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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FG -1 0 4 DESCRIPTION A N D R A TIN G E T I-1 4 8 PAGE 1 4-45 PHANOTRON D ESCRIPTIO N The FG-104 is a half-wave, mercury-vapor rectifier for converting alternating current to direct current. It is suitable for applications where rectification of higher currents at lower frequencies and

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    FG-104 ETI-148 FG-104 PDF


    Abstract: FG-32 general electric
    Text: FG -32 DESCRIPTIO N A N D R A TIN G E T I-1 4 7 PAGE 1 4-45 r -r-xm PHANOTRON DESCRIPTION The FG-32 is a half-wave, mercury-vapor rectifier for converting alternating current to direct current. It is adapted to applications where rectification of higher currents at lower frequencies and

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    FG-32 ETI-147 FG-32 K-4373333 phanotron general electric PDF

    b 857

    Abstract: phanotron GL-857-B Mercury Electronics
    Text: — Hr G L-85 7-B DESCRIPTIO N A N D RA TIN G E T I- 1 S 2 PAGE 1 4-45 mx • i* 4 - i % PHANOTRON D ESCRIPTIO N The GL-857-B is a half-wave, mercury-vapor vapor tubes, together with other features of design rectifier tube for use in the high voltage field. The and construction assure maximum efficiency of

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    GL-857-B ETI-152 GL-857-B K-4903593 b 857 phanotron Mercury Electronics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FG-280 D E S C R IP T IO N A N D R A T IN G PHANOTRON DESCRIPTIO N The FG -280 is a half-wave, all m etal, mercuryvapor rectifier for converting alternating current to direct current. It is adapted to applications where rectification of higher currents at lower

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    FG-280 FG-280 K-5344712 PDF


    Abstract: phanotron general electric
    Text: PHANOTRON DESCRIPTION T he FG -166 half-w ave, all-m etal mercury-vapor rectifier is capable o f carrying peak currents as high as 75 amperes. It is suitable for rectifiers th a t sup- ply 125 or 250 to 600 volts in capacities o f 15 to 50 kilow atts. T he sturdy all-m etal construction com ­

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    FG-166 ETI-149 FG-166 K-6917484 K-5I88194 phanotron general electric PDF


    Abstract: phanotron ETI15 Mercury Electronics general electric
    Text: GL-869-B DESCRIPTION A N D R A TIN G PHANOTRON DESCRIPTIO N The GL-869-B is a half-wave, mercury-vapor rectifier tube for use in broadcast transmitters and other applications where high d-c voltages are required. Economy of operation and high over-all efficiency result from several unique design features incorporated in this tube. The design of

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    GL-869-B phanotron ETI15 Mercury Electronics general electric PDF

    866a RECTIFIER

    Abstract: 866 rectifier 866-A 866a phanotron rectifier 866A GL-866-A ETI15 Mercury Electronics
    Text: G L-866-A 866 DESCRIPTION A N D RA TIN G E T I-1 5 3 PAGE 1 ¿-45 .\ * * \ . -\ *V / J. <> M M ^ X v V ' W .' •.’»\ i n ■. - . v S «■M H* PHANOTRON DESCRIPTION T his half-w ave, m ercury-vapor rectifier is d e­ signed to w ithstand high peak inverse voltages and to

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    GL-866-A ETI-153 66-A/866 K-6966978 GL-866-A/866 866a RECTIFIER 866 rectifier 866-A 866a phanotron rectifier 866A ETI15 Mercury Electronics PDF


    Abstract: rs tube ScansU9X23 interphase
    Text: APPLICATION DATA ETI - 14 6 PAGE 1 4-45 GENERAL ü ELECTRIC PHANOTRONS E T I-1 4 6 PAGE 2 4-45 DESC RIPTIO N A p h a n o tro n is a th erm io n ic gas tu b e in w hich no m ean s is p ro v id e d for co n tro llin g th e c u rre n t flow. T h e gas used m a y be one o f th e in e rt gases su ch

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    Abstract: 872-A K 872
    Text: G L-87 2-A 872 DESCRIPTION A N D RA TIN G E T I-1 5 5 PAGE 1 4-45 lilis* *u.‘ N*‘ - ' s ' “* -2 # X V —x .• ' v S ., -> -, ■ ‘ .^ M ' * \ . Ms \ \ « . ' - 7 \ , -*- SNNk PHANOTRON DESCRIPTION T he G L-872-A /872 is a half-w ave, mercuryvapor rectifier tube designed to w ithstand high

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    GL-872-A ETI-155 GL-872-A/872 phanotron 872-A K 872 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FG-190 DESCRIPTION PHANOTRON DESCRIPTIO N T he FG -190 is a gas-filled all-m etal tube for use as a full-w ave rectifier at low voltages. T h e use o f gas im poses a voltage lim itation and tubes o f this type will n ot carry as high a voltage as mercury tubes

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    FG-190 FG-190 K-5300039 phanotron PDF