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    Abstract: 8216 L146 5C transistor
    Text: 97-07 . RQNK <:=:2BC@6 9:89 ?>E6@ @6;2F 7KHUVSKT Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y w>A: ~Dco vfhijfl D 5 6 w>A: ~Dco ieefeime w>A: ~Dco t,teneegehjelf 4>=B24B 52B2 4>:; gra gsa gt tDCI68I 6GG6C<:B:CI hkeB2 feeB ]6I fr k1ut^ tDCI68I G:H>HI6C8: tDCI68I G6I>C< ]-:Hc AD69^

    tDCI68I rAADL67A: t6E68 96I6H= 8DCI68I 8IGD68DJHI d56r 8216 L146 5C transistor PDF

    ci 827

    Abstract: L146 GEE 86A
    Text: 97-07 . RQNK <:=:2BC@6 9:89 ?>E6@ @6;2F 7KHUVSKT Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y w>A: ~Dco vfhijfl D 5 6 w>A: ~Dco ieefeime w>A: ~Dco t,teneegehjelf 4>=B24B 52B2 4>:; gra gsa gt tDCI68I 6GG6C<:B:CI hkeB2 feeB ]6I fr k1ut^ tDCI68I G:H>HI6C8: tDCI68I G6I>C< ]-:Hc AD69^

    tDCI68I rAADL67A: t6E68 96I6H= 8DCI68I 8IGD68DJHI ci 827 L146 GEE 86A PDF


    Abstract: LM 4741 UPR resistor MC68HCI LTED SMD jl-024 CPU20 M68300 MC68HC16V1 154 277c
    Text: Order this document by MC68HC16VlTS/D MOTOROLA - SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC68HC16VI The MC68HC16V1 is a high-speed 16-bit modular microcontroller. 68HCI 6 family of modular microcontrollers. It is a membd~.a~the M68300/ ‘,~,.l.,s’:,4t, . <;~<:$$

    MC68HC16VlTS/D MC68HC16VI MC68HC16V1 16-bit 68HCI M68300/ M68HC16 IACWC LM 4741 UPR resistor MC68HCI LTED SMD jl-024 CPU20 M68300 154 277c PDF

    tic 154 a

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bq2004E/H BENCHMARQ Fast-Charge ICs Features General Description ture and voltage are within config­ ured limits. >• F ast charge and conditioning of nickel cadmium or nickel-metal hydride batteries The b q 2 0 0 4 E and bq2004H F a st Charge IC s provide comprehensive

    OCR Scan
    bq2004E/H tic 154 a PDF

    intel 4269

    Abstract: mcs-48 intel 4269 0824 keyboard controller intel 8048 intel 8039 applications of 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display intel mcs-48 8049 Keyboard Controller intel 8049 microcomputer MCS-48
    Text: 1 AP-40 INTRODUCTION T h is a p p lic a tio n n o te s p re s e n ts a s o ftw a re p a c kag e for in te rfa c in g m e m b e rs o f In te l’s M C S -4 8 fa m ily o f s in g le-c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te rs w ith key boards and d is ­ plays using a m in im u m of extern al co m p o n e n ts . Be­

    OCR Scan
    AP-40 MCS-48â UPI-41Â intel 4269 mcs-48 intel 4269 0824 keyboard controller intel 8048 intel 8039 applications of 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display intel mcs-48 8049 Keyboard Controller intel 8049 microcomputer MCS-48 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C451 CY7C453 PRELIM INARY CYPRESS = SEMICONDUCTOR Cascadeable Clocked 512 x 9 and Cascadeable Clocked 2K x 9 FIFOs with Programmable Flags Features F unctional D escription • 512 x 9 C Y 7C 451 a n d 2 ,048 x 9 (C Y 7C 453) F IF O b uffer m em ory •

    OCR Scan
    CY7C451 CY7C453 212H1 PDF


    Abstract: bq2003
    Text: bq2003 Fast-Charge 1C Features General Description >* F a st charge an d conditioning of nickel cadm ium or nickel-m etal hydride b atte rie s >• H y ste re tic PW M sw itch-m ode curren t regulatio n or ga te d con­ trol o f an extern al regu lator T h e bq2003 F a st C h arge IC provides

    OCR Scan
    bq2003 bq2003 Integrati415 16-pin BD2003 PDF

    HDVD 3102

    Abstract: toshiba a10 video chip filter CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF COLOR TOSHIBA TV dot led display large size with circuit diagram h541 OSD Displays TMP47C038E TMP47C1238N TMP47C1638N BM47C1638
    Text: T O S H IB A TM P47C1238/1638/038 C M O S 4 -B IT M IC R O C O N TR O LLE R TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N T h e 4 7 C 1 2 3 8 /1 6 3 8 a re based on th e TLCS-470A series. The 4 7 C 1238/1638 have on-screen d isp la y c irc u it OSD to d is p la y characters and m arks w h ic h in d ic a te c h a n n e l or tim e on TV screen, A/D_canyfi.rter in p u t, ^ D/A_

    OCR Scan
    P47C1238/1638/038 TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N 47C1238/1 TLCS-470A 47C1238/1638 TMP47C1238N SD1P54 TMP47C038E TMP47C1638N HDVD 3102 toshiba a10 video chip filter CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF COLOR TOSHIBA TV dot led display large size with circuit diagram h541 OSD Displays TMP47C038E BM47C1638 PDF

    Nippon capacitors

    Abstract: JB29
    Text: MPC860EC/D Motorola Order Number 12/1998 PowerPC Advance Information MPC860 Hardware Specifications This document contains detailed information on power considerations, DC/AC electrical characteristics, and AC timing specifications for the MPC860. 1.1 Overview

    OCR Scan
    MPC860EC/D MPC860 MPC860. MC68360 Nippon capacitors JB29 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    150kHz 185Hz PDF


    Abstract: xpc860dczp50c1 XPC860ENZP50c1 XPC860TCZP50D3 capacitors ct81 JQRD XPC860DPZP80D XPC860dtzp50d3 MC68360 MPC860
    Text: MPC860EC/D Motorola Order Number 10/1999 REV. 4 Advance Information MPC860 Family Hardware Specifications This document contains detailed information on power considerations, DC/AC electrical characteristics, and AC timing specifications for the MPC860 family. These same

    OCR Scan
    MPC860EC/D MPC860 MPC860P. MPC860' 014jff XPC860MHZP50C1 xpc860dczp50c1 XPC860ENZP50c1 XPC860TCZP50D3 capacitors ct81 JQRD XPC860DPZP80D XPC860dtzp50d3 MC68360 PDF

    remocon cc 19

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C1237/1637 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TM P47CI237N, TMP47C1637N The 47C1237/1637 are based on th e TLCS-470A series. The 47C1237/1637 have on-screen display c irc u it OSD to display characters and m arks w h ich in d ica te channel o r tim e on TV screen, A/D c o n v e rte r (C om parator)

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1237/1637 P47CI237N, TMP47C1637N 47C1237/1637 TLCS-470A TMP47C1237N TMP47C1637N SDIP42-P-600-1 TMP47P1637VN remocon cc 19 PDF

    UAA 1006

    Abstract: AS4LC1M16SO AS4LC1M16S0 1024x512x8 DTA 1006
    Text: Advance informatio AS4LC 2M8S0 AS4LC1 M16S0 3.3V 2 M x 8 /lM x 1 6 CMOS synchronous DRAM Features A utom atic and direct precharge B urst read, single w rite Can assert ra n d o m co lu m n address in every cycle LVTTL co m patible V O 3 .3 Y p o w e r supply

    OCR Scan
    M16S0 t90pii 44-pin AS4LC2M890- AS4LC2M8S0-12TC 50-pin AS4LC1M16S0-8TC AS4LC1M16SQ-10TC AS4IC1M16S0-12TC 6ID11-3O0Q0-Ã UAA 1006 AS4LC1M16SO AS4LC1M16S0 1024x512x8 DTA 1006 PDF

    TEKELEC 297

    Abstract: intel 4269 mcs48 assembly language SEVEN SEGMENT FUNCTION TABLE OF IC 7447 bcd to hex using ic 7447 Intel 8245 intel 8048 8245 mcs-48 intel 4269 rep 197b TA 365 TEKELEC
    Text: intJ AP-40 APPLICATION NOTE June 197B <s> r? tV8P> A sy rV A''" O ? N ^ rf<> > v « ® Intel Corporation, 1978 w ^ •c T v > V 9800755 R elated In te l P u b lic atio n s ” M CS-48 M ic ro c o m p u te r F a m ily U sers' M a n u a l” "M C S-48 A s s e m b ly Language P ro g ra m m in g M a n u a l”

    OCR Scan
    AP-40 CS-48 B-1160 D-2085 D-8000 0732t RG20LS TEKELEC 297 intel 4269 mcs48 assembly language SEVEN SEGMENT FUNCTION TABLE OF IC 7447 bcd to hex using ic 7447 Intel 8245 intel 8048 8245 mcs-48 intel 4269 rep 197b TA 365 TEKELEC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division TM C 22091/TM C 22191 Digital Video Encoders/Layering Engine • A ll-d ig ital v id eo e n co din g • Intern al d ig ital o scillato rs, no c ry stals req u ired • S y n ch ro n izes w ith T M C 22071 G e n lo ck in g V ideo

    OCR Scan
    22091/TM 15-bit d11written TMC22091 84-Lead TMC22191R0C PDF


    Abstract: smd diode r5c 5962-8689001CX marking R5C smd diode Y5 5y smd 5962-86890012X
    Text: R E V I S IO N S LTR DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION A Add case o u t l i n e s D and 2 to d e v ic e ty pe 01. Add vendor CAGE 18324 t o case o u t l i n e s C, D, and 2. E d i t o r i a l changes th ro u g h ­ o u t . Change t o c u r r e n t CAGE code. Change t o t a b l e I , Vn u ,

    OCR Scan
    5962-8689001CX CD54HCT14F/3A M38510/65752BCX 5962-8689001DX 54HCT14/BDA M38510/65752BDX 5962-86890012X 54HCT14/B2A M38510/65752B2X 54HCT14 smd diode r5c marking R5C smd diode Y5 5y smd PDF

    IVO GmbH

    Abstract: Iskra relay IRION ivo irion NE212 numerical keypad IRION & VOSSELER
    Text: IVO IRION & VOSSELER CO U NT ER S • C O N T R O L UNITS ■ ENCO DERS Operating Instructions Electronic counting, controlling and monitoring unit NE 212 Contents Page 1 Safety instructions 2 2 Getting to know the NE 212 4 2.1 2.2 NE 212 components NE 212 block diagram

    OCR Scan

    hcpl 701

    Abstract: marking AGY r9n marking
    Text: What H E W L E T T K "KM PA C K A R D High Bandwidth, Analog/Video Optocouplers Technical Data HCPL-4562 HCNW4562 Features Applications Description • Wide Bandwidth!11: • Video Isolation for the Following Standards/ Formats: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, S-VHS, ANALOG

    OCR Scan
    HCPL-4562 HCNW4562 HCPL-4562) HCNW4562) HCNW4562 HCPL-4562/ hcpl 701 marking AGY r9n marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D R A W IN G M A D E IN T H IR D A N G L E 19 C o p y rig h t A L L 1N T E F? M AT 1D U A L C O V ERED B Y U . ' 'PV ZONE -.-V r , iy L-' V -.0/0 AiA Y CUT-OFf ^ EL ’il I POINT d'F ,/YIEASURtMENT / ✓*/ / 'U- •*"— - Q v/ I . B O O i-J I-1 1 ’ .CÆO

    OCR Scan
    0G779 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 5421 CYPRESS PRELIMINARY CY7C4261V CY7C4271V 16K/32Kx9 Low Voltage Deep Sync FIFOs Functional Description Features • 3.3V operation or low power consumption and easy integration into low voltage systems • High-speed, low-power, first-in first-out (FIFO

    OCR Scan
    CY7C4261V CY7C4271V 16K/32Kx9 CY7C4261V/71V CY7C42X1V 32-Lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4 DRAWING MADE IN AMERICAN PROJECTION 19 6 3 B Y A M P I N C O R P O R A T E D , A L L R I G H T S R E S '- R ' . E D . ' A M P P R O D U C T S C O V E R E D B Y P A T E N T S A N D O R P A T E N T S P E N D IN G . ÛeSCrOPTION î.o o S Z . 2 6 5 D /A FO R % STUD

    OCR Scan
    G9-02 P-61S 12-a-ià REV/0120-005itf-93 PDF


    Abstract: MAR003
    Text: to co I co 1^ co MICRO SWTTCH a Honeywell Division FED. MFG. CODE LINEAR OUTPUT HALL EFFECT TRANSDUCER CATALOG L I ST I NG SS94A1F < CD s CO CO.600*.010 L±J < l< CL o -.020 REF TA = TA = o LD CM .070 MAX- COND I T IONS II < X P A RA ME TER SENS I T I V I T Y

    OCR Scan
    Ic066416 C066822 C072441 14APR08 19MAYQ8 SS94A1F 150-J SS94A1F MAR003 PDF


    Abstract: analog rgb 15 pin
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C637/837 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C637N, TMP47C837N The 47C637/837 are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1237/1637 have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks which indicate channel or tim e on TV screen, A/D converter (Conparator) input,

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C637/837 TMP47C637N, TMP47C837N 47C637/837 TLCS-470A 47C1237/1637 TMP47C637N TMP47C837N SDIP42-P-600-1 TMP47P1637VN analog rgb 15 pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C1238AN/1638AN CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP47C1238AN, TMP47C1638AN The 47C1238A/1638A are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1238A/1638A have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks w hich indicate channel or tim e on TV screen, A/D co n ve rte r

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1238AN/1638AN TMP47C1238AN, TMP47C1638AN 47C1238A/1638A TLCS-470A TMP47C1238AN TMP47C1638AN SDIP54-P-600-1 TMP47P1638VN PDF