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    Abstract: TMS320C31 TMS320C40 TMS320C44
    Text: Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen IIS Harald Popp Audio and Multimedia Weichselgarten 3 D-91058 Erlangen Germany +49 9131 776 340 Fax: +49 9131 776 399 e-mail: www: Company Background Fraunhofer-IIS focusses on contract research in the field of audiovisual communications. In its department “audio and multimedia,” a staff of around 30 skilled engineers

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WSA-00188 3-Sector Quasi-Omni Personality Module ◆ Features: • For SMR/iDEN Systems • For 3-Sectored Site Conversion to Quasi-Omni Configuration for More Efficient Base Radio BR Usage Increasing Erlangs Factor • WSA-00188 Contains: - 3:1 Combiner/LNA/1:9 Receive Multicoupler (RMC)

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EMV-Labor EMC Laboratory Das EMV-Labor von EPCOS in Regensburg ist seit Oktober 1994 als Prüflabor akkreditiert nach EN 45001 und Mitglied der Zuständigen Stelle der Siemens AG ZFE TN GR ZS, Erlangen . Die Re-Akkreditierung nach den Richtlinien des Deutschen Akkreditierungsrates (DAR) erfolgte zuletzt


    Precision Products International

    Abstract: XTAL Crystals Oscillators PRECISION DEVICES LP-9000
    Text: 2207A-Announcement v6.qxd 7/12/00 8:22 AM Page 1 GLOBAL PRESENCE… Headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin, PDI has a highly automated, high-volume DESIGN and MANUFACTURING facility. Its plant in Erlanger, Kentucky specializes in manufacturing quick turn, tight tolerance, high precision quartz CRYSTALS.

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    Abstract: eva167 SAB80C166 SAB-C166 0FA00H SABC166
    Text: Manual ASS16X ASS16X Optimizing Absolute Cross Assembler for SABC163/SABC165 SABC166/SABC167 Version 1 c ertec GmbH 1995 Am Pestalozziring 24 D 91058 Erlangen Tel. +9131 7700-0 Fax +9131 7700-10 Mailbox +9131 7700-23 Contents Introduction . 2

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    Abstract: Hitachi Semiconductor adobe reader free download diode hitachi Electronic Components hitachi hitachi databook reader software Hitachi DSA0019
    Text: About the Hitachi Electronic Components Databook Conception and realization RÖMIKO Consulting GmbH, Erlanger Straße 16, D-91096 Möhrendorf, Germany Phone: +49 0 9131-7508660 eMail: Viewer Software: Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 Hitachi Electronic Components Databook

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    Abstract: "Angle Sensors" infineon magnetic sensors application note meander siemens soft starter siemens magnetic sensors GMR C6 GMR B6 siemens gmr s4 D-93009
    Text: A2.4 Giant magnetoresistive GMR Sensors for contactless position detection W. Clemens, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology ZT MF 1, Post Box 3220, D-91050 Erlangen, Germany; Tel: +49/9131/732313, Fax: +49/9131/726622, email:

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    Abstract: SiC-JFET siced SiC jfet cascode SiC JFET cascode mosfet switching SiC-JFET* JFET siced SiC-JFET comparison modern power device concepts high normally off SiC-JFET cascode mosfet switching thermal perfomance SiC IGBT IGBT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS
    Text: A comparison of modern power device concepts for high voltage applications: Field stop-IGBT, compensation devices and SiC devices G. Deboy, H. Hüsken, H. Mitlehner* and R. Rupp Infineon AG, P.O. Box 80 09 49, 81609 Munich, Germany *SICED Electronics Development, Paul-Gossenstr. 100, 91052 Erlangen, Germany



    Abstract: Hitachi Semiconductor software Hitachi DSA0044
    Text: About the Hitachi Electronic Components Databook Conception and realization RÖMIKO Consulting GmbH, Erlanger Straße 9, D-91083 Baiersdorf, Germany Phone: +49 0 9133-7738-0, FAX: +49 (0)9133-7738-13 eMail: Viewer Software: Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01

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    Abstract: axe10 ericsson USEFUL ericsson COMMANDS AXE ericsson UMTS manual Ericsson AXE 10 axe10 erlang AXE 10 commands
    Text: CO 20/00 s26-27 OK 26 00-12-13 13.24 TECHNOLOGY Sidan 1 WAP Technology editor: Eric Peterson,, +46 8-719 03 37 CONTACT No. 20 2000 The art of interface design The interfaces for WAP applications must meet more rigorous requirements than is the case for other areas of application development.

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    Abstract: FUZZY MICROCONTROLLER code for FUZZY MICROCONTROLLER fuzzy logic controller PHYTEC c167 siemens family 80 D-91058 9221 3964R C166
    Text: Development Support Microcontrollers 16 Bit Topic: All Subjects These lists do not claim for completeness and may contain typing mistakes. If you need further information, please call the Mailbox: +49 89 498431 Page 1 # 3 10.04.1997 Software C166 family Topic: All Subjects

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    Abstract: UdSSR electronica ddr elektronik DDR thyristor aeg electronica reihe relais erni siemens klein 1992 siemens relais V23162 AP2003
    Text: 56 57 58 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 88 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 fünfzig Jahre 82 ERNI Adelberg 59 89 60 90 61 91 Eine Erfolgsgeschichte Liebe Freunde, Kunden und Geschäftspartner, liebe Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter,


    bosch servo module SM 25/50

    Abstract: R5F72434 bosch servo module SM 10/20 R5F72856 renesas 1650 tioca dc brushless servo motor tl 1107 1646 IC DATA SHEET sm 17 35 tc bosch A1273 dme cApacitor 6.8 uf
    Text: REJ09B0393-0100 32 SH7280 Group Hardware Manual Renesas 32-Bit RISC Microcomputer SuperHTM RISC engine family Rev. 1.00 Revision Date: Jun. 26, 2008 Rev. 1.00 Jun. 26, 2008 Page ii of xxx Notes regarding these materials 1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate

    REJ09B0393-0100 SH7280 32-Bit bosch servo module SM 25/50 R5F72434 bosch servo module SM 10/20 R5F72856 renesas 1650 tioca dc brushless servo motor tl 1107 1646 IC DATA SHEET sm 17 35 tc bosch A1273 dme cApacitor 6.8 uf PDF


    Abstract: R5F72533KFPU
    Text: User's Manual The revision list summarizes the locations of revisions and additions. Details should always be checked by referring to the relevant text. SH72533 32 User’s Manual: Hardware Renesas 32-Bit RISC Microcomputer SuperHTM RISC engine Family SH72533 R5F72533KFPU

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    day and night switch

    Abstract: CentreVu transistor WT4 smcc "ACD"
    Text: CentreVu  Call Management System Release 3 Version 5 Forecast 585-215-825 Comcode 107876203 Issue 1 December 1996 Copyright  1997, Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MICRONAS Edition March 16, 2000 6251-459-3PD MAS 3507D MPEG 1/2 Layer 2/3 Audio Decoder MAS 3507D PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 5 5 6 6 6 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. Introduction Features Application Overview Multimedia Mode

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    Abstract: 8203 dual mosfet S 170 MOSFET SOT323 MOSFET P MOSFET SWITCHING FREQUENCY IPS09N03LA P-channel power mosfet SO-8 TDA21102 mosfet all mosfet equivalent book
    Text: Low Voltage ICs – Discretes: OptiMOS , OptiMOS ®2 Power Management & Supply DC/DC Selection Guide May 2006 Introduction D C / D C C O N V E R S I O N plays a critical role in today’s applications such as desktop and notebook computers, consumer equipment, e.g. DVD players and

    B152-H8203-G4-X-7600 S 170 MOSFET TRANSISTOR 8203 dual mosfet S 170 MOSFET SOT323 MOSFET P MOSFET SWITCHING FREQUENCY IPS09N03LA P-channel power mosfet SO-8 TDA21102 mosfet all mosfet equivalent book PDF

    Siemens RF

    Abstract: M8613
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Requirements for RF Absorber Chambers Used for Measurement of Radiated Emissions Author: A. Kohling, Erlangen If autom ated radiation emission m easurem ents are to yield reproducible results, they must be perform ed in shielded

    OCR Scan

    bosch motronic

    Abstract: motronic bosch torque sensor bosch j1939 Bosch Washing machine CPU STARTER CUTLER HAMMER bosch washing machine motor bosch wheel speed sensor bosch injection cpu bosch motronic 1.3
    Text: CONfROL ENGINEERING An Inside Look at the Fundamentals of CAN HOLGER ZELTWANGER. CAN in Automation Users and Manufacturers Group e.V. Erlangen. Germany intelligent I/O devices as well as sensors and actuators within a machine or plant. The textile machinery industry is one

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F M ulti-Contact 1 . 0 4 m m V e rb in d u n g s le itu n g e n 0 4 m m Leads C o rd o n s 0 4 m m L K 4 10 -B L K 4 1 0 -B L K 4 1 0 -B H ochflexible V erlangerungsleitung m it 0 4 mm Buchsen. Buchsen: Messing, vergoldet. H ighly flexible extension lead w ith 0 4 mm

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    410-B 415-B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMO&. Programming Hardware Manufacturers January 1998. ver 4 Introduction Table 1 lists the manufacturers that offer programming hardware support for Altera devices. Contact manufacturers directly for up-to-date details on product features, specific device support, and product availability.

    OCR Scan

    bytek Programmers

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Programming Hardware Manufacturers June 1996, ver. 3 In tro d u c tio n Table 1 lists the m anufacturers th at offer p rogram m ing h ard w are su p p o rt for A ltera devices. A ltera recom m ends contacting m anu factu rers directly for up-to-date details on p ro d u ct features, specific device su p p o rt, and

    OCR Scan
    AL71LT bytek Programmers PDF

    KF 517

    Abstract: transistor KF 517 Transistoren DDR service-mitteilungen KF517 transistor gt 322 b1 Ziphona bauelemente DDR servicemitteilungen KT326B
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN V E B IN D U ST R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D FU N K UND FE R N SE H E N piy!E§HÜ [r a d io -television] APRIL 1976 S5ITS 1-8 SHJLENBANDGERÄT "B 90” TESLA - .B 90" Zu den Importen bei Spulentonbandgeräten wird künftig auch das TESLA-Erzeugnis "B 90"

    OCR Scan
    III/18/379 KF 517 transistor KF 517 Transistoren DDR service-mitteilungen KF517 transistor gt 322 b1 Ziphona bauelemente DDR servicemitteilungen KT326B PDF

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: 4565 D A2005V KP303 KP303D U806D analoge schaltkreise a4100d A209K sf126d
    Text: DATEN BUCH 0 /x *«» Der vorliegende T ite l ist ein w eite re r Band d er D aten­ buch-R eihe Uber die M ikroelektronik. B auelem ente Die A pplikationszentrum R eihe wird Elektronik des im Berlin VEB Kom binat A uftrag des und des VEB M ilitär­ verlages herausgegeben.

    OCR Scan