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    Abstract: 7587 nuvistor 7587 nuvistor 7587 ift datenblatt ca2g
    Text: Nuvistor S te ile U nivers a l - T etro d e für niedrige Betriebsspannungen 7587 - V orläu fig - Gewicht c a . 2 g 1. H e iz e rw e rte für P a ra lle lsp e is u n g Heizspannung H e iz stro m Oxydkatode, indirekt geheizt uh Ih 6, 3 0 , 15 V A Ua U2 Rk

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    Abstract: MQ K1 8058 8005 MA1612 gfm 47
    Text: & StIMSNS NUVISTOR-TRIODE RÖHREN 8058 V orläufige Daten A r t und V e rw e n d u n g Steile, r a u s c h a r m e U H F -N u v is to r-T rio d e m it 3 -fach h e r a u s g e ­ fü h rte r Kathode. B e s o n d e r s geeignet fü r G itte rb a s is - V er s t ä r k e r

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    E5-65) nuvistor MQ K1 8058 8005 MA1612 gfm 47 PDF


    Abstract: 6DS4 nuvistor nuvistor tube 6ds4 6DS4 tube 300b tube 300B triode ELECTRON CORP resistor 47000 tube 300b
    Text: 6DS4 High-Mu Triode NUVISTOR TYPE HAVING EXTENDED CUTOFF CHARACTERISTIC For Use as Grounded-Cathode, Neutralized RF-Ampli f ier Tube in T u n e r s of VHF Tele v i s i o n and F M Receivers F e a t u r i n g I m p r o v e d W e a k - S ig n a l - A r e a R e c e p t i o n

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    92CS-I0970R3 92CM-II209 6ds4 6DS4 nuvistor nuvistor tube 6ds4 6DS4 tube 300b tube 300B triode ELECTRON CORP resistor 47000 tube 300b PDF


    Abstract: 8203 nuvistor rs tube RESISTOR-100 8203 tube
    Text: 8203 Power Triode NUVISTOR TYPE ALL-CERAM I C-AND-METAL CONSTRUCT ION For C l a s s C RF Power A m p l i f i e r and O s c i l l a t o r S e r v i c e , OC P u l se -A m pl i f ier and F r e q u e n c y - H u l t i p l i e r Tube A p p l i c a t i o n s ,

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    92cm-i2506 92cs-i252i nuvistor 8203 nuvistor rs tube RESISTOR-100 8203 tube PDF

    7586 nuvistor

    Abstract: tube 7586 nuvistor 7586 thyratron rs tube
    Text: 7586 M edium -M u Triode NUVISTOR TYPE For In d u s t r ia l A p p lic a tio n s GENERAL DATA E le c t r i c a l : Heater, fo r U n ip o te n tia l Cathode: V o ltag e AC o r D C . 6.3 ± 10% C urrent at 6.3 v o lt s . . .

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    92CM-I0460RI 92CM-I0964 92CS-KD40RI 7586 nuvistor tube 7586 nuvistor 7586 thyratron rs tube PDF


    Abstract: nuvistor 8056 8056 nuvistor-triode E5-65 8004 mss1000 042PF
    Text: % SIEMENS RÖHREN NUVISTOR-TRIODE 8056 V o r lä u fig e Daten N u v i s t o r - T r i o d e mit n ie d r ig e n E lektroden span n u n gen , b e s o n d e r s g e e i g n e t in H y b r i d - S c h a l t u n g e n f ü r I m p e d a n z w a n d l e r s t u f e n , f ü r

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    E5-65) nuvistor nuvistor 8056 8056 nuvistor-triode E5-65 8004 mss1000 042PF PDF

    7587 nuvistor

    Abstract: nuvistor 7587 nuvistor 7587
    Text: SQ PHILIPS 7587 SPECIAL QUALITY, SHOCK AND VIBRATION RESISTANT TETRODE, nuvistor type HEATINGIndirect "by A.C. or D.C. parallel supply Heater voltage Vf - 6.3 V Heater current If = 150 nA - 6.55 _ Dimensions in mm Base: TWELFAR 5 pin LIMITING VALÏÏES Absolute limits

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    7586 nuvistor

    Abstract: nuvistor PHILIPS 7586 tube 7586 7586 VF 14 TUBE nuvistor 7586 triode 7586
    Text: SQ PHILIPS 7586 SPECIAL QUALITY, SHOCK AND VIBRATION RESISTANT TRIODE, nuvistor type Indirect 'by A.C. or D.C.; parallel supply HEATING Heater voltage Vf = 6.3 V Heater current If = 135 mA Dimensions In mm Base: TWELVAR 5 pin 9@~ LIMITING VALUES Absolute limits

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    7586 nuvistor

    Abstract: nuvistor 8393 nuvistor RCA-7586 tube 7586 8393 tube 7586 8393 mil-e-1 nuvistor 7586
    Text: ÆCA ’7 5 X 0 ?% ' RCA-7586, 8393 MEDIUM-MU TRIODES Nuvistor Types R C A Dark Heater . . . . , » •. For Industrial Applications RCA-7586 and 8393 are medium-mu generalpurpose nuvistor triodes, capable of providing high gain with low noise in amplifier

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    RCA-7586, RCA-7586 92CS-I2093 7586 nuvistor nuvistor 8393 nuvistor tube 7586 8393 tube 7586 8393 mil-e-1 nuvistor 7586 PDF

    7895 nuvistor

    Abstract: nuvistor 7895 rs tube TRIODE F300-57T 240rms
    Text: 7895 H igh -M u Triode NUVISTOR TYPE For In d u s tria l A p p lic a tio n s GENERAL DATA E le c t r ic a l: H e a te r, f o r U n ip o t e n t ia l C atho de: V o lta g e AC o r D C . C u rr e n t a t 6 .3 v o l t s .

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    NSE5-65 92CS-I0970 92CM-10967 7895 nuvistor nuvistor 7895 rs tube TRIODE F300-57T 240rms PDF


    Abstract: tube 6cw4 6cw4, tube NO133 300b tube tube 300b harris E5-65
    Text: 6CW4 High-M u Triode NUVISTOR TYPE For Use as Grounded-Cathode, N e u tra liz e d R F - A m p lifie r Tube in T u n e rs o f VHF T e le v i s i o n and FM R e c e iv e r s GENERAL DATA E le c tr ic a l : ♦ H eater C h a r a c t e r is t ic s and R atin g s D e s i g n - M a x i m u m V a l u e s :

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    92CM-11681 2CM-I0524RI 6cw4 tube 6cw4 6cw4, tube NO133 300b tube tube 300b harris E5-65 PDF


    Abstract: irf9610 spice LTC1152 LT1256 equivalent 12v hid ballast ic apple ccfl inverter dc 12v DIODE E91 IC 75176 circuit details Royer oscillator circuit diagram small signal transistor MOTOROLA DATABOOK
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY JUNE 1994 VOLUME IV NUMBER 2 IN THIS ISSUE. COVER ARTICLE LT1251/LT1256 Video Fader and DC Gain-Controlled Amplifier . 1 William H. Gross Editor's Page . 2 LT1251/LT1256 Video Fader and DC GainControlled Amplifier

    LT1251/LT1256 LT1302 LTC1066-1: 12-Bit, 1-800-4-LINEAR CK722 irf9610 spice LTC1152 LT1256 equivalent 12v hid ballast ic apple ccfl inverter dc 12v DIODE E91 IC 75176 circuit details Royer oscillator circuit diagram small signal transistor MOTOROLA DATABOOK PDF

    valvo handbuch rohren

    Abstract: valvo handbuch 7586 nuvistor valvo VALVO-Handbuch d13 -620 gh DG 13-54 ZT1000 RPY13 Valvo Aa
    Text: VALVQ-HANDBUCH Zubehör für Spezialröhren 1964 Dipl.-Ing. Robert Schmalstieg K ö n ig sb ae h e r Straße 58 7535 Königsbach-Stein 2 T e lefo n O 72 32 / 41 90 Übersicht Zubehör Aufstellung der Spezialröhren mit Zubehör YALVD-HANDBUCH Zubehör für Spezialröhren

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    Abstract: 6C62H
    Text: TpHOÄ Triode 6C62H Tpnofl 6C62H npejiHa3HaMeH CHraajiO B b y c T p o ö c T B a x MeHeHHH. c jia ö b ix ycHJieHHH äjih iim p o K o ro npH - TpH O flbi 6C 62H BbinycKaHDTCH b MeTaJiJioKepao 4>opMjieHHH THna „H yB H C TO p“ aeCHTblO THÖKHMH BblBOAaMH, C OKCHflHbIM KaTOflOM

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    6C62H 6C62H B03aeHCTBHio B03aeftcTBHK> Harpy30K: nuvistor PDF

    6211 telefunken

    Abstract: ECC802S ec1030 6080 Telefunken N6211 QQE 03 32 6922 EH e288cc telefunken emm 801 E80CC
    Text: TELEFUNKEN Typenverzeichnis TELEFUNKEN-Handbuch Spezialröhren fßr die Elektronik, Band I und II Band I Spezial-Verstärkerröhren Klein-Senderöhren B a n d II Klein-Thyratrons Kaltkathoden-Röhren Spannungs-Stabilisatoren Ziffern- und Symbol-Anzeigeröhren

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    Abstract: nuvistor 6C62H 6s62
    Text: 6C62H TpHOÄ Triode WÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊRÊÊÈIÊÊÊË TpwoA 6C62H npe^Ha3HaqeH äjih ycHjieHHH cjiaöbix CHraajiOB b ycTpoöcTBax m upoKoro npH- MeHeHHH. TpHO^bi 6C62H BbinycKaiOTCH b MeTajuioKepaMHqecKOM o4>opMjieHHH THna „HyBHCTOp“ c jxeCHTblO THÖKHMH BblBO^aMH,

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    6C62H Harpy30K: 6S62N nuvistor 6s62 PDF

    rca transistor manual

    Abstract: rca case outlines diode 1N539 2N301 2N140 transistor bf 175 rca thyristor manual drift-field 2N1637 transistor rca 2n173
    Text: RCA Transistor Manual T h is book has been prepared to assist those who work or experiment with semi­ conductor devices and circuits. It will be useful to engineers, service technicians, edu­ cators, students, radio amateurs, hobbyists, and others technically interested in transis­

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    TRIODE 6H13C

    Abstract: Triode 6h7c 6H13C TUBE 6j1 V148T TRIODE 6C4C "Receiving Tubes" book 6H7C 6H16B 6H9c triode

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    n03B0JIHeT 03HaK0MHTbCH r-200, 30UL6C JIO-3720/738 TRIODE 6H13C Triode 6h7c 6H13C TUBE 6j1 V148T TRIODE 6C4C "Receiving Tubes" book 6H7C 6H16B 6H9c triode PDF

    6j1 tube

    Abstract: 6N16B 6N1P TUBE 6j1 TRIODE 6C4C 6H13C 6c8c tube 6H7C 6n1p-ew 6N24P
    Text: nPHEMHO-yCMilMTEnbHblE nAM nbi RECEIVING TUBES K huto 2 Book 2 B/O „MALLinPMEOPMHTOPr“ CCCP MOCKBA V/O “MASHPRIBORINTORG” USSR MOSCOW Ccc70 yd 13082.01 CnpaBo^HHK-KaTajior „npHeMHO-ycHjiHTejibHbie jiaMnbi“ n03B0jineT 03HaK0MHTbC5i c HOMeHKJiaTypOH H TeXHHqeCKHMH X â p a K T e pHCTHKâMH npHeMHOycHjiHTejibHbix jiaMn, KOTOpbie S K c n o p r a p y e T CoBeTCKHH Cok 3. CnpaBO^HHK-KaTajior npeziHasHa^eH

    OCR Scan
    Ccc70 n03B0jineT 03HaK0MHTbC5i r-200, 6H17B 30Z6S 30l46c JIO-3720/738 6j1 tube 6N16B 6N1P TUBE 6j1 TRIODE 6C4C 6H13C 6c8c tube 6H7C 6n1p-ew 6N24P PDF


    Abstract: 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159
    Text: Radio Valve and Transistor Data Characteristics of 3,000 Valves and Cathode Ray Tubes, 4, 500 Transistors, Diodes, Rectifiers and Integrated Circuits Compiled by A.M.Ball First published February 1949 Ninth Edition published in 1970 by Iliffe Books, an imprint of the Butterworth Group

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    FJJ141/A 2305D FJJ181/A 2305E/848 FJJ191/A FJL101/A CD2306D FJY101/A 2306E/832 CD2307/944 3TE445 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159 PDF


    Abstract: tektronix 120-0464-02 NPH-8-100AH 2SK147 2SK147 toshiba He-Ne Laser Power Supply circuits lt1073 equivalent ic Toshiba 2SK147 nuvistor LTC4851
    Text: Application Note 61 August 1994 Practical Circuitry for Measurement and Control Problems Circuits Designed for a Cruel and Unyielding World Jim Williams INTRODUCTION rents associated with the continuous operation of fixed frequency designs. Gated oscillator regulators simply

    AN61-39 AN61-40 CTX0211128-2 tektronix 120-0464-02 NPH-8-100AH 2SK147 2SK147 toshiba He-Ne Laser Power Supply circuits lt1073 equivalent ic Toshiba 2SK147 nuvistor LTC4851 PDF

    2N2369 transistor pulse generator

    Abstract: 2SK147 Toshiba He-Ne Laser Power Supply circuits lt1073 equivalent ic tektronix 120-0464-02 2N2369 AVALANCHE PULSE GENERATOR 120-0464-02 ccfl neon NPH-8-100AH LT1170
    Text: Application Note 61 August 1994 Practical Circuitry for Measurement and Control Problems Circuits Designed for a Cruel and Unyielding World Jim Williams INTRODUCTION rents associated with the continuous operation of fixed frequency designs. Gated oscillator regulators simply

    AN61-39 AN61-40 2N2369 transistor pulse generator 2SK147 Toshiba He-Ne Laser Power Supply circuits lt1073 equivalent ic tektronix 120-0464-02 2N2369 AVALANCHE PULSE GENERATOR 120-0464-02 ccfl neon NPH-8-100AH LT1170 PDF


    Abstract: 6N3P 6N16B 6X6C 6N6P-i 6e5p tube 6N17B 6N5P 6n2p 6N1P
    Text: nPHEMHO-yCMilMTEnbHblE nAM nbi RECEIVING TUBES K huto 2 Book 2 B/O „MALLinPMEOPMHTOPr“ CCCP MOCKBA V/O “MASHPRIBORINTORG” USSR MOSCOW Ccc70 yd 13082.01 CnpaBo^HHK-KaTajior „npHeMHO-ycHjiHTejibHbie jiaMnbi“ n03B0jineT 03HaK0MHTbC5i c HOMeHKJiaTypOH H TeXHHqeCKHMH X â p a K T e pHCTHKâMH npHeMHOycHjiHTejibHbix jiaMn, KOTOpbie S K c n o p r a p y e T CoBeTCKHH Cok 3. CnpaBO^HHK-KaTajior npeziHasHa^eH

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    Ccc70 n03B0jineT 03HaK0MHTbC5i r-200, Bon2000 30Z6S 30U6C JIO-3720/738 6h2n 6N3P 6N16B 6X6C 6N6P-i 6e5p tube 6N17B 6N5P 6n2p 6N1P PDF