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    Panasonic Selection Guide 2012

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SURFACE MOUNT RESISTORS TECHNICAL GUIDE Ver.3 Circuit Components Business Division Automotive & Industrial Systems Company Panasonic Corporation TECHNICAL GUIDE Ver.3 Contents 1. First:


    gdc tv tuner

    Abstract: BC547 smd SMD BC547 BC557 BC547 working APPLICATION TRANSISTOR bc547 smd transistor pin configuration transistor BC547 smd smd transistor BC557 datasheet TRANSISTOR c104 videocrypt STV0042
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE STV0042 / STV0056 By Jean-Yves COUET SUMMARY Page 1 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 GENERAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS Differences between STV0042 and STV0056 . . . . .

    STV0042 STV0056 STV0056) gdc tv tuner BC547 smd SMD BC547 BC557 BC547 working APPLICATION TRANSISTOR bc547 smd transistor pin configuration transistor BC547 smd smd transistor BC557 datasheet TRANSISTOR c104 videocrypt PDF

    excitation system

    Abstract: turbo generator transformer 2513 300E J1270 abb generator excitation system generator ragra
    Text: ÂSS ASEA BROWN BOVERI ABB Relays Abstract Application Type RAGRA Rotor ground-fault relay for excitation voltages up to 1800 V de • Monitors the ground insulation of rotating or static excitation systems for synchron­ ous machines • Provides selective ac and dc ground fault

    OCR Scan
    80VERI B03-4014E 514-ABA B03-1215E B03-1003E B03-9510E B03-9301E B03-9382E S-721 excitation system turbo generator transformer 2513 300E J1270 abb generator excitation system generator ragra PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT79R3020 RISC CPU WRITE BUFFER Integrated D evice Tech no logy, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • T e m porary storage bu ffers to en hance the perform ance of the ID T79R 3000 R ISC C P U processor • A llo w s for w rite operatio ns by the R IS C C P U processor

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    IDT79R3020 68-Pin PDF


    Abstract: BUR50 ScansU9X21
    Text: 900 - Series TROUBLE SHOOTING Chapter 3 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK Manual B27000 1100 30 SEPTEMBER 1985 ^ Standard Radio & Telefon AB ITT 900/3.0 ERROR Fault Area Error Coda MESSAGES Immediate Action IN T E R P R E T A T IO N Operator 1 More than 7 digits entered

    OCR Scan
    B27000 C2182 Scans-031 BUR50 ScansU9X21 PDF

    pcr 4063

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL Am7901 B/C Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit SLAC Device Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Combination CODEC and Filter ■ No trimming or adjustments required 4.096-MHz, 64-channel expanded mode operation ■ Uses digital signal processing

    OCR Scan
    Am7901 096-MHz, 64-channel Am7901B 02575E7 05575H7 ES75E7 pcr 4063 PDF


    Abstract: 65SC150 fa 5542 G65SC150 DTMF Tone Decoder 14PIN 01C0-01FF G65SC00 T2KU ZPG 203
    Text: M »/ S E M I C O N D U C T O R DIV HE D • lfl31bM_0 Q O D lHQfl 6 W C A L I T - 7 5 - 9 ^ A G65SC150 C M D Microcircuits_ _ Features General Description • G enerates sig n a ls c o m p a tib le w ith s w itc h e d te le p h o n e ne tw o rks

    OCR Scan
    31Lj4Q GGD14Ã G65SC150 bus30 40-PIN PCO-7110 65SC150 fa 5542 G65SC150 DTMF Tone Decoder 14PIN 01C0-01FF G65SC00 T2KU ZPG 203 PDF

    TDA 5555

    Abstract: EF6800 16f76 68000 thomson TS68000 V000225 TS68000 thomson EF6854 SG 6CA TS68008
    Text: 3 7 V# S G S -m O M S O N M §^(gmi(gïr[HMOÛS TS68000 HMQS 16/32-BIT MICROPROCESSOR P R ELIM IN A R Y IN FO RM A TIO N The TS68000 is the first implementation of the 68000 16/32 microprocessor architecture. The TS68000 has a 16-bit data bus and 24-bit address

    OCR Scan
    TS68000 16/32-BIT TS68000 16-bit 24-bit 32-bit TS68008 TS68020 TDA 5555 EF6800 16f76 68000 thomson V000225 TS68000 thomson EF6854 SG 6CA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADV MICRO MEMORY 4ÖE T> □2S7SEÖ GD30bSS 7 IAMD4 Preliminary Advanced Micro Devices Am28F256 32,768 x 8-Bit CMOS Flash Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS High performance - 90 ns maximum access time Low power consumption - 30 mA maximum active current

    OCR Scan
    GD30bSS Am28F256 32-pin -32-pin Am28F256-95C4JC Am28F256-95C3JC PDF

    circuit diagram of three phase automatic changeover switch

    Abstract: 3 winding phase shifting transformer ASEA Brown hydropower L5NM transformers tsz RTXP 18 ASEA 1019A automatic changeover switch circuit diagram for generator asea over current relay
    Text: A im m m in f o r m a t io n f ^ lP IP From/Data ASFA BROWN COVim A B B R elays R F R t Ja n u a ry 1982 . r k 643-300 e Reg. Pag« „ 7^.52 1 Edition l R A G R A - Rotor earth-fault relay for synchronous machines o The rotor earth-fault p rotective relay R A G R A , constitutes a

    OCR Scan

    ASEA motor

    Abstract: RXPE40 RXMH-2 RXMK1 ASEA brown boveri protection relay ABB RXMVB2 instantaneous overcurrent relay BROWN BOVERI motor protection relay RXIDF 2H asea directional relay
    Text: A »11 ASEA BROWN BOVERI ABB Relays Index of IEEE device function numbers with associated ASEA relays B03-0312E Page 1 January 1985 Changed sin ce M ay 1983 Ref: ANSI/IEEE C37.2-1979 Device number Function Type B03 number 2 Time-delay starting or closing relay

    OCR Scan
    B03-0312E B03-1611E -1612E -1613e -1614e -1610e -8112e -8320e -8321e -3211e ASEA motor RXPE40 RXMH-2 RXMK1 ASEA brown boveri protection relay ABB RXMVB2 instantaneous overcurrent relay BROWN BOVERI motor protection relay RXIDF 2H asea directional relay PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS DRAM KM41C4001B 4M x 1Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM with Nibble Mode FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Samsung KM41C4001B is a CMOS highspeed 4,194,304x1 Dynamic Random Access Memory. Its design is optimized for high performance applications

    OCR Scan
    KM41C4001B 110ns 130ns 150ns KM41C4001B 304x1 KM41C4001B-6 KM41C4001BPACKAGE PDF

    la 76805 volt on pin

    Abstract: intel 8708 eprom M3002 Pulse M3001 eprom 8708 2316a rom UPP-103 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 intel 1402a Pascall
    Text: Intel Corporation 3065 Bowers Avenue • Santa Clara, CA 95051 Telephone: 408 987-8080 TWX: 910-338-0026- Telex: 34-6372 inter Component Data Catalog 1978 Numerical and Functional Indexes 1 General Information 2 Random Access Memory 3 Read Only Memory 4

    OCR Scan
    MCS-4/40â MCS-48â MCS-80/85â -883B la 76805 volt on pin intel 8708 eprom M3002 Pulse M3001 eprom 8708 2316a rom UPP-103 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 intel 1402a Pascall PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semlconductors-Signetlcs Document No. 853-1311 ECN No. 96115 Date of issue May 1 1 ,1 9 8 9 Status Product Specification' FAST Products FAST 74F1764/1765 74F1764-1/1 765-1 I M egabit DRAM Dual-Ported Controllers FEATURES • Perform s arbitration, signal tim ing,

    OCR Scan
    74F1764/1765 74F1764-1/1 74F1764-1/1765-1 74F1764/F1764-1 20blt 74F1764- 74F176574F1764-1, 74F1765-1 PDF


    Abstract: MC 4063 a SLIC DIAGRAM
    Text: F IN A L a Am7905A Advanced Micro Devices Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit SLAC Device DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Com bination CO DEC and Filter ■ No trim m ing or adjustm ents required ■ ■ 4.096-MHz, 64-channel expanded mode operation

    OCR Scan
    Am7905A 096-MHz, 64-channel 24-pin 07004B-027 7905A MC 4063 a SLIC DIAGRAM PDF


    Abstract: 28F010P
    Text: a FINAL Am28F010 1 Megabit 131,072 x 8-Bit CMOS 12.0 Volt, Bulk Erase Flash Memory Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High performance — 90 ns maximum access time ■ CMOS Low power consumption — 30 mA maximum active current — 100 |iA maximum standby current

    OCR Scan
    Am28F010 32-Pin D55752fl D3273D EE-21 28F010P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINA L Am7901 B/C Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit SLAC Device Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Combination CODEC and Filter ■ No trimming or adjustments required 4.096-MHz, 64-channel expanded mode operation ■ Built-In test modes

    OCR Scan
    Am7901 096-MHz, 64-channel Am790l Am7901C Am790lB/C ITI41 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series CTX 4 x 2 . 5 A m p * 120/240 Vac* TRIAC Output • 4 AC Relays in One Compact and 4-10 Vdc logic compatible input. The CTX exhibits exceptional steady FCB Mount Package • Crydom’s Patented Design cayaoM The CTX240D3Q offers four indepen­ dently controlled solid state relays in

    OCR Scan
    CTX240D3Q CTX240D3Q CTX240D3QR D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: MCi4049 MC6805P2 MC6805P4 MC68705P5 MC68705P5L mci4069 rf tube sealer mc68705p3 type MC68705P3
    Text: ~7Cyf-Coll MOTOROLA MC68705P5 SEMICONDUCTORS EAST KILBRIDE, SCOTLAND A d v a n c e In fo r m atio n HMOS H IG H -D E N S ITY , N -C H AN NEL DEPLETION LO AD , 5 V EPROM PROCESS 8 - B IT E P R O M M IC R O C O M P U T E R U N IT T h e M C 6 8 7 0 5 P 5 M ic ro c o m p u te r U n it (M C U ) is an E P R O M m em b er

    OCR Scan
    MC68705P5 MC68705P5 M6805 MC6S705P5 MC68705P5S MCi4049 MC6805P2 MC6805P4 MC68705P5L mci4069 rf tube sealer mc68705p3 type MC68705P3 PDF


    Abstract: EF6800 EF6840 TS68000CFN12 TS68000M
    Text: SGS-THOMSON TS68000 HMOS 16/32-BIT MICROPROCESSOR P R E LIM IN A R Y IN FO R M A TIO N The TS68000 is the first implementation of the 68000 16/32 m icroprocessor architecture. The TS68000 has a 16-bit data bus and 24-bit address bus while the full architecture provides for 32-bit ad­

    OCR Scan
    TS68000 16/32-BIT TS68000 16-bit 24-bit 32-bit TS68008 TS68020 i947 EF6800 EF6840 TS68000CFN12 TS68000M PDF


    Abstract: protection relay type racic RXIDF 2H RXEL22 ASEA relay - RAKZB rxsf-1 ABB RXsf1 RXEG21 ASEA motor brown boveri dc motor
    Text: Jk nil M l » » ASEA BROWN BOVERI 303 ^ 3 ^ ^ ABB Relays January 1985 Function Type B03 num b! AC-DC converter, 20 W AC conversion unit for RXKE 1 time-delay relay All or nothing relays, instantaneous, see auxiliary relays

    OCR Scan
    B03-0310E -7016e -7017e -2031e -2531e -2011e -2032e -2033e -2034e -2910e RXSF1 protection relay type racic RXIDF 2H RXEL22 ASEA relay - RAKZB rxsf-1 ABB RXsf1 RXEG21 ASEA motor brown boveri dc motor PDF


    Abstract: MARKING 333 transistor C200 2N1479 2N1481 2N1482 SMA-KE 434 MARKING
    Text: à ilII _ C _ 1 Û C r t A /'»ftl/'/PI \ m iu - j- i 7JUU/ zu/V-^ELj 9 December 1 9 6 6 bUFfcKbtülNÜ AA II -.ç_io*;nn/on • « '« w v / ¿w7vo/Ei iu k ;\ 13 OrfntiAr 1 9 AA MILITARY SPECIFICATIO N TRANSISTOR, N PN , SILIC O N TYPES 2N1479, 2N 1480,2N 1481,2N 1482

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500/207C MIL-S-19500/207B 2N1479, 2N1480/2N1481/2N1482 2N1479 -65to 2N1480 2N1481 MARKING 333 transistor C200 2N1482 SMA-KE 434 MARKING PDF

    schematic diagram ac 150 kva generator

    Abstract: SAMI Star LTV 236 wq Circuit Diagram of Fan Speed Control with potenti ALLEN-BRADLEY POTENTIOMETER 81E intel 8085 microprocessor stromberg 800 kva inverter circuit diagrams SEMICONDUCTORS GENERAL CATALOG TRANSISTORS THYRISTORS DIODES LEDS Diode Thyristor 800 kva inverter diagrams
    Text: Aiien-Bradiey Bulletin 1350 Adjustable Frequency AC Motor Drives by Stromberg Instruction and Maintenance Manual For Bulletin 1350 Non-Regenerative Drive sizes: 50 KVA to 1000 KVA @ 460V AC 58 KVA to 1340 KVA @ 575V AC TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION LIST OF TITLE

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 4.194304 crystal oscillator half hour delay circuit 4.194304 CDP6818 TNC-300 1N4148 CDP6805E2 CDP6818A MC6800
    Text: ££ HARRIS C D P 6 8 18 A C M O S R e a l-T im e Clock Plus RAM J a n u a ry 19 91 F e a tu re s D e s c rip tio n • Lo w P o w e r, H ig h S p e e d C M O S The C D P 6818A R eal-Tim e C lock plus RAM is a peripheral device w hich includes the unique

    OCR Scan
    CDP6818A 194304MHz, 048576MHz 768kHz MC6800, MC6802. MC6808, MC6809 42696 4.194304 crystal oscillator half hour delay circuit 4.194304 CDP6818 TNC-300 1N4148 CDP6805E2 CDP6818A MC6800 PDF