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    QS316221 Search Results

    QS316221 Datasheets (2)

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    QS3162214 Integrated Device Technology High-Speed CMOS 12-bit 3-to-1 Bus-Select Switch Original PDF
    QS3162214PV Integrated Device Technology High-Speed CMOS 12-bit 3-to-1 Bus-Select Switch Original PDF

    QS316221 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 5a1 DIODE 9b2 diode 10A1 10A2 11A1 11A2 QS316213 IA2 TSSOP-20
    Text: QS316213, QS3162213 QuickSwitch Products High-Speed CMOS 24-Bit Bus-Exchange Switch With iA1 = iA2 = iB2 Function Q QUALITY SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. QS316213 QS3162213 FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to VCC • 5Ω bidirectional switches connect inputs

    QS316213, QS3162213 24-Bit QS316213 56-pin QS3162213 QS316213 TSSOP IA2 5a1 DIODE 9b2 diode 10A1 10A2 11A1 11A2 IA2 TSSOP-20 PDF


    Abstract: IDTQS3162214 53-2B
    Text: QS3162214 HIGH-SPEED CMOS 12-BIT 3-TO-1 BUS-SELECT SWITCH INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE QUICKSWITCH PRODUCTS HIGH-SPEED CMOS 12-BIT 3-TO-1 BUS-SELECT SWITCH QS3162214 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: − − − − − The QS3162214 provides a set of twelve high-speed CMOS TTLcompatible buses switching between three separate ports. The device

    IDTQS3162214 12-BIT QS3162214 56-pin IDTQS3162214 53-2B PDF


    Abstract: diagram of diode 1a2 10A1 10A2 11A1 11A2 12A1 QS316212
    Text: QS316212, QS3162212 QuickSwitch Products High-Speed CMOS 24-Bit Bus-Exchange Switch Q QUALITY SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. QS316212 QS3162212 FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to VCC • 5Ω bidirectional switches connect inputs

    QS316212, QS3162212 24-Bit QS316212 56-pin QS3162212 QS316212 1Bn-12Bn diagram of diode 1a2 10A1 10A2 11A1 11A2 12A1 PDF


    Abstract: 1B12 2A12 QS316211 2BN SERIES 1-A12
    Text: QS316211, QS3162211 ADVANCE INFORMATION QuickSwitch Products High-Speed CMOS 24-Bit Bus Switch Q QUALITY SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. QS316211 QS3162211 ADVANCE INFORMATION FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to VCC • 5Ω bidirectional switches connect inputs

    QS316211, QS3162211 24-Bit QS316211 QS3162211 56-pin QS316211and 1A12 1B12 2A12 QS316211 2BN SERIES 1-A12 PDF

    12b3 diode

    Abstract: SO56-2 IDTQS3162214 QS3162214 523a6
    Text: QS3162214 HIGH-SPEED CMOS 12-BIT 3-TO-1 BUS-SELECT SWITCH INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE QUICKSWITCH PRODUCTS HIGH-SPEED CMOS 12-BIT 3-TO-1 BUS-SELECT SWITCH QS3162214 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: − − − − − The QS3162214 provides a set of twelve high-speed CMOS TTLcompatible buses switching between three separate ports. The device

    IDTQS3162214 12-BIT QS3162214 56-pin 12b3 diode SO56-2 IDTQS3162214 523a6 PDF

    DIODE 10B3

    Abstract: 12b3 diode 11b3 DIODE 10B3 11B3 diode 6b3 10B1 QS316214 QS3162214 1A12A
    Text: QS316214, QS3162214 ADVANCE INFORMATION QuickSwitch Products High-Speed CMOS 12-Bit 3-to-1 Bus-Select Switch Q QUALITY SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. QS316214 QS3162214 ADVANCE INFORMATION FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to VCC

    QS316214, QS3162214 12-Bit QS316214 QS3162214 56-pin QS316214 DIODE 10B3 12b3 diode 11b3 DIODE 10B3 11B3 diode 6b3 10B1 1A12A PDF


    Abstract: l9911 idt die information QS316214 QS34XST253 QS34XST257 QS3S257 QS3ST253 QS3ST257 QS3V245
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 2975 Stender Way, Santa Clara, CA - 95054 PRODUCT/PROCESS CHANGE NOTICE PCN 11/5/99 PCN #: L9911-02 DATE: Product Affected: QuickSwitch Products- see attached list Manufacturing Location Affected: N/A Date Effective: Contact:

    L9911-02 MDSL-00308-02 QS3R862 MDSL-00246-02 QS32XR862 MDSL-00247-02 QS3R861 MDSL-00243-02 QS3R245 MDSL-00252-02 QS34XR245 l9911 idt die information QS316214 QS34XST253 QS34XST257 QS3S257 QS3ST253 QS3ST257 QS3V245 PDF

    datasheet 6116

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 2975 Stender Way, Santa Clara, CA - 95054 Phone #: 408 727-6116 Fax #: (408) 727-2328 PRODUCT DISCONTINUANCE NOTICE (PDN) PDN #: LOGIC-00-13 Issue Date: November 13, 2000 Last Buy Date: November 13, 2001 February 13, 2002

    LOGIC-00-13 QS3162214 QS3165233 QS32383 QS32X2383 QS32XR384 74FCT16V345 74FCT16V721 FRC-2265-01 QCC-1795 datasheet 6116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QUICKSWITCH PRODUCTS HIGH-SPEED CMOS 10-BIT BUS SWITCH WITH FLOW-THRU PINOUT QS3861 QS32861 FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • The QS3861 and QS32861 each provide a set of ten high speed CMOS, TTL-compatible bus switches. The low ON resistance 5Ω of

    10-BIT QS3861 QS32861 QS32861 PDF

    philips diode PH 33J

    Abstract: UM61256FK-15 sem 2106 inverter diagram IDT7024L70GB um61256 UM61256ak sram um61256fk15 HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION DZ 2101 C5584 IDT74LVC1G07ADY
    Text: QUICKSWITCH PRODUCTS HIGH-SPEED LOW POWER CMOS 10-BIT BUS SWITCHES QS3L384 QS3L2384 FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • • The QS3L384 and QS3L2384 provide a set of ten high-speed CMOS TTL-compatible bus switches. The low ON resistance of the QS3L384 allows inputs to be connected to outputs without

    10-BIT QS3L384) QS3L2384 QS3L384 QS3L2384 philips diode PH 33J UM61256FK-15 sem 2106 inverter diagram IDT7024L70GB um61256 UM61256ak sram um61256fk15 HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION DZ 2101 C5584 IDT74LVC1G07ADY PDF


    Abstract: QS32X862 74232 89 8937 000 napoli MD 202 CMOS 4002 PI5C3251 matrix mux intel 8061
    Text: Selector Guide for QuickSwitch Products the leading provider of QuickSwitch products. BRO-QuickSwitch-00059 LIFE SUPPORT POLICY Integrated Device Technology’s products are not authorized for use as components in life support or other medical devices or systems hereinafter life support devices unless a specific written

    BRO-QuickSwitch-00059 QS3R861 QS32X862 74232 89 8937 000 napoli MD 202 CMOS 4002 PI5C3251 matrix mux intel 8061 PDF


    Abstract: 10B1 11A1 12A1 QS316292 diode 10b1 11B2 Diode
    Text: QS316292, QS3162292 Q QUALITY SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. QuickSwitch Products High-Speed CMOS 12-Bit 2:1 Mux/Demux Switch With Resistor Termination on the Demux Side QS316292 QS3162292 FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to VCC

    QS316292, QS3162292 12-Bit QS316292 56-pin QS316292 QS3162292 10A1 10B1 11A1 12A1 diode 10b1 11B2 Diode PDF


    Abstract: YD 6409 philips diode PH 33J um61256 um61256ak-15 PZ 5805 PHILIPS UM6164 KM6264BLS-7 UM61256ak sram IDT8M624
    Text: QUICKSWITCH PRODUCTS HIGH-SPEED CMOS QUICKSWITCH QUAD 2:1 MUX/DEMUX QS3257 QS32257 FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • The QS3257 is a high-speed CMOS LVTTL-compatible Quad 2:1 multiplexer/demultiplexer. The QS3257 is a function and pinout compatible QuickSwitch

    74F257, 74FCT257, 74FCT257T QS32257 QS3257 QS32257 UM61256FK-15 YD 6409 philips diode PH 33J um61256 um61256ak-15 PZ 5805 PHILIPS UM6164 KM6264BLS-7 UM61256ak sram IDT8M624 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QuickSwitch Products QS316214 High-Speed CMOS QS3162214 Qu a lity ADVANCE INFORMATION i t p i t a iu S e m ic o n d u c t o r , I n c . pus-Select Switch FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • The Q S 31 6214 provides a set of tw elve high-speed C M O S T T L-com p atib le buses sw itching betw een

    OCR Scan
    QS316214 QS3162214 12-bit MO-118AB PSS-48B PSS-56B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q u a lit y Semiconductor , I nc . QuickSwitch Products QS316212 High-Speed CMOS 24-ßit ßus-Exchange Switch QS3162212 FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • The QS316212 and QS3162212 provide a set of twenty-four high-speed CMOS, TTL-compatible busexchange switches. The low ON resistance of the

    OCR Scan
    QS316212 QS3162212 QS316212 QS3162212 24-bit 12-bit switc12 bfl03 0DD3757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q u a l it y S e m ic o n d u c t o r , I n c . QuickSwitch Products QS316212 High-Speed CMOS 24-Bit Bus-Exchange Switch QS3162212 FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to Vcc • bidirectional switches connect inputs

    OCR Scan
    QS316212 QS3162212 24-Bit 56-pin QS3162212 S316212 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H QuickSwitch Products High-Speed CMOS qs 316213 ossieais BUS-ExChange Switch With lA1 = 'Ä2 = 'B2 Function S emiconductor , I n c . 2 4 ' B it FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • The QS316213, and QS3162213 provide a set ot tw enty-tour high-speed CMOS TTL-com patible

    OCR Scan
    56-pin QS316213, QS3162213 QS316213 MDSL-00141-01 7B239 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fg] & OuAT TTY QuickSwitch Products High-Speed CM OS 083162211 n . n -. n o l . 24-0lt 0 U S Switch Semiconductor , I nc . ADVANCE INFORMATION FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • The QS316211 and QS3162211 each provide a set of twenty-four high-speed CMOS TTL-compatible

    OCR Scan
    24-0lt QS316211 QS3162211 QS316211 QS3162211 24-bit conne12 bfl03 0DD3757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m Q u ic k S w itc h P ro d u c ts q s 316213 H ig h - S p e e d C M O S o s s ie z -is ^ U S -E x c h a n g e S w itc h W it h 'A-, = >A2 = >p2 F u n c tio n S em iconductor,Inc. FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • The QS316213, and QS3162213 provide a set of

    OCR Scan
    QS316213, QS3162213 QS316213 24-bit 74bbfl03 0DD3757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QS 316292 Q u ic k S w itc h P r o d u c ts H ig h - S p e e d & co” d u c t o r , in c u x /D e m u x m C M O S S w itc h T e r m in a tio n o n th e Q S 3 1622 92 1 2 - B it 2 :1 W ith R e s is t o r D e m u x S id e FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent

    OCR Scan
    56-pin QS316292 QS3162292 12-Bit S316292 MDSL-00000-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QS 316214 Q u ic k S w itc h P r o d u c ts High-Speed CMOS qs 3162214 ADVANCE INFORMATION 1 9 R i t T tn 1 Q u a lit y S e m ico n d u c to r, In c I £ - d iio - iu - i Bus-Select Switch FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • The QS316214 provides a set ot twelve high-speed

    OCR Scan
    56-pin QS3162214 QS316214 QS316221 MDSL-00142-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: seZ nducto* QuickSwitch Products High-Speed CMOS 12-Bit 2:1 Mux/Demux Switch With Resistor Termination on the Demux Side I nc rSf?2S2S FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to Vcc • 5£2 bidirectional switches connect inputs

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit 56-pin QS316292 QS3162292 12-Bit2 MDSL-00252-01 RSF2S PDF