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    SOT560 Search Results

    SOT560 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SOT560-1 NXP Semiconductors Plastic thermal enhanced bottom chip carrier; 32 terminals; body 5 x 5 x 0.65 mm Original PDF
    SOT560-1 NXP Semiconductors Footprint for reflow soldering SOT560-1 Original PDF

    SOT560 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline HBCC32: plastic thermal enhanced bottom chip carrier; 32 terminals; body 5 x 5 x 0.65 mm x B D b1 SOT560-1 v M C A B w M C ball A1 index area v M C A B w M C b b3 E b2 v M C A B w M C v M C A B w M C detail X x C A e1 B e C y v A e2 E1 e4 1

    HBCC32: OT560-1 MO-217 PDF


    Abstract: HBCC32 MO217
    Text: PDF: 1999 Sep 10 Philips Semiconductors Package outline HBCC32: plastic, heatsink bottom chip carrier; 32 terminals; body 5 x 5 x 0.65 mm SOT560-1 x B D pin 1 index area b1 w M w M b b3 E w M b2 w M detail X x C A e1 B e y v A C E1 e4 e2 1 32 A1 X D1 A2 e3

    HBCC32: OT560-1 MO-217 sot560 HBCC32 MO217 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDF: 2003 Jun 19 Philips Semiconductors PC board footprint HBCC32; SOT560-1 FOOTPRINT REFLOW SOLDERING handbook, full pagewidth PA = OA = 5.40 (2x) 3.05 (2×) 2.55 (2×) 1.275 (2×) solder lands solder resist 0.075 clearance 0.50 (24×) 0.150 solder paste

    HBCC32; OT560-1 MGX375 PDF


    Abstract: 132A-1
    Text: PDF: 2003 Mar 17 Philips Semiconductors Package outline HBCC32: plastic thermal enhanced bottom chip carrier; 32 terminals; body 5 x 5 x 0.65 mm x B D b1 SOT560-1 v M C A B w M C ball A1 index area v M C A B w M C b b3 E v M C A B w M C b2 v M C A B w M C

    HBCC32: OT560-1 MO-217 MO-217 132A-1 PDF

    5.1 B2

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDF: 2000 Feb 02 Philips Semiconductors Package outline HBCC32: plastic, heatsink bottom chip carrier; 32 terminals; body 5 x 5 x 0.65 mm SOT560-1 x B D b1 w M w M ball A1 index area b b3 E w M b2 w M detail X x C A e1 B e y v A C E1 e4 e2 1 32 A1 X D1 A2

    HBCC32: OT560-1 MO-217 5.1 B2 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK163 BFG480W NB b6 smd transistor 2SK508 SMD transistor n36 bf998 TEF6860HL 3SK290 baw 92
    Text: RF᠟‫ݠ‬㄀8⠜ RF RFׂ೗‫ڦ‬ᆌᆩࢅยऺ๮֩ 2006౎6ሆ ݀քන೺ǖ2006౎6ሆ ࿔ॲຩႾࡽǖ9397 750 15589 Henk RoelofsLjޭጺ֋&ጺঢ়૙RFׂ೗ ०঻ ௅ᅃӲԨ࿢்‫ࣷۼ‬ၠጲम༵‫؜‬཈቟ᅜ߀฀࿢்‫ڦ‬RF๮֩ă‫ڼ‬8Ӳᄺփ૩ྔă࿢்ᅙཁेକ߸‫ܠ‬एᇀ


    Motorola transistor smd marking codes

    Abstract: walkie-talkie transceiver diagram BFM505 BF256B spice model 2SK163 UAF3000 BGO807C FET marking code 365 marking code M2 SOT23 SOT56
    Text: RF Manual 8 edition th Application and design manual for RF products June 2006 date of release: June 2006 document order number: 9397 750 15589 Henk Roelofs,Vice President & General Manager RF Products Introduction Every edition we challenge ourselves to improve our RF manual. This 8th edition is no exception.



    Abstract: BLM11P300S dipsw_4 232270296001 433003036301 Philips 2322-702-96001 BLM11P300 AN99071 STM16 TP97036
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE OM5808 demoboard negative supply for 2.5 Gb/s TZA3014 / TZA3019 with HBCC package AN99071 TP97036.2/F5.5 Philips Semiconductors OM5808 demoboard negative supply for 2.5 Gb/s TZA3014 / TZA3019 with HBCC package Application Note AN99071 Abstract

    OM5808 TZA3014 TZA3019 AN99071 TP97036 OM5808. R114426 BLM11P300S dipsw_4 232270296001 433003036301 Philips 2322-702-96001 BLM11P300 AN99071 STM16 PDF

    702 TRANSISTOR smd

    Abstract: SIEMENS AVR GENERATOR fire alarm abstract using thermistor and op-amp Phycomp 2238 Laser power supply abstract 2238 916 15636 3006p 205 Variable Resistor 2238-787-15636 phycomp 2322-702-60102 capacitor 0402 X7R 100NF 50V 10
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE OM5811 minidil demo board for TZA3010/11/47 laser drivers covering 30-3200 Mb/s AN10191-01 TP97036.2/F5.5 Philips Semiconductors OM5811 minidil demo board for TZA3010/11/47 laser drivers covering 30-3200 Mb/s Application Note AN10191-01 Abstract

    OM5811 TZA3010/11/47 AN10191-01 TP97036 TZA3010/11/47 OM5811. TZA3010, TZA3011and 702 TRANSISTOR smd SIEMENS AVR GENERATOR fire alarm abstract using thermistor and op-amp Phycomp 2238 Laser power supply abstract 2238 916 15636 3006p 205 Variable Resistor 2238-787-15636 phycomp 2322-702-60102 capacitor 0402 X7R 100NF 50V 10 PDF


    Abstract: BLM11P300S 3006P 201 PHILIPS 433003036301 Philips 2322-702-96001 433003036301 dipsw_4 HLMP6500-011 siemens c45 Stocko R5
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE OM5809 demo board positive supply for 2.5 Gb/s TZA3014 / TZA3019 with HBCC package AN01023 TP97036.2/F5.5 Philips Semiconductors OM5809 demo board positive supply for 2.5 Gb/s TZA3014 / TZA3019 with HBCC package Application Note AN01023 Abstract

    OM5809 TZA3014 TZA3019 AN01023 TP97036 OM5809. R114426 BLM11P300S 3006P 201 PHILIPS 433003036301 Philips 2322-702-96001 433003036301 dipsw_4 HLMP6500-011 siemens c45 Stocko R5 PDF

    digital multimeter avr

    Abstract: SIEMENS AVR GENERATOR blue Laser-Diode phycomp 2322-702-60103 Phycomp C0402 Phycomp 2238 Phycomp Components 2238 Resistors 2322 Phycomp BYV10-40 phycomp 2238 786
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE OM5814 demo board for TZA3010 laserdriver 30-3200 Mb/s AN01018 TP97036.2/F5.5 Philips Semiconductors OM5814 demo board for TZA3010 laserdriver 30-3200 Mb/s Application Note AN01018 Abstract This application note describes demo board OM5814. This demo board is designed for customer demonstration

    OM5814 TZA3010 AN01018 TP97036 OM5814. digital multimeter avr SIEMENS AVR GENERATOR blue Laser-Diode phycomp 2322-702-60103 Phycomp C0402 Phycomp 2238 Phycomp Components 2238 Resistors 2322 Phycomp BYV10-40 phycomp 2238 786 PDF


    Abstract: toshiba smd marking code transistor smd code marking wl sot23 RF LNB C band chipset M74 marking BFG480W SMD transistor n36 vHF amplifier module 2450Mhz TOSHIBA DIODE CATALOG DIODE RF DETECTOR
    Text: RFマニュアル第9版 RF製品用のアプリケーションおよび設計マニュアル 2006年11月 date of release: November 2006 document order number: 9397 750 15817 Henk RoelofsRF製品担当副社長兼ゼネラル・マネージャー はじめに

    20GHz uaf4000 toshiba smd marking code transistor smd code marking wl sot23 RF LNB C band chipset M74 marking BFG480W SMD transistor n36 vHF amplifier module 2450Mhz TOSHIBA DIODE CATALOG DIODE RF DETECTOR PDF


    Abstract: JESD51-7 TZA3010B TZA3010BVH soft ferrite handbook
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA3010B 30 Mbits/s up to 3.2 Gbits/s laser driver Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC19 2001 Nov 16 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification 30 Mbits/s up to 3.2 Gbits/s laser driver TZA3010B

    TZA3010B TZA3010B SCA73 403510/01/200/pp20 JESD51-5 JESD51-7 TZA3010BVH soft ferrite handbook PDF

    2SK43 transistor

    Abstract: smd transistor m29 sot343 UXA23465 Motorola transistor smd marking codes walkie-talkie transceiver diagram UXA23476 diode SMD WL sot23 BF862 AM LNA uaf3000 2SK163
    Text: th 1 ed ition 10 th editio n t h 1 e d th i t i o n RF manual 10 edition 10 Application and design manual for RF products TH September 2007 2007 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written


    AcDC Convertor

    Abstract: JESD51-5 TZA3011A TZA3011AVH TZA3011B TZA3011BVH la 7643
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA3011A; TZA3011B 30 Mbits/s up to 3.2 Gbits/s A-rate laser drivers Product specification Supersedes data of 2002 May 23 2002 Nov 06 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 30 Mbits/s up to 3.2 Gbits/s A-rate laser drivers

    TZA3011A; TZA3011B TZA3011A TZA3011B SCA74 403510/04/pp28 AcDC Convertor JESD51-5 TZA3011AVH TZA3011BVH la 7643 PDF

    x band receiver

    Abstract: BCC32 SA3601
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA3601 Low voltage dual-band RF front-end Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors 1999 Nov 09 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Low voltage dual-band RF front-end SA3601 DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS • 800 to 1000 MHz analog and digital receivers

    SA3601 SA3601 x band receiver BCC32 PDF


    Abstract: BF909AR BFG480W uaf3000 N4 MMIC "BAT17" MMBFJ174 TOSHIBA DIODE CATALOG 2SK163 BBY42
    Text: RF๮֩!‫ڼ‬9Ӳ RFѻકⱘᑨ⫼੠䆒䅵᠟‫ݠ‬ 2006ᑈ11᳜ থᏗ᮹ᳳ˖ 2006 ᑈ11᳜ ᭛ӊ乎ᑣো: 9397 750 15817 Henk Roelofsˈࡃᘏ㺕 & ᘏ㒣⧚ RF ѻક ᓩ㿔 ៥Ӏᕜ催݈೼ℸՓ⫼៥Ӏⱘᮄ݀ৌৡ⿄੠ક⠠৥ᙼҟ㒡㄀ϔ⠜RF᠟‫ݠ‬: ᘽᱎ⌺ञᇐԧ˄NXP



    Abstract: BCC32 SA9502 SA9503 pcs-2
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA9503 Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS LNA and downconverter mixers Objective specification Supersedes data of 1999 Jul 06 Philips Semiconductors 1999 Jul 29 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Dual-band, CDMA/AMPS LNA and downconverter mixers

    SA9503 SA9503 2.4 ghz FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM BCC32 SA9502 pcs-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA3011A; TZA3011B 30 Mbits/s up to 3.2 Gbits/s laser drivers Objective specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC19 2001 Jan 29 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification 30 Mbits/s up to 3.2 Gbits/s laser drivers

    TZA3011A; TZA3011B TZA3011A: TZA3011B: 403510/300/01/pp24 PDF

    Motorola transistor smd marking codes

    Abstract: transistor smd marking CODE Wb BFG591 Application Notes toshiba smd marking code transistor diode varicap BB 112 sot323 transistor marking MOTOROLA walkie-talkie transceiver diagram 113 marking code transistor ROHM smd transistor marking A3 sot23 3pin BFG135 amplifier
    Text: th 1 ed ition 10 th th RF manual 10 edition Application and design manual for RF products September 2007 Introduction Welcome to this very special edition of the RF manual. This is our 10th issue – definitely an occasion for celebration! Over the years, the RF manual has become


    nec d882

    Abstract: D882 NEC nec d882 p j112 fet 2SK163 2SK508 D7540185 ON4831-2 MC7722 3SK290
    Text: Se m i c o n d u c t o r s RF 手册 第 6版 RF 产品的应用和设计手册 2005年5月 发布日期: 2005 年5月 文件顺序号:9397 750 15125 Semiconductors Henk Roelofs, 副总裁&总经理 RF产品 序言 RF手册涉及了材料和许多关于RF系统方面的广泛领域。产品范围包括:RF小信号分


    UAA 1006

    Abstract: UXA23465 UXA23476 UXA23466 UAF3000 "BAT17" UAF4000 BFG480W TEF6860HL TEA6848H
    Text:  RF๮֩ ‫ڼ‬10Ӳ RFѻકⱘᑨ⫼੠䆒䅵᠟‫ݠ‬ 2007ᑈ9᳜ WK ᆅჾ ⃶䖢䯙䇏RF᠟‫ⱘݠ‬䖭Ͼ䴲ᐌ⡍⅞ⱘ⠜ᴀDŽ䖭ᰃ៥Ӏⱘ㄀10থᏗ—㒱ᇍᰃϔӊؐᕫ ᑚ⼱ⱘ୰џʽ䖭ѯᑈᴹˈRF᠟‫ݠ‬Ꮖ㒣ব៤ᏖഎϞ㄀ϔ⌕ⱘRFᑨ⫼䆎യ˗Ўњᑚ⼱៥

    BFU725F UAA 1006 UXA23465 UXA23476 UXA23466 UAF3000 "BAT17" UAF4000 BFG480W TEF6860HL TEA6848H PDF

    Motorola transistor smd marking codes

    Abstract: MARKING V14 SOT23-5 Motorola 622 J112 smd code marking wl sot23 smd code marking rf ft sot23 diode SMD WL sot23 Microwave GaAs FET catalogue BFG135 amplifier catv DISTRIBUTION NETWORK diagram BF256B spice model
    Text: RF Manual 9th edition Application and design manual for RF products November 2006 date of release: November 2006 document order number: 9397 750 15817 Henk Roelofs,Vice President & General Manager RF Products Introduction We are excited to introduce the first issue of the RF Manual under our new

    November2006 2006NXPB Motorola transistor smd marking codes MARKING V14 SOT23-5 Motorola 622 J112 smd code marking wl sot23 smd code marking rf ft sot23 diode SMD WL sot23 Microwave GaAs FET catalogue BFG135 amplifier catv DISTRIBUTION NETWORK diagram BF256B spice model PDF


    Abstract: SA3601W
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA3601 Low voltage dual-band RF front-end Product specification Supersedes data of 1999 Nov 09 Philips Semiconductors 2001 Feb 20 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Low voltage dual-band RF front-end SA3601 DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS

    SA3601 SA3601 SA3601W PDF