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    Fluke Networks FI-3000-HOLSTER

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey FI-3000-HOLSTER Box 2 1
    • 1 $95.28
    • 10 $95.28
    • 100 $95.28
    • 1000 $95.28
    • 10000 $95.28
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    RS FI-3000-HOLSTER Bulk 5 Weeks 1
    • 1 $98.99
    • 10 $98.99
    • 100 $98.99
    • 1000 $98.99
    • 10000 $98.99
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    TestEquity LLC FI-3000-HOLSTER
    • 1 $98.99
    • 10 $98.99
    • 100 $98.99
    • 1000 $98.99
    • 10000 $98.99
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    Fluke Corporation FI-3000-HOLSTER

    Test Accessories - Other HOLSTER FOR THE FI-3000 PROBE
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    Mouser Electronics FI-3000-HOLSTER
    • 1 $95.28
    • 10 $95.28
    • 100 $95.28
    • 1000 $95.28
    • 10000 $95.28
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    Newark FI-3000-HOLSTER Bulk 1
    • 1 $98.99
    • 10 $98.99
    • 100 $98.99
    • 1000 $98.99
    • 10000 $98.99
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    NAC FI-3000-HOLSTER 1
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    Omega Engineering CN76000-HOUSING

    Housing W/Rear Cover |Omega CN76000-HOUSING
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    Newark CN76000-HOUSING Bulk 1
    • 1 $167.79
    • 10 $167.79
    • 100 $167.79
    • 1000 $167.79
    • 10000 $167.79
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    Norgren Z-15-A-1000-HOLE

    BOOM ROD, Aluminum 1.5" Dia. | Norgren Z-15-A-1000-HOLE
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    RS Z-15-A-1000-HOLE Bulk 5 Weeks 1
    • 1 $103.85
    • 10 $103.85
    • 100 $103.85
    • 1000 $103.85
    • 10000 $103.85
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    Quincy Compressor 8000 HOUR - 10-15 HP

    Quincy Parts Air Kit, 8000 Hour Splash Lubricated, 10-15 Hp | Quincy Compressor 8000 HOUR - 10-15 HP
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    RS 8000 HOUR - 10-15 HP Bulk 1
    • 1 $731.15
    • 10 $731.15
    • 100 $731.15
    • 1000 $731.15
    • 10000 $731.15
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I n s p i r i n gg r e e np e r f o r ma n c ewi t h S a ms u n gDDR3Me mo r y Hi ghper f or mance,ener gyef f i ci entmemor y Sams ungSemi conduct orEur ope,2009 Dual -andmul t i cor eCPUsf ormul t i t aski ngoper at i ons,64bi toper at i ng syst emsandcomput



    Abstract: KL30 voltage regulator alternator housing CAR ALTERNATOR REGULATOR ecu alternator voltage regulator 24V alternator load dump KL15 CAR ALTERNATOR REGULATOR 24 volt 3 phase alternator automatic voltage regulator KL15 wire
    Text: Ap pl ica t io n N o te, R e v 1. 0, A ug ust 2 00 9 A p p li c a t i o n N o t e W ha t t h e d e s i g n e r s h o u l d k n o w A p pl i c a t i o n R e qu i r e m e n t s f or S m a r t H i - S id e S w i t c h es B y St é ph an e F r aï s s é A u to m o t i v e P o w e r


    LM 3041

    Abstract: 2N325 2N326 TRANSISTOR C 2026 c 2026 y transistor MC 340 transistor c 3076
    Text: I . I .“~ . MILITARY SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, SPECIFICATION TRANSJSIT3R, TYPE NPN, GERMANIUM, POWSR ,. 2N326 This 5Pedification is mandatory for use by all Departments and Agencies of lhe Department of Defense. 1. sCOPE 1.1 transistor. 1 This specilic.l ion cover.

    2N326 5961-0021-s) LM 3041 2N325 2N326 TRANSISTOR C 2026 c 2026 y transistor MC 340 transistor c 3076 PDF

    mmc 4011 E

    Abstract: kdt 633 10Q18 photometer BV1010
    Text: ‘*,. ?dIL-s-195m/467 25 January 1672 MIUTARY SEIKICONDUCTQR sPECIFICATIDN DEVICE, DIODE, TYPES JAN1N57S5 TW speculation ~Immt8 and 1. AND JANTXlN3703 LS mandatory &s 1.2 P@lcal 1.S ?daxfmum ent specifbxtton dbmfs!simns. covers by all &par tof Defense. See figure

    JAN1N57S5 JANTXlN3703 dIL-s-195m/467 EcOM14ENC3AT mmc 4011 E kdt 633 10Q18 photometer BV1010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOLID ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS WITH ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTOR New! @105C, 2000 hours @Very low ESR @Suitable for Bulk Capacitors for digital equipment ?SPECIFICATIONS Items Performance Requirements Category Temperature Range –55 to +105C Rated Voltage Range Rated Capacitance Range

    000MF 120Hz) 4FRA330M 4FRA560M 10B10 4FRA1000M 10B16 100kHz PDF

    686 6K tantalum

    Abstract: capacitor 684k MATSUO 281 202L3502
    Text: m r SOLID-ELECTROLYTE TANTALUM CAPACITORS* MATSUO A CAUTIONS •This capacitor is polarized, do not apply reverse voltage. •The sum of peak value of AC and DC voltage should not exceed the rated voltage. ■This catalog is designed for providing general information. Please

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    22jjF. GG0G341 686 6K tantalum capacitor 684k MATSUO 281 202L3502 PDF


    Abstract: 6sn7 tube 6SJ7 6SL7 RCA-5691 rca 6SN7 Triode tube 5692 RCA 5692 tube 6sj7 RCA 5693
    Text: FOR r APPLICATIONS EXTREME \ AND WHERE DEPENDABILITY UNIFORMITY ARE PARAMOUNT. 5691 569 2 5 69 3 TUBE DIVISION RADIO CORPORATION o f AMERICA H A R R I S O N , N. C o p y rig h t, 1 9 4 6 R odio C o rp o fo tio n o l A m er I to TM K M arco R rg ittro d a J.

    OCR Scan
    000-hour RCA-5691 RCA-5691 RCA-5692 RCA-5691, RCA-5692, RCA-5693. 6SN7 6sn7 tube 6SJ7 6SL7 rca 6SN7 Triode tube 5692 RCA 5692 tube 6sj7 RCA 5693 PDF


    Abstract: pnp germanium transistor MIL-S-19500 Germanium Transistor FY 3011
    Text: MIL-S-19500/122C >L ojiriUAiiLjL xyoy SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/122B 28 Ju ly 1965 M IL IT A R Y S PEC IFIC A T IO N SEM ICONDUCTOR D EV IC E, TRANSISTO R, PN P, GERM ANIUM , HIG H -PO W ER T Y P E 2N1358 This specification is mandatory for use bv a ll Departments

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/122C MIL-S-19500/122B 2N1358 MIL-S-19500/122C 2N1358 pnp germanium transistor MIL-S-19500 Germanium Transistor FY 3011 PDF

    STC 1r0

    Abstract: RD14S
    Text: CARBON FILM RESISTORS RD16,14,12,14S, 12S -Kamaya carbon film resistors offer uniform and reliable performance at a very economical cost. Available in a variety o f power ratings, they are the resistor o f choice for most general purpose applications. •

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    RD14S RD12S C0I01 EJ00G1 STC 1r0 PDF

    SE 442

    Abstract: MARKING M1W 2N696 TRANSISTOR 2n697 MKAC 2N697 RAW MATERIAL INSPECTION procedure 2N697 equivalent 2N697 JAN 2N696 equivalent
    Text: M lL -S -1 9 5 0 0 /9 9 E 31 July 1967 su P e r s e ulng MI L - S - 1 9 5 0 0 /99D 3 D ecem ber MILITARY SPECIFICATION S E M IC O N D U C T O R D E V IC E , T R A N S I S T O R , P I T C H I N G , M E D IU M -P O W E R TYPES 2N696 AND 2N697 T h is s p e c ific a tio n is m a n d a to ry f o r u s e by a ll D e p a r t­

    OCR Scan
    MlL-S-19500/99E L-S-19500/99D 2N696 2N697 500/99D. SE 442 MARKING M1W TRANSISTOR 2n697 MKAC 2N697 RAW MATERIAL INSPECTION procedure 2N697 equivalent 2N697 JAN 2N696 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 4510 op Low-Power Germanium PNP transistor 1005 2G
    Text: M IL-S-19500/174B 29 November 1971 SUPERSEDING mtt. -s-195QQ/174A 25 August 1065 » m rP A nv cB P P m n im m M SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSX5TGR, FNP, GERMANIUM, LOW-POWER TYPE 2N398A This specification is mandatory for us« by all D epart­ ments and Agencies oi the Department of Defense.

    OCR Scan
    -19500/174B MIL-S-19500/174A 2N398A C-262m 2N398A 4510 op Low-Power Germanium PNP transistor 1005 2G PDF


    Abstract: FSC-5961 2n526 transistor FSC5961
    Text: MIL -S - 19500/60E 19 March 1970 SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/60D 28 M arch 1963 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, PNP, GERMANIUM, LOW-POWER TYPE 2N526 This specification is m andatory for use by all D epart­ m ents and Agencies of the D epartm ent of D efense.

    OCR Scan
    -19500/60E MIL-S-19500/60D 2N526 aprM6jIH26 2N526 FSC-5961 2n526 transistor FSC5961 PDF

    OC 74 germanium transistor

    Abstract: 2N1500 pnp germanium transistor NEW JERSEY SEMICONDUCTOR uz
    Text: oKr» 1 TT _c_i QKnn/1 W/ 16t/U 1 .Tuna 1967 SUPERSEDING MIL -S-19500/125B 3 Mav 1966 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, PNP, GERMANIUM, SWITCHING TYPE 2N1500 This specification is m andatory for use by all D epart­ m ents and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/125C -S-19500/125B 2N1500 OC 74 germanium transistor 2N1500 pnp germanium transistor NEW JERSEY SEMICONDUCTOR uz PDF


    Abstract: pnp germanium transistor TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION
    Text: MIL-S-19500/71D 29 June_1067 SU PER SED IN G M IL -S -195 00/71C 17 January 1961 See 6.3 M IL IT A R Y SPEC IFIC A T IO N SEM ICOND UCTO R D E V IC E , TRAN SISTO R, PN P , G ERM AN IU M , LO W -PO W ER T Y P E 2N1135 This specification is mandatory for use by a ll Depart­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/71D MIL-S-19500/71C 2N1195 MIL-S-19500 MIL-S-19500/71C. 2N1195 pnp germanium transistor TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION PDF


    Abstract: 307G marking YJ transistors
    Text: MIL-S-19500/373A 10 August 1972 dUi'X.ROC.UU'iU M IL-S-19500/373 USAF 31 May 1967 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR. NPN. SILICON, SWITCHING TYPES 2N914 AND TX2N914 This specification Is approved for use by all D epart­ ments and Agencies of the Departm ent of Defense.

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/373A MIL-S-19500/373 2N914 TX2N914 307G marking YJ transistors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS PY L o w Im p edan ce, High R e lia b ility z series S m a lle r • S m a lle r case size th a n PL series • L o w e r im p e d a n c e a t h ig h fr e q u e n c y range. m Low Impedance Anli-Solvent Feature n*n PL • Smaller

    OCR Scan

    electrolytic ELITE

    Abstract: electrolytic ELITE ed elite series pz ELITE EB series 50A5 3300 XL 3300 uF 450V 1360 uF 450V 22 J.63 capacitor JIS-C-5101-4
    Text: O No. I O O / \ ' 7 I K 1 Products G uide 7 ,r ; P age 1. C ap acitor S eries Table - 2 2. Precautions in Using Alum inum Electrolytic C apacitors - 4 3. Part N um bering System

    OCR Scan
    sh163b electrolytic ELITE electrolytic ELITE ed elite series pz ELITE EB series 50A5 3300 XL 3300 uF 450V 1360 uF 450V 22 J.63 capacitor JIS-C-5101-4 PDF

    2az marking transistor sot-23

    Abstract: transistor 431 N 2N2481 foto transistor TX markings on transistor
    Text: M IL-S-19500/268G 25^June 1971. . SliPEHSEDItfG i i» rr tt rr . * / / tr v \ IVllU-O-XOilt m iu *l oo -io u u v /6uoD\i,<AV X/ 1 July 1965 j a ac a q a o a xt a MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, NPN, SILICON SWITCHING t Y f e S 2 nz 46I An d TX2Nii48i

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/268C MIL-S-19500/28SB 2NZ481 TX2NZ481 c-23254 BU8INK89 2az marking transistor sot-23 transistor 431 N 2N2481 foto transistor TX markings on transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2N1026 2N1469 CU10A 2N1026 JAN 2N146 vqb 71
    Text: MIL -S - 195GG/78C 17 Mirth 1971 SUPERSEDING «»»» o «A iA A /nen J V liiJ-O “ ¿»O U U / IO D 10 February 1902 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, PNP, SILICON, LOW-POWER TYPES 2N1025, 2N1028 AND 2N1469 This specification Is mandatory for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

    OCR Scan
    MIL-5-19500/78C MIL-S-19500/78B 2N1025, 2N1026 2N1469 2N1025 2N1469 CU10A 2N1026 JAN 2N146 vqb 71 PDF

    MDB Resistor

    Abstract: 2N1224 2N1225 transistor equivalent table IRC MMC carbon marking "3AA" 410B
    Text: MIL-S-195QO/189B 18 January 1972 SUPERSEDING \/TTT —C - l O R n n / I Ö QA 1T11U U X * J \ J \ J \ J lU V iTl 26 A pril 1966 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, PNP, GERMANIUM, LOW-POWER TYPES 2N1224 AND 2N1225 in is specification is m andatory for use by all D epart­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/189B 2N1224 2N1225 MDB Resistor 2N1225 transistor equivalent table IRC MMC carbon marking "3AA" 410B PDF

    transistor kc 2026

    Abstract: 2N10160 2N1016C 2N1016B 2N1016D 2n1019
    Text: MIL-S-19500/102A 29 December 1966 ' SUPERSEDING M L -S -19500/102 ÌNAVYÌ 19 July 19 62 See 6.2 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. TRANSISTORS. NPN. SILICON. HIGH-POWER TYPES 2N1016B, 2N1016C, AND 2N1016D im a specm caaon is mandatory lor use py au L>eparimenta and Agencies of the Deôartment of Defense,

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/102A MIL-S-19500/102 2N1016B, 2N1016C, 2N1016D 2N1016B -I-150 2N1016C 2N1016D MIL-S-19500/102A transistor kc 2026 2N10160 2n1019 PDF

    RD kamaya

    Abstract: RD12S RS-296-E Kamaya 931 ke ke 931 kamaya RD RSI3S AMI 52 732 V
    Text: METAL OXIDE FILM RESISTORS RSI 12S, IS, 2S, 3S, 5S lVam aya metal oxide film resistors have a flameproof coating and are extremely stable at high temperatures. They are best suited for circuits requiring stability at high power levels. • FEATURES 1. 1/2 watt th ru 5 w att power ratings available.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2N1041 2N2555 2N1039 2N2557 2N2559 2N2559 JAN Germanium power
    Text: M IL -S -19500'89D SU PER SED IN G M I L - S -19500 89C 20 M a rc h 1964 niTTTt*tiAr%\r oriT?ntt? rr*a rp x o j t xr i rAKT ivixijJl SE M IC O N D U C TO R D E V IC E , TRA N SISTOR. P N P , GERM ANIUM , PO W ER T Y P E S 2N 1039. 2N 1041, 2N 2553, 2N2555. 2N2557 AND 2N2559

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500 2N1039. 2N1041, 2N2553, 2N2555. 2N2557 2N2559 2N1039 2N1041 2N2553 2N2555 2N2559 2N2559 JAN Germanium power PDF

    ILS 404 CB

    Abstract: 2n706 transistor transistor array K1 marking 3001 8AT transistor 2n706
    Text: MIL-S-19500/120C 15 April iyTO SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/120B 26 June 1063 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, NPN, SILICON, SWITCHING, LCW-PCWER TYPE 2N706 This specification Is mandatory fo r use by all De^ partm ents and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/120C MIL-S-19500/120B 2N706 MIL-S-19500 ILS 404 CB 2n706 transistor transistor array K1 marking 3001 8AT transistor 2n706 PDF