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    OA47 GERMANIUM DIODE Search Results

    OA47 GERMANIUM DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    OA47 GERMANIUM DIODE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: diode oa47
    Text: JSIIEU ^zmi-donaueto'i ^roauati, Line. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. OA47 Gold Bonded Germanium Diode FEATURES Low forward voltage drop —low power consumption Thirty years of proven reliability

    300mA 100mA OA47 diode oa47 PDF

    AA119 leakage current

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^£,mi-L.onaactoi ^Products., 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. GERMANIUM DIODES TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 1 Gold Bonded Germanium Diodes in DO-7 Package Peak Inverse Voltage (WIN.) (PIV) Type Volts 65 AA113

    AA113 AA117 AA118 AA119 AA138 AA143 AA144 AAZ15 AAZ17 AAZ18 AA119 leakage current PDF


    Abstract: BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor
    Text: 573 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Discrete & Power Devices Page 700 Bridge Rectifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diodes Schottky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    element-14 F155-6A F155-10A F165-15A F175-25A irfb4115 BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor PDF

    Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6000

    Abstract: ericsson RBS 6000 series INSTALLATION MANUAL Philips Twin Eye PLN 2032 ERICSSON RBS 6000 Ericsson RBS 6000 hardware manual ericsson RBS 3206 dil relay 349-383 IGBT semikron 613 GB 123 CT ericsson RBS 6000 series Z0765A08PSC
    Text: Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. This document contains Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. The information is listed in the following format: Stock Number: The original RS Stock Number of the item. Brief Description: The Invoice Description of the item.

    304X264X130 CL200 TC554001FI-85L TC554001FTL-70 BMSKTOPAS900 BMSKTOPAS870 10/100TX 13X76 35X100 19X89 Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6000 ericsson RBS 6000 series INSTALLATION MANUAL Philips Twin Eye PLN 2032 ERICSSON RBS 6000 Ericsson RBS 6000 hardware manual ericsson RBS 3206 dil relay 349-383 IGBT semikron 613 GB 123 CT ericsson RBS 6000 series Z0765A08PSC PDF

    dinverter 768r

    Abstract: G7D-412S Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6201 OMRON G7d TH3 thermistor 6201 RBS ericsson user manual TMS77C82NL reed relay rs 349-355 i ball 450 watt smps repairing RBS -ericsson 6601
    Text: Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. This document contains Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. The information is listed in the following format: Stock Number: The original RS Stock Number of the item. Brief Description: The Invoice Description of the item.

    HEF4527BT HEF4531BT HEF4534BP HEF4534BT MSP-STK430X320 AD9054/PCB AD9054BST-135 IPS521G IPS521S IRL2203S dinverter 768r G7D-412S Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6201 OMRON G7d TH3 thermistor 6201 RBS ericsson user manual TMS77C82NL reed relay rs 349-355 i ball 450 watt smps repairing RBS -ericsson 6601 PDF

    SKIIP 33 nec 125 t2

    Abstract: skiip 613 gb 123 ct RBS 6302 ericsson SKIIP 513 gb 173 ct THERMISTOR ml TDK 150M pioneer PAL 010a Project Report of smoke alarm using IC 555 doc SKiip 83 EC 125 T1 ericsson RBS 6000 series INSTALLATION MANUAL Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6302
    Text: Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. This document contains Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. The information is listed in the following format: Stock Number: The original RS Stock Number of the item. Brief Description: The Invoice Description of the item.

    734TL UWEB-MODEM-34 HCS412/WM TLV320AIC10IPFB 100MB NEON250 GA-60XM7E BLK32X40 BLK32X42 SKIIP 33 nec 125 t2 skiip 613 gb 123 ct RBS 6302 ericsson SKIIP 513 gb 173 ct THERMISTOR ml TDK 150M pioneer PAL 010a Project Report of smoke alarm using IC 555 doc SKiip 83 EC 125 T1 ericsson RBS 6000 series INSTALLATION MANUAL Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6302 PDF


    Abstract: Newmarket Transistors cv7042 OC71 cv7004 CV 7085 OC72 OA47 germanium oc77 OA91
    Text: Newmarket Semiconductors Diodes/Germanium Alloy Power Transistors P N P Germanium Alloy Power Transistors Outline drawing No. M Ap p lies. To-3 . R E FE R E N C E T A B L E Maxim um ratings. C h aracte ristics T . mb = 25° C, Cad* BVc eo BVCbo BVebo *cm

    OCR Scan
    2772SC 7726A 27727X. 34768X GET103 31419X BS9300-C084) 31428H GET116 31420B Cv7003 Newmarket Transistors cv7042 OC71 cv7004 CV 7085 OC72 OA47 germanium oc77 OA91 PDF

    Germanium diode

    Abstract: 5 amp diode rectifiers Germanium Diode OA91 aa117 diode diode 2 Amp rectifier diode 2 Amp zener diode DIODE 1N649 germanium rectifier diode OA95 diode
    Text: Index f P art N Part Number Description 1N34A 1N38A 1N60A 1N100A Gold Gold Gold Gold 1N270 Gold Bonded Germ anium Diode Gold Bonded Germanium Diode Gold Bonded Germanium Diode Low Leakage Silicon Diodes Low Leakage Silicon Diodes Low Leakage Silicon Diodes

    OCR Scan
    1N34A 1N38A 1N60A 1N100A 1N270 1N276 1N277 1N456 1N459 1N456A Germanium diode 5 amp diode rectifiers Germanium Diode OA91 aa117 diode diode 2 Amp rectifier diode 2 Amp zener diode DIODE 1N649 germanium rectifier diode OA95 diode PDF

    OA47 germanium

    Abstract: AA118 AA218 diode aa118 AAZ15 1N695 IN34A OA90 iN87 AA117
    Text: B IC C INTERNATI ONAL 30E D • H 7 n f l 3 00003Q0 6 ■ 'T-01-0“7 Q erm anium d i o d e s B B B 3 Type AA117 AA118 AA121 M 123 M 130 AA143 AA144 AAY30 AAY32 AAY33 AAY42 AAZ13 AAZ15 AAZ17 AA218 OA47 OA90 OA180 1N34A 1N55B 1N60 1N87 1N98A 1N100A 1N270 1N276

    OCR Scan
    AA117 AA118 AA121 AA130 AA143 AA144 AAY30 AAY32 AAY33 AAY42 OA47 germanium AA218 diode aa118 AAZ15 1N695 IN34A OA90 iN87 PDF


    Abstract: OA71 OA81 D223A d223b OA73 OA79 OA85 ba153 OA70
    Text: 'JaiïuX 45 Electronic V alves Z & I Aero Services Ltd London England 1972-73 Semi C o n d u c to rs Low Power Rectifiers and Detectors Type C V N a P.I.V. 1N34A 1N47 1N69 3934 1N81 2928 2923 1N198 ÌN 2 5 Ì 1N483 _ 1N914 60 115 60 155 Rect. Current mA 50

    OCR Scan
    1N34A GEX66 GEX941 GEX951 HD5000 1N198 HG5093 1N251 HS1012 BA153 OA71 OA81 D223A d223b OA73 OA79 OA85 OA70 PDF

    1N34A do-35

    Abstract: 1N34A reverse recovery OA47 AA118 AA143 oa90 AA143 OA90 AA218 1N60 LL 34 1N3467
    Text: B IC C I N T E R N A T I O N A L 30E D • H7nfl3 00003Q0 6 ■ 'T-01-0“7 Q erm anium d i o d e s B B B 3 Type AA117 AA118 AA121 M 123 M 130 AA143 AA144 AAY30 AAY32 AAY33 AAY42 AAZ13 AAZ15 AAZ17 AA218 OA47 OA90 OA180 1N34A 1N55B 1N60 1N87 1N98A 1N100A 1N270

    OCR Scan
    00003Q0 T-01-0 AA117 AA118 AA121 AA143 AA144 AAY30 AAY32 AAY33 1N34A do-35 1N34A reverse recovery OA47 AA143 oa90 OA90 AA218 1N60 LL 34 1N3467 PDF


    Abstract: BRC157 BRC-116 Germanium Diode aa143 1n4148 ITT TRANSISTOR BC147 BC107/spice model bf199 BY238 SN76226DN tungsram
    Text: rh is Booklet • • • ue to fluctuations in availability, some types of semiconductors used in Thorn products have >f necessity changed from those originally specified and quoted in service literature. This )lus the fact that some service replacements are

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    ircD376 BD234 VT854, VT855â VT854* iTT44, BZX79-C24, BZX83-C24, BZX88-C24 sx3704 BRC157 BRC-116 Germanium Diode aa143 1n4148 ITT TRANSISTOR BC147 BC107/spice model bf199 BY238 SN76226DN tungsram PDF


    Abstract: NKT612 ORP12 sft353 GEX34 1/equivalent transistor ac127 OC171 equivalent AD149 NKT275 ac128
    Text: CONTENTS p ag e Mazda Range of Audio Transistors 2 Recommended Line-ups for Audio Amplifiers 3 Key to Symbols 4 Do’s and Dont’s 6 Device Data 7 European Nomenclature 34 Device Identification 35 Comparables List 47 Replacing Selenium Rectifiers 62 Replacing Valve Rectifiers

    OCR Scan
    AC113 AC155 AC156 AC165 AC128 AC154 AC166 AC167 AC177 AD140 NKT677 NKT612 ORP12 sft353 GEX34 1/equivalent transistor ac127 OC171 equivalent AD149 NKT275 ac128 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159
    Text: Radio Valve and Transistor Data Characteristics of 3,000 Valves and Cathode Ray Tubes, 4, 500 Transistors, Diodes, Rectifiers and Integrated Circuits Compiled by A.M.Ball First published February 1949 Ninth Edition published in 1970 by Iliffe Books, an imprint of the Butterworth Group

    OCR Scan
    FJJ141/A 2305D FJJ181/A 2305E/848 FJJ191/A FJL101/A CD2306D FJY101/A 2306E/832 CD2307/944 3TE445 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159 PDF


    Abstract: 1N52428 zener SFC2311 78M12HM 21L02A 54175 IRS 9530 transistor 10116dc BB105G 962PC
    Text: Contents Fairchild Semiconductors Ltd. Solid State Scientific Inc. Diodes Ltd. Thomson C. S. F. B Ashcroft Electronics Ltd. Sprague Electric UK Ltd. Precision Dynamic Corp. B&R Relays Schrack Relays Heller mann Electric B Foreword We are pleased to present the latest edition of the BARLEC Catalogue, which

    OCR Scan
    301PT1115 302PT1115 303PT1115 311PT1110 312PTI110 319PTI110 327PTI110 351PT1115 353PT1115 1n52408 1N52428 zener SFC2311 78M12HM 21L02A 54175 IRS 9530 transistor 10116dc BB105G 962PC PDF

    logos 4012B

    Abstract: 1LB553 Rauland ETS-003 Silec Semiconductors MCP 7833 4057A transistor sr52 74c912 1TK552 74S485

    OCR Scan
    TDA1510 TDA1510A logos 4012B 1LB553 Rauland ETS-003 Silec Semiconductors MCP 7833 4057A transistor sr52 74c912 1TK552 74S485 PDF


    Abstract: TNY 176 PN EQUIVALENT 2n4401 free transistor equivalent book tis43 XR2206 application notes Semiconductor Data Handbook mj802 2N3866 s2p bc149c TIP35C TIP36C sub amplifier circuit diagram LM131
    Text: From the Publishers of ETI & HE HEM M iNqs E U c t r o n ic s L rd Electronic C om ponents Et M icrocom puters 16 BRAND STREET, HITCHIN, HERTS, SG5 1JE Telephone: 0462 33031 memories 2114L 2708 2716 2532 2732 4116 4164 6116P3 6116LP3 •Op 220p 210p 380p

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    2114L 6116P3 6116LP3 AY-3-1270 AY-3-1350 AY-3-8910 AY-3-8912 AY-5-1230 CA3080E CA3130E SN76477 TNY 176 PN EQUIVALENT 2n4401 free transistor equivalent book tis43 XR2206 application notes Semiconductor Data Handbook mj802 2N3866 s2p bc149c TIP35C TIP36C sub amplifier circuit diagram LM131 PDF


    Abstract: FEY101B TCA290A Rifa pmr 2026 EF184 ORP52 Mullard Mullard quick reference guide GZF1200 ITT A2610 YD 6409
    Text: AN INTRODUCTION TO: Cartwright ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 517 LAWMOOR STREET DIXONS BLAZES INDUSTRIAL ESTATE GLASGOW G5 041-429 7771 Cartwright Electronic Components started trading in April, 1971 as the electronics division of John T. Cartwright & Sons ERD North Ltd . From very modest

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 1N1525 cs1256hg BSF17 dd04 18DB6A B1274 transistor 1N34A MP LT236 SN76
    Text: I RJ 1 international, rectifier IR R e p la c e ­ m ent P a rt No. 25710 25T12 « S ? S H fcx S yty P a rt No. IR R e p la c e ­ m ent Z1012 Z1014 21016 Z1018 21020 AA138 AA140 AA142 AA2 AA20 IN34A IN34A JN34A TR-08 6F20D ZI022 Z1006 21008 7*0*0 21012 AA200

    OCR Scan
    25T12 Z1012 Z1014 Z1018 AA138 AA140 AA142 AA200 AA21Q AA300 Tr431 1N1525 cs1256hg BSF17 dd04 18DB6A B1274 transistor 1N34A MP LT236 SN76 PDF