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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX402EPA

    MAX402 High-Speed, Low-Voltage, Micropower Operational Amplifier
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    Rochester Electronics MAX402EPA 19 1
    • 1 $9.47
    • 10 $9.47
    • 100 $8.9
    • 1000 $8.05
    • 10000 $8.05
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    MAX402EPA Datasheets (2)

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    MAX402EPA Maxim Integrated Products High Speed, Low Voltage, Micropower Op Amps Scan PDF
    MAX402EPA Maxim Integrated Products High-Speed, Micropower Op Amps Scan PDF

    MAX402EPA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MAX439CSA MAX402 MAX438
    Text: 19-3786; Rev 2; 10/94 High-Speed, Low-Voltage, Micropower Op Amps The MAX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 micropower op amps combine high-speed performance with low-power operation. The MAX402/MAX403 are compensated for unity-gain stability, while the MAX438/MAX439 are compensated for stability in applications with a closed-loop

    MAX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX403/MAX439 10MHz MAX403) 25MHz MAX403 MAX439CSA MAX402 MAX438 PDF


    Abstract: MAX439 MAX402CPA MAX402 MAX438 MAX439CSA
    Text: 19-3786; Rev 2; 10/94 High-Speed, Low-Voltage, Micropower Op Amps The MAX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 micropower op amps combine high-speed performance with low-power operation. The MAX402/MAX403 are compensated for unity-gain stability, while the MAX438/MAX439 are compensated for stability in applications with a closed-loop

    MAX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX403/MAX439 10MHz MAX403) 25MHz MAX403 MAX439 MAX402CPA MAX402 MAX438 MAX439CSA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: t.ME D • Sfi7bbSl OGDTV'îS 007 « N X n MAXIM I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S 19-3786; Rav 1; 9/92 / l / l / I X I / l / l High-Speed, Low -Voltage, M icropow er Op Amps D escrip tio n The MAX402/MAX438 require less than 75|iA of supply current while delivering 2MHz gain bandw idth with 7V/|xs

    OCR Scan
    MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX402 MAX403 10MHz AX403/MAX439 375nA MAX438EPA MAX438ESA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-3786; Rev 1; 9/92 , High-Speed Low -Voltage, M icropow er Op Amps G eneral Description The M AX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 m icropow er op am ps com bine high- speed perform ance with low-power operation. The MAX402/MAX403 are com pensated for unity-gain stability, while the MAX438/MAX439 are co m ­

    OCR Scan
    AX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 AX402/MAX438 75\iA MAX402) MAX438) MAX402 MAX438CSA MAX438C/D PDF


    Abstract: MAX439CPA MAX403MJA MAX438E
    Text: , >i/iyjxiyi/i 19-3786; Rev 1; 9/92 High-Speed, Low-Voltage Micropower Op Amps G e n e r a l D e s c r ip tio n The MAX402/MAX438 require less than 75|j A of supply current while delivering 2MHz gain bandw idth with 7V/|is slew rate MAX402 , and 6MHz gain bandw idth with

    OCR Scan
    MAX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 AX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX439CPA MAX439CSA MAX439C/D MAX439EPA 439M MAX403MJA MAX438E PDF


    Abstract: AX403 MAX402CSA
    Text: 19-3786. Rev 0 ;6 /9 1 y n y j x i y i / i High-Speed, M ic ro p o w e r Op Am ps The M A X 402/M A X403 h ig h -s p e e d , m ic ro p o w e r o p am ps are fa b ric a te d w ith M a xim 's h ig h -fre q u e n c y c o m p le m e n ­ ta ry b ip o la r process. These d e v ic e s feature a co m b in a ­

    OCR Scan
    402/M AX403 092mm) AX402 MAX402CSA PDF


    Abstract: MAX439CPA cq 0765 SO47 MAX403 1N914 MAX402 MAX438 MAX439 MAX439CSA
    Text: 79-3786, Rev 2, 10/94 JVKJYXAJVX High-Speed, Low -Voltage, M icrop ow er Op Am ps The MAX402/MAX438 require less than 75|jA of supply current while delivering 2MHz bandwidth with 6V/ps slew rate MAX402 , and 6MHz gain bandwidth with lOV/ps slew rate (MAX438).

    OCR Scan
    MAX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX403/MAX439 375pA 10MHz MAX403) MAX402CPA MAX439CPA cq 0765 SO47 MAX403 1N914 MAX402 MAX438 MAX439 MAX439CSA PDF


    Abstract: MAX403 MAX402 MAX403EPA MAX402CSA MAX402EPA MAX402ESA MAX403CPA MAX403MJA AX403
    Text: 19-3786; Rev 0; 6/91 H ig h -S p e e d , M ic r o p o w e r O p A m p s The MAX402/MAX403 high-speed, micropower op amps are fabricated with Maxim's high-frequency complem en­ tary bipolar process. These devices feature a combina­ tion of high-speed performance and low-power operation

    OCR Scan
    MAX402/MAX403 MAX402 MAX403 MAX403. Bot2/MAX403 092mm) a-22--- MAX402CPA MAX403EPA MAX402CSA MAX402EPA MAX402ESA MAX403CPA MAX403MJA AX403 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: yi/iyjxi>i/i 19-3786; Rev 0; 6/91 H igh-Speed, M ic ro p o w e r Op Am ps The MAX402 guarantees a 5V/ns slew rate and 1,4MHz bandwidth while drawing only 75|j.A of supply current. For applications requiring increased speed, the MAX403 guarantees a 25V/|is slew rate and 7MHz bandwidth

    OCR Scan
    MAX402 MAX403 MAX403. MAX402/MAX403 MAX402 092mm) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 vkiyjxivM 9-3786, Rev 2, 10/94 H ig h -S p e e d , L o w -V o lta g e , M ic ro p o w e r Op A m p s The MAX402/M AX403/MAX438/MAX439 micropower op amps combine high-speed performance with low-power operation. The MAX402/MAX403 are compensated for unity-gain stability, while the MAX438/MAX439 are com­

    OCR Scan
    MAX402/M AX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX403/MAX439 375pA 10MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OCT 9 1992 19-3786; R e v 0; 9 /9 2 j v \ j \ y n \ j v \ High-Speed, Low -Voltage, M icropow er Op Amps G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n The MAX402/MAX438 require less than 75|iA of supply current while delivering 2MHz gain bandw idth with 7V/|is slew rate MAX402 , and 6MHz gain bandw idth with

    OCR Scan
    MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX403/MAX439 10MHz MAX403) 25MHz MAX439) 10ki2 PDF