 ~g~~g SE8oo1

    2SC3246K 2SD1627 2SC3053 BFY72 2N2414 2N4968 TP5451 MPS3566 2S741 BC125 2N907 G700M BC232B 2N1410 kt384a LOW-POWER SILICON NPN 2N474 BFY33 3N35 PDF


    Abstract: 2N1149 2N1150 2N1151 2N1265 2N1193 2N1212 RCA 2n1184a 2N1247 2N1264
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 15 20 . 30 2S01667 2S01904 2SC25620 IOC2562 IOC3299 SOT9011 SOT9011 SOT9011 ~~t:J62Y 35 40 2S01395 SML1612A SML1622A SML1632A SMl1642 SML1652 SML1662 SML7412 ~~tj:~~ 45 50 55 60 SML3402 SML3422 SML85502 SML85507



    Abstract: transitron catalog TCR43 TM106 IN443 1n9448 sv4091 IN4868 diode 3N68 IN536
    Text: ron Tro nsitron electronic corporation e I ron 168 Albion Street . Wakefield. Massachusetts 01881 WAKEFIELD, MASSACHUSE TTS BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS MELROSE, MASSACHUSETTS NUEVO LAREDO, MEXICO BERKSHIRE, ENGLAND PARIS, FRANCE AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS ~ ciectl'onic corpOI'atioll


    Bendix Transistors

    Abstract: 2N1149 RCA 2n1184a 2N1152 2N1151 2N1150 RCA 2N1174 transitron Emihus 2N1193
    Text: LOW-POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number hFE V V(BR)CEO - V(BR)CEO Manufacturer TASSOl Ic Max (A) fT (Hz) Cobo Max (F) ICBO Max Y(BR)CBO Po Max Derate at Toper (A) (V) (W) (WrC) eC) Max Package Style >= 400 V, (Cont'd) See Index 1 800 50M 25 14p lOu

    ST3042 ST3043 3N120 3N121 2N332 2N333 2N335 2N336 2N334 2SCl16 Bendix Transistors 2N1149 RCA 2n1184a 2N1152 2N1151 2N1150 RCA 2N1174 transitron Emihus 2N1193 PDF

    IC HXJ 2038

    Abstract: 1N52398 DB5T tfk 102 cny 70 hxj 2038 rca 40361 transistor rca 40362 TFK 680 CNY 70 Diode Equivalent 1N34A 2n5952 equivalent
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

    OCR Scan

    AL102 ATES

    Abstract: 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29
    Text: SECOND BOOK OF TRAISKTIR EQUIVALENTS AIR SPIRTITOTER IT I.I.OMMI BERNARD BABANI publishing LTD The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road London W67NF England. Although every care Is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible

    OCR Scan
    Trans-611 DT1521 2N2270 BC107-182KS ESC182KAS ESC182KBS ESC1Q8-183KS EiC183KBS 8C183KCS BC109-184KS AL102 ATES 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29 PDF

    transistor 2N4

    Abstract: ST25C transistor 2N407 transistor 2SA114 TFK 808 transistor 2sc124 SF1222 GE2 TRANSISTOR TFK 877 TFK 748
    Text: $ 1.50 2 -H 2 1 $ % Cat. No. SSH-5 ^TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION HANDBOOK by The Howard W. Sams Engineering Staff HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY, INC. Indianapolis • New York i FIFTH EDITION FIRST PRINTING — JANUARY, 1964 FIRST EDITION

    OCR Scan

    LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics

    Abstract: free transistor equivalent book 2sc NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE KIA 4318 transistor cs 9012 Til 322A sx3704 diode d.a.t.a. book 1N1007
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

    OCR Scan
    3186J LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics free transistor equivalent book 2sc NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE KIA 4318 transistor cs 9012 Til 322A sx3704 diode d.a.t.a. book 1N1007 PDF

    RCA H 541

    Abstract: 2T312 2N2654 AS218 transistor gex 74a diode germanium 1n283 K3004 TFK diode ac132 TI-483

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: AP239 Transistor 80139 8C547 6C131C IN2222A 2N50B 2N2064 radio AC176 AC126 sft353
    Text: INTERNATIONAL TRANSISTOR EQUIVALENTS GUIDE A LSO BY THE S A M E AUTHOR BP108 International Diode Equivalents Guide BP140 Digital IC Equivalents and Pin Connections BP141 Linear IC Equivalents and Pin Connections ALSO OF INTEREST BP234 Transistor Selector Guide

    OCR Scan

    LS 2027 audio amp

    Abstract: ECG transistor replacement guide book free 2sb337 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE 980510 S9510 2sb508 C24850772 2N339 bc149c
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. Page 2 How to Use This Book. Page 2 Care and Handling of T ran sisto rs. Page 3

    OCR Scan

    hep 154 silicon diode

    Abstract: zy 406 transistor motorola HEP 801 hep 154 diode hep R1751 triac zd 607 2sb337 RS5743.3 F82Z hep 230 pnp
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR This guide has been prepared by the Motorola HEP technical staff to provide a cross-reference for the Hobbyist, Experimenter, and Profes­ sional service technician. The information contained herein is based on an analysis of the published specifications of each device listed. This

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    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan

    Thyristor Xo 602 MA

    Abstract: 5A/1/Thyristor Xo 602 MA ah 90360 1N126 2N339 2N3201 transistor bf 175 germanium transistor epitaxial mesa 2N241
    Text: GENERAL ELECTRIC THYRISTOR AND DIODE CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL ELECTRIC THYRISTOR AND DIODE CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS This chapter is primarily devoted to condensed specifications of General Electric’s thyristors, thyristor assemblies, trigger devices, and

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    transistor c2060

    Abstract: Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor
    Text: Data Book Updating Service I Table of Contents How to Use the Data Book I > INTRODUCTION Complete I N . . . INDEX numerical index o f all ElA-registered device types, with major electrical specifications 2N . . . & 3N . . . INDEX Complete numerical index of all ElA-registered device types,

    OCR Scan
    AN-134 transistor c2060 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References 1N4465 C1906 transistor Germanium itt 3N58 IN939 MC1230F 2N3866 MOTOROLA C943 transistor PDF

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF


    Abstract: 2N277 2SA63 2N390A L204A 2N408 TFK 940 OC59 2N374 2n1922
    Text: $1.50 Cat. No. SSH-4 TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION HANDBOOK by The H ow ard W . Sams Engineering Staff HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY, INC. Indianapolis • New York FIRST EDITION FIRST PR IN T IN G — MARCH, 1961 SECOND PR IN T IN G — MARCH, 1961

    OCR Scan
    2N34A 2N43A 2N44A 2N59A 2N59B 2N59C 2N60A 2N60B 2N60C 2N61A N1702 2N277 2SA63 2N390A L204A 2N408 TFK 940 OC59 2N374 2n1922 PDF


    Abstract: diode E1110 CK705 ecg semiconductor replacement guide CS1237 ME1120 TE1088 1N942 1N733A Delco DTG-110B transistor
    Text: S Y L V A N IA ECG S e m ic o n d u c to r L in eREPLACES OVER 35,000 TYPES introduction The ECG line of semiconductors is designed to minimize replacement parts inventory for the tech­ nician and yet economically meet replacement needs of the wide variety of entertainment equipment

    OCR Scan
    Sylvan58MC 09A001-00 66X0003-001 50746A 68X0003 68X0003-001 T-E0137 93B3-3 93B3-4 st178 diode E1110 CK705 ecg semiconductor replacement guide CS1237 ME1120 TE1088 1N942 1N733A Delco DTG-110B transistor PDF


    Abstract: silec GG 84 1n623 2G300 chn 543 IC HXJ 2038 1N52398 IN5240 1n48 zener diode
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

    OCR Scan