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    CS8121TH5 Search Results

    CS8121TH5 Datasheets (1)

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    CS-8121TH5 Cherry Semiconductor 5V, 1A Linear Regulator Scan PDF

    CS8121TH5 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS8121TH5 Linear ICs Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator statusû Military/High-RelN Output Voltage Nominal V 5.0 Load Current Max. (A)1.0 Tolerance (%)4 Drop-Out Volt Max.1.8 P(D) Max. (W) Supply Voltage Maximum (V)26 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)125

    CS8121TH5 StyleTO-220var Code5-231 NumberLN00500231 PDF


    Abstract: CS-8121TF5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TV5
    Text: CS-8121 5A, 1A Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLE Features Description The CS-8121 is a 5V, 1A precision linear regulator with two microprocessor compatible control functions and protection circuitry included on chip. The composite NPN-PNP output pass transistor assures a lower dropout voltage

    CS-8121 CS-8121 O-220 O-220 CD-8121T5 CS-8121TV5 CS-8121TH5 CS8121S CS-8121TF5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TV5 PDF

    M.P transistor

    Abstract: CS-8121DP7 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TF5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TV5 MA5470 CS-8121 14Vdc
    Text: CS-8121 CS-8121 5V, 1A Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLE Description The CS-8121 is a 5V, 1A precision linear regulator with two microprocessor compatible control functions and protection circuitry included on chip. The composite NPN-PNP output pass transistor assures a lower dropout voltage

    CS-8121 CS-8121 27ref 050ref) 50ref 75ref CS-8121T5 CS-8121TV5 M.P transistor CS-8121DP7 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TF5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TV5 MA5470 14Vdc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V, 1A Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLE Description The CS-8121 is a 5V, 1A precision linear regulator with two microprocessor compatible control functions and pro­ tection circuitry included on chip. The composite NPN-PNP output pass tran­ sistor assures a lower dropout voltage

    OCR Scan
    CS-8121 T0-220 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TV5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TF5 CS-8121DP7 CS-8121DPR7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V, 1A Linear Regulator w ith RESET and ENA BLE Description Features w h e n th e IC is p o w e rin g u p o r w h e n ­ ev er th e o u tp u t v o lta g e falls o u t of reg ­ u latio n . The RESET s ig nal is valid d o w n to V0UT=1V. T he CS-8121 is a 5V, 1A p re c isio n lin ear

    OCR Scan
    CS-8121 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TV5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TF5 T0-220 O-220 O-220 20b755b PDF

    BYS 045 SMD

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V, 1A Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLE Description The CS-8121 is a 5V, 1A precisian linear regulator with tw o microprocessor ccmpatible control functions and pro­ tection circuitry included on chip. The ccmposite NPN-PNP output pass tran­ sistor assures a lower dropout voltage

    OCR Scan
    CS-8121 TYP168 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TV5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TF5 CS-8121DP7 CS-8121DPR7 O-220 BYS 045 SMD PDF

    air gap capacitor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V, 1A Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLE Description T h e CS-8121 is a 5V, 1A p recision linear reg u lato r w ith tw o m icrop rocessor co m p atible co n tro l fu n ctio n s and p ro ­ tection circu itry in clud ed on chip. The co m p osite N P N -P N P ou tp u t pass tran ­

    OCR Scan
    CS-8121 O-220 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TV5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TF5 air gap capacitor PDF


    Abstract: CS-8121DP7 CS-8121DPR7 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TF5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TV5 smd transistor xf
    Text: CS-8121 CS-8121 5V, 1A Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLE Description The CS-8121 is a 5V, 1A precision linear regulator w ith tw o microprocessor compatible control functions and pro­ tection circuitry included on chip. The composite N PN -PNP output pass tran­

    OCR Scan
    CS-8121 CS-8121 250juA. 8121D CS-8121DP7 CS-8121DPR7 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TF5 CS-8121TH5 CS-8121TV5 smd transistor xf PDF

    C * K SWITCH 8121

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V, 1A Low Dropout Linear Regulator with RESET and ENABLE Description The CS-8121 is a 5V precision linear reg­ ulator with two microprocessor compat­ ible control functions and protection cir­ cuitry included on chip. The composite NPN-PNP output pass transistor

    OCR Scan
    CS-8121 250jaA. The-220 CS-8121T5 CS-8121TV5 CS-8121TH5 TP-22Q Q-200 20b7SSb C * K SWITCH 8121 PDF