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    JTP 55 DIODE Search Results

    JTP 55 DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    JTP 55 DIODE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    JTP 55 diode

    Abstract: diode sod57 SOD87 sod87 package Schottky SOD87 JTP 38 diode JTp 07
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Thermal Considerations - Diodes General THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS - DIODES Thermal resistance Circuit performance and long-term reliability are affected by the temperature of the die. Normally, both are improved by keeping the die temperature junction temperature low.

    MBH562 MGA200 JTP 55 diode diode sod57 SOD87 sod87 package Schottky SOD87 JTP 38 diode JTp 07 PDF

    JTP 68 diode

    Abstract: SOD87 SC70-6 SO20 SSOP16 SSOP24 Thermal Considerations for Power Semiconductors SOD-64 SOD-106 SOD-83
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Power Diodes Thermal Considerations Thermal resistance Circuit performance and long term reliability are affected by the temperature of the chip. Normally, both are improved by keeping the chip temperature junction temperature low.

    OT428 OT404 JTP 68 diode SOD87 SC70-6 SO20 SSOP16 SSOP24 Thermal Considerations for Power Semiconductors SOD-64 SOD-106 SOD-83 PDF

    JTP 38 diode smd

    Abstract: p2w smd Transistor SMD SOT363 SC70 SC11 SC70-6 SO20 SSOP16 SSOP24 SC11 Thermal Considerations SOD61
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS General Section Module Thermal Considerations Module: THC00X Valid for: SC11 Thermal Considerations Power Diodes 1998 Dec 09 Philips Semiconductors Power Diodes Thermal Considerations THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS Thermal resistance junction

    THC00X OT404 JTP 38 diode smd p2w smd Transistor SMD SOT363 SC70 SC11 SC70-6 SO20 SSOP16 SSOP24 SC11 Thermal Considerations SOD61 PDF

    philips zener diode

    Abstract: philips cfl Philips Semiconductors philips datasheet surface mount zener diode BYV26x PHILIPS DIODE JTP 68 diode rf semiconductors BYW63 circuit tv Philips 14
    Text: Philips Semiconductors 1 Philips Discretes and MultiMarket ICs Medium Power Rectifiers 1 Philips Semiconductors Medium Power Rectifiers Ratings of Medium Power Rectifiers? • Reverse Voltage 50 - 2000 V. • Available in leaded and SM versions 2 2 • Switching speed 5 ns - 5 µs.

    OD124 OD106 philips zener diode philips cfl Philips Semiconductors philips datasheet surface mount zener diode BYV26x PHILIPS DIODE JTP 68 diode rf semiconductors BYW63 circuit tv Philips 14 PDF


    Abstract: 7v5, "Voltage Regulator Diodes" 5V6 DIODE C 6V2 diode BZV85-C3V6 BZV85-C75 BZV85Cxx
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET handbook, halfpage M3D130 BZV85 series Voltage regulator diodes Product specification Supersedes data of April 1992 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC01 1996 Apr 26 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Voltage regulator diodes

    M3D130 BZV85 DO-41) BZV85-C3V6 BZV85-C75) 7v5, "Voltage Regulator Diodes" 5V6 DIODE C 6V2 diode BZV85-C75 BZV85Cxx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BAV74 SILICON PLANAR DUAL SWITCHING DIODE High Speed Switching Dual Diodes, Common Cathode 2 1 ANODE ANODE 3 CATHODE SOT-23 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Limits Unit VRRM 60 V Continuous reverse voltage VR 50 V Forward current DC Single diode loaded

    BAV74 OT-23 100mA 150mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BAV74 SILICON PLANAR DUAL SWITCHING DIODE High Speed Switching Dual Diodes, Common Cathode 2 1 ANODE ANODE 3 CATHODE SOT-23 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Limits Unit VRRM 60 V Continuous reverse voltage VR 50 V Forward current DC Single diode loaded

    BAV74 OT-23 100mA 150mA BAV74 PDF

    sot23 marking code JTp

    Abstract: BAV74 marking code A5
    Text: BAV74 SILICON PLANAR DUAL SWITCHING DIODE High Speed Switching Dual Diodes, Common Cathode 3 1 2 Marking Code: A5 SOT-23 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Limits Unit VRRM 60 V Continuous reverse voltage VR 50 V Forward current DC Single diode loaded

    BAV74 OT-23 100mA 150mA sot23 marking code JTp BAV74 marking code A5 PDF

    sot23 marking code JTp

    Abstract: A5 sot-23 single DIODE BAV74 marking code A5 A5 DIODE
    Text: BAV74 SILICON PLANAR DUAL SWITCHING DIODE High Speed Switching Dual Diodes, Common Cathode 3 1 2 Marking Code: A5 SOT-23 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Limits Unit VRRM 60 V Continuous reverse voltage VR 50 V Forward current DC Single diode loaded

    BAV74 OT-23 100mA 150mA sot23 marking code JTp A5 sot-23 single DIODE BAV74 marking code A5 A5 DIODE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: io aucti, Vnc. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. Damper diode BY328 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Glass passivated Rugged glass package, using a high temperature alloyed construction.

    BY328 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N APIER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E » • bb53T31 002b7bb bEM HIAPX _ J ^ B ZV85 SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed DO-41 glass envelopes intended for stabilization purposes. The series covers the normalized E24 ± 5% range of nominal working voltages

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 002b7bb DO-41 002b775 BZV85 02b77b DQ2b777 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B ZX 55 SERIES J V VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in a DO-35 envelope intended for use as low-voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series covers the normalized range o f nominal working voltages from 2,4 V to 75 V with a tolerance of ± 5% international standard E24 .

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 DO-35 OD-27) BZX55 17S0111 c3v6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b 'lE D m J ^53*131 002bflQ2 M'IS * A P X _ bZ X 55 SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in a DO-35 envelope intended for use as low-voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series covers the normalized range of nominal working voltages from 2,4 V to 75 V

    OCR Scan
    002bflQ2 DO-35 kept33 BZX55 PDF

    CECC50 005

    Abstract: CECC50 005-005 BZX55 CECC50 005 005 c2v4 c2v7 c47 surge c3v3
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE _ bTE D • J bbSB'lBl 002bflQ2 4^S ■ APX bZX55 SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in a DO-35 envelope intended for use as low-voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series covers the normalized range of nominal working voltages from 2,4 V to 75 V

    OCR Scan
    002bflG2 DO-35 DO-35 OD-27) 7Z59230 CECC50 005 CECC50 005-005 BZX55 CECC50 005 005 c2v4 c2v7 c47 surge c3v3 PDF

    CECC50 005-005

    Abstract: c2v7 c5v6 BZX55 c3v9 c3v3 C2V4 C4V7 BZX55 Philips
    Text: fciTE D N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bbSBTBl 0QBbflQ2 MIS • APX b£X55 SERIES A VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silic o n planar diodes in a D O -3 5 envelope intended for use as low-voltage stabilizers o r voltage references. T he series covers the normalized range o f nom inal w o rkin g voltages from 2,4 V to 7 5 V

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 DO-35 OD-27) CECC50 005-005 c2v7 c5v6 BZX55 c3v9 c3v3 C2V4 C4V7 BZX55 Philips PDF


    Abstract: DG2B CBV2
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E D • bbS3T31 GGEb7bb bSM H A P X 11 BZV85 SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed DO-41 glass envelopes intended for stabilization purposes. The series covers the normalized E24 ± 5%> range of nominal working voltages

    OCR Scan
    BZV85 DO-41 100/lis; DO-41 OD-66) bbS3T31 DDSb777 DG2B CBV2 PDF


    Abstract: BYD74A BDY74A BYD74
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b*ìE J> m bbSB'iai DDEbbEO b4T • APX _ 1 BYD74 SERIES EPITAXIAL AVALANCHE DIODES Glass passivated rectifier diodes in hermetically sealed axial-leaded ID * envelopes. They feature low

    OCR Scan
    1BYD74 BDY74A BYD74 bbS3T31 002bbS7 BYD74E BYD74A BDY74A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS / D I S CR E T E 2SE I> • bb53T31 O O lb T S I A VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Q ■ BZV85 SERIES T -//-/3 V Silicon planar voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed DO-41 glass envelopes intended fo r stabilization purposes. The series covers the normalized E24 ± 5% range o f nominal working voltages

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 BZV85 DO-41 bb53T31 T-//-13 PDF


    Abstract: CECC50 005 BZV85 philips 683 series c6v2 C7V5 BZ/88/C4V7
    Text: N AMER P H IL IP S /D IS C R E T E SSE D • ^53^31 G G IL T SI Â Q ■ BZV85 SE R IE S T - / M VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIO DES 3 ^ Silicon planar voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed DO-41 glass envelopes intended for stabilization purposes. The series covers the normalized E24 ± 5% range of nominal working voltages

    OCR Scan
    bb53131 BZV85 DO-41 7Z82193 7Z82194 c3v9 CECC50 005 philips 683 series c6v2 C7V5 BZ/88/C4V7 PDF


    Abstract: BYD74E BYD74A BDY74A
    Text: SbE » 711002b 0CI40bl7 101 • PHIN BYD74 SERIES PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE ]> v n m n m i v EPITAXIAL AVALANCHE DIODES Glass passivated rectifier diodes in hermetically sealed axial-leaded ID * envelopes. They feature low forward voltage drop, very fast recovery, very low stored charge, non-snap-off switching characteristics

    OCR Scan
    711002b BYD74 BDY74A 7ZB0B71 711005b T-03-17 BYD74E BYD74A BDY74A PDF


    Abstract: c8v2 BB531 c9v1
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE SSE D • bb53T31 OOlbTBI Q ■ BZV85 SERIES A _ T-// -/ 3 VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES V - Silicon planar voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed DO-41 glass envelopes intended fo r stabilization purposes. The series covers the normalized E24 ± 5% range o f nominal working voltages

    OCR Scan
    BZV85 DO-41 7Z82194 c8v2 BB531 c9v1 PDF

    C15 DO-34

    Abstract: diode 400mw 4v7 b5v6 BZV60 BZV60-C
    Text: BZV60 SERIES A _ VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in DO-34 envelopes intended fo r use as low voltage stabilizers o r voltage references. They are available in international standardized E24 ± 5% range and ± 2% tolerance range. The series

    OCR Scan
    BZV60 DO-34 OD-68 DO-34) 400mWl 03EcJba 7Z69449 C15 DO-34 diode 400mw 4v7 b5v6 BZV60-C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BZV60 SERIES _ A VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in DO-34 envelopes intended for use as low voltage stabilizers or voltage references. They are available in international standardized E24 ± 5% range and ± 2% tolerance range. The series

    OCR Scan
    BZV60 DO-34 0033Tb7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bTE I> ^ 5 3 ^ 3 1 Q02b7'n Q7Q I IAPX BZW14 TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR DIODE A double-diffused silicon glass passivated diode in a hermetically sealed axial-leaded glass envelope intended fo r transient suppression in telephony equipment.

    OCR Scan
    Q02b7 BZW14 OD-64. bbS3T31 PDF