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    PIN CONFIGURATION 74LS42 Search Results

    PIN CONFIGURATION 74LS42 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 9-Pin (DB9) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 10ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB15MF-002.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB15MF-002.5 15-Pin (DB15) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 2.5ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB15MM-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB15MM-025 15-Pin (DB15) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 25ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB25MM-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB25MM-010 25-Pin (DB25) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 10ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB37MM-002.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB37MM-002.5 37-Pin (DB37) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 2.5ft Datasheet

    PIN CONFIGURATION 74LS42 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: pressure control PID PWM motor Altera DE2 Board Using Cyclone II FPGA Circuit FPGA control PID PWM ALTERA "C" altera de2 board servo 74LS424 circuit diagram of pid controller 74LS4245A altera de2 board DC motor DC motor fpga
    Text: Laser Direct Writing Digital Servo Controller Based on SOPC Technology Second Prize Laser Direct Writing Digital Servo Controller Based on SOPC Technology Institution: Ultra-Precision Photoelectric Instrument Engineering Research Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology



    Abstract: 74LS42P mitsubishi DECODER 20-PIN
    Text: DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M 74LS42P is a semiconductor integrated circuit provided with a BCD-to-decim al decoder function. FEATURES ÿô — • A ll outputs set high with reactive input • Usable as a 3-bit binary /octal decoder - [7

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    M74LS42P b2LHfl27 0013Sbl 14-PIN 16-PIN 20-PIN 74LS42P mitsubishi DECODER PDF


    Abstract: 74LS4 m74ls123
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M 74LS423P DUAL RETRIGGERABLE MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR W ITH RESET DESCRIPTION The PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW M74LS423P is a semiconductor integrated c irc u it containing tw o retriggerable monostable m u ltivib ra to r cir­ cuits w ith direct reset inputs.

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    74LS423P M74LS423P b2LHfl27 0013Sbl 14-PIN 16-PIN 20-PIN M74LS123P 74LS4 m74ls123 PDF


    Abstract: pin configuration 74LS04 54LS 74LS 74LS04 pin configuration 74LS42 PIN 74LS42
    Text: GD54/74LS42 BCD/DECIMAL DECODERS Features • • Pin Configuration Diode clam ped inputs Also for application as 4-lin e-to-1 6-line decoders; 3-lin e -to -8 -lin e d eco ders • • All outputs are high for invalid input conditions Usable as a 3 -b it binary/octal d eco ders

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    GD54/74LS42 4-line-to-16-line 74LS04 74LS42 pin configuration 74LS04 54LS 74LS 74LS04 pin configuration 74LS42 PIN 74LS42 PDF


    Abstract: M74LS42P
    Text: DESCRIPTION The M 7 4LS 42P is a s e m ic o n d u c to r integrated PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW c irc u it p rovided w ith a B C D -to-decim al decoder fu n c tio n . FEATURES ÿô • A ll o u tp u ts set high w ith reactive in p u t Ÿl • Usable as a 3 -b it b in a ry /o c ta l decoder

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    M74LS42P 74LS42P b2LHfl27 0013Sbl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS M 74H C 42P/FP/D P 1-O F -lO DECODER DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW T h e M 7 4 H C 4 2 is a s e m ic o n d u c to r in te g ra te d c irc u it c o n ­ s is tin g of a B C D to d e c im a l d e c o d e r. " W FEATURES

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    42P/FP/D G--06 74HC42P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 74LS429 FIFO RAM Controller FRC Preliminary Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Direct addressing up to 64K • Cascadable for addressing beyond 64K • Asynchronous Read/Write operation • 3-State address outputs • Selectable FIFO length in multiples of 2

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    74LS429 20MHz 185mA 28-Pin N74LS429N 1N916, 1N3084, 1N014 74LS429 PDF


    Abstract: PLD2 N74LS429N
    Text: Signetics 74LS429 FIFO RAM Controller FRC Preliminary Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Direct addressing up to 64K • Cascadable for addressing beyond 64K • Asynchronous Read/Write operation • 3-State address outputs • Selectable FIFO length in

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    74LS429 1N916. 1N3064, 1N914 74LS429 PLD2 N74LS429N PDF

    7442 pin diagram and function table

    Abstract: 7442 pin diagram H7442
    Text: 7442, LS42 S ignetics Decoders BCD-To-Decimal Decoder 1-of-10 Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • 1-of-8 demultiplexing ability • Outputs disabled for input codes above nine TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT (TOTAL) 7442 15ns 28mA 74LS42 18ns 7mA ORDERING CODE

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    1-of-10) 74LS42 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns 7442 pin diagram and function table 7442 pin diagram H7442 PDF

    7442 ic pin diagram

    Abstract: ic 7442 pin diagram of ic 7442 7442 IC pin configuration 7442 ic ic 7442 function IC 74LS42 N 7442 pin diagram and function table signetics 7442
    Text: 7442, LS42 Signetìcs Decoders BCD-To-Decimal Decoder 1-of-10 Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Outputs disabled for input codes above nine '4 2 T Y P IC A L SU PP LY C U R R E N T (T O T A L ) 7442 15ns 28m A 74LS42 18ns 7mA ORDERING CODE

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    1-of-10) 74LS42 N7442N N74LS42N 74LS54D 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns 7442 ic pin diagram ic 7442 pin diagram of ic 7442 7442 IC pin configuration 7442 ic ic 7442 function IC 74LS42 N 7442 pin diagram and function table signetics 7442 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS429 N74LS429N PLD11 1N814 "FRC"
    Text: 74LS429 FIFO RAM Controller FRC Preliminary Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Direct addressing up to 64K • Cascadable for addressing beyond 64K • Asynchronous Read/Write operation • 3-State address outputs • Selectable FIFO length in multiples of 2

    OCR Scan
    74LS429 1N916. 1N3064. 1N814 PLD12 74LS429 N74LS429N PLD11 "FRC" PDF


    Abstract: marking code B9 DG SMD Transistor transistor smd sensor 80L transistor bf 175 sdz-370n ccd LZ1032 Transister Data Book
    Text: MOS DATA BOOK General Information Gate Arrays/Standard Cells Display Drivers 3 J T elecommunications II CCDs/CCD Peripherals ICs for Audio/Visual Equipment 6 | Voice/Melody Generators ICs for Clock Others Preface In recent years, the seemingly unlimited progress seen in

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    LH5047/LH5048 LR3441 marking code B9 DG SMD Transistor transistor smd sensor 80L transistor bf 175 sdz-370n ccd LZ1032 Transister Data Book PDF

    decoder 7442 input 4 waveform

    Abstract: ttl 7442 PIN 74LS42 7442 pin diagram 7442
    Text: Signelics 7442, LS42 Decoders BCD-To-Decimal Decoder 1-of-10 Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Mutually exclusive outputs • 1-of-8 demultiplexing ability • Outputs disabled for Input codes above nine DESCRIPTION The '42 decoder accepts four active

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    1-of-10) jf-90 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns decoder 7442 input 4 waveform ttl 7442 PIN 74LS42 7442 pin diagram 7442 PDF

    transistor BC 567

    Abstract: uPB553AC uPD1703C-015 UPD1703C 540 upb553 D4011BC pd4001 t1,t2 BC548 JUPD1703C-015 BC 639 transistor terminals
    Text: MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //PD1 7 0 3 C -0 1 5 P L L F R E Q U E N C Y S Y N T H E S IZ E R A N D C O N T R O L L E R FOR F M / M W / L W T U N E R The ,uPD1 703C-01 5 is a single chip CMOS LSI designed for a Phase Locked Loop P L L Frequency synthesizer digital tuning system controller of FM/MW/LW European band.

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    uPD1703C-01 /iPD1703C-015 uPB553AC /uPD1703C-015 28-pin -100-600A 020-O transistor BC 567 uPD1703C-015 UPD1703C 540 upb553 D4011BC pd4001 t1,t2 BC548 JUPD1703C-015 BC 639 transistor terminals PDF


    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC ic 4583 schmitt trigger core bit excess 3 adder using IC 7483 advantages for ic 7473 4 BIT COUNTER 74669 la 4508 ic schematic diagram XF107 74295 random number generator by using ic 4011 and 4017
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high performance CMOS gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise customised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed performance previously obtainable only with bipolar technologies whilst retaining all the advantages of CMOS technology; low power consum p­

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    japanese transistor reference manual

    Abstract: UPD1703C 540 2SA733 TK-80 uPB553AC uPD1703C-014 japanese transistor manual upb553 MPB533AC SDK0
    Text: MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD1 703C-014 PLL F R E Q U E N C Y S Y N T H E S I Z E R A N D C O N T R O L L E R FOR F M A N D A M TUNER The /iPD1703C-014 is a CMOS LSI w ith b uilt-in P LL and co n tro lle r capable o f receiving FM /A M in U.S.A. and Japan.

    OCR Scan
    703C-014 uPD1703C-014 28-pin /iPB553AC) japanese transistor reference manual UPD1703C 540 2SA733 TK-80 uPB553AC japanese transistor manual upb553 MPB533AC SDK0 PDF

    ttl 7442

    Abstract: signetics 7442 7442 pin diagram and function table 7442 7442 pin diagram LS 7442 7442 bcd to decimal decoder CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 7442 bcd to decimal decoder 1N3064 1N916
    Text: Signetics 7442, LS42 Decoders BCD-To-Decimal Decoder 1-of-10 Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Outputs disabled for input codes above nine The '42 decoder accepts four active HIGH BCD inputs and provides 10 mutu­ ally exclusive active LOW outputs, as

    OCR Scan
    1-of-10) 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns ttl 7442 signetics 7442 7442 pin diagram and function table 7442 7442 pin diagram LS 7442 7442 bcd to decimal decoder CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 7442 bcd to decimal decoder 1N3064 1N916 PDF


    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC 74ls150 ph 4531 diode 4583 dual schmitt trigger ic D flip flop 7474 74245 BUFFER IC ic 7483 BCD adder data sheet ic 74139 Quad 2 input nand gate cd 4093
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high perform ance CM O S gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise custom ised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed perform ance previously obtainable only with bipo lar tech nolog ies whilst retaining all

    OCR Scan

    toshiba tc110g

    Abstract: 74LS82 74ls150 74LS514 toshiba tc140g 74ls150 pin configuration 74LS273 SC11C1 diode sr45 74LS194 internal circuit diagram
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF 47E » • BS3SbOS 0037405 7 » S I E G General Description Our Sea-of-Gates concept is based on a highperformance CMOS technology, in either 1.5 micron or 1.0 micron transistor gate length. This is equivalent to 1.1 or 0.8 micron effective

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    Abstract: MC1013P MC680P 796HC mc1235l MC838P MC814G MC1670L 723HC 741hm
    Text: 27-18 LH 0002 C LH 0002 CN 586-81! .587-270 AMPEX CURRENT A M PLIFIE R IN PUT 27-18 AMPEX REV 111 NH 0005C 586-495 D AC08CZ 587-896 27 + R ef | 1_ O PE R ATIO N AL A M PLIFIE R 8 BIT D -A CONVERTER 2" 14 13 12 11 6 5 4 1I i i i i i 3 1 13 , +12V So-4

    OCR Scan
    LH0002C LH0002CN NH0005C DAC08CZ NH0014C DH0034 78M12HC MMH0026CG 79M12AHC 75460BP SN72710L MC1013P MC680P 796HC mc1235l MC838P MC814G MC1670L 723HC 741hm PDF


    Abstract: 74LS273 74LS189 equivalent 74LS00 QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE 74LS265 fan-in and fan out of 7486 74LS93A 74LS181 74LS247 replacement MR 31 relay
    Text: F A IR C H IL D LOW POWER S C H O T T K Y D A TA BOOK ERRATA SHEET 1977 Device Page Item Schematic 2-5 Figure 2-6. Blocking diode in upper right is reversed. Also, diode con­ necting first darlington emitter to output should have series resistor. LS33 5-25

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501
    Text: FAIRMONT ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. TE L.48-6421 4 8 -6 4 8 1 /2 /4 C AB LES ' FAIRTRONICS' C R A IG H A L L T E L E X 8-3227 S A . P O .BOX 41102, C R A IG H A LL 2024. I ouani v-ox 39! 262Bramley 2018 FAIRCHILD 464 Ellis Street, M ountain View, C alifornia 94042

    OCR Scan
    262Bramley orporation/464 962-5011/TWX 19-PIN 100414DC 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    G01341Q 4TLS03 0G13411 HD14070B 1407IB HD14556B HD14558B HD14560B HD14562B HD14072B PDF

    ferranti ula

    Abstract: pia 6820 yx 805 led driver IC CD 4440 cs pic RAM 2102 RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF 74L73 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER yx 801 led driver 1702a eprom
    Text: O <D & P o O o o ^ 0 3 1 0897-X $ 1 4.50 THE S-100 BUS HANDBOOK Dave Bursky H e r e ’s a c o m p re h e n s iv e b o o k th a t d is c u s s e s th e S -1 0 0 bus e q u ip m e n t an d h o w it is o rg a n iz e d . It c o v e rs c o m p u te r fu n d a m e n ta ls , b a s ic e le c tro n ic s ,

    OCR Scan
    0897-X S-100 ferranti ula pia 6820 yx 805 led driver IC CD 4440 cs pic RAM 2102 RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF 74L73 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER yx 801 led driver 1702a eprom PDF