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    RCA TUBE 83 Search Results

    RCA TUBE 83 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AV-THLIN2RCAM-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol AV-THLIN2RCAM-005 Thin-line Single RCA Coaxial Cable - RCA Male / RCA Male (Coaxial Digital Audio Compatible) 5ft Datasheet
    CN-ACPRREDAA0 Amphenol Cables on Demand RCA Male Plug Cable Connector (Red) - Amphenol ACPR-RED - Gold Plated Diecast Shell Datasheet
    AV-3.5MINYRCA-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol AV-3.5MINYRCA-015 Stereo Y Adapter Cable - Premium Gold Stereo 3.5mm (Headphone Plug) to Dual RCA Y Adapter Cable - 3.5mm Mini-Stereo Male to Dual RCA Male 15ft Datasheet
    10114549-1500LF Amphenol Communications Solutions 10114549-1500LF-MMI TO RCA CABLE Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    CR6KM-12A#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors, TO-220FN, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RCA TUBE 83 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    833A tube

    Abstract: triode 833a RCA 833A 833A ccs 100 tube 833a 833-A 833 triode RCA RF power devices audio amplifier with rca 410
    Text: Svetlana 833A Power Triode he Svetlana 833A is a medium-mu power triode intended for use in RF amplifier, oscillator, or class B modulator service. The Svetlana 833A features rugged construction for high power RF transmitter applications. The envelope is fabricated from hard glass


    transistor r1009

    Abstract: ctv350s ZD405 OPT601 r63302 ic902 TH901 q702 transistor w17 transistor philips carbon film resistor
    Text: SERVICE MANUAL 80 cm CTV Effective: MAY 2000 CTM805SVSERV PART NUMBER 107-800455-4G 113-101005-17 113-102005-17 113-103005-17 113-109005-17 113-473005-17 113-682005-17 127-476042-0D 130-600101-0G 131-210719-19 131-230945-00 133-803010-33 172-726000-99 190-R63300-02

    CTM805SVSERV 107-800455-4G 127-476042-0D 130-600101-0G 190-R63300-02 774-R63301-00 774-R63302-00 774-R63303-00 849-R63301-00 892-R63301-06 transistor r1009 ctv350s ZD405 OPT601 r63302 ic902 TH901 q702 transistor w17 transistor philips carbon film resistor PDF

    lg philips crt tube

    Abstract: electron gun CRT A68ELA011X121 LG CRT philips crt lg crt tv circuit PHILIPS A68ERF012X013 CRT TV electron gun LG Crt TV Board A68ERF112X013
    Text: CHUNGHWA A68AKY13X SERIES Te c h n i c a l D a ta CHUNGHWA CHUNGHWA 29-INCH COLOUR PICTURE TUBE A68AKY13X / CPJ 720BRAD1S CHUNGHWA A68AKY13X is a 29” 27V Real Flat colour picture tube assembly consisting of In-line electron gun, Uni-potential Bi-potential electrostatic lens structure specially designed for best focus

    A68AKY13X 29-INCH 720BRAD1S A68ELA011X121, A68ELA021X103 A68ERF012X013, A68ERF112X013 A68QCP993X925 lg philips crt tube electron gun CRT A68ELA011X121 LG CRT philips crt lg crt tv circuit PHILIPS A68ERF012X013 CRT TV electron gun LG Crt TV Board A68ERF112X013 PDF


    Abstract: rca tube
    Text: RCA-831 R-F Power Amplifier, Oscillator RCA-831 ¿5 a high-power, air-cooled transmitting tube of the three-electrode type containing a thoriated-tungsten filament. Each electrode is supported on a separate stem and each electrode lead is brought out of the bulb through a separate

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    RCA-831 UT-108? UT-1086, RCA-831 rca tube PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tube Sockets ^ EFJohnson * COMPONENTS inches millimeters Pow er Type Power Tube Socket FEATURES: • Raised pads for excellent base pin cooling • For tubes such as RCA 8072, 8121 and 8122 SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Brass per QQ-B-626D .0001" nickel plated

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    QQ-B-626D GQ-C-533, 1EP11 L-423 DC-200 QQ-C-533 PDF

    tube 6J7

    Abstract: RCA tube 83 6j7 tube "6j7" 1185 audio amplifier Scans-0017631 octal tube socket 6a8 tube RCA tube
    Text: RCA-6J7 <¡3 TRIPLE-GRID DETECTOR AMPLIFIER The 6J7 is a triple-grid type of All-Metal tube recommended espei V m a x . 1»dally for service as a biased detector in radio receivers designed for its characteristics. In such service, this tube is capable of delivering a large audio-frequency output voltage with relatively

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    Abstract: poweramplifier ST-12 RCA tube 89
    Text: RCA-89 — ^ — — 02 G3 TRIPLE-GRID POWER AMPLIFIER The 89 is a triple-grid poweri amplifier tube of the heater-cathode H ^ type recommended for use in receiv­ ers with 6.3-volt heater supply. The triple-grid construction of this tube, with external connections for each grid, makes possible its application as 1 a Class

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    RCA-89 ST-12 92C-420IRI RCA-89 poweramplifier ST-12 RCA tube 89 PDF

    RCA tube 83

    Abstract: RCA-83-V vacuum tube 83 rca vacuum tube FULL WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUITS ST-14
    Text: RCA-83-V FULL-WAVE RECTIFIER The 83-v is a high-vacuum, fullwave rectifier tube of the heatercathode type. It is intended for use in suitable rectifying devices designed to supply d-c power to receivers hav­ ing large d-c requirements. The excellent voltage regulation

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    RCA-83-V RCA tube 83 RCA-83-V vacuum tube 83 rca vacuum tube FULL WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUITS ST-14 PDF

    "vacuum tube" 6a7

    Abstract: rca tube 71a tube 6k6 RCA 2A3 rca tube 6e5 5y4g 6j7 g 6A6 twin triode tube rca 6c6 TRIODE RS 1016
    Text: T E C H N I C A L S E R I E S RC-13 PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS R E C E IV IN G TUBE MANUAL NON-RECEIVING TUBES In addition to the Receiving Tube Types described in this Manual, RCA M ANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. S For For For For For For u p p l ie s T ubes A tnateur T ran sm itters

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    RCA tube 83

    Abstract: RCA-83 83, tube 83 tube "Rectifier Tube" RCA tube
    Text: •*- 2 M A X .- *- RCA-83 FULL-WAVE MERCURYVAPOR RECTIFIER The 83 is a heavy-duty, full-wave, mercury-vapor rectifier tube of the hot-cathode type. It is intended for use in suitable rectifying devices designed to supply d-c power of uniform voltage to receivers. The excellent voltage regulation characteristic of the

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    RCA-83 RCA tube 83 RCA-83 83, tube 83 tube "Rectifier Tube" RCA tube PDF


    Abstract: GRID-N22 7212 tube
    Text: 7212 BEAM POWER TUBE Small Size High Power Gain T — 12 Bulb For Use Under Severe Shock and Vibration 90 Watts CW Input ICAS up to 60 Me 60 Watts CW Input (ICAS) at 175 Me TENTATIVE RCA -7212 is specifically a s ma l l for performance beam p o we r t u b e

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    RCA-7212 GRID-N22 7212 tube PDF

    rca 913 tube

    Abstract: SCR tic 107
    Text: Video/Monitor Circuits_ Advance Information/ Preliminary Data CA3224 Automatic Picture Tube Bias Circuit F o r T V P ic tu re T u b e an d C R T C u to ff Bias C o n tro l A p p lic a tio n s T h e RCA CA3224E* is an autom atic p ic tu re tu b e bias

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    CA3224 CA3224E* CA3224E CA3224E, ICAN-7304 rca 913 tube SCR tic 107 PDF


    Abstract: Radio Corporation of America 135oF rca tube OC 3 Wa11S
    Text: 7213 BEAM POWER TUBE Cerami c- Me ta l Seals Matrix-Type Oxide-Coated Uni potential Ca th o d e C o a x i a l - E l e c t r o d e S t ru ct ur e RCA-7213 power tub e am p lifier airborne is a sm all, designed and as a nd Full TENTATI VE DATA forced-air-cooled

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    RCA-7213 92CS-9759 92CM-9735 Radio Corporation of America 135oF rca tube OC 3 Wa11S PDF

    rca tube 6146a

    Abstract: 6146A 6146-A RCA-6146A 6146 tube tube 6146 ccs 9620 rca 6146 6146 rca tube 58
    Text: RCA-6146A BEAM POWER TUBE Controlled Plate Controlled at Zero-Bias Current 90 W a t t s 60 W a t t s Power O u t p u t Reduced CW I n p u t I C A S up t o CW I n p u t ( I C A S ) a t Sturdy Heater V o lta g e r CA fJL large po wer power. Because of its high

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    RCA-6146A RCA-6146A andosci11 B8-I50 B8-86, B8-98 rca tube 6146a 6146A 6146-A 6146 tube tube 6146 ccs 9620 rca 6146 6146 rca tube 58 PDF

    RCA tube 83

    Abstract: U50 tube rca tube 58 Oscillator cof RADIOTRON rca company rca tube 26 rca 310 rca 35 tube RCA tube
    Text: 834 R-F POWER AMPLIFIER Filament Thoriated Tungsten 7.5 Voltage a-c or d-c v o lts Current amp. 3-1 Am plification Factor 10.5 D irect Interelectrode Capacitances: 2.6 Grid to Plate JiMf Grid to Filament 2.2 0.6 Plate to Filament Maximum O veral1 Length 6-7/8"

    OCR Scan
    UR-542A) 92C-4544 92C-4545 RCA tube 83 U50 tube rca tube 58 Oscillator cof RADIOTRON rca company rca tube 26 rca 310 rca 35 tube RCA tube PDF

    837 tube

    Abstract: RADIOTRON scr rca rca tube OC 3 rca company RF Power RCA RCA tube 837+tube
    Text: 837 R-F POWER AMPLIFIER PENTODE H e a te r0 Coated Uni p o te n tia l Cathode V o lta g e 0 12 .6 a-c or d-c voi t s C urrent 0 .7 amp. Transconductance fo r p la te cu rre n t o f 24 ma. 3400 pmhos D ire c t In te re le c tro d e Capac.itances; G rid to P la t e w ith extern al sh i e d i ng I 0.20 max.

    OCR Scan
    ST-16 92C-459I 92C-4592 92C-4531 837 tube RADIOTRON scr rca rca tube OC 3 rca company RF Power RCA RCA tube 837+tube PDF

    7586 nuvistor

    Abstract: nuvistor 8393 nuvistor RCA-7586 tube 7586 8393 tube 7586 8393 mil-e-1 nuvistor 7586
    Text: ÆCA ’7 5 X 0 ?% ' RCA-7586, 8393 MEDIUM-MU TRIODES Nuvistor Types R C A Dark Heater . . . . , » •. For Industrial Applications RCA-7586 and 8393 are medium-mu generalpurpose nuvistor triodes, capable of providing high gain with low noise in amplifier

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    RCA-7586, RCA-7586 92CS-I2093 7586 nuvistor nuvistor 8393 nuvistor tube 7586 8393 tube 7586 8393 mil-e-1 nuvistor 7586 PDF

    rca tube 801

    Abstract: amplifier RF CLASS B rca 8000 TCA 7800 801a amplifier RADIOTRON rca tube 53 rca company rca tube 27 RCA 2000 RCA tube
    Text: 801-A /801 R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, A-F POWER AMPLIFIER, MODULATOR Filament Th oriated tungsten Voltage 7 .5 a-c or d-c v o lt s Current 1. 25 amp. A m p lific a tio n Factor 8 D ire c t In te re le ctro de Capacitances: M pf G rid to Plate 6 .0 G rid to Filament

    OCR Scan
    01-A/801 ST-16 UR-542-A ST-16 92S-5538 rca tube 801 amplifier RF CLASS B rca 8000 TCA 7800 801a amplifier RADIOTRON rca tube 53 rca company rca tube 27 RCA 2000 RCA tube PDF

    RCA tube 83

    Abstract: lts 542 rca 35 tube rca tube 27 rca tube 57 RADIOTRON rca company Scans-0017304 RCA tube
    Text: 1623 R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, CLASS B MODULATOR F ila m e n t T h o ria te d Tungsten a -c o r d -c v o i t s V o it a g e 6 .3 amp. C u rre n t 2 .5 A m p lif ic a t io n F a c t o r 20 D ir e c t In t e r e le c t r o d e C a p a c ita n c e s: G r id to P la t e

    OCR Scan
    ST-19 UR-542-A RCA tube 83 lts 542 rca 35 tube rca tube 27 rca tube 57 RADIOTRON rca company Scans-0017304 RCA tube PDF

    rca tube 27

    Abstract: 830B coutant rca tube Fi 830 RADIOTRON rca company RADIOTRON 830-b rca 35 tube amplifier RF CLASS B
    Text: R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, OSCILLATOR, CLASS B MODULATOR Filament Th oriated Tungsten a-c o r d-c v o lt s Voltage 10 amp. Current 2 A m p lific a tio n Factor 25 D ire ct Interelectrode Capacitances approx. : G rid to Plate 11 G rid to Filam ent 5 wf Plate to Filam ent

    OCR Scan
    830-B CA11ADIOI ONOIV1S10N AD10T 830-B 92C-4542 rca tube 27 830B coutant rca tube Fi 830 RADIOTRON rca company RADIOTRON 830-b rca 35 tube amplifier RF CLASS B PDF

    RCA 2A3

    Abstract: Class d 1000 WATT RADIOTRON power amplifier 1000 watts rms rca company RCA tube RCA 836
    Text: CLASS B MODULATOR R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, OSCILLATOR F ila m e n t V o lta g e C u rre n t D ire c t T h o r ia t e d T u n g s te n 10 3 .2 5 In te r e le c tr o u e C a p a c ita n c e s Grid to Plate Gr i d t o F i 1ament P l a t e t o F i la m e n t a -c

    OCR Scan
    92c-4407ri 92c-4406ri 92C-4406R1 4407R1 RCA 2A3 Class d 1000 WATT RADIOTRON power amplifier 1000 watts rms rca company RCA tube RCA 836 PDF


    Abstract: 9C21
    Text: 9C22 POWER TRIODE F O R C E D -A IR -C O O L E D GENERAL DATA Electr ical: F ila m e n t, M u lt is t r a n d T un gste n: E x c it a t io n . . . S in g l e Phase AC o r DC V o lt a g e . 1 9 -5 C u r r e n t .

    OCR Scan
    92CM-6447R2 CE-6447R2-6519 9C22 9C21 PDF


    Abstract: RCA 836 rca socket rca vacuum tube 9936-A rca 838 rca company RECTIFIER GI vacuum tube amplifier UR-542A
    Text: R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, A-F POWER AMPLIFIER. MODULATOR Thoriated Tungsten F i 1ament 10 Voltage 3^5 Current Ampl i f i c a t ion F a cto r • -1? oacitanòes: D ire ct In te re le c tro d e G rid to P la te G rid to Filamer\t P la te to Filam ent Maximum Overal

    OCR Scan
    ST-19 UR-542-A) UR-542-A RCA 836 rca socket rca vacuum tube 9936-A rca 838 rca company RECTIFIER GI vacuum tube amplifier UR-542A PDF

    RCA 8122

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lohNSON Tube Sockets J C om ponents" INCHES MILLIMETERS CUSTOMER DRAWINGS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Power Type Power Tube Socket .136(3.45) DIA (3) MOUNTING HOLES ON 1.531(38.89)OIA CIRCLE SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Brass per QQ-B-626D .0001" nickel plated Insulator: Glass base silicone

    OCR Scan
    QQ-B-626D QQ-C-533, 1EP11 E11-22. RCA 8122 PDF