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    transistor BD 110

    Abstract: BA 553 Thermistor PTC 265V PTH60
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTOR FOR CIRCUIT PROTECTION PTH8L Series Posistor protects circuit components at the load and power supply sides by reducing the current when abnormal current flows through the circuit. FEATURES • Posistor ® continues to protect a circuit until the abnormal

    CG01-I transistor BD 110 BA 553 Thermistor PTC 265V PTH60 PDF


    Abstract: PTH8L PTh9c32 NTH5G1M PTH9MO4BH471 bh 8550 posistor 16 PTH8 J04TE NTH4G
    Text: WILLOW Technologies Sensors Thermistors - temperature sensing PTH9C32 Series PTC Order Code Curie Point °C Resistance Value (Ω)(at 25°C) Temp. (°C) (at 4.7k Ω) AR(120) BB(100) BD(80) 470±50% 135±10 115±10 95±10 PTH9C32AR471Q-T PTH9C32BB471Q-T

    PTH9C32 PTH9C32AR471Q-T PTH9C32BB471Q-T PTH9C32BD471Q-T PTH9MO4BH471 TS2F333 PTH9MO4BG471 PTH9MO4BF471 NTH4G39A1 PTH8L NTH5G1M bh 8550 posistor 16 PTH8 J04TE NTH4G PDF


    Abstract: PTH451A PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451A9R0Q21 PTH451 36AP PTH451C7R0Q21 PTC thermistor degauss PTH632D01BF7R0M140 pth451c5
    Text: PTH451/632 Series The PTH451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color TV’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have relay contacts. ■ Winding of degaussing coil can be reduced since rush

    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH451 PTH632 PTH451A PTH451C PTH632D01 CG01-I PTH451C PTH451A PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451A9R0Q21 36AP PTH451C7R0Q21 PTC thermistor degauss PTH632D01BF7R0M140 pth451c5 PDF

    transistor BD 522

    Abstract: PTH61H01AR220M140 PTH62 PTH60 transistor BD 110 PTH63 PTH8L07BD220N3B550 PTH8L07T102M2A550 PTH623H02AR270M265 PTH62H02AR180M265
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTOR FOR CIRCUIT PROTECTION PTH8L Series Posistor protects circuit components at the load and power supply sides by reducing the current when abnormal current flows through the circuit. FEATURES • Posistor ® continues to protect a circuit until the abnormal

    CG01-H transistor BD 522 PTH61H01AR220M140 PTH62 PTH60 transistor BD 110 PTH63 PTH8L07BD220N3B550 PTH8L07T102M2A550 PTH623H02AR270M265 PTH62H02AR180M265 PDF

    3r0 thermistor

    Abstract: PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING murata degaussing PTH451 17AP-P PTH63 tv degauss PTH451A9R0Q21
    Text: PTH451/632 Series The PTH451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color TV’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have relay contacts. ■ Winding of degaussing coil can be reduced since rush

    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH451 PTH632 OPTH451C3R0Q11 PTH451C5R0M11 PTH451C4R5Q21 PTH451C7R0Q21 PTH451C9R0Q21 3r0 thermistor PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING murata degaussing 17AP-P PTH63 tv degauss PTH451A9R0Q21 PDF


    Abstract: PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH451A pth451 PTH451C262BG180N270A PTH45 PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss 45AP
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451/632 Series The PTH451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color TV’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have

    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH451 PTH632 MAX200 45Ap-p 25Ap-p 300mAp-p 260mAp-p PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH451A PTH451C262BG180N270A PTH45 PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss 45AP PDF


    Abstract: PTH60 PTH8L PTH63 PTH8L04AR130H2B550 TRANSISTOR BC 553 transistor BD 110 PTH8L07 PTH8L09AR250H8B590 PTH61
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTOR FOR CIRCUIT PROTECTION PTH8L Series Posistor protects circuit components at the load and power supply sides by reducing the current when abnormal current flows through the circuit. FEATURES • Posistor ® continues to protect a circuit until the abnormal

    CG01-J PTH8L14ar3r3m PTH60 PTH8L PTH63 PTH8L04AR130H2B550 TRANSISTOR BC 553 transistor BD 110 PTH8L07 PTH8L09AR250H8B590 PTH61 PDF


    Abstract: PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451 PTH451A PTH45 tv degauss PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss tv circuit degaussing PTH451A180N21
    Text: PTH451/632 Series The PTH451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color TV’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have relay contacts. ■ Winding of degaussing coil can be reduced since rush

    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH451 PTH632 200mAp-p 10mAp-p PTH451C180N21 15Ap-p 300mAp-p PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451A PTH45 tv degauss PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss tv circuit degaussing PTH451A180N21 PDF


    Abstract: PTH521 PTH476 NTH5G20P PTH8L
    Text: THERMISTOR PRO DUCTS m u F ta tn THERMISTOR SELECTION G U ID E L W T Reflow Tape Width 2.0 1.25 0.9 — o 8 4000 — 5 5 4 O — — — — Appearance PTH9C T» PTH9L Packaging Units Flow Product Name Soldering Dimensions mm <t>180mm <t>330mm Reel Reel

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    180mm 330mm PTH476 PTH521 PTH491 PTH451 PTH632 NTH5G10P NTH5G16P NTH5G20P PTH7M PTH8L PDF


    Abstract: MA2810-1 tz03p450fr LQH3NR27M92 kf 470 replacements transistors RPE110COG2R2C100V LQH3N220K04 DE1410E 1022R DE7100F222MVA1-KC
    Text: DESIGN ENGINEERING KITS ★ KIT-GRM39 CAPACITORS— CHIB M O N O LITH IC • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ muFfntn Part No. Miniature size Wide capacitance, TC, voltage and tolerance range Industry standard sizes 8mm and 12mm tape and reel for auto-placements Barrier layer termination systems for wave, reflow or vapor phase solder

    OCR Scan
    KIT-GRM39 KIT-GRM36 GRM36COG0R5C5Â 3500K 3900K 4250K 4050K 3650K 4100K 4200K tzbx4n100bc110 MA2810-1 tz03p450fr LQH3NR27M92 kf 470 replacements transistors RPE110COG2R2C100V LQH3N220K04 DE1410E 1022R DE7100F222MVA1-KC PDF


    Abstract: PTH62H02AR180M265 PTH59F PTH61
    Text: POSISTORS FO R C IR C U IT PRO TECTIO N PTH9M/59F SERIES FOR POWER TRANSISTOR OVERHEAT PROTECTION PTH9M Part Number * PTH9M04D471TS2F333 PTH59F04D471TS PTH9M04D222TS2F333 PTH59F04D222TS □ BH BG TS 70 25 °C Resistance TS-10 (°C) TS (°C) Max. Voltage

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    PTH9M/59F PTH9M04D471TS2F333 PTH59F04D471TS PTH9M04D222TS2F333 PTH59F04D222TS TS-10 PTH59F 176-194F PTH60G30BD150N PTH62H02AR180M265 PTH59F PTH61 PDF


    Abstract: PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH490C PTH451 application PTH490 PTH62H02AR180M265
    Text: THERMISTORSRESISTORS THERMISTORS PTC T H E R M IS T O R S POSISTOR •Transform er Protection «AR Characteristic 140/265V Series [ UL recognized] File No. E137188 Part Number ±0.05 in mm NonOperating Trip Resistance Max. Max. Current Current Value Vott.

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    140/265V E137188 PTH60H01 PTH451C460BG3R0Q140 PTH451C262BF140M270A 25Ap-p PTH451C262BG180N270A 15Ap-pm PTH451C260BG5R0M140A PTH451C462BF9R0Q270 PTH491A04 PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH490C PTH451 application PTH490 PTH62H02AR180M265 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTOR FOR CIRCUIT PROTECTION r m iffn tn A u tjrater t* B ecfrtm cs PTH8L Series Posistor protects circuit components at the load and power supply sides by reducing the current when abnormal current flows through the circuit.

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    CG01-H PTH623H02AR270M265 PDF


    Abstract: PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH451 PTH451A302BF9R0Q270 PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss 45AP 18AP-P PTH451A102BF140M270A
    Text: THERMISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING fa ic m ta r in & ectw uc& PTH451/632 Series The P TH 451/632 are degaussing elements used to automatically degauss color T V ’s and color monitors on startup. FEATURES • No noise is emitted. ■ Long life characteristic since part does not have

    OCR Scan
    PTH451/632 PTH451 PTH632 17Ap-p 200mAp-p 22Ap-p 300mAp-p 36Ap-p PTH451C PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTH451C262BF140M270 PTH451A302BF9R0Q270 PTC thermistor degaussing 270 PTC thermistor degauss 45AP 18AP-P PTH451A102BF140M270A PDF


    Abstract: 8L12A Murata PTH PTH63 8l05 8l12 pTH murata 8L12B PTH60H
    Text: RESISTOR PRODUCTS PTC THERMISTORS CIRCUIT PROTECTION POSISTOR'< m u F fa tn PTH S eries Posistor protects circuit components at the load and power supply sides by reducing the current when abnormal current flows through the circuit. • •*• FEATURES

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