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    W 07 SOT23 Search Results

    W 07 SOT23 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TBAW56 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 80 V, 0.215 A, SOT23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    ISL54103IHZ-T7A Renesas Electronics Corporation DDC Accelerator (DDCA), SOT23, /Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EL6204CWZ-T7A Renesas Electronics Corporation Laser Driver Oscillator, SOT23, /Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL54103IHZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation DDC Accelerator (DDCA), SOT23, /Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL21070CIH320Z-TK Renesas Electronics Corporation 25µA Micropower Voltage References, SOT23, /Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    W 07 SOT23 Datasheets Context Search

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    SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y1

    Abstract: TL431 smd marking smd transistor marking d10 smd transistor marking D9 X10 smd fuses MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR R 1206 Zener diode smd marking c6 zener DIODE smd color marking smd transistor marking r14 NF marking TRANSISTOR SMD c4
    Text: TND320/D Rev. 0, Feb-07 40 W Printer Power Supply Reference Design Documentation 1 2007 ON Semiconductor. Disclaimer: ON Semiconductor is providing this reference design documentation package “AS IS” and the recipient assumes all risk associated with the use and/or commercialization of this

    TND320/D Feb-07 D8278: SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y1 TL431 smd marking smd transistor marking d10 smd transistor marking D9 X10 smd fuses MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR R 1206 Zener diode smd marking c6 zener DIODE smd color marking smd transistor marking r14 NF marking TRANSISTOR SMD c4 PDF


    Abstract: ic PS224 optocoupler atx power supply schematic ferrite transformer power for power supply atx PS224 ic datasheet EROS2CHF ferrite transformer atx power supply 24v active clamp forward converter ATX 2005 schematic diagram power supply ATX12v SCHEMATICS
    Text: TND313/D Rev 2, May-07 High-Efficiency 305 W ATX Reference Design Documentation Package 2007 ON Semiconductor. 1 Disclaimer: ON Semiconductor is providing this reference design documentation package “AS IS” and the recipient assumes all risk associated with the use and/or commercialization of this design package.

    TND313/D May-07 PS224 ic PS224 optocoupler atx power supply schematic ferrite transformer power for power supply atx PS224 ic datasheet EROS2CHF ferrite transformer atx power supply 24v active clamp forward converter ATX 2005 schematic diagram power supply ATX12v SCHEMATICS PDF

    FUSE SH22,5A

    Abstract: CPOL-EUE2-5 atx power supply schematic dc 600 watts C-EUC1206 600 watt smps schematic tv lcd Schematic Power Supply smd zener diode color code 1 1uF CPOL-EUE2.5-6 C10 TDC 210-4A C-EU075-032X103
    Text: TND316/D Rev. 3, March-07 220 W LCD TV Power Supply Reference Design Featuring NCP1396 and NCP1605 Documentation 1 2007 ON Semiconductor. Disclaimer: ON Semiconductor is providing this reference design documentation package “AS IS” and the recipient assumes all risk associated with the use and/or commercialization of this

    TND316/D March-07 NCP1396 NCP1605 FUSE SH22,5A CPOL-EUE2-5 atx power supply schematic dc 600 watts C-EUC1206 600 watt smps schematic tv lcd Schematic Power Supply smd zener diode color code 1 1uF CPOL-EUE2.5-6 C10 TDC 210-4A C-EU075-032X103 PDF


    Abstract: BFR30 2N5457 BFR30LT1 BFR31LT1 M2 MARKING SOT23 JFET 2N5457 lp "sot23 marking motorola" marking M2 JFET
    Text: BFR30LT1 BFR31LT1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value Drain-Source Voltage Vos 25 Vdc Gate-Source Voltage VGS 25 Vdc Rating Unit CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Max U nit Pd 225 mW 1.8 m W fC r 0JA 556 °C/W Pd

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    BFR30LT1 BFR31LT1 BFR30LT1 BFR31LT1 OT-23 O-236AB) 2N545> BFR30 BFR31 BFR30 BFR31 2N5457 M2 MARKING SOT23 JFET 2N5457 lp "sot23 marking motorola" marking M2 JFET PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M AXIM UM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit Co ntinuo us R everse Voltage Rating VR 70 Vdc Peak Forw ard Current 'f 100 m Adc Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 m W 'X r «j a 556 cc w pd 300 mW 2.4 m W ;C r «j a 417 cw Tj- Tstq - 5 5 to +150 C BAL99LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 18

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    BAL99LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) 150JC) PDF

    transistor 2N5457

    Abstract: jfet transistor N-Channel JFET transistor transistor jfet 2N5457 JFET 2N5457
    Text: MMBF5459LT1* MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Gate Current Symbol Value Unit Vd G 25 Vdc Vg s W -2 5 Vdc 'g 10 mAdc Symbol Max U nit Pd 225 mW 1.8 mW/°C R»j a 556 °C/W TJ. TstH -5 5 to +150 °C CASE 318-07, STYLE 10

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    MMBF5459LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) 2N5457 MMBF5459LT1 transistor 2N5457 jfet transistor N-Channel JFET transistor transistor jfet 2N5457 JFET 2N5457 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBFJ177LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Symbol Value VDG 25 Unit V v GS(rl - 25 V Symbol Max Unit PD 225 mW 1.8 m W /T Röja 556 °C/W TJ« Tstfl - 55 to +150 X G aie V THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS

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    MMBFJ177LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) MMBFJ175LT1 PDF


    Abstract: MMBF4856
    Text: MMBF4856LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Symbol Value Unit Vd G 25 V VGS<R> -2 5 V Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 m W /T R»j a 556 °c/w TJ. Tstq - 55 to +150 °C 3 1v 2 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    MMBF4856LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) MMBF4856LT1 MPF4391 MMBF4856LT1 MMBF4856 PDF


    Abstract: marking HO SOT23
    Text: MMBF1309LT1* MMBFJ310LT1* MAXIMUM RATINGS CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB Symbol Value Unit D rain-S ource Voltage Vds 25 Vdc G ate-Source Voltage Vg s 25 Vdc 'G 10 m A dc Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 m w rc Fl «JA 556 °C/W TJ ’ Tsta - 55 to + 15 0

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    MMBF1309LT1* MMBFJ310LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) MMBFJ309LT1 MMBFJ310LT1 OT-23 bfj310 marking HO SOT23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M A XIM U M RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Vr 70 Vdc if 100 mAdc Symbol Max Unit PD 225 mW 1.8 mW/°C R«j a 556 °C/W PO 300 mW 2.4 mW/°C 9JA 417 °C/W - 5 5 to +150 °C Continuous Reverse Voltage Peak Forward Current BAL99LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 18 SOT-23 TO-236AB

    OCR Scan
    BAL99LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) BAL99LT1 BAL99LT1 PDF

    JSs sot23

    Abstract: BFJ17
    Text: MMBFJ177LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB M A X IM U M RATINGS Rating D rain-G ate V oltag e Reverse Gate-Source V oltage Symbol Value vdg 25 V VGS(r) -2 5 V Symbol M ax Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 m W rz fy JA 556 °c/w T j' Tstg - 55 to + 150 °c ,-Æ)

    OCR Scan
    MMBFJ177LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) BFJ175LT JSs sot23 BFJ17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON PIN DIODE MMBV3401LT1* . designed primarily for VHF band switching applications but also suitable for use in general-purpose switching circuits. Supplied in a Surface M ount package. CASE 318-07, STYLE 8 SOT-23 TO-236AB • Rugged PIN Structure Coupled with W irebond Construction for Optim um

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    MMBV3401LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) MMBV3401LT1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBFJ309LT1* MMBFJ310LT1* M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Rating CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB S ym bol Value U n it D rain-Source Voltage V DS 25 Vdc Gate-Source Voltage VGS 25 Vdc 'G 10 m Adc Sym bol M ax U n it PD 225 mW 1.8 m W °C R«j a 556 3C W

    OCR Scan
    MMBFJ309LT1* MMBFJ310LT1* MMBFJ309LT1 MMBFJ310LT1 OT-23 O-236AB) OT-23 MBFJ309 MBFJ310 PDF

    01 tcc

    Abstract: V209
    Text: MMBV109LT1* MV209* SILICON EPICAP DIODES . . . designed for general frequency control and tuning applications; provid­ ing solid-state re lia bility in replacem ent o f mechanical tuning methods. CASE 318-07, STYLE 8 SOT-23 TO-236AB • High Q w ith Guaranteed M inim um Values at VHF Frequencies

    OCR Scan
    MMBV109LT1* MV209* OT-23 O-236AB) MMBV109LT1 O-226AC) BV109LT1 01 tcc V209 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON EPICAP DIODE MMBV3102LT1 . . designed in the Surface M ount package fo r general frequency control and tuning applications; providing solid-state reliability in replacement of mechanical tuning methods. CA SE 318-07, STYLE 8 SOT-23 TO-236AB • High Q w ith Guaranteed M inim um Values at VHF Frequencies

    OCR Scan
    MMBV3102LT1 OT-23 O-236AB) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BSS123LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 21 SOT-23 TO-236AB M AXIM UM RATINGS Rating D r a in - S o u r c e V o lta g e G a t e - S o u r c e V o lta g e Symbol Value Unit VDSS 100 Vdc s r 35 Vdc 'd m 0 .1 7 0 .6 8 Sym bol Max Pd 225 mW 1.8 m W -'C r w a 556 c w T j . T s tq

    OCR Scan
    BSS123LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBF5486LT1* MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Forward Gate Current Symbol Value Unit Vd g 25 Vdc VGS r 25 Vdc 'Gif) 10 mAdc Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 mW rc fi #j a 556 °C/W Tj< T stg - 5 5 to +150 °C CASE 318-07, STYLE 10

    OCR Scan
    MMBF5486LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) 2N5484 MMBF5486LT1 PDF

    transistor 2N5457

    Abstract: transistor 6D sot23 MMBF5457LT1
    Text: MMBF5457LT1* M AXIM UM RATIN GS Rating Symbol Value VDS 25 Vdc Drain-Gate Voltage VDG 25 Vdc v GSIrl 25 Vdc 'G 10 mAdc Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 mW X r 9JA 556 6C/W Tj- Tstq - 5 5 to +150 ÙC Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Gate Current CASE 318-07, STYLE 10

    OCR Scan
    MMBF5457LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) MMBF5457LT1 2N5457 transistor 2N5457 transistor 6D sot23 MMBF5457LT1 PDF

    Substrate alumina

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M A X IM U M RATIN G S EACH DIODE Rating Unit Symbol Value Reverse Voltage Vr 70 Vdc Forward Current if 200 m Adc iFM(surge) 500 mAdc Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 mwrc R#j a 556 °C/W pd 300 mW Peak Forward Surge Current BAW56LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 12

    OCR Scan
    BAW56LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) BAW56LT1 Substrate alumina PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M A X IM U M RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit VCEO 45 V Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 50 V Emitter-Base Voltage v EBO 5.0 V 'c 500 mAdc BC817-16LT1 BC817-25LT1 BC817-40LT1 Symbol Max Unit CASE 318-07, STYLE 6 SOT-23 TO-236AB Pd 225 mW 1.8 m W /X R»j a 556

    OCR Scan
    BC817-16LT1 BC817-25LT1 BC817-40LT1 OT-23 O-236AB) OT-23 PDF

    SSs sot23

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBFJ175LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Symbol Value Vd G 25 Unit V v GS{r) - 25 V Symbol Max Unit PD 225 mW 1.8 mW/°C R»j a 556 X /W T j. Tsta - 55 to + 150 X THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    MMBFJ175LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) MMBFJ175LT1 SSs sot23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBF5460LT1* M A X I M U M R A T IN G S Rating S ym bol Value U n it Vdc Drain-G ate Voltage CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB vdg 40 V g SR 40 Vdc 'gf 10 m Adc S ym bol M ax U n it pd 225 mW 1.8 m W -cC R«j a 556 ’C/W T j ' Tstq - 5 5 to +150 =C

    OCR Scan
    MMBF5460LT1* MMBF5460LT1 OT-23 O-236AB) 2N5460 PDF


    Abstract: 5BFL
    Text: MMBF4856LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB M A X I M U M R A T IN G S Rating D ra in-G a te V o lta g e R e ve rse G a te -S o u rce V olta g e Symbol Value Unit V DG 25 V v g s ir ) -2 5 V Symbol Max U n it Fd 225 mW 1.8 m W /T r 0 JA 556 °C/W

    OCR Scan
    MMBF4856LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) BF4856LT1 MPF4391 MMBF4856LT1 5BFL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBFJ175LT1* CASE 318-07, STYLE 10 SOT-23 TO-236AB M A X IM U M RATINGS Rating Drain-Gate Voltage Reverse Gate-Source Voltage Symbol Value Unit Vd G 25 V v GS(r) -2 5 V Symbol Max Unit PD 225 mW 1.8 mW/°C R0JA 556 °C/W T j' Tsta -5 5 to +150 °C THERM AL CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    MMBFJ175LT1* OT-23 O-236AB) MMBFJ175LT1 PDF