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    DD27722 Search Results

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    Abstract: BFT45
    Text: N AM ER P H I L IP S /D IS C R E T E h ^Z ^ 3 3 *1 3 1 D Q Q S77SQ 417 APX BFT44 BFT45 SILICON P-N-P HIGH-VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS Planar epitaxial transistors in TO-39 metal envelopes, intended as general purpose amplifiers and switching devices in industrial and telephone applications.

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    bbS3131 QQS77SQ BFT44 BFT45 BFT45 PDF


    Abstract: BFT45 DD27722
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE m bbSB'Ol 0057750 H17 bTE D '' BFT44 BFT45 SILICON P-N-P HIGH-VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS P la n a r e p ita x ia l tra n s is to rs in T O - 3 9 m e ta l e n v e lo p e s, in te n d e d as general p u rp o s e a m p lifie r s and s w itc h in g d e v ic e s in in d u s tria l and te le p h o n e a p p lic a tio n s .

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    BFT44 BFT45 BFT45 DD27722 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ H L L U 5 1 . GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S P D S P 1 6 5 1 0 A STAND ALONE FFT PROCESSOR {Supersedes version in Decem ber 1993 D igital Video & DSP ÌC Handbook, HB3923-1 The PDSP16510 performs Forward or Inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on complex or real data sets containing up

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    HB3923-1) PDSP16510 37bfiS22 PDSP16510 6510A 1651OA PDF