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    NC9411A Search Results

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    Abstract: din 867
    Text: SM5838AS 5120 x 8-bit Synchronous FIFO NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. OVERVIEW PINOUT The SM5838AS is a 5120 × 8-bit synchronous FIFO first in, first out high-speed line buffer. Internally, it employs static CMOS circuits which mean that it effectively has limitless data hold times. It can operate at speeds up to 33.3 MHz (normal-voltage specification).

    SM5838AS SM5838AS NC9411AE CIRCUITS--14 din 867 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5838AS 5120x8ビット 同期型FIFO NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. • 概 要 本製品は5120ワード×8ビット構成の同期型FIFO(First In First Out)構造を持つ高速ラインバッファ です。内部にC−MOSスタティック回路を用いているためデータホールド時間に制限がありません。

    SM5838AS 16/mm 24PIN 10MIN 9029081H NC9411A PDF

    fe 5571

    Abstract: tt 25 n 12 kof tt 131 n 16 kof M5838 24PIN SM5838AS T130 rrmj ti909 LT908
    Text: SM5838AS 5 1 2 0 x 8 \iy b I * ! J F I F O NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. ^ p ap{^ 5 1 2 O 7 “- K x 8 H y h « 0 * F I F O First i t First Out flBgfcRpoS& ^'l' > ^ 7 7 3 3. 3 M H z (H ^ € J£ i± $ 0 • * a ii!s fc ffljs -rs c fc c j: u . ^ 5 S 7 r ^ '> ^

    OCR Scan
    SM5838AS 51207-Kx8H 24PIN T329-28 NC9411A fe 5571 tt 25 n 12 kof tt 131 n 16 kof M5838 SM5838AS T130 rrmj ti909 LT908 PDF