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    TE VIPER 60 VA Search Results

    TE VIPER 60 VA Datasheets Context Search

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    14.318 MHz ic

    Abstract: Three-Stateable opti chipset
    Text: CYPRESS F e a tu re s • Multiple clock outputs to meet re* quirements o f OPTi Viper chipset — Five CPU clocks @ 66.66 MHz, 60 MHz, and 50 MHz, pin selectable — One £arly clock, leads CPU clocks by 2 to 5 ns — Six PCI clocks CPUCLK/2 — T\vo Ref. clocks @ 14318 MHz

    OCR Scan
    CY2255 CY2255 CY22552 28-Pin 14.318 MHz ic Three-Stateable opti chipset PDF

    6216 sram

    Abstract: VIPer 32 VIPER 27 viper 100 opti chipset
    Text: 256KB AND 512KB SECONDARY CACHE MODULES FOR THE INTEL PENTIUM CPU AND OPTi™ VIPER CORE LOGIC CHIPSET FEATURES • For Intel 3.3V Pentium-based systems using the OPTi Viper core logic chipset • Asynchronous and pipelined burst SRAM options in the same module pinout

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    256KB 512KB ELP2X80SC IDT7MPV6214 IDT7MPV6215 IDT7MPV6216 IDT7MPV6217 PV6214/15/16/17 2S771 IDT7MPV6214/15/16/17 6216 sram VIPer 32 VIPER 27 viper 100 opti chipset PDF

    viper 16

    Abstract: yuv422 to RGB TSENG LABS tseng Tseng Labs ET4000 pin details of VIPER 22 VIPer Design Software microchannel YUV422A LT 5219
    Text: Video Image Processor Data Book G R A P H I C S BY TSENG L A B S fl Copyright 1994, 1995 Tseng Labs, Inc. Powered by il^R ier^ Q n Q ïlï^ Jtfc JiL C - D O D O E L Q /lfc e S S 0 i q h B B O 3 Contents 1.0 Introduction. 1

    OCR Scan
    ET4000/V33 YUV422 YUV444 viper 16 yuv422 to RGB TSENG LABS tseng Tseng Labs ET4000 pin details of VIPER 22 VIPer Design Software microchannel YUV422A LT 5219 PDF

    VIPER 27

    Abstract: VIPer Design Software TSENG LABS VIPER 22 YUV422 VIPER 56 VIPER 30 et4000 VIPER 51 pin details of VIPER 22
    Text: Video Image Processor Data Book TSENG G R A P H I C S L A B B Y S Copyright 1994, 1995 Tseng Labs, Inc. ‘iOOt.lbS DOQQDG1 STO • Tseng Labs, Inc. Contents 1.0 Introduction. 1

    OCR Scan
    ET4000/V33 YUV422 YUV444 VIPER 27 VIPer Design Software TSENG LABS VIPER 22 VIPER 56 VIPER 30 et4000 VIPER 51 pin details of VIPER 22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. ICS9159-05 Frequency Generator for Pentium /OPTi VIPER Systems General Description Features The ICS9159-05 is a low cost frequency generator designed specifically for Pentium/Pentium Pro systems. The integrated buffer minimizes skew and provides the early CPU clock required

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    ICS9159-05 ICS9159-05 015x45 ICS9159M-05 PDF


    Abstract: VIPer Design Software DA1A23 viper gate control circuits VIPER IC MV7011 Viper MIPS VIPER 51 Self-checking circuit
    Text: Ä Semiconductors PLESSEY MARCH 1989 P R E L IM IN A R Y IN F O R M A T IO N MV7011 32-BIT MATHEMATICALLY VERIFIED MICROPROCESSOR The M V 7011 is a 32-bit m icro p ro ce sso r w hich has been designed as a full im plem entation of the RSRE VIPER* 1A specification. The use of formal mathematical

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    MV7011 32-BIT MV7011 PS2303 VIPer Design Software DA1A23 viper gate control circuits VIPER IC Viper MIPS VIPER 51 Self-checking circuit PDF

    LC 7011

    Abstract: Self-checking circuit
    Text: Ä PLESSEY W S em ico n d u cto rs. M A R C H 1989 PR ELIM INA R Y IN FO R M A TIO N MV7011 32-BIT MATHEMATICALLY VERIFIED MICROPROCESSOR The M V 7011 is a 32-bit m icro p ro ce sso r which has been designed as a full im plem entation ot the RSRE VIPER* 1A specification. The use of formal mathematical

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    MV7011 32-BIT MV7011 LC 7011 Self-checking circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CYPRESS CYM74B550 CYM74P550A CYM74S550, CYM74S551 P R E L IM IN A R Y OPTi Viper Chip Set Level II Cache Module Family Features vo lt S R A M s and 3.3 v o lt level translators. T hese m odules offer 3 -2 -2-2 pe rfo rm an ce at CPU bus speeds up to 6 6 MHz.

    OCR Scan
    CYM74B550 CYM74P550A CYM74S550, CYM74S551 CYM74B550) CYM74P550A) CYM74S551) P54C/P55C 160-position PDF

    viper 16l

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DS1666, DS1666S Audio Digital Resistor PIN ASSIGNMENT • 128 position, digitally controlled potentiom eter NC • Operates from a +5 volts power supply with TTL sig­ nal inputs U/D INC • W ide analog voltage range of ±5 volts

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    16-pi DS1666, DS1666S 14-PIN DS1666 1666S-050 DS1666S-- 50KC2 viper 16l PDF


    Abstract: 1N3879
    Text: 1N3879thru 1N3883 MR1366 MOTOROLA D e s ig n é i s D a ta S h e e l FAST R EC O V ER Y POWER R E C T IF IE R S STUD MOUNTED FAST R EC O V ER Y POWER R EC T IF IE R S 50-600 V O L T S 6 AM PERES . . . designed fo r special a p p lic a tio n s such as d c p o w e r sup p lies, inverters,

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    1N3879thru 1N3883 MR1366 se-245 1N3879 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 3510 CY2255 P entium Processor Compatible Clock/Synthesizer for OPTi V ip e r™ Chipset Featu res • CMOS te c h n o lo g y • M u ltip le c lo c k o u tp u ts to m eet re q u ire m e n ts o f OPTi V ip e r™ c h ip s e t — Five CPU c lo c k s @ 66.66 MHz, 60 MHz, and 50 MHz,

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    CY2255 CY2255 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UM10731 SSL3401DB1174 7 W mains dimmable MR16/12 V driver for GU5.3 22 mm Rev. 1.1 — 14 November 2013 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords SSL3401DB1174, board version A844V0101, MR16 LED driver, mains dimmable, constant current, driver, low voltage supply, AC-to-DC

    UM10731 SSL3401DB1174 MR16/12 SSL3401DB1174, A844V0101, SSL3401 SSL3401DB1174. A844V0101 PDF

    600 watt smps schematic viper50A

    Abstract: VIPER50 application note VIPer50 1000 watt mosfet power amplifier 500 watt smps schematic 600 watt smps schematic circuit diagram of 4000 watt smps full bridge viper 224 VIPer 50A Per50
    Text: V IP e r 5 0 /S P V IP e r 5 0 A /A S P SM PS PRIMARY I.C. PRELIM IN ARY DATA TYPE V dss In R DS o n V IP e r5 0 /S P 620V 1.5 A 5 Cl V IP e r5 0 A /A S P (*) 70 0V 1.5 A 5. 7 a (*) T a rg e t d a ta fo r V IP o w e r5 0 A /A S P FEATURE . ADJUSTABLE SWITCHING FREQUENCY UP

    OCR Scan
    VIPer50/SP VIPer50A/ASP PowerSO-10 VIPower50A/ASP 200KHZ VIPer50â 600 watt smps schematic viper50A VIPER50 application note VIPer50 1000 watt mosfet power amplifier 500 watt smps schematic 600 watt smps schematic circuit diagram of 4000 watt smps full bridge viper 224 VIPer 50A Per50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V IP e r 1 0 0 /S P V IP e r 1 0 0 A /A S P SM PS PRIM ARY I.C. P R E LIM IN A R Y D ATA * TYPE V dss In RüS(on) V IP e r l 00 /S P 620V 3 A 2 .5 Q. V IP e r l 0 0 A /A S P (*) 70 0V 3 A 2 .8 Q. m (*) Target data for VIPei"IOOA/ASP PENTAWATT HV FEATURE

    OCR Scan
    T0200KH VIPer100A/ASP PowerSO-10 PDF


    Abstract: stss-sw1e SOMC-14 smd x17 P440 C 05 MX-500P-21 O M 335 SP440 talon MX-500S
    Text: SmartHeat Technology SmartHeat 22/11/01 2:09 pm Page 8 S mar t He at ® W h e n t h e t e m p e r a t u r e o f t h e he a te r a c o p p e r b a r c o a te d wi th a ma g netized iro n/nickel a llo y r e a c h e s a c e r t a i n l e v e l ( i t s C u r i e Po i nt) , i t s t op s a b s or b i n g e ne r g y an d th e t empera ture becom es

    MX-500P-11 MX-500P-21 TATC-X03 stss-sw1e SOMC-14 smd x17 P440 C 05 MX-500P-21 O M 335 SP440 talon MX-500S PDF

    600 watt smps schematic viper50A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VIPer50/SP VIPer50A/ASP SMPS PRIMARY I.C. P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A TYPE In RDS on V IP er50/S P V 620V 1 .5 A 5 Q. V IP er50A /A S P (*) 700V 1.5 A 5.7 Q. dss (*) T a rg e t d a ta fo r V IP o w e r5 0 A /A S P FEATURE . ADJUSTABLE SWITCHING FREQUENCY UP

    OCR Scan
    VIPer50/SP VIPer50A/ASP er50/S er50A T0200KH PowerSO-10 600 watt smps schematic viper50A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    VIPer50/SP VIPer50A/ASP 200KHZ 700V5 PDF


    Abstract: per20
    Text: VIPer20/SP/DIP VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP SMPS PRIMARY I.C. PR ELIM IN ARY DATA * TYPE V dss In V IP e r 2 0 /S P /D IP 620V 0 .5 A RüS(on) 16 V IP e r 2 0 A /A S P /A D IP 700V 0 .5 A 18 a a (*) Target data for VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP FEATURE . ADJUSTABLE SWITCHING FREQUENCY UP

    OCR Scan
    VIPer20/SP/DIP VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP 200KHZ VIPer20/20A, VIPer20/SP/DIP ER20A per20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VIPer20/SP/DIP VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP SMPS PRIMARY I.C. P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A * TYPE V dss In RüS(on) V IP e r2 0/S P /D IP 620V 0.5 A 16 Q. V IP er20A /A S P /A D IP 700V 0.5 A 18 Q. (*) Target data for VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP FEATURE . ADJUSTABLE SWITCHING FREQUENCY UP

    OCR Scan
    VIPer20/SP/DIP VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP er20A T0200KHZ VIPer20/SP/DIP P001F PDF


    Abstract: Viper dimmer T8 light tube LED alternative solutions health data sheet egypt
    Text: Catalogue 2014 LED, conventional control gear and lighting control systems LED Solution Box – all your LEDs under perfect control: components and systems for your product solution The flexible Tridonic LED portfolio Lighting expertise from individual components to



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cover and contents 22/11/01 2:04 pm Page 2 Precision Systems for the Electronics Bench SOLDERING, DESOLDERING AND REWORK SYSTEMS Precision Systems for the Electronics Bench WORLD HEADQUARTERS AND NORTH AMERICAN OFFICE 1530 O’BRIEN DRIVE • MENLO PARK • CA 94025 • USA

    MET-US-001 MX-500 PDF

    METCAL SP200

    Abstract: MX-500P-21 QX2-P-21 SP440 QX2-P-11 SP-PW1-20 ERG IC 1118 NZ-D1113 D1116 MX-500S-11
    Text: Precision Systems for the Electronics Bench SOLDERING, DESOLDERING AND REWORK SYSTEMS SP 44 0 SP440 Desoldering System Since 1982, OK International’s Metcal brand has been the industr y ’s single source of high-per formance, precision systems for the electronics bench.

    SP440 AC-BP-11 AC-BP-21 AC-PH-11 AC-PH-21 BRO-MET-06 METCAL SP200 MX-500P-21 QX2-P-21 QX2-P-11 SP-PW1-20 ERG IC 1118 NZ-D1113 D1116 MX-500S-11 PDF

    Viper L2A

    Abstract: opti 82c596 82C558N 82C465MV opti 82C556
    Text: 82C556/82C557/82C558N Viper Notebook Chipset Data Book Revision: 1.0 912-3000-032 May 25,199 5 Copyright Copyright 1995, OPTi Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechani­

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    82C556/82C557/82C558N Viper L2A opti 82c596 82C558N 82C465MV opti 82C556 PDF


    Abstract: trans C3150 BC518 TI486DX4-100 LC51-50 C5380 TM2SP64GPU TMS320C2X TMS320C204 seagate
    Text: EXTENDING YOUR REACHTM NORTH AMERICAN EDITION INTEGRATION AN UPDATE ON TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SEMICONDUCTORS VOL. 13 ▼ NO. 2 ▼ MARCH 1996 ThunderSWITCH meets bandwidth demands Spurred by rapid growth in the use of networked applications such as the Internet, groupware, client/server and

    SFY49LXX603R 100-MIPS c4460 trans C3150 BC518 TI486DX4-100 LC51-50 C5380 TM2SP64GPU TMS320C2X TMS320C204 seagate PDF