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    EL2245CN Search Results

    EL2245CN Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    EL2245CN Elantec Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp Original PDF
    EL2245CN Elantec Operational Amplifier, Dual channel, V, DIP, 8-Pin Original PDF
    EL2245CN Intersil Dual Low-Power 100 MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp Original PDF
    EL2245CN Elantec Dual and quad operational amplifier Scan PDF

    EL2245CN Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: EL2245C EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2245CS-T13 EL2245CS-T7 EL2445C EL2445CN
    Text: Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp Features General Description • 100MHz gain-bandwidth • Gain-of-2 stable • Low supply current per amplifier - 5.2mA at VS = ±15V • Wide supply range - 2.5V to 36V • High slew rate - 275V/µs • Fast-settling - 80ns to 0.1% for a

    100MHz EL2245C EL2445C EL2045C. EL2045C EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2245CS-T13 EL2245CS-T7 EL2445CN PDF

    HT12E HT12D

    Abstract: Panasonic RELAY Cross Reference NEC OMRON N80C196KC16 MOS248 TDA2086A GOULD 500 COLOUR LCD DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE 1NA114AP ICM72171 SL443A nec matrix Vacuum tube display
    Text: Issued July 1996 021-928 Data Packs A-K RS data sheet/semiconductor manufacturers data sheet index Data Sheet Introduction RS data sheets form a unique source of detailed information regarding technical specifications, absolute maximum ratings and applications for engineers and designers working with RS products.



    Abstract: EL2045 EL2245 EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2245CS-T13 EL2245CS-T7 EL2445 EL2445CN M2245
    Text: EL2245, EL2445 Data Sheet Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp The EL2245 and EL2445 are dual and quad versions of the popular EL2045. They are high speed, low power, low cost monolithic operational amplifiers built on Elantec's proprietary complementary bipolar process. The EL2245

    EL2245, EL2445 100MHz EL2245 EL2445 EL2045. EL2245 FN7060 EL2045 EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2245CS-T13 EL2245CS-T7 EL2445CN M2245 PDF

    op amp 14 pin

    Abstract: eel22 rf amplifier 500w 100mhz EL2045C EL2245C EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2445C EL2445CN ga034
    Text: Dual/Quad Low-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp Features General Description • 100MHz gain-bandwidth at gainof-2 • Gain-of-2 stable • Low supply current per amplifier = 5.2mA at VS = ±15V • Wide supply range = ±2V to ±18V dual-supply = 2.5V to 36V single-supply

    100MHz EL2245C/EL2445C EL2045C. op amp 14 pin eel22 rf amplifier 500w 100mhz EL2045C EL2245C EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2445C EL2445CN ga034 PDF

    HT12E HT12D

    Abstract: 1NA114AP Burr Brown part marking Allen-Bradley micrologix 1000 RS 434-071 PCB Board 1na111ap allen-bradley silicone dashpot fluid hengstler, 890, 1 702 019 1NA131AP ICM72171
    Text: Issued September 2001 302-1000 Data Packs A-K Data Sheet RS data sheet/semiconductor manufacturers data sheet index Introduction RS data sheets form a unique source of detailed information regarding technical specifications, absolute maximum ratings and applications for engineers and designers working with RS products.

    ICM7216A1JI ICM722A1JL ICL8038BC ICL8038CC MAX038CP HT12E HT12D 1NA114AP Burr Brown part marking Allen-Bradley micrologix 1000 RS 434-071 PCB Board 1na111ap allen-bradley silicone dashpot fluid hengstler, 890, 1 702 019 1NA131AP ICM72171 PDF

    ips 500w circuit diagram

    Abstract: 500w amp circuit diagrams 1000X EL2045C EL2245C EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2445C EL2445CN MIL-I-45208A
    Text: Dual Quad Low-Power 100 MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp Features General Description  100 MHz gain-bandwidth product  Gain-of-2 stable  Low supply current per Amplifier e 5 2 mA at VS e g 15V  Wide supply range e g 2V to g 18V dual-supply e 2 5V to 36V single-supply

    1000X EL2245C EL2445C EL2045C ips 500w circuit diagram 500w amp circuit diagrams 1000X EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2445CN MIL-I-45208A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG ¡N ÎE G fW E D CIRCUITS EL2 2 4 5 C/EL2 4 4 5 C Dual/QuadLow-Power 100 MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp . G en eral D escrip tio n The EL2245C/EL2445C are dual and quad versions of the pop­ ular EL2045C. They are high speed, low power, low cost mono­

    OCR Scan
    EL2245C/EL2445C EL2045C. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G en era l D e sc r ip tio n T he EL2245C/EL2445C are dual and quad versions of th e pop­ ular EL2045C. T hey are h igh speed, low power, low cost m ono­ lithic operational am plifiers b u ilt on E lan tec’s p ro p rietary com ­ plem entary bipolar process. T he EL2245C/EL2445C are un ity gain stable and feature a 275 V/jns slew rate and 100 M H z gainbandw idth prod u ct while requiring only 5.2 mA of supply cur­

    OCR Scan
    EL2245C/EL2445C 150ft 1000ft 500ft EL2245C/EL2445C EL2045C. 2245C 2445C em-245 PDF

    schematic diagram Modified Sine wave dc-ac inverter

    Abstract: RF Amplifier 500w 175 mhz 12v to Amplifier 200w schematic diagrams schematic diagram Power supply 500w metal film fused resistor 47 EL2045C EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2445CN EL2445CS
    Text: E L 2245 C / E L 2445 C D ual/Q uadLow-Power 100 MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Am p HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG ¡N ÎE G fW E D CIRCUITS . G en eral D escrip tio n The EL2245C/EL2445C are dual and quad versions of the pop­ ular EL2045C. They are high speed, low power, low cost mono­

    OCR Scan
    EL2245C/EL244SC 150ft 1000ft 500ft Sing16 3121S57 schematic diagram Modified Sine wave dc-ac inverter RF Amplifier 500w 175 mhz 12v to Amplifier 200w schematic diagrams schematic diagram Power supply 500w metal film fused resistor 47 EL2045C EL2245CN EL2245CS EL2445CN EL2445CS PDF


    Abstract: AMPLI DUAL CV 60
    Text: h ig h p e r fo r m a n c e a n a l o g in t e g r a t e d c i r c u i t s EL2245C, EL2445C Dual/Quad I^ow-Power 100MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Amp Features General Description • 100MHz gain-bandwidth at gain-of-2 The EL2245C /EL2445C are dual and quad versions o f the popular

    OCR Scan
    EL2245C, EL2445C 100MHz 75V/jjs 1000Q EL2245C /EL2445Cpa AMPLI DUAL CV 120 AMPLI DUAL CV 60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL2245C /EL2445C ¿ ta tltG tl HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EL2245C/EL2445C D ual/Q uad Low-Power 100 MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op A m p F e a tu r e s G e n e r a l D e s c r ip t io n • 100 M H z gain-bandw idth product • Gain-of-2 stable • Low supply current

    OCR Scan
    EL2245C /EL2445C EL2245C/EL2445C 150fi 2445C EL2245C/EL2445C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOV 5 1992 lltCH PTRf OMMANCh ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EL2245C/EL2445C Dual/Qu ûfrf Loic-Poicer 100 MHz Gain-of-2 Stable Op Am p Features General Description • 100 M H z gain-bandwidth product • Gain-of-2 stable • Low supply current per Amplifier

    OCR Scan
    EL2245C/EL2445C 150ii 150il PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: é la n te EL2245C/EL2445C c M IG H P E R F O R M A N C E A N A L O G IN T E G R A T E D C I R C J I T S Features • 100 M Hz gain-bandwidth product • Gain-of-2 stable • Low supply current per Amplifier = 5.2 mA at Vs = ±15V • Wide supply range = ± 2V to ± 18V dual-supply

    OCR Scan
    EL2245C/EL2445C 150ft 1000ft 500ft 31S1557 PDF