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    Abstract: HPD17135A HPD17137A IPD17137A 17135A
    Text: SEC HPD17135A, iPD17137A 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The vlPD17135A and jiPD17137A are 4-bit single-chip microcontrollers containing four channels of 8-bit A/D converters, tw o channels of 8-bit timers, an AC zerocross detector, a power-on reset circuit, and a serial interface in one chip.

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    PDF uPD17135A uPD17137A 7135A jiPD17137A iPD17135A 7137A 17135AandnPD17137A nPD17P137A, PD17P136A 28-pin HPD17134A HPD17135A HPD17137A IPD17137A 17135A


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿PD17135A, JJ.PD17137A 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ^PD1 7 1 3 5 A and ¿¿PD17137A are 4 -b it sin g le -c h ip m icro co n tro lle rs co n tain in g four c h a n n e ls of 8 -b it A /D con verters, tw o ch a n n e ls of 8 -b it tim ers, an A C z e ro c ro s s detector, a p o w er-on reset circu it, and a se ria l inte rfa ce in o ne chip.

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    PDF uPD17135A uPD17137A PD17137A 17P136A 28-pin 17P137A PD17136A 7135A J4PD17137A 17135A

    nec Microcontroller

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC J.PD17P136A 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The iiPD17P136A has been developed t>y replacing the on-chip ROM of ^iP017136A, which is a mask ROM, with a one­ time PROM, which is writable only once. It is convenient for evaluating or producing in small quantities the *iPD17134A,

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    PDF uPD17136A PD17P136A iiPD17P136A iP017136A, iPD17134A, iPD17P136A 16-bit HPD17134A PD17136A HPD17135A nec Microcontroller


    Abstract: HPD17134A HPD17135A HPD17136A HPD17137A 23J-O PD17136A
    Text: SEC ftPD17134A, |iPD17136A The |xPD17134A and jiPD17136A are 4-bit single-chip microcontrollers containing four channels of S-bit A/D converters, two channels of 8-bit timers, an A C zerocross detector, a power-on reset circuit, and a serial Interface in one chip.

    OCR Scan
    PDF uPD17134A uPD17136A xPD17134A jiPD17136A iPD17134A iPD17136A 7134A fiPD17P136A, H-PD17P136A P1A2 HPD17134A HPD17135A HPD17136A HPD17137A 23J-O PD17136A