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    Abstract: PCL81 blocking oscillator blocking oscillator design AI 757 triode push-pull circuit Mullard
    Text: T R IO D E P E N T O D E Combined triode and output pentode with separate cathodes foi « television receivers with the triode as a frame blocking oscillator and the pentode as a frame output valve. PCL83 H EATER Suitable for series operation a.c. or d.c.

    OCR Scan
    PCL83 c81-h PCL83 PCL81 blocking oscillator blocking oscillator design AI 757 triode push-pull circuit Mullard PDF

    ES 7J3

    Abstract: DEN-200 2X12 2X42 2X40
    Text: CL 6 CL 6 Endpenthode D ie CL 6 is t eine E n d p e n th o d e sehr gro ß er E m p fin d lich k eit fü r G /W E m p fä n g er zum A nschluß a n N etze m it n ied rig er S pannung. F ü r den m ax 51 B e trie b a n N ie d erv o ltn e tze n is t eine S c h irm g itte rsp a n n u n g v o n etw a

    OCR Scan

    LA 7840

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELL 1 ELL 1 Doppelendpenthode Die ELL 1 ist eine Endröhre für Autoem pfänger. Sie besteht aus zwei in einem Kolben zusam m engebauten Endpenthodensystem en für je 4,5 W Anodenverlustleistung. Mit Rücksicht auf die Anwendung in Autoem pfängern wurde auf große W irtschaftlichkeit des Betriebes ge­

    OCR Scan

    HF power amplifier

    Abstract: marconi company GI 312 C180 marconi
    Text: C 180/JULY 1954 Twin Tetrode Type C180 VHF POWER AMPLIFIER General. The C 180 is a twin tetrode, suitable for use as a push-pull beam power amplifier. Cooling. The bulb temperature must not exceed 175°C and if necessary forced-air-cooling must be employed.

    OCR Scan
    180/JULY I70gm) O-375 HF power amplifier marconi company GI 312 C180 marconi PDF


    Abstract: QZ06-20 Scans-0018014
    Text: QZ06-20 Q U I C K H E A T IN G TETRODE Q U ICK R EFER EN C E D A TA Q uick heating V .H .F. pow er am plifier fo r m obile tra nsm itters. 7 0 % pow er output in less than h a lf a second. f max. V a max. pa max. Performance f Pout 175 650 25 Mc/s V W 60 65

    OCR Scan
    QZ06-20 60Mc/s 175Mc/s az06 QZ06-20 Scans-0018014 PDF

    advantages automatic phase changer

    Abstract: ebl21 ECH21 automatic phase changer file uch21 automatic phase changer circuit diagram of FTA receiver UBL21 triode push-pull circuit 3 phase automatic phase changer
    Text: ECH 21 ECH ‘2 t Irio ile Iiep to d e The ECH 21 is a variable-mu triode-heptode intended for A.C. supply. The two electrode systems employ a common cathode, consuming approximately 2.1 W. Fig. 1 Four stages in assembly of the triode-heptode all-glass valve ECH 21.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL 3 EL 5 O u t p u t p e n to d e max 46 This ¡a a high-m utual-eonductanee, indirectly-heated 9 W o u tp u t pentode which, owing to its accuracy of construction, is capable of delivering 4.5 W w ith 10 % distortion i.e., efficiency 50 % . The m u tual conductance is 0 mA/V and th e valve lends itself well

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 6Mion IIEHTOÆ PENTODE OEUtflE CBEßEHMfl GENERAL BticoKOHacTOTHbiH neHTOfl c jByxceTOMHbiM ynpaBJieHueM 6»: ion npenHa3HaHeH an si Hcnojib30BaHHH b luhpoKononocHbix ycHJiHTejisx b pa/iHOTexHHHecKHX ycTpOHCTBaX. KaToa — OKCHflHbiH KOCBeHHoro Haxajia. Macca — ne 6oJiee 15 r.

    OCR Scan
    hcnojib30bahhh flnana30He PDF

    TUBE 6j1

    Abstract: 6j1 tube 6C33C 6h2n 6H7C 6h6n tube 6H13C 6H9C 6H16B 6c21
    Text: IPHEMHO-yCHJlHTEJlbHblE JlAMflbl RECEIVING TUBES d B/O „MAUinPMBOPHHTOPr“ CCCP MOCKBA n P M E M H O -y c M n m E n b H b iE JlAMnbl RECEIVIN G TUBES K h u to 2 Book 2 B/O „ M A L iin P M B O P M H T O P r“ CCCP MOCKBA V/O “M A S H P R IB O R IN T O R G ”

    OCR Scan
    30I46C 115max J10-3720/738 TUBE 6j1 6j1 tube 6C33C 6h2n 6H7C 6h6n tube 6H13C 6H9C 6H16B 6c21 PDF

    tig ac inverter circuit

    Abstract: 200 va inverter Circuit diagram tg3j uch21 JSS40 UCH4 UCH 21 Heptode
    Text: UC H 4 UCH 4 3 H 3T T r io d e -h e p to d e The UCH 4 is a triode-heptode the characteristics of which correspond almost entirely to those of the UCH 21, and reference should be made to the des­ cription of that valve. In the UCH 4, too, the triode grid and the third grid of the heptode are quite se­

    OCR Scan
    jpax36j tig ac inverter circuit 200 va inverter Circuit diagram tg3j uch21 JSS40 UCH4 UCH 21 Heptode PDF

    marconi company

    Abstract: marconi z77 valve
    Text: M INIATURE ZZZ R.F. PENTODE APRIL, 1952 6-3V IN D IRECTLY HEATED BASE C O N N E C T IO N S A N D V A L V E D IM EN SIO N S Base : B7G Bulb : Tubular Overall length : 49—55 Seated length : 43—49 Max. diam eter: 19 mm. mm. mm. View from underside of base.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: PK 120 socket noval QV03-12 LA3880 Mullard application notes
    Text: V.H .F. P O W ER T E T R O D E R.F. beam power tetrode rated for a maximum anode dissipation o f 1 2 W and intended for use at frequencies up to 1 75 Mc/s. P R E L I M IN A R Y QV03-12 DATA This data should be read in conjunction w ith “ O perating N otes. Part 1— Power

    OCR Scan
    QV03-12 QY03-I2 Mullard PK 120 socket noval QV03-12 LA3880 Mullard application notes PDF

    induction heating oscillator circuit

    Abstract: induction heater circuit induction heater circuit diagram induction heater control circuits 1113s 0SC12
    Text: CK 3 C K 3 O c to d e This is an octode of th e 4-channel ty p e ; w ith th e exception o f the heater ratings it is sim ilar to th e E K 3, for A.C./D.C. receivers. W ith a view to its use on 100 V mains, th e sixth grid has been modified slightly, b u t the d a ta as given for th e E K 3 also apply

    OCR Scan
    \tes-t00V induction heating oscillator circuit induction heater circuit induction heater circuit diagram induction heater control circuits 1113s 0SC12 PDF

    speaker with screen

    Abstract: about transformer function in stabiliser Rectifier Tubes
    Text: EL 30 A m p lili e r f o r p u s h - p u ll o u t p u t s ta g e s m ax51 The E L 50 is a pentode w ith a m axim um anode dissipation of 18 W , having been designed especially for balanced o u tp u t stages. Two of these valves in Class A /B a t a m axim um anode

    OCR Scan
    max51 speaker with screen about transformer function in stabiliser Rectifier Tubes PDF


    Abstract: 6H24n 6H24II tube double triode 6N24 6H24FI
    Text: A b OHHOH TpHOfl 6H24n Double triode Z U o h h o h TpnoA 6 H 2 4 I1 npeA H asH aqeH R jin y e n jieHHH HanpH>KeHHH BbicoKofi ^ a c T o r a b KacKaAHbix cxeM a x paaH O T exH m ecK H x y ct P ohctb iim p o K oro npHMeHeHHH. JlBOHHbie TpHOAbi 6 H 2 4 I1 BbinycKaiOTCH b mhHHaTiopHOM o J opMjieHHn, b cTeKjiHHHOM 6 ajuioH e

    OCR Scan
    6H24n 6H24FI 6H24EÃ H02KK0H, 6H24I1 Kaiomeft200 6N24P 6H24II tube double triode 6N24 PDF


    Abstract: Triode 6h7c 6H7C
    Text: Æ b OHHOH TpHOA 6H7C Double triode The 6H7C double triode is designed for am pli­ fication of low-frequency power. The 6H7C double triodes are enclosed in glass bulb and are provided w ith an octal base and an indirectly heated oxide-coated cathode. The 6H7C double triodes are resistan t to am ­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: QY06-20 Mullard
    Text: V.H.F. P O W ER T E T R O D E 8earn power tetrode rated for a maximum anode dissipation o f 20W and suitable for use at frequencies up to 175Mc/s. QY06-20 This data should be read in conjunction w ith G E N E R A L O P E R A T IO N A L R E C O M M E N D A T IO N S — T R A N S M IT T IN G V A L V E S included in this volume of

    OCR Scan
    175Mc/s. QY06-20 100mA) QV06-20 17SMc/s. QV06-20 QY06-20 Mullard PDF


    Abstract: CI 7428 I960 2X40
    Text: TETRO D E Application: R.F. amplifier, suitable for single side-band applications. Power output: 200W. Frequency: 30Mcjs at full ratings. Construction: Glass, natural cooling. QV08-100 This data should be read in conjunction w ith G E N E R A L O P E R A T IO N A L

    OCR Scan
    30Mc/s QY08-100 100mA) QV08-100 CI 7428 I960 2X40 PDF

    Mullard QY2-250b

    Abstract: mullard Mullard application notes QV2-250B
    Text: U .H .F. PO W ER T ET R O D E Application: Power output: Frequency: Construction : U.H .F. amplifier 390W SOOMc/s at full ratings External anode, forced-air cooled QY2-250B P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A This data should be read in conjunction with G EN ER A L O PER A TIO N A L

    OCR Scan
    QV2-250B 200mA) QY2-250B Mullard QY2-250b mullard Mullard application notes QV2-250B PDF

    TRIODE 6H13C

    Abstract: Triode 6h7c 6H13C TUBE 6j1 V148T TRIODE 6C4C "Receiving Tubes" book 6H7C 6H16B 6H9c triode

    OCR Scan
    n03B0JIHeT 03HaK0MHTbCH r-200, 30UL6C JIO-3720/738 TRIODE 6H13C Triode 6h7c 6H13C TUBE 6j1 V148T TRIODE 6C4C "Receiving Tubes" book 6H7C 6H16B 6H9c triode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Iv r ^ i* ï & ÛftTHÛ SCÛ PE UfczLV'LL MONOCHROME ^ ^ jj J 90” - E cran clair Sans autoprotection C o efficien t de transm ission de la d alle-écran . . D ia g o n a le .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: marconi company marconi BR191B rgik
    Text: BR 191B/JANUARY 1959 v in o n i Triode Type BR 19IB VHF A M PLIFIER AN D OSCILLATOR General. The BR 191B is a forced-air-cooled transm it­ ting triode fitted with a thoriated tungsten filament designed for television, FM broadcast and industrial service.

    OCR Scan
    191B/JANUARY of550 marconi company marconi BR191B rgik PDF


    Abstract: 2x36 va 245 Power Triode 25watt H75-1
    Text: O U T P U T PENTODE EL37 25 -watt pentode, particularly suitable for use in push-pull combination for outputs up to 69 W , or as drivers for large power triade push-pull output stage. H EA TER V„ l„ 6.3 1.4 V A Com cm c»_„i 9.0 17.5 1.0 pF pF pF 250

    OCR Scan
    25-watt Mullard 2x36 va 245 Power Triode 25watt H75-1 PDF


    Abstract: C178 2X100 marconi company va600 amplifier 2X15 2X14 marconi
    Text: C 178/OCT. 1955 wrcom Twin Tetrode Type C178 VHF AM PLIFIER AND OSCILLATOR General. The Type C 178 is a double tetrode primarily intended for use as a Class ‘C’ amplifier or oscillator at frequencies up to 500 Mc/s. It is fitted with an in­ directly heated cathode for series or parallel operation.

    OCR Scan
    C178/OCT. rgik C178 2X100 marconi company va600 amplifier 2X15 2X14 marconi PDF