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    Abstract: 50 MHz xtal FILTER OSC 20Mhz XTAL1
    Text: M901-01 Integrated Circuit Systems Preliminary Specifications M901-01 VCSO-Based Frequency Generator DESCRIPTION The M901-01 integrates a high performance Phase Locked Loop PLL with a Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator (VCSO) to provide a low jitter Frequency

    M901-01 M901-01 700MHz 12kHz 20MHz 08MHz) 50 MHz xtal FILTER OSC 20Mhz XTAL1 PDF

    T105 25E3

    Abstract: GAL 16 v 8 D DIP 2SK 1110 5011F analog device 260a OP260G
    Text: ANALOGDEVICES fAX-ON-DEMAND HOTLINE - Page 38 -. ANALOG W DEVICES - m m Dual,High-Speed, CurrentFeedback Operational Amplifier OP-260 - PIN CONNECTIONS FEATURES Very High Slew Rate . .3dB Bandwidth Av=+10 . 550V/IlSTyp 40MHz Typ . BandwidthIndependentof Gain

    OP-260 50V/IlSTyp 40MHz OP260ARCI883 OP260AJ' OP260EJ OP260FJ OP26OGP OP260GS1t MIL-STD-883, T105 25E3 GAL 16 v 8 D DIP 2SK 1110 5011F analog device 260a OP260G PDF

    unitrode Applications Note U-125

    Abstract: UNITRODE DN-39B Power Factor Correction with the UC3854 UNITRODE DN-39 schematic circuit diagram for uc3854 uc3854 Datasheet, Circuit Application Note UNITRODE DN-41 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF POWER factor corrector DN-39B uc3854 Application diode bridge
    Text: U-134 APPLICATION NOTE UC3854 Controlled Power Factor Correction Circuit Design PHILIP C. TODD ABSTRACT This Application Note describes the concepts and design of a boost preregulator for power factor correction. This note covers the important specifications for power factor correction, the boost power circuit design and the UC3854 integrated circuit which controls the converter. A complete design procedure is given

    U-134 UC3854 UC3854A/B UC3854. DN-39 unitrode Applications Note U-125 UNITRODE DN-39B Power Factor Correction with the UC3854 UNITRODE DN-39 schematic circuit diagram for uc3854 uc3854 Datasheet, Circuit Application Note UNITRODE DN-41 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF POWER factor corrector DN-39B uc3854 Application diode bridge PDF


    Abstract: uc3854 Datasheet, Circuit Application Note UNITRODE DN-39 DN-39B unitrode Applications Note U-125 UC3854 datasheet for PFC Power Factor Correction with the UC3854 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF POWER factor corrector 300V dc dc boost converter capacitor power factor correction schematic
    Text: U-134 APPLICATION NOTE UC3854 Controlled Power Factor Correction Circuit Design PHILIP C. TODD ABSTRACT This Application Note describes the concepts and design of a boost preregulator for power factor correction. This note covers the important specifications for power factor correction, the boost power circuit design and the UC3854 integrated circuit which controls the converter. A complete design procedure is given

    U-134 UC3854 UC3854A/B UC3854. DN-39 SEM600, SEM700, SEM700 UNITRODE DN-39B uc3854 Datasheet, Circuit Application Note UNITRODE DN-39 DN-39B unitrode Applications Note U-125 UC3854 datasheet for PFC Power Factor Correction with the UC3854 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF POWER factor corrector 300V dc dc boost converter capacitor power factor correction schematic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M902-01 Integrated Circuit Systems Preliminary Specifications M902-01 VCSO-Based GbE Clock Generator DESCRIPTION The M902-01 integrates a high performance Phase Locked Loop PLL with a Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator (VCSO) to provide a low jitter Frequency

    M902-01 M902-01 25MHz 12kHz 20MHz) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ai KA79LXXA FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR NEGATIVE 3-TERMINAL 0.1 A NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS These regulators employ internal current limiting and thermal shutdown, making them essentially indestructible. FEATURES • Output current up to 100mA • No external components

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    inductor 2r2

    Abstract: SIL630B
    Text: SMT Power Inductor SIL630X Type Features • Small size 5.6mm*5.6mm , Low profile(3.0mm max. height), SMD type. ■ Magnetically shielded, suitable for high density mounting. ■ High energy storage and low DCR. ■ Provided with embossed carrier tape packing.

    OCR Scan
    SIL630X i00KHz SIL63QA SIL630B SIL630A inductor 2r2 PDF


    Abstract: 3 TERMINAL 79L05 79LOO 79lc 79L05A 79L05 equivalent C79L05 ML79L00
    Text: ML79L00 r¿ á 'ÿ ' SERIES Y M 1 3-TERMINAL NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR TT The ML79L00 series are 3-Terminal Negative Voltage Regulators. These regulators employ internal current-limiting and thermal-shutdown, making them essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver up to

    OCR Scan
    ML79L00 ML79L00 100mA L78L00 79L05 79L08 3 TERMINAL 79L05 79LOO 79lc 79L05A 79L05 equivalent C79L05 PDF


    Abstract: 2930L-05 2930L05 2930L85
    Text: NJM2930 LOW DROP OUT V0LTA8E REGULATOR • GENERAL DESCRIPTION PACKAGE OUTLINE T h e N JM 2 9 3 0 3-term inal p ositive voltage regulator featu res an ability to source 150mA o f output current 100m A : L-Type with an (T O - 2 2 0 F ) (T O - 9 2 ) input-output differential o f 0.6V or less. Efficient use o f low input volt­

    OCR Scan
    NJM2930 150mA NJM2930L05 NJM2930F05 NJM2930F05/L05 VIN--14V, 2930L 2930L-05 2930L05 2930L85 PDF


    Abstract: M791 JM79L NJM79LOO
    Text: p « NJM79L00 q 3 -T ER M IN A L NE6ATIVE VOLTAGE RE6ULAT0R • PACKAGE OUTLINE ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he NJM79LOO series o f 3-T erm inal N egative V oltage R egulators is constructed using the N ew JR C Planar epitaxial process. T hese regu­ lators em ploy internal current-lim iting and therm al-shutdow n, m aking

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    NJM79L00 NJM79LOO NJM79L05 NJM79L08 79L15 M791 JM79L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMT Power Inductor SIL620 Type Features • Small size 5.6mm*5.6mm , Low profile(2.0mm max. height), SMD type. ■ Magnetically shielded, suitable for high density mounting. ■ High energy storage and low DCR. ■ Provided with embossed carrier tape packing.

    OCR Scan
    SIL620 i00KHz SIL62224 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMT Power Inductor SIL625 Type Features • Small size 5.6mm*5.6mm , Low profile(2.5mm max. height), SMD type. ■ Magnetically shielded, suitable for high density mounting. ■ High energy storage and low DCR. ■ Provided with embossed carrier tape packing.

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    SIL625 i00KHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CELESTICA, 4M X 64 SDRAM DIMM 32MB SYNCHRONOUS DRAM DIMM FEATURES 168 pin industry standard, unbuffered synchronous 8-byte dual-in-line memory module JEDEC compliant: MO-161 and 21-C, Fig. 4.5.4-M 10 ohm series termination on data and clock lines High performance, CMOS

    OCR Scan
    MO-161 20433C) 20715C DU33 PDF


    Abstract: m79l09
    Text: NJM79L00 3 -TERM IHAL NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR • PACKAGE OUTLINE ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJM79LOO series o f 3-Terminal N egative V oltage Regulators is constructed using the N ew JRC Planar epitaxial process. T hese regu­ lators em ploy internal current-limiting and thermal-shutdown, making

    OCR Scan
    NJM79L00 NJM79LOO NJM79L05/15/24 NJM79L05 NJM79LB8 NJM79U35 79L05 m79l09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMT Power Inductor SIL720 & 725 Type Features • Small size 6.6mm*6.6mm , Low profile, SMD type. ■ Magnetically shielded, suitable for high density mounting. ■ High energy storage and low DCR. ■ Provided with embossed carrier tape packing. ■ Idel for power source circuits, DC-DC converters, DC-AC inverters

    OCR Scan
    SIL720 i00KHz SIL720 SIL725 105T3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I t A L U M IN U M E L E C T R O L Y T IC C A P A C IT O R S i m I f ; 'l | l j' IK ! SC [ For Low Impedance and Low E.S.R Suitable for output of mother board ] I OS C Single-Ended Lend Alum inum Electrolytic Capacitors For Might Frequency Used ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS

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    i5000 PDF


    Abstract: NJM79L05 79L03A
    Text: 3-TER M IN AL NE6ATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR NJM79L00 T h e N JM 7 9 L 0 0 series o f 3-Term inal N egativ e V o ltag e R e gu lato rs is con structed using the N ew J R C P lan ar epitaxial p rocess. T h ese regu lato rs em ploy internal current-lim iting and therm al-shutdow n, m akin g them essentially indestructible.

    OCR Scan
    NJM79L00 T5/15/24 NJM79L05 NJM79L08 79L05A 79L03A PDF