hssdc - db9
Abstract: NCITST11
Text: Catalog 1307515 Issued 9 -9 9 G igabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel Cable Assem blies Continued IEEE 802.3Z and NCITST11 Media Interface Adapter Cable Assembly HSSDC to DB-9 (A M P U M IT E ) Receptacle, M IA Adapter Assembly Position 1 rm - n r 2 5 .0 ± 12 .0
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hssdc - db9
hssdc - db9
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Catalog 1 3 0 7 5 1 5 Is s u e d 9 -9 9 G ig a b it Ethe rnet and Fib re C hannel C a b le A s s e m b lie s IEEE 802.3Z and NCITST11 Product Facts • Fully shielded intercon nect for high speed data transfer ■ IEEE 802.3Z Gigabit Ethernet , NCITS T11 (FC)
OCR Scan
hssdc - db9
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: C a t a lo g 1 3 0 7 5 1 5 Issued 9-99 Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel Cable Assemblies Continued IEEE 802.3Z and NCITST11 DB-9 (AMPLIMITE) Plug Cable Assemblies # 4 -4 0 Jackscrew DB-9 (AMPLIMITE) Plug Cable Assembly 34.42 [1.355] Max. n r i r x u EX'
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Catalog 1 3 0 7 5 1 5 Issued 9-99 G ig a b it Ethe rnet and Fib re Ch an nel Cab le A s s e m b lie s Continued IEEE 802.3Z and 8-Position HSSDC Cable Assemblies 8-Position Cable Assem bly, HSSDC 17.0
OCR Scan
hssdc - db9
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Catalog 1 3 0 7 5 1 5 Issued 9-99 G ig a b it Eth e rn e t and Fib re C h an n el C a b le A s s e m b lie s Continued IEEE 802.3Z and NCITST11 HSSDC to DB-9 (AMPLIMITE) Cable Assemblies Plug Cable Assem bly, D B -9 (A M P LIM IT E ) Plug to H S S D C , Adapter
OCR Scan
hssdc - db9
hssdc - db9
Abstract: 120002
Text: Catalog 1307515 Issued 9-99 Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel Cable Assem blies Continued IEEE 802.3Z and NCITST11 Point to Point Cable Assembly 3 Position AMPMODU PTP Cable Assembly with Detent Material and Finish ] dHV • ! J3 C amp Cable— Shielded differential pair, #30
OCR Scan
hssdc - db9