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    Rochester Electronics LLC HD63C03YP

    8-BIT, 6800 CPU, 1MHZ
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey HD63C03YP Bulk 13
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $28.9
    • 1000 $28.9
    • 10000 $28.9
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    Rochester Electronics LLC HD63C03YRH

    8-BIT, 6800 CPU, ROMLESS
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey HD63C03YRH Bulk 11
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $28.9
    • 1000 $28.9
    • 10000 $28.9
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    Rochester Electronics LLC HD63C09ERP

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey HD63C09ERP Bulk 12
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $25.11
    • 1000 $25.11
    • 10000 $25.11
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    Rochester Electronics LLC HD63C03YRP

    8-BIT, 6800 CPU, ROMLESS
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey HD63C03YRP Bulk 11
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $28.9
    • 1000 $28.9
    • 10000 $28.9
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    Rochester Electronics LLC HD63C03YPJ

    8-BIT, 6800 CPU, ROMLESS
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey HD63C03YPJ Bulk 11
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $28.9
    • 1000 $28.9
    • 10000 $28.9
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    HD63C Datasheets (16)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    HD63C01Y0CP Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD63C01Y0F Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD63C01Y0H Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD63C01Y0P Hitachi Semiconductor 0.3-7 V, CMOS microcomputer unit Scan PDF
    HD63C03Y Hitachi Semiconductor CMOS MPU Scan PDF
    HD63C03YCP Renesas Technology Processor, CMOS MPU Scan PDF
    HD63C03YF Renesas Technology Processor, CMOS MPU Scan PDF
    HD63C03YH Renesas Technology Processor, CMOS MPU Scan PDF
    HD63C03YP Renesas Technology Processor, CMOS MPU Scan PDF
    HD63C03YPJ Renesas Technology Processor, CMOS MPU Scan PDF
    HD63C09 Hitachi Semiconductor 8-Bit Microprocessor Scan PDF
    HD63C09 Hitachi Semiconductor 3MHz V(cc/in): -0.3 to +7.0V CMOS MPU (micro processing unit) Scan PDF
    HD63C09E Hitachi Semiconductor 3MHz V(cc/in): -0.3 to +7.0V CMOS MPU (micro processing unit) Scan PDF
    HD63C09EP Hitachi Semiconductor 8-Bit Microprocessor Scan PDF
    HD63C09P Hitachi Semiconductor 8-Bit Microprocessor Scan PDF
    HD63C09P Hitachi Semiconductor CMOS Microprocessing Unit (MPU) Scan PDF

    HD63C Datasheets Context Search

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    Sony CXA1191M

    Abstract: philips ecg master replacement guide FZK101 YD 803 SGS FZK 101 Siemens CMC 707 am radio receiver philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide CXA1191M ym2612 ecg semiconductors master replacement guide
    Text: Untitled HAM RADIO FILE - Various pinouts saved from the Chipdir 2010 0512d -0512d +-\/-+ 1 -|5V in gnd in|- 24 2 -|5V in gnd in|- 23 3 -|5V in gnd in|- 22

    0512d ------------------------------------0512d z86e04 Sony CXA1191M philips ecg master replacement guide FZK101 YD 803 SGS FZK 101 Siemens CMC 707 am radio receiver philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide CXA1191M ym2612 ecg semiconductors master replacement guide PDF


    Abstract: hd6370 series HD63B03XP hd63b01yop HD6303 HD63701VOP LM200 lcd HD6301 HD63B03RP L9430

    HD6301 iHD6303 IHD6303R HD63701V HD6301XO/HD6303X/HD63701XO YO/HD6303Y IHD63701 PF3AB hd6370 series HD63B03XP hd63b01yop HD6303 HD63701VOP LM200 lcd HD63B03RP L9430 PDF


    Abstract: hitachi HD6309 HD63B09P HD6309e HD63C09P HD6809E HD6809 HMCS6800 HD63B09 HD63C09
    Text: #U180 HD63B09, HD63C09 CMOS Microprocessing Unit MPU JANUARY, 1988 H IT A C H I Pin A rra n g e m e n t D escrip tion The H D 6309 is th e h ig h est 8 -b it m icro­ p rocessor of H M C S6800 family, w h ich is co m p atib le w ith th e co n v en tion al H D 6809.

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09, HD63C09 HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. HD6809 D-600) hitachi HD6309 HD63B09P HD6309e HD63C09P HD6809E HD6809 HD63B09 HD63C09 PDF


    Abstract: HD63B09 opel HD63C09 HD6800 HD6809 HMCS6800 Hitachi HD63B09 hitachi HD6309
    Text: HD63B09, HD63C09-CMOS MPU Micro Processing Unit Pin A rrangem ent Description T h e HD6309 is the highest 8-bit m icroprocessor of H M CS6800 fam ily, w h ich is com patible w ith the conventional HD6809. vss L_ I O NMI IRQ FIRQ BS BA Vcc Ao A, a2

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09, HD63C09-- HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. HD6809 HD63B09 opel HD63C09 HD6800 HD6809 Hitachi HD63B09 hitachi HD6309 PDF


    Abstract: 63B09 hd63c09 Scans-031 HD63B0 6309 mpu HD63C09-CMOS
    Text: ^ H IT A C H I MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM 0 o.fl2«3 HD63B09, HD63C09 CMOS MPU Micro Processing Unit Feb ru ary 1987 Pin Arrangement Description The HD6309 is the highest 8-bit microprocessor of HMCS6800 family, which is compatible with the conventional HD6809.

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09, HD63C09 HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. 1S2074® HD6309 63B09 Scans-031 HD63B0 6309 mpu HD63C09-CMOS PDF


    Abstract: 63B09 hitachi HD6309
    Text: #U180 HD63B09, HD63C09 CMOS Microprocessing Unit MPU JANUARY, 1988 0 H I T A C H I8 Pin A rra n g em en t D escription The HD6309 is th e hig h est 8-bit m icro­ processor of HMCS6800 family, w hich is com patible w ith th e conventional HD6809. The HD6309 has h ard w are an d softw are fe a­

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09, HD63C09 HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. 63B09 hitachi HD6309 PDF


    Abstract: hitachi HD6309 HD63B09 HD63C09 PCR 606 J HD6809 adcb 27 byg 220 HD6800 HMCS6800
    Text: HD63B09, HD63C09-CMOS MPU Micro Processing Unit Pin Arrangement Description The HD6309 is the highest 8-bit microprocessor of HMCS6800 family, which is compatible with the conventional HD6809. v ss NMI IRQ FiRQ BS BA Vcc Ao A, a2 A3 Ä4 As A6 Ä7

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09, HD63C09-- HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. HD6809 A0-A16, hitachi HD6309 HD63B09 HD63C09 PCR 606 J HD6809 adcb 27 byg 220 HD6800 PDF

    hitachi HD6309

    Abstract: Hitachi HD63B09 hd6309 HD63B0
    Text: HD63B09, HD63C09-CMOS MPU Micro Processing Unit Pin A rrangem ent Description T h e HD 6309 is the highest 8-bit m icro p ro c e sso r o f H M C S 6 8 0 0 fa m ily , w h ic h is co m p a tib le w it h the co n ve n tio n a l HD6809. IO 2 3 4 5 6

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09, HD63C09-- HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. HD6809 hitachi HD6309 Hitachi HD63B09 HD63B0 PDF


    Abstract: HD63B09EP cmps a13 HD6309 HD63C09E HD63C09EP HD6809E HD63C09E-CMOS leax SAA 1025
    Text: HD63B09E,HD63C09E-CMOS MPU M icro Processing Unit The HD6309E is the highest 8-bit microprocessor of HMCS6800 family, which is just compatible with the con­ ventional HD6809E. The HD 6309E has hardware and software features which make it an ideal processor for higher level language execution or

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09E HD63C09E- HD6309E HMCS6800 HD6809E. HD6809E HD63B09E, HD63B09EP cmps a13 HD6309 HD63C09E HD63C09EP HD6809E HD63C09E-CMOS leax SAA 1025 PDF


    Abstract: HD63B09EP HD63C09E-CMOS HD63C09E OT31 saa 1030 hd63c09ec Hitachi HD63B09 hitachi HD6309e HD63B09E
    Text: HD63B09E,HD63C09E-CMOS M P U M icro Processing Unit The HD6309E is the highest 8-bit microprocessor o f HMCS6800 family, which is just compatible w ith the con­ ventional HD6809E. The HD6309E has hardware and software features which make it an ideal processor for higher level language execution or

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09E HD63C09E--------CMOS HD6309E HMCS6800 HD6809E. HD6809E HD63B09E, HD63C09EP HD63B09EP HD63C09E-CMOS HD63C09E OT31 saa 1030 hd63c09ec Hitachi HD63B09 hitachi HD6309e PDF


    Abstract: hitachi HD6309E HD63C09E HD63B09E HD63B09EP HD6309 HD63C09EP HD6809E lm 74ls04 LM 8002
    Text: HD63B09E,HD63C09E-C M O S M PU M ic ro Processing U nit The HD6309E is the highest 8-bit microprocessor of HMCS6800 family, which is just compatible with the con­ ventional HD6809E. The HD6309E has hardware and software features which make it an ideal processor for higher level language execution or

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    HD63B09E HD63C09E- HD6309E HMCS6800 HD6809E. HD6809E HD63B09E, hitachi HD6309E HD63C09E HD63B09EP HD6309 HD63C09EP HD6809E lm 74ls04 LM 8002 PDF

    hitachi HD6309

    Abstract: 63c09 HD63C09-CMOS Hitachi HD63B09 0100S HD6309
    Text: HD63B09, HD63C09-CMOS MPU Micro Processing Unit Pin Arrangement Description The HD6309 is the highest 8-bit microprocessor of HMCS6800 family, which is compatible with the conventional HD6809. v ss L _ 1 O N M I CZ 2 IRQ □ 3 F IR Q C 4 BS C l 5

    OCR Scan
    HD63B09, HD63C09--------CMOS HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. 1S2074® hitachi HD6309 63c09 HD63C09-CMOS Hitachi HD63B09 0100S PDF


    Abstract: hitachi HD6309 HD63B09 HD63C09 RR10100 Hitachi HD63B09 HD6800 HD6809 HMCS6800 HD63C09-CMOS
    Text: HD63B09, H D 63C 09-CMOS MPU Micro Processing Unit Pin A rrangem ent Description The HD6309 is the highest 8-bit microprocessor of HMCS6800 fam ily, which is compatible with the conventional HD6809. The HD6309 has hardware and software features

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    HD63B09, HD63C09-- HD6309 HMCS6800 HD6809. HD6809 hitachi HD6309 HD63B09 HD63C09 RR10100 Hitachi HD63B09 HD6800 HD6809 HD63C09-CMOS PDF


    Abstract: HD63C03YP 63B03Y 63C03Y HD63B01Y0 hd63b03 hd6301y0 63b03 hd6303yf SSI BUS
    Text: H D6303Y, H D63A03Y, -H D63B03Y, H D63C03Y CM OS MPU M icro Processing Unit The HD6303Y is a C M O S 8-bit single-chip microprocessing unit which contains a C P U compatible with the C M O S 8-bii microcom­ puter H D6301V, 256 bytes of R A M , 24 parallel I/O pins, Serial

    OCR Scan
    D6303Y, D63A03Y, D63B03Y, D63C03Y HD6303Y D6301V, HD6301V1 16-Bit 6303Y HD63C03YP 63B03Y 63C03Y HD63B01Y0 hd63b03 hd6301y0 63b03 hd6303yf SSI BUS PDF


    Abstract: hd63c03yp HD63B03YP HD63803 HD63A03YF HD63A03YP HD63B03YCP HD63B03YF P200A HD6303YP
    Text: H D6303Y, H D63A03Y, -H D63B03Y, H D63C03Y CMOS MPU Micro Processing Unit The HD6303Y is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microprocessing unit which contains a CPU compatible with the CMOS 8-bit microcom­ puter HD6301V, 256 bytes of RAM , 24 parallel I/O pins. Serial

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    D6303Y, D63A03Y, D63B03Y, D63C03Y HD6303Y HD6301V, HD6301V1 16-Bit HD63C03YCP hd63c03yp HD63B03YP HD63803 HD63A03YF HD63A03YP HD63B03YCP HD63B03YF P200A HD6303YP PDF


    Abstract: 63B01Y HD63A01YOP HD63C01 HD6301Y0P HD6301Y0
    Text: HD6301 Y0,HD63A01 YO, — H D63B01 YO, H D63C01 YO CMOS MCU M icrocom puter Unit The HD6301Y0 is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microcomputer unit which contains a CPU compatible with the CM O S 8-bit microcomputer HD630ÍV, 16k bytes of ROM , 256 bytes of R A M ,

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    HD6301 HD63A01 D63B01 D63C01 HD6301Y0 HD630Ã HD6301V1 16-Bit HD63701Y0 HD6301YO HD6301YOCP 63B01Y HD63A01YOP HD63C01 HD6301Y0P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 6 3 0 3 Y , H D 6 3 A 0 3 Y , -H D63B03Y, H D63C 03Y C M O S M P U Micro Processing Unit The HD6303Y is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microprocessing unit which contains a CPU compatible with the CMOS 8-bit microcom­ puter HD6301V, 256 bytes o f R A M , 24 parallel I/O pins, Serial

    OCR Scan
    D63B03Y, HD6303Y HD6301V, HD6301V1 16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: transistor P20 hd63c03yp HD63B03Y HD6303Y hd63b03 HD63B03YF HD63C03 IR detector LFN HD63803
    Text: H D 6 3 0 3 Y , H D 6 3 A 0 3 Y , -H D 63 B03Y , H D 63C03Y W - f lé C M O S M P U Micro Processing Unit The HD6303Y is a CMOS 8-bit single-chip microprocessing unit which contains a C PU compatible with the CMOS 8-bit microcom­ puter HD6301V, 256 bytes of R A M , 24 parallel I/O pins, Serial

    OCR Scan
    D6303Y, D63A03Y HD63B03Y HD63C03Y HD6303Y HD6301V, HD6301V1 16-Bit HD63B03YP transistor P20 hd63c03yp hd63b03 HD63B03YF HD63C03 IR detector LFN HD63803 PDF


    Abstract: 68B09E mc6821 63B03Y0 HD44700 hd44790 lcd module 63B03R 68000l8 63L05F HD44795
    Text: CONTENTS • • • • • • • • e e • e e 4-B it Single-Chip M icrocom puter HMCS40 S e rie s . 4 4-B it Single-Chip M icrocom puter HMCS400 S e rie s . . 6 8-B it Single-Chip M icrocom puter HMCS6800 S eries. 7

    OCR Scan
    HMCS40 HMCS400 HMCS6800 HD6301 HD6305 HD6801 HO6805 16-Bit HMCS68000 HD38870 68B09E mc6821 63B03Y0 HD44700 hd44790 lcd module 63B03R 68000l8 63L05F HD44795 PDF


    Abstract: hitachi HD6309 68b09 68A09 HD63B09P D6809 HD63C09P HD6309E 8002 1030 HD68809
    Text: HD6809,HD68A09,HD68B09 MPU Micro Processing Unit H i e H D 6 8 0 9 is a re v o lu tio n a ry h ig h p e rfo rm a n c e 8 -b it m ic ro p ro c e s so r w h ic h s u p p o rts m o d e m p ro g ra m m in g tech* n iq u e s s u c h a s p o s itio n in d e p e n d e n c e , r e e n tra n c y , a n d m o d u la r

    OCR Scan
    HD6809 HD68A09 HD68B09 130pF Ao-A15. R-10k 10kiJ HD6309 hitachi HD6309 68b09 68A09 HD63B09P D6809 HD63C09P HD6309E 8002 1030 HD68809 PDF

    HA 12058

    Abstract: HA12047 HA12038 ha12058 17812P HA 12046 HA12026 HA12045 17815P 17808P

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    HD25/HD HMCS40 HL8314E" HL8312 HL8311 HLP1000 HL7802 HL7801 HL1221 HLP5000 HA 12058 HA12047 HA12038 ha12058 17812P HA 12046 HA12026 HA12045 17815P 17808P PDF